path: root/runtime/doc/eval.txt
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+*eval.txt* For Vim version 7.0aa. Last change: 2004 May 18
+ VIM REFERENCE MANUAL by Bram Moolenaar
+Expression evaluation *expression* *expr* *E15* *eval*
+Using expressions is introduced in chapter 41 of the user manual |usr_41.txt|.
+Note: Expression evaluation can be disabled at compile time. If this has been
+done, the features in this document are not available. See |+eval| and the
+last chapter below.
+1. Variables |variables|
+2. Expression syntax |expression-syntax|
+3. Internal variable |internal-variables|
+4. Builtin Functions |functions|
+5. Defining functions |user-functions|
+6. Curly braces names |curly-braces-names|
+7. Commands |expression-commands|
+8. Exception handling |exception-handling|
+9. Examples |eval-examples|
+10. No +eval feature |no-eval-feature|
+11. The sandbox |eval-sandbox|
+{Vi does not have any of these commands}
+1. Variables *variables*
+There are two types of variables:
+Number a 32 bit signed number.
+String a NUL terminated string of 8-bit unsigned characters.
+These are converted automatically, depending on how they are used.
+Conversion from a Number to a String is by making the ASCII representation of
+the Number. Examples: >
+ Number 123 --> String "123"
+ Number 0 --> String "0"
+ Number -1 --> String "-1"
+Conversion from a String to a Number is done by converting the first digits
+to a number. Hexadecimal "0xf9" and Octal "017" numbers are recognized. If
+the String doesn't start with digits, the result is zero. Examples: >
+ String "456" --> Number 456
+ String "6bar" --> Number 6
+ String "foo" --> Number 0
+ String "0xf1" --> Number 241
+ String "0100" --> Number 64
+ String "-8" --> Number -8
+ String "+8" --> Number 0
+To force conversion from String to Number, add zero to it: >
+ :echo "0100" + 0
+For boolean operators Numbers are used. Zero is FALSE, non-zero is TRUE.
+Note that in the command >
+ :if "foo"
+"foo" is converted to 0, which means FALSE. To test for a non-empty string,
+use strlen(): >
+ :if strlen("foo")
+If you need to know the type of a variable or expression, use the |type()|
+When the '!' flag is included in the 'viminfo' option, global variables that
+start with an uppercase letter, and don't contain a lowercase letter, are
+stored in the viminfo file |viminfo-file|.
+When the 'sessionoptions' option contains "global", global variables that
+start with an uppercase letter and contain at least one lowercase letter are
+stored in the session file |session-file|.
+variable name can be stored where ~
+my_var_6 not
+My_Var_6 session file
+MY_VAR_6 viminfo file
+It's possible to form a variable name with curly braces, see
+2. Expression syntax *expression-syntax*
+Expression syntax summary, from least to most significant:
+|expr1| expr2 ? expr1 : expr1 if-then-else
+|expr2| expr3 || expr3 .. logical OR
+|expr3| expr4 && expr4 .. logical AND
+|expr4| expr5 == expr5 equal
+ expr5 != expr5 not equal
+ expr5 > expr5 greater than
+ expr5 >= expr5 greater than or equal
+ expr5 < expr5 smaller than
+ expr5 <= expr5 smaller than or equal
+ expr5 =~ expr5 regexp matches
+ expr5 !~ expr5 regexp doesn't match
+ expr5 ==? expr5 equal, ignoring case
+ expr5 ==# expr5 equal, match case
+ etc. As above, append ? for ignoring case, # for
+ matching case
+|expr5| expr6 + expr6 .. number addition
+ expr6 - expr6 .. number subtraction
+ expr6 . expr6 .. string concatenation
+|expr6| expr7 * expr7 .. number multiplication
+ expr7 / expr7 .. number division
+ expr7 % expr7 .. number modulo
+|expr7| ! expr7 logical NOT
+ - expr7 unary minus
+ + expr7 unary plus
+ expr8
+|expr8| expr9[expr1] index in String
+|expr9| number number constant
+ "string" string constant
+ 'string' literal string constant
+ &option option value
+ (expr1) nested expression
+ variable internal variable
+ va{ria}ble internal variable with curly braces
+ $VAR environment variable
+ @r contents of register 'r'
+ function(expr1, ...) function call
+ func{ti}on(expr1, ...) function call with curly braces
+".." indicates that the operations in this level can be concatenated.
+Example: >
+ &nu || &list && &shell == "csh"
+All expressions within one level are parsed from left to right.
