diff options
authorBram Moolenaar <>2016-09-03 17:33:54 +0200
committerBram Moolenaar <>2016-09-03 17:33:54 +0200
commit87bc3f74598ae8c648957e5755000cc6cdbc89ce (patch)
parentde653f08805dde14424d417502a0480a6ad292f8 (diff)
patch 7.4.2315v7.4.2315
Problem: Insufficient testing for Normal mode commands. Solution: Add a big test. (Christian Brabandt, closes #1029)
4 files changed, 1999 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/src/Makefile b/src/Makefile
index 5eed56ef45..b201ed494c 100644
--- a/src/Makefile
+++ b/src/Makefile
@@ -2109,8 +2109,9 @@ test_arglist \
test_matchadd_conceal_utf8 \
test_menu \
test_messages \
- test_nested_function \
+ test_nested_function \
test_netbeans \
+ test_normal \
test_options \
test_packadd \
test_partial \
diff --git a/src/testdir/Make_all.mak b/src/testdir/Make_all.mak
index 658585fd5a..b038605fbc 100644
--- a/src/testdir/Make_all.mak
+++ b/src/testdir/Make_all.mak
@@ -174,6 +174,7 @@ NEW_TESTS = test_arglist.res \
test_matchadd_conceal.res \
test_nested_function.res \
test_netbeans.res \
+ test_normal.res \
test_packadd.res \
test_perl.res \
test_quickfix.res \
diff --git a/src/testdir/test_normal.vim b/src/testdir/test_normal.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1371ccfd5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/testdir/test_normal.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,1994 @@
+" Test for various Normal mode commands
+func! Setup_NewWindow()
+ 10new
+ call setline(1, range(1,100))
+func! MyFormatExpr()
+ " Adds '->$' at lines having numbers followed by trailing whitespace
+ for ln in range(v:lnum, v:lnum+v:count-1)
+ let line = getline(ln)
+ if getline(ln) =~# '\d\s\+$'
+ call setline(ln, substitute(line, '\s\+$', '', '') . '->$')
+ endif
+ endfor
+function! CountSpaces(type, ...)
+ " for testing operatorfunc
+ " will count the number of spaces
+ " and return the result in g:a
+ let sel_save = &selection
+ let &selection = "inclusive"
+ let reg_save = @@
+ if a:0 " Invoked from Visual mode, use gv command.
+ silent exe "normal! gvy"
+ elseif a:type == 'line'
+ silent exe "normal! '[V']y"
+ else
+ silent exe "normal! `[v`]y"
+ endif
+ let g:a=strlen(substitute(@@, '[^ ]', '', 'g'))
+ let &selection = sel_save
+ let @@ = reg_save
+fun! Test_normal00_optrans()
+ " Attention: This needs to be the very first test,
+ " it will fail, if it runs later, don't know why!
+ " Test for S s and alike comamnds, that are internally handled aliased
+ new
+ call append(0, ['1 This is a simple test: abcd', '2 This is the second line', '3 this is the third line'])
+ 1
+ exe "norm! Sfoobar\<esc>"
+ call assert_equal(['foobar', '2 This is the second line', '3 this is the third line', ''], getline(1,'$'))
+ 2
+ " Test does not work
+ " TODO: Why does it not work?
+ " Adds an additional linebreak if used in visual mode...
+ " When run in the test, this returns:
+ " ,--------
+ " |foobar
+ " |2 This is
+ " |the second
+ " |one
+ " |3 this is the third line
+ " `-----------
+ " instead of
+ " ,--------
+ " |foobar
+ " |2 This is the second one
+ " |3 this is the third line
+ " `-----------
+ exe "norm! $vbsone"
+ call assert_equal(['foobar', '2 This is the second one', '3 this is the third line', ''], getline(1,'$'))
+ " When run in the test, this returns:
+ " ,--------
+ " |foobar
+ " |Second line
+ " |here
+ " |3 this is the third line
+ " `-----------
+ " instead of
+ " ,--------
+ " |foobar
+ " |Second line here
+ " |3 this is the third line
+ " `-----------
+ norm! VS Second line here
+ call assert_equal(['foobar', ' Second line here', '3 this is the third line', ''], getline(1, '$'))
+ %d
+ call append(0, ['4 This is a simple test: abcd', '5 This is the second line', '6 this is the third line'])
+ call append(0, ['1 This is a simple test: abcd', '2 This is the second line', '3 this is the third line'])
+ 1
+ norm! 2D
+ call assert_equal(['3 this is the third line', '4 This is a simple test: abcd', '5 This is the second line', '6 this is the third line', ''], getline(1,'$'))
+ set cpo+=#
+ norm! 4D
+ call assert_equal(['', '4 This is a simple test: abcd', '5 This is the second line', '6 this is the third line', ''], getline(1,'$'))
+ " clean up
+ set cpo-=#
+ bw!
