path: root/runtime/syntax/gnuplot.vim
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'runtime/syntax/gnuplot.vim')
1 files changed, 514 insertions, 158 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/gnuplot.vim b/runtime/syntax/gnuplot.vim
index 5a381c7cd6..03d813c99f 100644
--- a/runtime/syntax/gnuplot.vim
+++ b/runtime/syntax/gnuplot.vim
@@ -1,176 +1,505 @@
" Vim syntax file
-" Language: gnuplot 3.8i.0
-" Maintainer: John Hoelzel
-" Last Change: Mon May 26 02:33:33 UTC 2003
-" Filenames: *.gpi *.gih scripts: #!*gnuplot
-" URL:
-" thanks to "David Necas (Yeti)" <> for heads up - working on more changes .
-" *.gpi = GnuPlot Input - what I use because there is no other guideline. jeh 11/2000
-" *.gih = makes using cut/pasting from gnuplot.gih easier ...
-" #!*gnuplot = for Linux bash shell scripts of gnuplot commands.
-" emacs used a suffix of '<gp?>'
-" gnuplot demo files show no preference.
-" I will post mail and newsgroup comments on a standard suffix in 'URL' directory.
-" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
-" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
+" Language: gnuplot 4.7.0
+" Maintainer: Andrew Rasmussen
+" Original Maintainer: John Hoelzel
+" Last Change: 2014-02-24
+" Filenames: *.gnu *.plt *.gpi *.gih *.gp *.gnuplot scripts: #!*gnuplot
+" URL:
+" Original URL:
+" thanks to "David Necas (Yeti)" <>
+" credit also to Jim Eberle <>
+" for the script
+" some shortened names to make demo files look clean... jeh. 11/2000
+" demos -> 3.8i ... jeh. 5/2003 - a work in progress...
+" added current commands, keywords, variables, todos, macros... amr 2014-02-24
+" For vim version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
+" For vim version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
if version < 600
syntax clear
elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
-" some shortened names to make demo files look clean... jeh. 11/2000
-" demos -> 3.8i ... jeh. 5/2003 - a work in progress...
+" ---- Special characters ---- "
+" no harm in just matching any \[char] within double quotes, right?
+syn match gnuplotSpecial "\\." contained
+" syn match gnuplotSpecial "\\\o\o\o\|\\x\x\x\|\\c[^"]\|\\[a-z\\]" contained
+" measurements in the units in, cm and pt are special
+syn match gnuplotUnit "[0-9]+in"
+syn match gnuplotUnit "[0-9]+cm"
+syn match gnuplotUnit "[0-9]+pt"
+" external (shell) commands are special
+syn region gnuplotExternal start="!" end="$"
+" ---- Comments ---- "
+syn region gnuplotComment start="#" end="$" contains=gnuplotTodo
-" commands
+" ---- Constants ---- "
-syn keyword gnuplotStatement cd call clear exit set unset plot splot help
-syn keyword gnuplotStatement load pause quit fit rep[lot] if
-syn keyword gnuplotStatement FIT_LIMIT FIT_MAXITER FIT_START_LAMBDA
-syn keyword gnuplotStatement FIT_LAMBDA_FACTOR FIT_LOG FIT_SCRIPT
-syn keyword gnuplotStatement print pwd reread reset save show test ! functions var
-syn keyword gnuplotConditional if
-" if is cond + stmt - ok?