+expr1 *expr1* *E109*
+expr2 ? expr1 : expr1
+The expression before the '?' is evaluated to a number. If it evaluates to
+non-zero, the result is the value of the expression between the '?' and ':',
+otherwise the result is the value of the expression after the ':'.
+Example: >
+ :echo lnum == 1 ? "top" : lnum
+Since the first expression is an "expr2", it cannot contain another ?:. The
+other two expressions can, thus allow for recursive use of ?:.
+Example: >
+ :echo lnum == 1 ? "top" : lnum == 1000 ? "last" : lnum
+To keep this readable, using |line-continuation| is suggested: >
+ :echo lnum == 1
+ :\ ? "top"
+ :\ : lnum == 1000
+ :\ ? "last"
+ :\ : lnum
+expr2 and expr3 *expr2* *expr3*
+ *expr-barbar* *expr-&&*
+The "||" and "&&" operators take one argument on each side. The arguments
+are (converted to) Numbers. The result is:
+ input output ~
+n1 n2 n1 || n2 n1 && n2 ~
+zero zero zero zero
+zero non-zero non-zero zero
+non-zero zero non-zero zero
+non-zero non-zero non-zero non-zero
+The operators can be concatenated, for example: >
+ &nu || &list && &shell == "csh"
+Note that "&&" takes precedence over "||", so this has the meaning of: >
+ &nu || (&list && &shell == "csh")
+Once the result is known, the expression "short-circuits", that is, further
+arguments are not evaluated. This is like what happens in C. For example: >
+ let a = 1
+ echo a || b
+This is valid even if there is no variable called "b" because "a" is non-zero,
+so the result must be non-zero. Similarly below: >
+ echo exists("b") && b == "yes"
+This is valid whether "b" has been defined or not. The second clause will
+only be evaluated if "b" has been defined.
+expr4 *expr4*
+expr5 {cmp} expr5
+Compare two expr5 expressions, resulting in a 0 if it evaluates to false, or 1
+if it evaluates to true.
+ *expr-==* *expr-!=* *expr->* *expr->=*
+ *expr-<* *expr-<=* *expr-=~* *expr-!~*
+ *expr-==#* *expr-!=#* *expr->#* *expr->=#*
+ *expr-<#* *expr-<=#* *expr-=~#* *expr-!~#*
+ *expr-==?* *expr-!=?* *expr->?* *expr->=?*
+ *expr-<?* *expr-<=?* *expr-=~?* *expr-!~?*
+ use 'ignorecase' match case ignore case ~
+equal == ==# ==?
+not equal != !=# !=?
+greater than > ># >?
+greater than or equal >= >=# >=?
+smaller than < <# <?
+smaller than or equal <= <=# <=?
+regexp matches =~ =~# =~?
+regexp doesn't match !~ !~# !~?
+"abc" ==# "Abc" evaluates to 0
+"abc" ==? "Abc" evaluates to 1
+"abc" == "Abc" evaluates to 1 if 'ignorecase' is set, 0 otherwise
+When comparing a String with a Number, the String is converted to a Number,
+and the comparison is done on Numbers. This means that "0 == 'x'" is TRUE,
+because 'x' converted to a Number is zero.
+When comparing two Strings, this is done with strcmp() or stricmp(). This
+results in the mathematical difference (comparing byte values), not
+necessarily the alphabetical difference in the local language.
+When using the operators with a trailing '#", or the short version and
+'ignorecase' is off, the comparing is done with strcmp().
+When using the operators with a trailing '?', or the short version and
+'ignorecase' is set, the comparing is done with stricmp().
+The "=~" and "!~" operators match the lefthand argument with the righthand
+argument, which is used as a pattern. See |pattern| for what a pattern is.
+This matching is always done like 'magic' was set and 'cpoptions' is empty, no
+matter what the actual value of 'magic' or 'cpoptions' is. This makes scripts
+portable. To avoid backslashes in the regexp pattern to be doubled, use a
+single-quote string, see |literal-string|.
+Since a string is considered to be a single line, a multi-line pattern
+(containing \n, backslash-n) will not match. However, a literal NL character
+can be matched like an ordinary character. Examples:
+ "foo\nbar" =~ "\n" evaluates to 1
+ "foo\nbar" =~ "\\n" evaluates to 0
+expr5 and expr6 *expr5* *expr6*
+expr6 + expr6 .. number addition *expr-+*
+expr6 - expr6 .. number subtraction *expr--*
+expr6 . expr6 .. string concatenation *expr-.*
+expr7 * expr7 .. number multiplication *expr-star*
+expr7 / expr7 .. number division *expr-/*
+expr7 % expr7 .. number modulo *expr-%*
+For all, except ".", Strings are converted to Numbers.
