path: root/runtime/syntax/readline.vim
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'runtime/syntax/readline.vim')
1 files changed, 149 insertions, 125 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/readline.vim b/runtime/syntax/readline.vim
index 8f72048ab8..cc4d86d626 100644
--- a/runtime/syntax/readline.vim
+++ b/runtime/syntax/readline.vim
@@ -1,152 +1,176 @@
" Vim syntax file
-" Language: readline configuration file
-" Maintainer: Nikolai Weibull <>
-" URL:
-" Latest Revision: 2004-05-22
-" arch-tag: 6d8e7da4-b39c-4bf7-8e6a-d9135f993457
-" Variables:
+" Language: readline(3) configuration file
+" Maintainer: Nikolai Weibull <>
+" Latest Revision: 2005-06-29
" readline_has_bash - if defined add support for bash specific
-" settings/functions
+" settings/functions
-if version < 600
- syntax clear
-elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
+if exists("b:current_syntax")
-" Set iskeyword since we need `-' (and potentially others) in keywords.
-" For version 5.x: Set it globally
-" For version 6.x: Set it locally
-if version >= 600
- command -nargs=1 SetIsk setlocal iskeyword=<args>
- command -nargs=1 SetIsk set iskeyword=<args>
-SetIsk 48-57,65-90,97-122,-
-delcommand SetIsk
+let s:cpo_save = &cpo
+set cpo&vim
+setlocal iskeyword=@,48-57,-
-" comments
-syn region readlineComment display oneline matchgroup=readlineComment start="^\s*#" end="$" contains=readlineTodo
+syn keyword readlineTodo contained TODO FIXME XXX NOTE
-" todo
-syn keyword readlineTodo contained TODO FIXME XXX NOTE
+syn region readlineComment display oneline matchgroup=readlineComment
+ \ start='^\s*#' end='$'
+ \ contains=readlineTodo,@Spell
-" strings (argh...not the way i want it, but fine..."
-syn match readlineString "^\s*[A-Za-z-]\+:"me=e-1 contains=readlineKeys
-syn region readlineString display oneline start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ contains=readlineKeysTwo
+syn match readlineString '^\s*[A-Za-z-]\+:'me=e-1 contains=readlineKeys
+syn region readlineString display oneline start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+
+ \ end=+"+ contains=readlineKeysTwo
-" special key
syn case ignore
-syn keyword readlineKeys contained Control Meta Del Esc Escape LFD Newline Ret Return Rubout Space Spc Tab
+syn keyword readlineKeys contained Control Meta Del Esc Escape LFD
+ \ Newline Ret Return Rubout Space Spc Tab
syn case match
-syn match readlineKeysTwo contained +\\\([CM]-\|[e\\"'abdfnrtv]\|\o\{3}\|x\x\{3}\)+
+syn match readlineKeysTwo contained display
+ \ +\\\([CM]-\|[e\\"'abdfnrtv]\|\o\{3}\|x\x\{3}\)+
-" keymaps
-syn match readlineKeymaps contained "emacs\(-standard\|-meta\|-ctlx\)\="
-syn match readlineKeymaps contained "vi\(-move\|-command\|-insert\)\="
+syn match readlineKeymaps contained display
+ \ 'emacs\(-standard\|-meta\|-ctlx\)\='
+syn match readlineKeymaps contained display
+ \ 'vi\(-move\|-command\|-insert\)\='
-" bell styles
-syn keyword readlineBellStyles contained audible visible none
+syn keyword readlineBellStyles contained audible visible none
-" numbers
-syn match readlineNumber contained "\<\d\+\>"
+syn match readlineNumber contained display '\<\d\+\>'
-" booleans
syn case ignore
-syn keyword readlineBoolean contained on off
+syn keyword readlineBoolean contained on off
syn case match
-" conditionals
-syn keyword readlineIfOps contained mode term
-syn region readlineConditional display oneline transparent matchgroup=readlineConditional start="^\s*$if" end="$" contains=readlineIfOps,readlineKeymaps
-syn match readlineConditional "^\s*$\(else\|endif\)\>"
-" include
-syn match readlineInclude "^\s*$include\>"
-" settings
-syn region readlineSet display oneline transparent matchgroup=readlineKeyword start="^\s*set\>" end="$"me=e-1 contains=readlineNumber,readlineBoolean,readlineKeymaps,readlineBellStyles,readlineSettings
+syn keyword readlineIfOps contained mode term
+syn region readlineConditional display oneline transparent
+ \ matchgroup=readlineConditional
+ \ start='^\s*$if' end="$"
+ \ contains=readlineIfOps,readlineKeymaps
+syn match readlineConditional display '^\s*$\(else\|endif\)\>'
+syn match readlineInclude display '^\s*$include\>'
+syn region readlineSet display oneline transparent
+ \ matchgroup=readlineKeyword start='^\s*set\>'
+ \ end="$"me=e-1 contains=readlineNumber,
+ \ readlineBoolean,readlineKeymaps,
+ \ readlineBellStyles,readlineSettings
+syn keyword readlineSettings contained bell-style comment-begin
+ \ completion-ignore-case completion-query-items
+ \ convert-meta disable-completion editing-mode
+ \ enable-keypad expand-tilde