+func! Test_normal01_keymodel()
+ call Setup_NewWindow()
+ " Test 1: depending on 'keymodel' <s-down> does something different
+ :50
+ call feedkeys("V\<S-Up>y", 'tx')
+ call assert_equal(['47', '48', '49', '50'], getline("'<", "'>"))
+ :set keymodel=startsel
+ :50
+ call feedkeys("V\<S-Up>y", 'tx')
+ call assert_equal(['49', '50'], getline("'<", "'>"))
+ " Start visual mode when keymodel = startsel
+ :50
+ call feedkeys("\<S-Up>y", 'tx')
+ call assert_equal(['49', '5'], getreg(0, 0, 1))
+ " Do not start visual mode when keymodel=
+ :set keymodel=
+ :50
+ call feedkeys("\<S-Up>y$", 'tx')
+ call assert_equal(['42'], getreg(0, 0, 1))
+ " clean up
+ bw!
+func! Test_normal02_selectmode()
+ " some basic select mode tests
+ call Setup_NewWindow()
+ 50
+ norm! gHy
+ call assert_equal('y51', getline('.'))
+ call setline(1, range(1,100))
+ 50
+ exe ":norm! V9jo\<c-g>y"
+ call assert_equal('y60', getline('.'))
+ " clean up
+ bw!
+func! Test_normal03_join()
+ " basic join test
+ call Setup_NewWindow()
+ 50
+ norm! VJ
+ call assert_equal('50 51', getline('.'))
+ $
+ norm! J
+ call assert_equal('100', getline('.'))
+ $
+ norm! V9-gJ
+ call assert_equal('919293949596979899100', getline('.'))
+ call setline(1, range(1,100))
+ $
+ :j 10
+ call assert_equal('100', getline('.'))
+ " clean up
+ bw!
+func! Test_normal04_filter()
+ " basic filter test
+ " only test on non windows platform
+ if has("win32") || has("win64") || has("win95")
+ return
+ endif
+ call Setup_NewWindow()
+ 1
+ call feedkeys("!!sed -e 's/^/| /'\n", 'tx')
+ call assert_equal('| 1', getline('.'))
+ 90
+ :sil :!echo one
+ call feedkeys('.', 'tx')
+ call assert_equal('| 90', getline('.'))
+ 95
+ set cpo+=!
+ " 2 <CR>, 1: for executing the command,
+ " 2: clear hit-enter-prompt
+ call feedkeys("!!\n", 'tx')
+ call feedkeys(":!echo one\n\n", 'tx')
+ call feedkeys(".", 'tx')
+ call assert_equal('one', getline('.'))
+ set cpo-=!
+ bw!
+func! Test_normal05_formatexpr()
+ " basic formatexpr test
+ call Setup_NewWindow()
+ %d_
+ call setline(1, ['here: 1 ', '2', 'here: 3 ', '4', 'not here: '])
+ 1
+ set formatexpr=MyFormatExpr()
+ norm! gqG
+ call assert_equal(['here: 1->$', '2', 'here: 3->$', '4', 'not here: '], getline(1,'$'))
+ set formatexpr=
+ bw!
+func! Test_normal06_formatprg()
+ " basic test for formatprg
+ " only test on non windows platform
+ if has("win32") || has("win64") || has("win95")
+ return
+ else
+ " uses sed to number non-empty lines
+ call writefile(['#!/bin/sh', 'sed ''/./=''|sed ''/./{', 'N', 's/\n/ /', '}'''], '')
+ call system('chmod +x ./')
+ endif
+ call Setup_NewWindow()
+ %d
+ call setline(1, ['a', '', 'c', '', ' ', 'd', 'e'])
+ set formatprg=./
+ norm! gggqG
+ call assert_equal(['1 a', '', '3 c', '', '5 ', '6 d', '7 e'], getline(1, '$'))
+ " clean up
+ set formatprg=
+ call delete('')
+ bw!
+func! Test_normal07_internalfmt()
+ " basic test for internal formmatter to textwidth of 12
+ let list=range(1,11)
+ call map(list, 'v:val." "')
+ 10new
+ call setline(1, list)
+ set tw=12
+ norm! gggqG
+ call assert_equal(['1 2 3', '4 5 6', '7 8 9', '10 11 '], getline(1, '$'))
+ " clean up
+ set formatprg=
+ bw!