+Note the difference between "+" and ".":
+ "123" + "456" = 579
+ "123" . "456" = "123456"
+When the righthand side of '/' is zero, the result is 0x7fffffff.
+When the righthand side of '%' is zero, the result is 0.
+expr7 *expr7*
+! expr7 logical NOT *expr-!*
+- expr7 unary minus *expr-unary--*
++ expr7 unary plus *expr-unary-+*
+For '!' non-zero becomes zero, zero becomes one.
+For '-' the sign of the number is changed.
+For '+' the number is unchanged.
+A String will be converted to a Number first.
+These three can be repeated and mixed. Examples:
+ !-1 == 0
+ !!8 == 1
+ --9 == 9
+expr8 *expr8*
+expr9[expr1] index in String *expr-[]* *E111*
+This results in a String that contains the expr1'th single byte from expr9.
+expr9 is used as a String, expr1 as a Number. Note that this doesn't work for
+multi-byte encodings.
+Note that index zero gives the first character. This is like it works in C.
+Careful: text column numbers start with one! Example, to get the character
+under the cursor: >
+ :let c = getline(line("."))[col(".") - 1]
+If the length of the String is less than the index, the result is an empty
+ *expr9*
+number number constant *expr-number*
+Decimal, Hexadecimal (starting with 0x or 0X), or Octal (starting with 0).
+string *expr-string* *E114*
+"string" string constant *expr-quote*
+Note that double quotes are used.
+A string constant accepts these special characters:
+\... three-digit octal number (e.g., "\316")
+\.. two-digit octal number (must be followed by non-digit)
+\. one-digit octal number (must be followed by non-digit)
+\x.. byte specified with two hex numbers (e.g., "\x1f")
+\x. byte specified with one hex number (must be followed by non-hex char)
+\X.. same as \x..
+\X. same as \x.
+\u.... character specified with up to 4 hex numbers, stored according to the
+ current value of 'encoding' (e.g., "\u02a4")
+\U.... same as \u....
+\b backspace <BS>
+\e escape <Esc>
+\f formfeed <FF>
+\n newline <NL>
+\r return <CR>
+\t tab <Tab>
+\\ backslash
+\" double quote
+\<xxx> Special key named "xxx". e.g. "\<C-W>" for CTRL-W.
+Note that "\000" and "\x00" force the end of the string.
+literal-string *literal-string* *E115*
+'string' literal string constant *expr-'*
+Note that single quotes are used.
+This string is taken literally. No backslashes are removed or have a special
+meaning. A literal-string cannot contain a single quote. Use a normal string
+for that.
+option *expr-option* *E112* *E113*
+&option option value, local value if possible
+&g:option global option value
+&l:option local option value
+Examples: >
+ echo "tabstop is " . &tabstop
+ if &insertmode
+Any option name can be used here. See |options|. When using the local value
+and there is no buffer-local or window-local value, the global value is used
+register *expr-register*
+@r contents of register 'r'
+The result is the contents of the named register, as a single string.
+Newlines are inserted where required. To get the contents of the unnamed
+register use @" or @@. The '=' register can not be used here. See
+|registers| for an explanation of the available registers.
+nesting *expr-nesting* *E110*
+(expr1) nested expression
+environment variable *expr-env*
+$VAR environment variable
+The String value of any environment variable. When it is not defined, the
+result is an empty string.
+ *expr-env-expand*
+Note that there is a difference between using $VAR directly and using
+expand("$VAR"). Using it directly will only expand environment variables that
+are known inside the current Vim session. Using expand() will first try using
+the environment variables known inside the current Vim session. If that
+fails, a shell will be used to expand the variable. This can be slow, but it
+does expand all variables that the shell knows about. Example: >
+ :echo $version
+ :echo expand("$version")
+The first one probably doesn't echo anything, the second echoes the $version
+variable (if your shell supports it).
+internal variable *expr-variable*
+variable internal variable
+See below |internal-variables|.
+function call *expr-function* *E116* *E117* *E118* *E119* *E120*
+function(expr1, ...) function call
+See below |functions|.
+3. Internal variable *internal-variables* *E121*
+ *E461*
+An internal variable name can be made up of letters, digits and '_'. But it
+cannot start with a digit. It's also possible to use curly braces, see
+An internal variable is created with the ":let" command |:let|.
+An internal variable is destroyed with the ":unlet" command |:unlet|.