+" strings
+syn region gnuplotString start=+"+ skip=+\\"+ end=+"+ contains=gnuplotSpecial
+syn region gnuplotString start="'" end="'"
-" numbers fm c.vim
+" built-in variables
+syn keyword gnuplotNumber GPVAL_TERMINALS GPVAL_pi GPVAL_NaN
+syn keyword gnuplotNumber GPVAL_ERRNO GPVAL_ERRMSG GPVAL_PWD
+syn keyword gnuplotNumber pi NaN GPVAL_LAST_PLOT GPVAL_TERM_WINDOWID
+syn keyword gnuplotNumber GPVAL_X_MIN GPVAL_X_MAX GPVAL_X_LOG
+syn keyword gnuplotNumber GPVAL_DATA_X_MIN GPVAL_DATA_X_MAX GPVAL_Y_MIN
+syn keyword gnuplotNumber GPVAL_Y_MAX GPVAL_Y_LOG GPVAL_DATA_Y_MIN
+syn keyword gnuplotNumber GPVAL_DATA_Y_MAX GPVAL_X2_MIN GPVAL_X2_MAX
+syn keyword gnuplotNumber GPVAL_X2_LOG GPVAL_DATA_X2_MIN GPVAL_DATA_X2_MAX
+syn keyword gnuplotNumber GPVAL_Y2_MIN GPVAL_Y2_MAX GPVAL_Y2_LOG
+syn keyword gnuplotNumber GPVAL_DATA_Y2_MIN GPVAL_DATA_Y2_MAX GPVAL_Z_MIN
+syn keyword gnuplotNumber GPVAL_Z_MAX GPVAL_Z_LOG GPVAL_DATA_Z_MIN
+syn keyword gnuplotNumber GPVAL_DATA_Z_MAX GPVAL_CB_MIN GPVAL_CB_MAX
+syn keyword gnuplotNumber GPVAL_T_MIN GPVAL_T_MAX GPVAL_T_LOG GPVAL_U_MIN
+syn keyword gnuplotNumber GPVAL_U_MAX GPVAL_U_LOG GPVAL_V_MIN GPVAL_V_MAX
+syn keyword gnuplotNumber GPVAL_V_LOG GPVAL_R_MIN GPVAL_R_LOG
+syn keyword gnuplotNumber GPVAL_TERM_YMAX GPVAL_TERM_XSIZE
+syn keyword gnuplotNumber GPVAL_VIEW_ROT_Z GPVAL_VIEW_SCALE
-" integer number, or floating point number without a dot and with "f".
+" function name variables
+syn match gnuplotNumber "GPFUN_[a-zA-Z_]*"
+" stats variables
+syn keyword gnuplotNumber STATS_records STATS_outofrange STATS_invalid
+syn keyword gnuplotNumber STATS_blank STATS_blocks STATS_columns STATS_min
+syn keyword gnuplotNumber STATS_max STATS_index_min STATS_index_max
+syn keyword gnuplotNumber STATS_lo_quartile STATS_median STATS_up_quartile
+syn keyword gnuplotNumber STATS_mean STATS_stddev STATS_sum STATS_sumsq
+syn keyword gnuplotNumber STATS_correlation STATS_slope STATS_intercept
+syn keyword gnuplotNumber STATS_sumxy STATS_pos_min_y STATS_pos_max_y
+syn keyword gnuplotNumber STATS_mean STATS_stddev STATS_mean_x STATS_sum_x
+syn keyword gnuplotNumber STATS_stddev_x STATS_sumsq_x STATS_min_x
+syn keyword gnuplotNumber STATS_max_x STATS_median_x STATS_lo_quartile_x
+syn keyword gnuplotNumber STATS_up_quartile_x STATS_index_min_x
+syn keyword gnuplotNumber STATS_index_max_x STATS_mean_y STATS_stddev_y
+syn keyword gnuplotNumber STATS_sum_y STATS_sumsq_y STATS_min_y
+syn keyword gnuplotNumber STATS_max_y STATS_median_y STATS_lo_quartile_y
+syn keyword gnuplotNumber STATS_up_quartile_y STATS_index_min_y
+syn keyword gnuplotNumber STATS_index_max_y STATS_correlation STATS_sumxy
+" deprecated fit variables
+syn keyword gnuplotError FIT_LAMBDA_FACTOR FIT_LOG FIT_SCRIPT
+" numbers, from c.vim
+" integer number, or floating point number without a dot and with "f".