+func! Test_normal08_fold()
+ " basic tests for foldopen/folddelete
+ if !has("folding")
+ return
+ endif
+ call Setup_NewWindow()
+ 50
+ setl foldenable fdm=marker
+ " First fold
+ norm! V4jzf
+ " check that folds have been created
+ call assert_equal(['50/*{{{*/', '51', '52', '53', '54/*}}}*/'], getline(50,54))
+ " Second fold
+ 46
+ norm! V10jzf
+ " check that folds have been created
+ call assert_equal('46/*{{{*/', getline(46))
+ call assert_equal('60/*}}}*/', getline(60))
+ norm! k
+ call assert_equal('45', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('46/*{{{*/', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('61', getline('.'))
+ norm! k
+ " open a fold
+ norm! Vzo
+ norm! k
+ call assert_equal('45', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('46/*{{{*/', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('47', getline('.'))
+ norm! k
+ norm! zcVzO
+ call assert_equal('46/*{{{*/', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('47', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('48', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('49', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('50/*{{{*/', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('51', getline('.'))
+ " delete folds
+ :46
+ " collapse fold
+ norm! V14jzC
+ " delete all folds recursively
+ norm! VzD
+ call assert_equal(['46', '47', '48', '49', '50', '51', '52', '53', '54', '55', '56', '57', '58', '59', '60'], getline(46,60))
+ " clean up
+ setl nofoldenable fdm=marker
+ bw!
+func! Test_normal09_operatorfunc()
+ " Test operatorfunc
+ call Setup_NewWindow()
+ " Add some spaces for counting
+ 50,60s/$/ /
+ unlet! g:a
+ let g:a=0
+ nmap <buffer><silent> ,, :set opfunc=CountSpaces<CR>g@
+ vmap <buffer><silent> ,, :<C-U>call CountSpaces(visualmode(), 1)<CR>
+ 50
+ norm V2j,,
+ call assert_equal(6, g:a)
+ norm V,,
+ call assert_equal(2, g:a)
+ norm ,,l
+ call assert_equal(0, g:a)
+ 50
+ exe "norm 0\<c-v>10j2l,,"
+ call assert_equal(11, g:a)
+ 50
+ norm V10j,,
+ call assert_equal(22, g:a)
+ " clean up
+ unmap <buffer> ,,
+ set opfunc=
+ bw!
+func! Test_normal10_expand()
+ " Test for expand()
+ 10new
+ call setline(1, ['1', 'ifooar,,cbar'])
+ 2
+ norm! $
+ let a=expand('<cword>')
+ let b=expand('<cWORD>')
+ call assert_equal('cbar', a)
+ call assert_equal('ifooar,,cbar', b)
+ " clean up
+ bw!
+func! Test_normal11_showcmd()
+ " test for 'showcmd'
+ 10new
+ exe "norm! ofoobar\<esc>"
+ call assert_equal(2, line('$'))
+ set showcmd
+ exe "norm! ofoobar2\<esc>"
+ call assert_equal(3, line('$'))
+ exe "norm! VAfoobar3\<esc>"
+ call assert_equal(3, line('$'))
+ exe "norm! 0d3\<del>2l"
+ call assert_equal('obar2foobar3', getline('.'))
+ bw!
+func! Test_normal12_nv_error()
+ " Test for nv_error
+ 10new
+ call setline(1, range(1,5))
+ " should not do anything, just beep
+ exe "norm! <c-k>"
+ call assert_equal(map(range(1,5), 'string(v:val)'), getline(1,'$'))
+ bw!
+func! Test_normal13_help()
+ " Test for F1
+ call assert_equal(1, winnr())
+ call feedkeys("\<f1>", 'txi')
+ call assert_match('help\.txt', bufname('%'))
+ call assert_equal(2, winnr('$'))
+ bw!
+func! Test_normal14_page()
+ " basic test for Ctrl-F and Ctrl-B
+ call Setup_NewWindow()
+ exe "norm! \<c-f>"
+ call assert_equal('9', getline('.'))
+ exe "norm! 2\<c-f>"
+ call assert_equal('25', getline('.'))
+ exe "norm! 2\<c-b>"
+ call assert_equal('18', getline('.'))
+ 1
+ set scrolloff=5
+ exe "norm! 2\<c-f>"
+ call assert_equal('21', getline('.'))
+ exe "norm! \<c-b>"
+ call assert_equal('13', getline('.'))