+Using a name that isn't an internal variable, or an internal variable that has
+been destroyed, results in an error.
+There are several name spaces for variables. Which one is to be used is
+specified by what is prepended:
+ (nothing) In a function: local to a function; otherwise: global
+|buffer-variable| b: Local to the current buffer.
+|window-variable| w: Local to the current window.
+|global-variable| g: Global.
+|local-variable| l: Local to a function.
+|script-variable| s: Local to a |:source|'ed Vim script.
+|function-argument| a: Function argument (only inside a function).
+|vim-variable| v: Global, predefined by Vim.
+ *buffer-variable* *b:var*
+A variable name that is preceded with "b:" is local to the current buffer.
+Thus you can have several "b:foo" variables, one for each buffer.
+This kind of variable is deleted when the buffer is wiped out or deleted with
+One local buffer variable is predefined:
+ *b:changedtick-variable* *changetick*
+b:changedtick The total number of changes to the current buffer. It is
+ incremented for each change. An undo command is also a change
+ in this case. This can be used to perform an action only when
+ the buffer has changed. Example: >
+ :if my_changedtick != b:changedtick
+ : let my_changedtick = b:changedtick
+ : call My_Update()
+ :endif
+ *window-variable* *w:var*
+A variable name that is preceded with "w:" is local to the current window. It
+is deleted when the window is closed.
+ *global-variable* *g:var*
+Inside functions global variables are accessed with "g:". Omitting this will
+access a variable local to a function. But "g:" can also be used in any other
+place if you like.
+ *local-variable* *l:var*
+Inside functions local variables are accessed without prepending anything.
+But you can also prepend "l:" if you like.
+ *script-variable* *s:var*
+In a Vim script variables starting with "s:" can be used. They cannot be
+accessed from outside of the scripts, thus are local to the script.
+They can be used in:
+- commands executed while the script is sourced
+- functions defined in the script
+- autocommands defined in the script
+- functions and autocommands defined in functions and autocommands which were
+ defined in the script (recursively)
+- user defined commands defined in the script
+Thus not in:
+- other scripts sourced from this one
+- mappings
+- etc.
+script variables can be used to avoid conflicts with global variable names.
+Take this example:
+ let s:counter = 0
+ function MyCounter()
+ let s:counter = s:counter + 1
+ echo s:counter
+ endfunction
+ command Tick call MyCounter()
+You can now invoke "Tick" from any script, and the "s:counter" variable in
+that script will not be changed, only the "s:counter" in the script where
+"Tick" was defined is used.
+Another example that does the same: >
+ let s:counter = 0
+ command Tick let s:counter = s:counter + 1 | echo s:counter
+When calling a function and invoking a user-defined command, the context for
+script varialbes is set to the script where the function or command was
+The script variables are also available when a function is defined inside a
+function that is defined in a script. Example: >
+ let s:counter = 0
+ function StartCounting(incr)
+ if a:incr
+ function MyCounter()
+ let s:counter = s:counter + 1
+ endfunction
+ else
+ function MyCounter()
+ let s:counter = s:counter - 1
+ endfunction
+ endif
+ endfunction
+This defines the MyCounter() function either for counting up or counting down
+when calling StartCounting(). It doesn't matter from where StartCounting() is
+called, the s:counter variable will be accessible in MyCounter().
+When the same script is sourced again it will use the same script variables.
+They will remain valid as long as Vim is running. This can be used to
+maintain a counter: >
+ if !exists("s:counter")
+ let s:counter = 1
+ echo "script executed for the first time"
+ else
+ let s:counter = s:counter + 1
+ echo "script executed " . s:counter . " times now"
+ endif
+Note that this means that filetype plugins don't get a different set of script
+variables for each buffer. Use local buffer variables instead |b:var|.
+Predefined Vim variables: *vim-variable* *v:var*
+ *v:charconvert_from* *charconvert_from-variable*
+ The name of the character encoding of a file to be converted.
+ Only valid while evaluating the 'charconvert' option.
+ *v:charconvert_to* *charconvert_to-variable*
+ The name of the character encoding of a file after conversion.
+ Only valid while evaluating the 'charconvert' option.
+ *v:cmdarg* *cmdarg-variable*
+v:cmdarg This variable is used for two purposes:
+ 1. The extra arguments given to a file read/write command.
+ Currently these are "++enc=" and "++ff=". This variable is
+ set before an autocommand event for a file read/write
+ command is triggered. There is a leading space to make it
+ possible to append this variable directly after the
+ read/write command. Note: The "+cmd" argument isn't
+ included here, because it will be executed anyway.