syn case ignore
syn match gnuplotNumber "\<[0-9]\+\(u\=l\=\|lu\|f\)\>"
-" floating point number, with dot, optional exponent
+" floating point number, with dot, optional exponent
syn match gnuplotFloat "\<[0-9]\+\.[0-9]*\(e[-+]\=[0-9]\+\)\=[fl]\=\>"
-" floating point number, starting with a dot, optional exponent
+" floating point number, starting with a dot, optional exponent
syn match gnuplotFloat "\.[0-9]\+\(e[-+]\=[0-9]\+\)\=[fl]\=\>"
-" floating point number, without dot, with exponent
+" floating point number, without dot, with exponent
syn match gnuplotFloat "\<[0-9]\+e[-+]\=[0-9]\+[fl]\=\>"
-" hex number
+" hex number
syn match gnuplotNumber "\<0x[0-9a-f]\+\(u\=l\=\|lu\)\>"
syn case match
-" flag an octal number with wrong digits by not hilighting
+" flag an octal number with wrong digits by not highlighting
syn match gnuplotOctalError "\<0[0-7]*[89]"
-" plot args
-syn keyword gnuplotType u[sing] tit[le] notit[le] wi[th] steps fs[teps]
-syn keyword gnuplotType title notitle t
-syn keyword gnuplotType with w
-syn keyword gnuplotType li[nes] l
-" t - too much? w - too much? l - too much?
-syn keyword gnuplotType linespoints via
-" funcs
-syn keyword gnuplotFunc abs acos acosh arg asin asinh atan atanh atan2
-syn keyword gnuplotFunc besj0 besj1 besy0 besy1
-syn keyword gnuplotFunc ceil column cos cosh erf erfc exp floor gamma
-syn keyword gnuplotFunc ibeta inverf igamma imag invnorm int lgamma
-syn keyword gnuplotFunc log log10 norm rand real sgn sin sinh sqrt tan
-syn keyword gnuplotFunc lambertw
-syn keyword gnuplotFunc tanh valid
-syn keyword gnuplotFunc tm_hour tm_mday tm_min tm_mon tm_sec
-syn keyword gnuplotFunc tm_wday tm_yday tm_year
-" set vars
-syn keyword gnuplotType xdata timefmt grid noytics ytics fs
-syn keyword gnuplotType logscale time notime mxtics nomxtics style mcbtics
-syn keyword gnuplotType nologscale
-syn keyword gnuplotType axes x1y2 unique acs[plines]
-syn keyword gnuplotType size origin multiplot xtics xr[ange] yr[ange] square nosquare ratio noratio
-syn keyword gnuplotType binary matrix index every thru sm[ooth]
-syn keyword gnuplotType all angles degrees radians
-syn keyword gnuplotType arrow noarrow autoscale noautoscale arrowstyle
-" autoscale args = x y xy z t ymin ... - too much?
-" needs code to: using title vs autoscale t
-syn keyword gnuplotType x y z zcb
-syn keyword gnuplotType linear cubicspline bspline order level[s]
-syn keyword gnuplotType auto disc[rete] incr[emental] from to head nohead
-syn keyword gnuplotType graph base both nosurface table out[put] data
-syn keyword gnuplotType bar border noborder boxwidth
-syn keyword gnuplotType clabel noclabel clip noclip cntrp[aram]
-syn keyword gnuplotType contour nocontour
-syn keyword gnuplotType dgrid3d nodgrid3d dummy encoding format
-" set encoding args not included - yet.
-syn keyword gnuplotType function grid nogrid hidden[3d] nohidden[3d] isosample[s] key nokey
-syn keyword gnuplotType historysize nohistorysize
-syn keyword gnuplotType defaults offset nooffset trianglepattern undefined noundefined altdiagonal bentover noaltdiagonal nobentover
-syn keyword gnuplotType left right top bottom outside below samplen spacing width height box nobox linestyle ls linetype lt linewidth lw
-syn keyword gnuplotType Left Right autotitles noautotitles enhanced noenhanced
-syn keyword gnuplotType isosamples
-syn keyword gnuplotType label nolabel logscale nolog[scale] missing center font locale
-syn keyword gnuplotType mapping margin bmargin lmargin rmargin tmargin spherical cylindrical cartesian
-syn keyword gnuplotType linestyle nolinestyle linetype lt linewidth lw pointtype pt pointsize ps
-syn keyword gnuplotType mouse nomouse
-syn keyword gnuplotType nooffsets data candlesticks financebars linespoints lp vector nosurface
-syn keyword gnuplotType term[inal] linux aed767 aed512 gpic
-syn keyword gnuplotType regis tek410x tek40 vttek kc-tek40xx
-syn keyword gnuplotType km-tek40xx selanar bitgraph xlib x11 X11
-" x11 args
-syn keyword gnuplotType aifm cgm dumb fig gif small large size nofontlist winword6 corel dxf emf
-syn keyword gnuplotType hpgl
-" syn keyword gnuplotType transparent hp2623a hp2648 hp500c pcl5 why jeh
-syn keyword gnuplotType hp2623a hp2648 hp500c pcl5
-syn match gnuplotType "\<transparent\>"
-syn keyword gnuplotType hpljii hpdj hppj imagen mif pbm png svg
-syn keyword gnuplotType postscript enhanced_postscript qms table
-" postscript editing values?