+ 1
+ set scrolloff=99
+ exe "norm! \<c-f>"
+ call assert_equal('13', getline('.'))
+ set scrolloff=0
+ 100
+ exe "norm! $\<c-b>"
+ call assert_equal('92', getline('.'))
+ call assert_equal([0, 92, 1, 0, 1], getcurpos())
+ 100
+ set nostartofline
+ exe "norm! $\<c-b>"
+ call assert_equal('92', getline('.'))
+ call assert_equal([0, 92, 2, 0, 2147483647], getcurpos())
+ " cleanup
+ set startofline
+ bw!
+func! Test_normal15_z_scroll_vert()
+ " basic test for z commands that scroll the window
+ call Setup_NewWindow()
+ 100
+ norm! >>
+ " Test for z<cr>
+ exe "norm! z\<cr>"
+ call assert_equal(' 100', getline('.'))
+ call assert_equal(100, winsaveview()['topline'])
+ call assert_equal([0, 100, 2, 0, 9], getcurpos())
+ " Test for zt
+ 21
+ norm! >>0zt
+ call assert_equal(' 21', getline('.'))
+ call assert_equal(21, winsaveview()['topline'])
+ call assert_equal([0, 21, 1, 0, 8], getcurpos())
+ " Test for zb
+ 30
+ norm! >>$ztzb
+ call assert_equal(' 30', getline('.'))
+ call assert_equal(30, winsaveview()['topline']+winheight(0)-1)
+ call assert_equal([0, 30, 3, 0, 2147483647], getcurpos())
+ " Test for z-
+ 1
+ 30
+ norm! 0z-
+ call assert_equal(' 30', getline('.'))
+ call assert_equal(30, winsaveview()['topline']+winheight(0)-1)
+ call assert_equal([0, 30, 2, 0, 9], getcurpos())
+ " Test for z{height}<cr>
+ call assert_equal(10, winheight(0))
+ exe "norm! z12\<cr>"
+ call assert_equal(12, winheight(0))
+ exe "norm! z10\<cr>"
+ call assert_equal(10, winheight(0))
+ " Test for z.
+ 1
+ 21
+ norm! 0z.
+ call assert_equal(' 21', getline('.'))
+ call assert_equal(17, winsaveview()['topline'])
+ call assert_equal([0, 21, 2, 0, 9], getcurpos())
+ " Test for zz
+ 1
+ 21
+ norm! 0zz
+ call assert_equal(' 21', getline('.'))
+ call assert_equal(17, winsaveview()['topline'])
+ call assert_equal([0, 21, 1, 0, 8], getcurpos())
+ " Test for z+
+ 11
+ norm! zt
+ norm! z+
+ call assert_equal(' 21', getline('.'))
+ call assert_equal(21, winsaveview()['topline'])
+ call assert_equal([0, 21, 2, 0, 9], getcurpos())
+ " Test for [count]z+
+ 1
+ norm! 21z+
+ call assert_equal(' 21', getline('.'))
+ call assert_equal(21, winsaveview()['topline'])
+ call assert_equal([0, 21, 2, 0, 9], getcurpos())
+ " Test for z^
+ norm! 22z+0
+ norm! z^
+ call assert_equal(' 21', getline('.'))
+ call assert_equal(12, winsaveview()['topline'])
+ call assert_equal([0, 21, 2, 0, 9], getcurpos())
+ " Test for [count]z^
+ 1
+ norm! 30z^
+ call assert_equal(' 21', getline('.'))
+ call assert_equal(12, winsaveview()['topline'])
+ call assert_equal([0, 21, 2, 0, 9], getcurpos())
+ " cleanup
+ bw!
+func! Test_normal16_z_scroll_hor()
+ " basic test for z commands that scroll the window
+ 10new
+ 15vsp
+ set nowrap listchars=
+ let lineA='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
+ $put =lineA
+ $put =lineB
+ 1d
+ " Test for zl
+ 1
+ norm! 5zl
+ call assert_equal(lineA, getline('.'))
+ call assert_equal(6, col('.'))
+ call assert_equal(5, winsaveview()['leftcol'])
+ norm! yl
+ call assert_equal('f', @0)
+ " Test for zh
+ norm! 2zh
+ call assert_equal(lineA, getline('.'))
+ call assert_equal(6, col('.'))
+ norm! yl
+ call assert_equal('f', @0)
+ call assert_equal(3, winsaveview()['leftcol'])
+ " Test for zL
+ norm! zL
+ call assert_equal(11, col('.'))