+ \ horizontal-scroll-mode mark-directories
+ \ keymap mark-modified-lines meta-flag
+ \ input-meta output-meta
+ \ print-completions-horizontally
+ \ show-all-if-ambiguous visible-stats
+ \ prefer-visible-bell blink-matching-paren
+ \ match-hidden-files history-preserve-point
+ \ isearch-terminators
+syn region readlineBinding display oneline transparent
+ \ matchgroup=readlineKeyword start=':' end='$'
+ \ contains=readlineKeys,readlineFunctions
+syn keyword readlineFunctions contained display
+ \ beginning-of-line end-of-line forward-char
+ \ backward-char forward-word backward-word
+ \ clear-screen redraw-current-line
+ \ accept-line previous-history
+ \ next-history beginning-of-history
+ \ end-of-history reverse-search-history
+ \ forward-search-history
+ \ non-incremental-reverse-search-history
+ \ non-incremental-forward-search-history
+ \ history-search-forward
+ \ history-search-backward
+ \ yank-nth-arg yank-last-arg
+ \ delete-char backward-delete-char
+ \ forward-backward-delete-char quoted-insert
+ \ tab-insert self-insert transpose-chars
+ \ transpose-words upcase-word downcase-word
+ \ capitalize-word overwrite-mode kill-line
+ \ backward-kill-line unix-line-discard
+ \ kill-whole-line kill-word backward-kill-word
+ \ unix-word-rubout unix-filename-rubout
+ \ delete-horizontal-space kill-region
+ \ copy-region-as-kill copy-backward-word
+ \ copy-forward-word yank yank-pop
+ \ digit-argument universal-argument complete
+ \ possible-completions insert-completions
+ \ menu-complete delete-char-or-list
+ \ start-kbd-macro end-kbd-macro
+ \ call-last-kbd-macro re-read-init-file
+ \ abort do-uppercase-version prefix-meta
+ \ undo revert-line tilde-expand set-mark
+ \ exchange-point-and-mark character-search
+ \ character-search-backward insert-comment
+ \ dump-functions dump-variables dump-macros
+ \ emacs-editing-mode vi-editing-mode
+ \ vi-complete vi-char-search vi-redo
+ \ vi-search vi-arg-digit vi-append-eol
+ \ vi-prev-word vi-change-to vi-delete-to
+ \ vi-end-word vi-fetch-history vi-insert-beg
+ \ vi-search-again vi-put vi-replace
+ \ vi-subst vi-yank-to vi-first-print
+ \ vi-yank-arg vi-goto-mark vi-append-mode
+ \ vi-insertion-mode prev-history vi-set-mark
+ \ vi-search-again vi-put vi-change-char
+ \ vi-subst vi-delete vi-yank-to
+ \ vi-column vi-change-case vi-overstrike
+ \ vi-overstrike-delete do-lowercase-version
+ \ delete-char-or-list tty-status
+ \ arrow-key-prefix vi-back-to-indent vi-bword
+ \ vi-bWord vi-eword vi-eWord vi-fword vi-fWord
+ \ vi-next-word
-syn keyword readlineSettings contained bell-style comment-begin completion-ignore-case
-syn keyword readlineSettings contained completion-query-items convert-meta disable-completion editing-mode enable-keypad
-syn keyword readlineSettings contained expand-tilde horizontal-scroll-mode mark-directories keymap mark-modified-lines meta-flag
-syn keyword readlineSettings contained input-meta output-meta print-completions-horizontally show-all-if-ambiguous visible-stats
-syn keyword readlineSettings contained prefer-visible-bell blink-matching-paren
-syn keyword readlineSettings contained match-hidden-files history-preserve-point isearch-terminators
-" bash extensions
if exists("readline_has_bash")
- "syn keyword readlineSettings contained
+ syn keyword readlineFunctions contained
+ \ shell-expand-line history-expand-line
+ \ magic-space alias-expand-line
+ \ history-and-alias-expand-line
+ \ insert-last-argument operate-and-get-next
+ \ forward-backward-delete-char
+ \ delete-char-or-list complete-filename
+ \ possible-filename-completions
+ \ complete-username
+ \ possible-username-completions
+ \ complete-variable
+ \ possible-variable-completions
+ \ complete-hostname
+ \ possible-hostname-completions
+ \ complete-command
+ \ possible-command-completions
+ \ dynamic-complete-history
+ \ complete-into-braces
+ \ glob-expand-word glob-list-expansions
+ \ display-shell-version glob-complete-word
+ \ edit-and-execute-command
-" key bindings
-syn region readlineBinding display oneline transparent matchgroup=readlineKeyword start=":" end="$" contains=readlineKeys,readlineFunctions
-syn match readlineFunctions contained "\<\(beginning\|end\)-of-line\>"
-syn match readlineFunctions contained "\<\(backward\|forward\)-\(char\|word\)\>"
-syn match readlineFunctions contained "\<\(previous\|next\|\(beginning\|end\)-of\|\(non-incremental-\)\=\(reverse\|forward\)-search\)-history\>"
-syn match readlineFunctions contained "\<history-search-\(forward\|backward\)\>"
-syn match readlineFunctions contained "\<yank-\(nth\|last\)-arg\>"