-syn keyword gnuplotType tgif tkcanvas epson-180dpi epson-60dpi
-syn keyword gnuplotType epson-lx800 nec-cp6 okidata starc
-syn keyword gnuplotType tandy-60dpi latex emtex pslatex pstex epslatex
-syn keyword gnuplotType eepic tpic pstricks texdraw mf metafont mpost mp
-syn keyword gnuplotType timestamp notimestamp
-syn keyword gnuplotType variables version
-syn keyword gnuplotType x2data y2data ydata zdata
-syn keyword gnuplotType reverse writeback noreverse nowriteback
-syn keyword gnuplotType axis mirror autofreq nomirror rotate autofreq norotate
-syn keyword gnuplotType update
-syn keyword gnuplotType multiplot nomultiplot mytics
-syn keyword gnuplotType nomytics mztics nomztics mx2tics nomx2tics
-syn keyword gnuplotType my2tics nomy2tics offsets origin output
-syn keyword gnuplotType para[metric] nopara[metric] pointsize polar nopolar
-syn keyword gnuplotType zrange x2range y2range rrange cbrange
-syn keyword gnuplotType trange urange vrange sample[s] size
-syn keyword gnuplotType bezier boxerrorbars boxes bargraph bar[s]
-syn keyword gnuplotType boxxy[errorbars] csplines dots fsteps histeps impulses
-syn keyword gnuplotType line[s] linesp[oints] points poiinttype sbezier splines steps
-" w lt lw ls = optional
-syn keyword gnuplotType vectors xerr[orbars] xyerr[orbars] yerr[orbars] financebars candlesticks vector
-syn keyword gnuplotType errorb[ars] surface
-syn keyword gnuplotType filledcurve[s] pm3d x1 x2 y1 y2 xy closed
-syn keyword gnuplotType at pi front
-syn keyword gnuplotType errorlines xerrorlines yerrorlines xyerrorlines
-syn keyword gnuplotType tics ticslevel ticscale time timefmt view
-syn keyword gnuplotType xdata xdtics noxdtics ydtics noydtics
-syn keyword gnuplotType zdtics nozdtics x2dtics nox2dtics y2dtics noy2dtics
-syn keyword gnuplotType xlab[el] ylab[el] zlab[el] cblab[el] x2label y2label xmtics
-syn keyword gnuplotType xmtics noxmtics ymtics noymtics zmtics nozmtics
-syn keyword gnuplotType x2mtics nox2mtics y2mtics noy2mtics
-syn keyword gnuplotType cbdtics nocbdtics cbmtics nocbmtics cbtics nocbtics
-syn keyword gnuplotType xtics noxtics ytics noytics
-syn keyword gnuplotType ztics noztics x2tics nox2tics
-syn keyword gnuplotType y2tics noy2tics zero nozero zeroaxis nozeroaxis
-syn keyword gnuplotType xzeroaxis noxzeroaxis yzeroaxis noyzeroaxis
-syn keyword gnuplotType x2zeroaxis nox2zeroaxis y2zeroaxis noy2zeroaxis
-syn keyword gnuplotType angles one two fill empty solid pattern
-syn keyword gnuplotType default
-syn keyword gnuplotType scansautomatic flush b[egin] noftriangles implicit
-" b too much? - used in demo
-syn keyword gnuplotType palette positive negative ps_allcF nops_allcF maxcolors
-syn keyword gnuplotType push fontfile pop
-syn keyword gnuplotType rgbformulae defined file color model gradient colornames
-syn keyword gnuplotType RGB HSV CMY YIQ XYZ
-syn keyword gnuplotType colorbox vertical horizontal user bdefault
-syn keyword gnuplotType loadpath fontpath decimalsign in out
-" comments + strings
-syn region gnuplotComment start="#" end="$"
-syn region gnuplotComment start=+"+ skip=+\\"+ end=+"+
-syn region gnuplotComment start=+'+ end=+'+
-" Define the default highlighting.