+ norm! yl
+ call assert_equal('k', @0)
+ call assert_equal(10, winsaveview()['leftcol'])
+ norm! 2zL
+ call assert_equal(25, col('.'))
+ norm! yl
+ call assert_equal('y', @0)
+ call assert_equal(24, winsaveview()['leftcol'])
+ " Test for zH
+ norm! 2zH
+ call assert_equal(25, col('.'))
+ call assert_equal(10, winsaveview()['leftcol'])
+ norm! yl
+ call assert_equal('y', @0)
+ " Test for zs
+ norm! $zs
+ call assert_equal(26, col('.'))
+ call assert_equal(25, winsaveview()['leftcol'])
+ norm! yl
+ call assert_equal('z', @0)
+ " Test for ze
+ norm! ze
+ call assert_equal(26, col('.'))
+ call assert_equal(11, winsaveview()['leftcol'])
+ norm! yl
+ call assert_equal('z', @0)
+ " cleanup
+ set wrap listchars=eol:$
+ bw!
+func! Test_normal17_z_scroll_hor2()
+ " basic test for z commands that scroll the window
+ " using 'sidescrolloff' setting
+ 10new
+ 20vsp
+ set nowrap listchars= sidescrolloff=5
+ let lineA='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
+ $put =lineA
+ $put =lineB
+ 1d
+ " Test for zl
+ 1
+ norm! 5zl
+ call assert_equal(lineA, getline('.'))
+ call assert_equal(11, col('.'))
+ call assert_equal(5, winsaveview()['leftcol'])
+ norm! yl
+ call assert_equal('k', @0)
+ " Test for zh
+ norm! 2zh
+ call assert_equal(lineA, getline('.'))
+ call assert_equal(11, col('.'))
+ norm! yl
+ call assert_equal('k', @0)
+ call assert_equal(3, winsaveview()['leftcol'])
+ " Test for zL
+ norm! 0zL
+ call assert_equal(16, col('.'))
+ norm! yl
+ call assert_equal('p', @0)
+ call assert_equal(10, winsaveview()['leftcol'])
+ norm! 2zL
+ call assert_equal(26, col('.'))
+ norm! yl
+ call assert_equal('z', @0)
+ call assert_equal(15, winsaveview()['leftcol'])
+ " Test for zH
+ norm! 2zH
+ call assert_equal(15, col('.'))
+ call assert_equal(0, winsaveview()['leftcol'])
+ norm! yl
+ call assert_equal('o', @0)
+ " Test for zs
+ norm! $zs
+ call assert_equal(26, col('.'))
+ call assert_equal(20, winsaveview()['leftcol'])
+ norm! yl
+ call assert_equal('z', @0)
+ " Test for ze
+ norm! ze
+ call assert_equal(26, col('.'))
+ call assert_equal(11, winsaveview()['leftcol'])
+ norm! yl
+ call assert_equal('z', @0)
+ " cleanup
+ set wrap listchars=eol:$ sidescrolloff=0
+ bw!
+func! Test_normal18_z_fold()
+ " basic tests for foldopen/folddelete
+ if !has("folding")
+ return
+ endif
+ call Setup_NewWindow()
+ 50
+ setl foldenable fdm=marker foldlevel=5
+ " Test for zF
+ " First fold
+ norm! 4zF
+ " check that folds have been created
+ call assert_equal(['50/*{{{*/', '51', '52', '53/*}}}*/'], getline(50,53))
+ " Test for zd
+ 51
+ norm! 2zF
+ call assert_equal(2, foldlevel('.'))
+ norm! kzd
+ call assert_equal(['50', '51/*{{{*/', '52/*}}}*/', '53'], getline(50,53))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal(1, foldlevel('.'))
+ " Test for zD
+ " also deletes partially selected folds recursively
+ 51
+ norm! zF
+ call assert_equal(2, foldlevel('.'))
+ norm! kV2jzD
+ call assert_equal(['50', '51', '52', '53'], getline(50,53))
+ " Test for zE
+ 85
+ norm! 4zF
+ 86
+ norm! 2zF
+ 90
+ norm! 4zF
+ call assert_equal(['85/*{{{*/', '86/*{{{*/', '87/*}}}*/', '88/*}}}*/', '89', '90/*{{{*/', '91', '92', '93/*}}}*/'], getline(85,93))
+ norm! zE
+ call assert_equal(['85', '86', '87', '88', '89', '90', '91', '92', '93'], getline(85,93))
+ " Test for zn
+ 50
+ set foldlevel=0
+ norm! 2zF
+ norm! zn
+ norm! k
+ call assert_equal('49', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('50/*{{{*/', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('51/*}}}*/', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('52', getline('.'))
