AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
5 dayspatch 9.1.0330: v9.1.0327 contains an unrelated changeHEADv9.1.0330masterChristian Brabandt
5 dayspatch 9.1.0329: String interpolation fails for Dict typev9.1.0329Yegappan Lakshmanan
5 dayspatch 9.1.0328: CI fails with t_?? testv9.1.0328Christian Brabandt
5 dayspatch 9.1.0327: No support for using $XDG_CONFIG_HOMEv9.1.0327Luca Saccarola
6 dayspatch 9.1.0326: filetype: some requirements files are not recognizedv9.1.0326Wu, Zhenyu
6 dayspatch 9.1.0325: filetype: CMakeCache.txt files not recognizedv9.1.0325Wu, Zhenyu
6 daysruntime(vim): Update base-syntax, fix nested function folding (#14397)dkearns
6 dayspatch 9.1.0324: filetype: some json files are not recognizedv9.1.0324Wu, Zhenyu
6 dayscompiler(rime_deployer): include new compiler, use it for '*.custom.yaml' fil...wzy
6 dayspatch 9.1.0323: filetype: cabal config files may not be recognizedv9.1.0323Wu, Zhenyu
6 daysruntime(vim): don't set compiler, update a comment for vimdoc compiler (#14532)Shane-XB-Qian
6 dayspatch 9.1.0322: filetype: some mail tools not recognizedv9.1.0322shane.xb.qian
6 dayspatch 9.1.0321: Garbled output on serial terminals with XON/XOFF flow controlv9.1.0321Anton Sharonov
6 daysruntime(java): Recognise non-ASCII identifiers (#14543)Aliaksei Budavei
6 dayspatch 9.1.0320: Wrong cursor position after using setcellwidths()v9.1.0320zeertzjq
6 dayspatch 9.1.0319: Using heredoc in string not tested with :executev9.1.0319zeertzjq
6 daysCI: use explicit version tags for macos runners (#14548)Philip H
7 dayspatch 9.1.0318: filetype: translate shell config files are not recognizedv9.1.0318Wu, Zhenyu
7 dayspatch 9.1.0317: filetype: matplotlibrc files are not recognizedv9.1.0317Wu, Zhenyu
7 daysruntime(vim): Update base-syntax, add legacy header foldingDoug Kearns
7 dayspatch 9.1.0316: filetype: some sh and confini files not recognizedv9.1.0316Wu, Zhenyu
7 dayspatch 9.1.0315: filetype: a few more dosini files are not recognizedv9.1.0315Wu, Zhenyu
7 daysruntime(i3config): Line continuation is not detected for 'set' command (#14531)julio-b
7 dayspatch 9.1.0314: Vim9: Can define a class in a functionv9.1.0314Yegappan Lakshmanan
7 daysruntime(go): fix highlighting import string followed by some comment (#14538)Linda_pp
7 dayspatch 9.1.0313: Crash when using heredoc with comment in command blockv9.1.0313zeertzjq
8 dayspatch 9.1.0312: heredocs are not supported for :commandsv9.1.0312Yegappan Lakshmanan
8 dayspatch 9.1.0311: filetype: Some config files are not recognizedv9.1.0311Wu, Zhenyu
8 dayspatch 9.1.0310: Filler lines not checked properly in get_scroll_overlap()v9.1.0310zeertzjq
8 daysruntime(dts): include ftplugin support (#14522)wzy
8 daysruntime(kconfig): add include to ftplugin (#14524)Christian Brabandt
8 daysruntime(doc): mention :argded for :argeditChristian Brabandt
8 daysProblem: Commit 6f585d breaks CIChristian Brabandt
8 dayspatch 9.1.0309: crash when 'textwidth' > MAX_INTv9.1.0309Christian Brabandt
8 daysruntime(doc): typo in intro.txtAntonio Giovanni Colombo
9 daysOverlong translation files may cause repo to become "dirty"Christian Brabandt
9 dayspatch 9.1.0308: configure: msgfmt hardcodedv9.1.0308VladimĂ­r Marek
9 daysruntime(compiler): add vimdocWu, Zhenyu
9 daysruntime(doc): clarify behaviour or :argadd and :argeditChristian Brabandt
9 dayspatch 9.1.0307: filetype: texdoc config files is not recognizedv9.1.0307Wu, Zhenyu
9 dayspatch 9.1.0306: filetype: x11vnc config file is not recognizedv9.1.0306Wu, Zhenyu
9 dayspatch 9.1.0305: filetype: some history files are not recognizedv9.1.0305Wu, Zhenyu
9 daysftplugin(asm): add Matchit supportWu, Zhenyu
9 dayspatch 9.1.0304: filetype: cgdb config file is not recognizedv9.1.0304Wu, Zhenyu
9 daysruntime(asm): add basic indent supportWu, Zhenyu
9 daysftplugin(gdb): add matchit supportWu, Zhenyu
9 dayspatch 9.1.0303: filetype: some protocol buffer files not recognizedv9.1.0303Bruno BELANYI
9 dayspatch 9.1.0302: filetype: blueprint files are not recognizedv9.1.0302Bruno BELANYI
9 daysruntime(vim): Improve Vim9 and legacy-script comment highlighting (#13104)dkearns
10 dayspatch 9.1.0301: Vim9: heredoc start may be recognized in stringv9.1.0301zeertzjq