+" ---- Identifiers: Functions ---- "
+" numerical functions
+syn keyword gnuplotFunc abs acos acosh airy arg asin asinh atan atan2
+syn keyword gnuplotFunc atanh EllipticK EllipticE EllipticPi besj0 besj1
+syn keyword gnuplotFunc besy0 besy1 ceil cos cosh erf erfc exp expint
+syn keyword gnuplotFunc floor gamma ibeta inverf igamma imag invnorm int
+syn keyword gnuplotFunc lambertw lgamma log log10 norm rand real sgn sin
+syn keyword gnuplotFunc sin sinh sqrt tan tanh voigt
+" string functions
+syn keyword gnuplotFunc gprintf sprintf strlen strstrt substr strftime
+syn keyword gnuplotFunc strptime system word words
+" other functions
+syn keyword gnuplotFunc column columnhead columnheader defined exists
+syn keyword gnuplotFunc hsv2rgb stringcolumn timecolumn tm_hour tm_mday
+syn keyword gnuplotFunc tm_min tm_mon tm_sec tm_wday tm_yday tm_year
+syn keyword gnuplotFunc time valid value
+" ---- Statements ---- "
+" common (builtin) variable names
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword x y t u v z s
+" conditionals
+syn keyword gnuplotConditional if else
+" repeats
+syn keyword gnuplotRepeat do for while
+" operators
+syn match gnuplotOperator "[-+*/^|&?:]"
+syn match gnuplotOperator "\*\*"
+syn match gnuplotOperator "&&"
+syn match gnuplotOperator "||"
+" Keywords
+" keywords for 'fit' command
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword via z x:z x:z:s x:y:z:s
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword x:y:t:z:s x:y:t:u:z:s x:y:t:u:v:z:s
+" keywords for 'plot' command
+" 'axes' keyword
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword axes x1y1 x1y2 x2y1 x2y2
+" 'binary' keyword
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword binary matrix general array record format endian
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword filetype avs edf png scan transpose dx dy dz
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword flipx flipy flipz origin center rotate using
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword perpendicular skip every
+" datafile keywords
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword binary nonuniform matrix index every using
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword smooth volatile noautoscale every index
+" 'smooth' keywords
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword unique frequency cumulative cnormal kdensity
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword csplines acsplines bezer sbezier
+" deprecated 'thru' keyword
+syn keyword gnuplotError thru
+" 'using' keyword
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword using u xticlabels yticlabels zticlabels
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword x2ticlabels y2ticlabels xtic ytic ztic
+" 'errorbars' keywords
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword errorbars xerrorbars yerrorbars xyerrorbars
+" 'errorlines' keywords
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword errorlines xerrorlines yerrorlines xyerrorlines
+" 'title' keywords
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword title t tit notitle columnheader at beginning
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword end
+" 'with' keywords
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword with w linestyle ls linetype lt linewidth
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword lw linecolor lc pointtype pt pointsize ps
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword fill fs nohidden3d nocontours nosurface palette
+" styles for 'with'
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword lines l points p linespoints lp surface dots
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword impulses labels vectors steps fsteps histeps
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword errorbars errorlines financebars xerrorbars
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword xerrorlines xyerrorbars yerrorbars yerrorlines
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword boxes boxerrorbars boxxyerrorbars boxplot
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword candlesticks circles ellipses filledcurves
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword histogram image rgbimage rgbalpha pm3d variable
+" keywords for 'save' command
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword save functions func variables all var terminal
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword term set
+" keywords for 'set/show' command
+" set angles
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword angles degrees deg radians rad
+" set arrow
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword arrow from to rto length angle arrowstyle as
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword nohead head backhead heads size filled empty
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword nofilled front back linestyle linetype linewidth
+" set autoscale
+" TODO regexp here
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword autoscale x y z cb x2 y2 zy min max fixmin
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword fixmax fix keepfix noextend
+" set bars
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword bars small large fullwidth front back
+" set bind
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword bind
+" set margins
+" TODO regexp
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword margin bmargin lmargin rmargin tmargin
+" set border
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword border front back
+" set boxwidth
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword boxwidth absolute relative
+" deprecated set clabel
+syn keyword gnuplotError clabel
+" set clip
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword clip points one two
+" set cntrlabel
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword cntrlabel format font start interval onecolor
+" set cntrparam
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword cntrparam linear cubicspline bspline points
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword order levels auto discrete incremental
+" set colorbox
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword colorbox vertical horizontal default user origin