+ call assert_equal(0, &foldenable)
+ " Test for zN
+ 49
+ norm! zN
+ call assert_equal('49', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('50/*{{{*/', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('52', getline('.'))
+ call assert_equal(1, &foldenable)
+ " Test for zi
+ norm! zi
+ call assert_equal(0, &foldenable)
+ norm! zi
+ call assert_equal(1, &foldenable)
+ norm! zi
+ call assert_equal(0, &foldenable)
+ norm! zi
+ call assert_equal(1, &foldenable)
+ " Test for za
+ 50
+ norm! za
+ norm! k
+ call assert_equal('49', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('50/*{{{*/', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('51/*}}}*/', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('52', getline('.'))
+ 50
+ norm! za
+ norm! k
+ call assert_equal('49', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('50/*{{{*/', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('52', getline('.'))
+ 49
+ norm! 5zF
+ norm! k
+ call assert_equal('48', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('49/*{{{*/', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('55', getline('.'))
+ 49
+ norm! za
+ call assert_equal('49/*{{{*/', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('50/*{{{*/', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('52', getline('.'))
+ set nofoldenable
+ " close fold and set foldenable
+ norm! za
+ call assert_equal(1, &foldenable)
+ 50
+ " have to use {count}za to open all folds and make the cursor visible
+ norm! 2za
+ norm! 2k
+ call assert_equal('48', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('49/*{{{*/', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('50/*{{{*/', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('51/*}}}*/', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('52', getline('.'))
+ " Test for zA
+ 49
+ set foldlevel=0
+ 50
+ norm! zA
+ norm! 2k
+ call assert_equal('48', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('49/*{{{*/', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('50/*{{{*/', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('51/*}}}*/', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('52', getline('.'))
+ " zA on a opened fold when foldenale is not set
+ 50
+ set nofoldenable
+ norm! zA
+ call assert_equal(1, &foldenable)
+ norm! k
+ call assert_equal('48', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('49/*{{{*/', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('55', getline('.'))
+ " Test for zc
+ norm! zE
+ 50
+ norm! 2zF
+ 49
+ norm! 5zF
+ set nofoldenable
+ 50
+ " There most likely is a bug somewhere:
+ "
+ " TODO: Should this only close the inner most fold or both folds?
+ norm! zc
+ call assert_equal(1, &foldenable)
+ norm! k
+ call assert_equal('48', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('49/*{{{*/', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('55', getline('.'))
+ set nofoldenable
+ 50
+ norm! Vjzc
+ norm! k
+ call assert_equal('48', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('49/*{{{*/', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('55', getline('.'))
+ " Test for zC
+ set nofoldenable
+ 50
+ norm! zCk
+ call assert_equal('48', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('49/*{{{*/', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('55', getline('.'))
+ " Test for zx
+ " 1) close folds at line 49-54
+ set nofoldenable
+ 48
+ norm! zx
+ call assert_equal(1, &foldenable)
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('49/*{{{*/', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('55', getline('.'))
+ " 2) do not close fold under curser
+ 51
+ set nofoldenable
+ norm! zx
+ call assert_equal(1, &foldenable)
+ norm! 3k
+ call assert_equal('48', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('49/*{{{*/', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('50/*{{{*/', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('51/*}}}*/', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('52', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('53', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('54/*}}}*/', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('55', getline('.'))
+ " 3) close one level of folds
+ 48
+ set nofoldenable
+ set foldlevel=1
+ norm! zx
+ call assert_equal(1, &foldenable)
+ call assert_equal('48', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('49/*{{{*/', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('50/*{{{*/', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('52', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('53', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('54/*}}}*/', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('55', getline('.'))
+ " Test for zX
+ " Close all folds
+ set foldlevel=0 nofoldenable
+ 50
+ norm! zX
+ call assert_equal(1, &foldenable)
+ norm! k
+ call assert_equal('48', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('49/*{{{*/', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('55', getline('.'))
+ " Test for zm
+ 50
+ set nofoldenable foldlevel=2
+ norm! zm
+ call assert_equal(1, &foldenable)
+ call assert_equal(1, &foldlevel)
+ norm! zm
+ call assert_equal(0, &foldlevel)
+ norm! zm
+ call assert_equal(0, &foldlevel)
+ norm! k
+ call assert_equal('48', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('49/*{{{*/', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('55', getline('.'))