-syn match readlineFunctions contained "\<\(backward-\)\=kill-\(\(whole-\)\=line\|word\)\>"
-syn match readlineFunctions contained "\<\(start\|end\|call-last\)-kbd-macro\>"
-syn match readlineFunctions contained "\<dump-\(functions\|variables\|macros\)\>"
-syn match readlineFunctions contained "\<non-incremental-\(reverse\|forward\)-search-history-again\>"
-syn keyword readlineFunctions contained clear-screen redraw-current-line accept-line delete-char backward-delete-char quoted-insert tab-insert
-syn keyword readlineFunctions contained self-insert transpose-chars transpose-words downcase-word capitalize-word unix-word-rubout
-syn keyword readlineFunctions contained delete-horizontal-space kill-region copy-region-as-kill copy-backward-word copy-forward-word yank yank-pop
-syn keyword readlineFunctions contained digit-argument universal-argument complete possible-completions insert-completions menu-complete
-syn keyword readlineFunctions contained re-read-init-file abort do-uppercase-version prefix-meta undo revert-line tilde-expand set-mark
-syn keyword readlineFunctions contained exchange-point-and-mark character-search character-search-backward insert-comment emacs-editing-mode vi-editing-mode
-syn keyword readlineFunctions contained unix-line-discard upcase-word backward-delete-word vi-eof-maybe vi-movement-mode vi-match vi-tilde-expand
-syn keyword readlineFunctions contained vi-complete vi-char-search vi-redo vi-search vi-arg-digit vi-append-eol vi-prev-word vi-change-to vi-delete-to
-syn keyword readlineFunctions contained vi-end-word vi-fetch-history vi-insert-beg vi-search-again vi-put vi-replace vi-subst vi-yank-to vi-first-print
-syn keyword readlineFunctions contained vi-yank-arg vi-goto-mark vi-append-mode vi-insertion-mode prev-history vi-set-mark vi-search-again vi-put vi-change-char
-syn keyword readlineFunctions contained vi-subst vi-delete vi-yank-to vi-column vi-change-case vi-overstrike vi-overstrike-delete
-syn keyword readlineFunctions contained do-lowercase-version delete-char-or-list tty-status arrow-key-prefix
-syn keyword readlineFunctions contained vi-back-to-indent vi-bword vi-bWord vi-eword vi-eWord vi-fword vi-fWord vi-next-word
-" bash extensions
-if exists("readline_has_bash")
- syn keyword readlineFunctions contained shell-expand-line history-expand-line magic-space alias-expand-line history-and-alias-expand-line insert-last-argument
- syn keyword readlineFunctions contained operate-and-get-next forward-backward-delete-char delete-char-or-list complete-filename possible-filename-completions
- syn keyword readlineFunctions contained complete-username possible-username-completions complete-variable possible-variable-completions complete-hostname
- syn keyword readlineFunctions contained possible-hostname-completions complete-command possible-command-completions dynamic-complete-history complete-into-braces
- syn keyword readlineFunctions contained glob-expand-word glob-list-expansions display-shell-version
- syn keyword readlineFunctions contained glob-complete-word edit-and-execute-command
-" Define the default highlighting.
-" For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
-" For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
-if version >= 508 || !exists("did_readline_syn_inits")
- if version < 508
- let did_readline_syn_inits = 1
- command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
- else
- command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
- endif
- HiLink readlineComment Comment
- HiLink readlineTodo Todo
- HiLink readlineString String
- HiLink readlineKeys SpecialChar
- HiLink readlineKeysTwo SpecialChar
- HiLink readlineKeymaps Constant
- HiLink readlineBellStyles Constant
- HiLink readlineNumber Number
- HiLink readlineBoolean Boolean
- HiLink readlineIfOps Type
- HiLink readlineConditional Conditional
- HiLink readlineInclude Include
- HiLink readlineKeyword Keyword
- HiLink readlineSettings Type
- HiLink readlineFunctions Type
- delcommand HiLink
+hi def link readlineComment Comment
+hi def link readlineTodo Todo
+hi def link readlineString String
+hi def link readlineKeys SpecialChar
+hi def link readlineKeysTwo SpecialChar
+hi def link readlineKeymaps Constant
+hi def link readlineBellStyles Constant
+hi def link readlineNumber Number
+hi def link readlineBoolean Boolean
+hi def link readlineIfOps Type
+hi def link readlineConditional Conditional
+hi def link readlineInclude Include
+hi def link readlineKeyword Keyword
+hi def link readlineSettings Type
+hi def link readlineFunctions Type
let b:current_syntax = "readline"
-" vim: set sts=2 sw=2:
+let &cpo = s:cpo_save
+unlet s:cpo_save