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword size front back noborder bdefault border
+" show colornames
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword colornames
+" set contour
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword contour base surface both
+" set datafile
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword datafile fortran nofpe_trap missing separator
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword whitespace tab comma commentschars binary
+" set decimalsign
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword decimalsign locale
+" set dgrid3d
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword dgrid3d splines qnorm gauss cauchy exp box hann
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword kdensity
+" set dummy
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword dummy
+" set encoding
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword encoding default iso_8859_1 iso_8859_15
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword iso_8859_2 iso_8859_9 koi8r koi8u cp437 cp850
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword cp852 cp950 cp1250 cp1251 cp1254 sjis utf8
+" set fit
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword fit logfile default quiet noquiet results brief
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword verbose errorvariables noerrorvariables
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword errorscaling noerrorscaling prescale noprescale
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword maxiter none limit limit_abs start-lambda script
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword lambda-factor
+" set fontpath
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword fontpath
+" set format
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword format
+" show functions
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword functions
+" set grid
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword grid polar layerdefault xtics ytics ztics x2tics
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword y2tics cbtics mxtics mytics mztics mx2tics
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword my2tics mcbtics xmtics ymtics zmtics x2mtics
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword y2mtics cbmtics noxtics noytics noztics nox2tics
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword noy2tics nocbtics nomxtics nomytics nomztics
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword nomx2tics nomy2tics nomcbtics
+" set hidden3d
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword hidden3d offset trianglepattern undefined
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword altdiagonal noaltdiagonal bentover nobentover
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword noundefined
+" set historysize
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword historysize
+" set isosamples
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword isosamples
+" set key
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword key on off inside outside at left right center
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword top bottom vertical horizontal Left Right
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword opaque noopaque reverse noreverse invert maxrows
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword noinvert samplen spacing width height autotitle
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword noautotitle title enhanced noenhanced font
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword textcolor box nobox linetype linewidth maxcols
+" set label
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword label left center right rotate norotate by font
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword front back textcolor point nopoint offset boxed
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword hypertext
+" set linetype
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword linetype
+" set link
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword link via inverse
+" set loadpath
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword loadpath
+" set locale
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword locale
+" set logscale
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword logscale log
+" set macros
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword macros
+" set mapping
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword mapping cartesian spherical cylindrical
+" set mouse
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword mouse doubleclick nodoubleclick zoomcoordinates
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword nozoomcoordinates ruler noruler at polardistance
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword nopolardistance deg tan format clipboardformat
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword mouseformat labels nolabels zoomjump nozoomjump
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword verbose noverbose
+" set multiplot
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword multiplot title font layout rowsfirst downwards
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword downwards upwards scale offset
+" set object
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword object behind fillcolor fc fs rectangle ellipse
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword circle polygon at center size units xy xx yy to
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword from
+" set offsets
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword offsets
+" set origin
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword origin
+" set output
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword output
+" set parametric
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword parametric
+" show plot
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword plot add2history
+" set pm3d
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword hidden3d interpolate scansautomatic scansforward
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword scansbackward depthorder flush begin center end
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword ftriangles noftriangles clip1in clip4in mean map