+ " Test for zM
+ 48
+ set nofoldenable foldlevel=99
+ norm! zM
+ call assert_equal(1, &foldenable)
+ call assert_equal(0, &foldlevel)
+ call assert_equal('48', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('49/*{{{*/', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('55', getline('.'))
+ " Test for zr
+ 48
+ set nofoldenable foldlevel=0
+ norm! zr
+ call assert_equal(0, &foldenable)
+ call assert_equal(1, &foldlevel)
+ set foldlevel=0 foldenable
+ norm! zr
+ call assert_equal(1, &foldenable)
+ call assert_equal(1, &foldlevel)
+ norm! zr
+ call assert_equal(2, &foldlevel)
+ call assert_equal('48', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('49/*{{{*/', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('50/*{{{*/', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('51/*}}}*/', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('52', getline('.'))
+ " Test for zR
+ 48
+ set nofoldenable foldlevel=0
+ norm! zR
+ call assert_equal(0, &foldenable)
+ call assert_equal(2, &foldlevel)
+ set foldenable foldlevel=0
+ norm! zR
+ call assert_equal(1, &foldenable)
+ call assert_equal(2, &foldlevel)
+ call assert_equal('48', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('49/*{{{*/', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('50/*{{{*/', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('51/*}}}*/', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('52', getline('.'))
+ call append(50, ['a /*{{{*/', 'b /*}}}*/'])
+ 48
+ call assert_equal('48', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('49/*{{{*/', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('50/*{{{*/', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('a /*{{{*/', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('51/*}}}*/', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('52', getline('.'))
+ 48
+ norm! zR
+ call assert_equal(1, &foldenable)
+ call assert_equal(3, &foldlevel)
+ call assert_equal('48', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('49/*{{{*/', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('50/*{{{*/', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('a /*{{{*/', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('b /*}}}*/', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('51/*}}}*/', getline('.'))
+ norm! j
+ call assert_equal('52', getline('.'))
+ " clean up
+ setl nofoldenable fdm=marker foldlevel=0
+ bw!
+func! Test_normal19_z_spell()
+ if !has("spell") || !has('syntax')
+ return
+ endif
+ new
+ call append(0, ['1 good', '2 goood', '3 goood'])
+ set spell spellfile=./Xspellfile.add spelllang=en
+ let oldlang=v:lang
+ lang C
+ " Test for zg
+ 1
+ norm! ]s
+ call assert_equal('2 goood', getline('.'))
+ norm! zg
+ 1
+ let a=execute('unsilent :norm! ]s')
+ call assert_equal('1 good', getline('.'))
+ call assert_equal('search hit BOTTOM, continuing at TOP', a[1:])
+ let cnt=readfile('./Xspellfile.add')
+ call assert_equal('goood', cnt[0])
+ " Test for zw
+ 2
+ norm! $zw
+ 1
+ norm! ]s
+ call assert_equal('2 goood', getline('.'))
+ let cnt=readfile('./Xspellfile.add')
+ call assert_equal('#oood', cnt[0])
+ call assert_equal('goood/!', cnt[1])
+ " Test for zg in visual mode
+ let a=execute('unsilent :norm! V$zg')
+ call assert_equal("Word '2 goood' added to ./Xspellfile.add", a[1:])
+ 1
+ norm! ]s
+ call assert_equal('3 goood', getline('.'))
+ let cnt=readfile('./Xspellfile.add')
+ call assert_equal('2 goood', cnt[2])
+ " Remove "2 good" from spellfile
+ 2
+ let a=execute('unsilent norm! V$zw')
+ call assert_equal("Word '2 goood' added to ./Xspellfile.add", a[1:])
+ let cnt=readfile('./Xspellfile.add')
+ call assert_equal('2 goood/!', cnt[3])
+ " Test for zG
+ let a=execute('unsilent norm! V$zG')
+ call assert_match("Word '2 goood' added to .*", a)
+ let fname=matchstr(a, 'to\s\+\zs\f\+$')
+ let cnt=readfile(fname)
+ call assert_equal('2 goood', cnt[0])
+ " Test for zW
+ let a=execute('unsilent norm! V$zW')
+ call assert_match("Word '2 goood' added to .*", a)
+ let cnt=readfile(fname)
+ call assert_equal('# goood', cnt[0])
+ call assert_equal('2 goood/!', cnt[1])
+ " Test for zuW
+ let a=execute('unsilent norm! V$zuW')
+ call assert_match("Word '2 goood' removed from .*", a)
+ let cnt=readfile(fname)
+ call assert_equal('# goood', cnt[0])
+ call assert_equal('# goood/!', cnt[1])
+ " Test for zuG
+ let a=execute('unsilent norm! $zG')
+ call assert_match("Word 'goood' added to .*", a)
+ let cnt=readfile(fname)
+ call assert_equal('# goood', cnt[0])
+ call assert_equal('# goood/!', cnt[1])
+ call assert_equal('goood', cnt[2])
+ let a=execute('unsilent norm! $zuG')
+ let cnt=readfile(fname)
+ call assert_match("Word 'goood' removed from .*", a)
+ call assert_equal('# goood', cnt[0])
+ call assert_equal('# goood/!', cnt[1])
+ call assert_equal('#oood', cnt[2])
+ " word not found in wordlist
+ let a=execute('unsilent norm! V$zuG')
+ let cnt=readfile(fname)
+ call assert_match("", a)
+ call assert_equal('# goood', cnt[0])
+ call assert_equal('# goood/!', cnt[1])
+ call assert_equal('#oood', cnt[2])
+ " Test for zug
+ call delete('./Xspellfile.add')
+ 2
+ let a=execute('unsilent norm! $zg')
+ let cnt=readfile('./Xspellfile.add')
+ call assert_equal('goood', cnt[0])
+ let a=execute('unsilent norm! $zug')
+ call assert_match("Word 'goood' removed from \./Xspellfile.add", a)
+ let cnt=readfile('./Xspellfile.add')
+ call assert_equal('#oood', cnt[0])
+ " word not in wordlist
+ let a=execute('unsilent norm! V$zug')
+ call assert_match('', a)
+ let cnt=readfile('./Xspellfile.add')
+ call assert_equal('#oood', cnt[0])
+ " Test for zuw
+ call delete('./Xspellfile.add')
+ 2
+ let a=execute('unsilent norm! Vzw')
+ let cnt=readfile('./Xspellfile.add')
+ call assert_equal('2 goood/!', cnt[0])
+ let a=execute('unsilent norm! Vzuw')
+ call assert_match("Word '2 goood' removed from \./Xspellfile.add", a)
+ let cnt=readfile('./Xspellfile.add')
+ call assert_equal('# goood/!', cnt[0])
+ " word not in wordlist
+ let a=execute('unsilent norm! $zug')
+ call assert_match('', a)
+ let cnt=readfile('./Xspellfile.add')
+ call assert_equal('# goood/!', cnt[0])
+ " add second entry to spellfile setting
+ set spellfile=./Xspellfile.add,./Xspellfile2.add
+ call delete('./Xspellfile.add')
+ 2
+ let a=execute('unsilent norm! $2zg')
+ let cnt=readfile('./Xspellfile2.add')
+ call assert_match("Word 'goood' added to ./Xspellfile2.add", a)
+ call assert_equal('goood', cnt[0])
+ " clean up
+ exe "lang" oldlang
+ call delete("./Xspellfile.add")
+ call delete("./Xspellfile2.add")
+ " zux -> no-op
+ 2
+ norm! $zux
+ call assert_equal([], glob('Xspellfile.add',0,1))
+ call assert_equal([], glob('Xspellfile2.add',0,1))
+ set spellfile=
+ bw!
+func! Test_normal20_exmode()
+ if !(has("win32") || has("win64"))
+ return
+ endif
+ call writefile(['1a', 'foo', 'bar', '.', 'w! Xfile2', 'q!'], 'Xscript')
+ call writefile(['1', '2'], 'Xfile')
+ call system(v:progpath .' -e -s < Xscript Xfile')
+ let a=readfile('Xfile2')
+ call assert_equal(['1', 'foo', 'bar', '2'], a)
+ " clean up
+ for file in ['Xfile', 'Xfile2', 'Xscript']
+ call delete(file)
+ endfor
+ bw!
+func! Test_normal21_nv_hat()
+ set hidden
+ e Xfoobar
+ e Xfile2
+ call feedkeys("\<c-^>", 't')
+ call assert_equal("Xfile2", fnamemodify(bufname('%'), ':t'))
+ call feedkeys("f\<c-^>", 't')
+ call assert_equal("Xfile2", fnamemodify(bufname('%'), ':t'))
+ " clean up
+ set nohidden
+ bw!
+func! Test_normal22_zet()
+ " Test for ZZ
+ let shell = &shell
+ let &shell = 'sh'
+ call writefile(['1', '2'], 'Xfile')
+ let args = ' -u NONE -N -U NONE -i NONE --noplugins -X --not-a-term'
+ call system(v:progpath . args . ' -c "%d" -c ":norm! ZZ