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword corners2color geomean harmean rms median min max
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword c1 c2 c3 c4 pm3d at nohidden3d implicit explicit
+" set palette
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword palette gray color gamma rgbformulae defined
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword file functions cubehelix start cycles saturation
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword model RGB HSV CMY YIQ XYZ positive negative
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword nops_allcF ps_allcF maxcolors float int gradient
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword fit2rgbformulae rgbformulae
+" set pointintervalbox
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword pointintervalbox
+" set pointsize
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword pointsize
+" set polar
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword polar
+" set print
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword print append
+" set psdir
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword psdir
+" set raxis
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword raxis rrange rtics
+" set samples
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword samples
+" set size
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword size square nosquare ratio noratio
+" set style
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword style function data noborder rectangle arrow
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword default nohead head heads size filled empty
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword nofilled front back boxplot range fraction
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword outliers nooutliers pointtype candlesticks
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword separation labels off auto x x2 sorted unsorted
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword fill empty transparent solid pattern border
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword increment userstyles financebars line default
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword linetype lt linecolor lc linewidth lw pointtype
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword pt pointsize ps pointinterval pi palette circle
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword radius graph screen wedge nowedge ellipse size
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword units xx xy yy histogram line textbox opaque
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword border noborder
+" set surface
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword surface implicit explicit
+" set table
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword table
+" set terminal (list of terminals)
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword terminal term push pop aed512 aed767 aifm aqua
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword be cairo cairolatex canvas cgm context corel
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword debug dumb dxf dxy800a eepic emf emxvga epscairo
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword epslatex epson_180dpi excl fig ggi gif gpic hpgl
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword grass hp2623a hp2648 hp500c hpljii hppj imagen
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword jpeg kyo latex linux lua mf mif mp next openstep
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword pbm pdf pdfcairo pm png pngcairo postscript
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword pslatex pstex pstricks qms qt regis sun svg svga
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword tek40 tek410x texdraw tgif tikz tkcanvas tpic
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword vgagl vws vx384 windows wx wxt x11 xlib
+" keywords for 'set terminal'
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword color monochrome dashlength dl eps pdf fontscale
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword standalone blacktext colortext colourtext header
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword noheader mono color solid dashed notransparent
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword crop crop background input rounded butt square
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword size fsize standalone name jsdir defaultsize
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword timestamp notimestamp colour mitered beveled
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword round squared palfuncparam blacktext nec_cp6
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword mppoints inlineimages externalimages defaultfont
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword aspect feed nofeed rotate small tiny standalone
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword oldstyle newstyle level1 leveldefault level3
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword background nobackground solid clip noclip
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword colortext colourtext epson_60dpi epson_lx800
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword okidata starc tandy_60dpi dpu414 nec_cp6 draft
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword medium large normal landscape portrait big
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword inches pointsmax textspecial texthidden
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword thickness depth version acceleration giant
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword delay loop optimize nooptimize pspoints
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword FNT9X17 FNT13X25 interlace nointerlace courier
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword originreset nooriginreset gparrows nogparrows
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword picenvironment nopicenvironment tightboundingbox
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword notightboundingbox charsize gppoints nogppoints
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword fontscale textscale fulldoc nofulldoc standalone
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword preamble header tikzplot tikzarrows notikzarrows
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword cmykimages externalimages noexternalimages
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword polyline vectors magnification psnfss nopsnfss
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword psnfss-version7 prologues a4paper amstex fname
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword fsize server persist widelines interlace
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword truecolor notruecolor defaultplex simplex duplex
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword nofontfiles adobeglyphnames noadobeglyphnames
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword nostandalone metric textrigid animate nopspoints
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword hpdj FNT5X9 roman emtex rgbimages bitmap
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword nobitmap providevars nointerlace add delete
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword auxfile hacktext unit raise palfuncparam
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword noauxfile nohacktext nounit noraise ctrl noctrl
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword close widget fixed dynamic tek40xx vttek
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword kc-tek40xx km-tek40xx bitgraph perltk
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword interactive red green blue interpolate mode
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword position ctrlq replotonresize position noctrlq
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword noreplotonresize
+" set termoption
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword termoption font fontscale solid dashed
+" set tics
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword tics add axis border mirror nomirror in out
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword scale rotate norotate by offset nooffset left
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword autojustify format font textcolor right center
+" deprecated set ticslevel
+syn keyword gnuplotError ticslevel ticscale
+" set timestamp
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword timestamp top bottom offset font
+" set timefmt
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword timefmt
+" set title
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword title offset font textcolor tc
+" set ranges
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword trange urange vrange
+" show variables
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword variables
+" show version
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword version
+" set view
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword view map equal noequal xy xyz
+" set x2data
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword xdata ydata zdata x2data y2data cbdata xdtics
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword ydtics zdtics x2dtics y2dtics cbdtics xzeroaxis
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword yzeroaxis zzeroaxis x2zeroaxis y2zeroaxis
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword cbzeroaxis time geographic
+" set label
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword xlabel ylabel zlabel x2label y2label cblabel
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword offset font textcolor by parallel
+" set range
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword xrange yrange zrange x2range y2range cbrange
+" set xyplane
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword xyplane
+" set zeroaxis
+" set zero
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword zero
+" set zeroaxis
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword zeroaxis
+" keywords for 'stats' command
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword nooutput
+" keywords for 'test' command
+syn keyword gnuplotKeyword terminal palette rgb rbg grb gbr brg bgr
+" ---- Macros ---- "
+syn region gnuplotMacro start="@" end=" "
+" ---- Todos ---- "
+syn keyword gnuplotTodo contained TODO FIXME XXX
+" ---- Types: gnuplot commands ---- "
+" I set the commands as Types to distinguish them visually from keywords for the
+" commands. This comes at the end of the syntax file because some commands
+" are redundant with keywords. It's probably too much trouble to go and
+" create special regions for each redundant keyword/command pair, which means
+" that some keywords (e.g. 'p') will be highlighted as commands.
+syn keyword gnuplotStatement cd call clear evaluate exit fit help history
+syn keyword gnuplotStatement load lower pause plot p print pwd quit raise
+syn keyword gnuplotStatement refresh replot rep reread reset save set show
+syn keyword gnuplotStatement shell splot spstats system test undefine unset
+syn keyword gnuplotStatement update
+" ---- Define the default highlighting ---- "
" For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
" For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
if version >= 508 || !exists("did_gnuplot_syntax_inits")
@@ -181,14 +510,41 @@ if version >= 508 || !exists("did_gnuplot_syntax_inits")
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
- HiLink gnuplotStatement Statement
- HiLink gnuplotConditional Conditional
+ " ---- Comments ---- "
+ HiLink gnuplotComment Comment
+ " ---- Constants ---- "
+ HiLink gnuplotString String
HiLink gnuplotNumber Number
HiLink gnuplotFloat Float
+ " ---- Identifiers ---- "
+ HiLink gnuplotIdentifier Identifier
+ " ---- Statements ---- "
+ HiLink gnuplotConditional Conditional
+ HiLink gnuplotRepeat Repeat
+ HiLink gnuplotKeyword Keyword
+ HiLink gnuplotOperator Operator
+ " ---- PreProcs ---- "
+ HiLink gnuplotMacro Macro
+ " ---- Types ---- "
+ HiLink gnuplotStatement Type
+ HiLink gnuplotFunc Identifier
+ " ---- Specials ---- "
+ HiLink gnuplotSpecial Special
+ HiLink gnuplotUnit Special
+ HiLink gnuplotExternal Special
+ " ---- Errors ---- "
+ HiLink gnuplotError Error
HiLink gnuplotOctalError Error
- HiLink gnuplotFunc Type
- HiLink gnuplotType Type
- HiLink gnuplotComment Comment
+ " ---- Todos ---- "
+ HiLink gnuplotTodo Todo
delcommand HiLink