+ 2. When printing a PostScript file with ":hardcopy" this is
+ the argument for the ":hardcopy" command. This can be used
+ in 'printexpr'.
+ *v:cmdbang* *cmdbang-variable*
+v:cmdbang Set like v:cmdarg for a file read/write command. When a "!"
+ was used the value is 1, otherwise it is 0. Note that this
+ can only be used in autocommands. For user commands |<bang>|
+ can be used.
+ *v:count* *count-variable*
+v:count The count given for the last Normal mode command. Can be used
+ to get the count before a mapping. Read-only. Example: >
+ :map _x :<C-U>echo "the count is " . v:count<CR>
+< Note: The <C-U> is required to remove the line range that you
+ get when typing ':' after a count.
+ "count" also works, for backwards compatibility.
+ *v:count1* *count1-variable*
+v:count1 Just like "v:count", but defaults to one when no count is
+ used.
+ *v:ctype* *ctype-variable*
+v:ctype The current locale setting for characters of the runtime
+ environment. This allows Vim scripts to be aware of the
+ current locale encoding. Technical: it's the value of
+ LC_CTYPE. When not using a locale the value is "C".
+ This variable can not be set directly, use the |:language|
+ command.
+ See |multi-lang|.
+ *v:dying* *dying-variable*
+v:dying Normally zero. When a deadly signal is caught it's set to
+ one. When multiple signals are caught the number increases.
+ Can be used in an autocommand to check if Vim didn't
+ terminate normally. {only works on Unix}
+ Example: >
+ :au VimLeave * if v:dying | echo "\nAAAAaaaarrrggghhhh!!!\n" | endif
+ *v:errmsg* *errmsg-variable*
+v:errmsg Last given error message. It's allowed to set this variable.
+ Example: >
+ :let v:errmsg = ""
+ :silent! next
+ :if v:errmsg != ""
+ : ... handle error
+< "errmsg" also works, for backwards compatibility.
+ *v:exception* *exception-variable*
+v:exception The value of the exception most recently caught and not
+ finished. See also |v:throwpoint| and |throw-variables|.
+ Example: >
+ :try
+ : throw "oops"
+ :catch /.*/
+ : echo "caught" v:exception
+ :endtry
+< Output: "caught oops".
+ *v:fname_in* *fname_in-variable*
+v:fname_in The name of the input file. Only valid while evaluating:
+ option used for ~
+ 'charconvert' file to be converted
+ 'diffexpr' original file
+ 'patchexpr' original file
+ 'printexpr' file to be printed
+ *v:fname_out* *fname_out-variable*
+v:fname_out The name of the output file. Only valid while
+ evaluating:
+ option used for ~
+ 'charconvert' resulting converted file (*)
+ 'diffexpr' output of diff
+ 'patchexpr' resulting patched file
+ (*) When doing conversion for a write command (e.g., ":w
+ file") it will be equal to v:fname_in. When doing conversion
+ for a read command (e.g., ":e file") it will be a temporary
+ file and different from v:fname_in.
+ *v:fname_new* *fname_new-variable*
+v:fname_new The name of the new version of the file. Only valid while
+ evaluating 'diffexpr'.
+ *v:fname_diff* *fname_diff-variable*
+v:fname_diff The name of the diff (patch) file. Only valid while
+ evaluating 'patchexpr'.
+ *v:folddashes* *folddashes-variable*
+v:folddashes Used for 'foldtext': dashes representing foldlevel of a closed
+ fold.
+ Read-only. |fold-foldtext|
+ *v:foldlevel* *foldlevel-variable*
+v:foldlevel Used for 'foldtext': foldlevel of closed fold.
+ Read-only. |fold-foldtext|
+ *v:foldend* *foldend-variable*
+v:foldend Used for 'foldtext': last line of closed fold.
+ Read-only. |fold-foldtext|
+ *v:foldstart* *foldstart-variable*
+v:foldstart Used for 'foldtext': first line of closed fold.
+ Read-only. |fold-foldtext|
+ *v:lang* *lang-variable*
+v:lang The current locale setting for messages of the runtime
+ environment. This allows Vim scripts to be aware of the
+ current language. Technical: it's the value of LC_MESSAGES.
+ The value is system dependent.
+ This variable can not be set directly, use the |:language|
+ command.
+ It can be different from |v:ctype| when messages are desired
+ in a different language than what is used for character
+ encoding. See |multi-lang|.
+ *v:lc_time* *lc_time-variable*
+v:lc_time The current locale setting for time messages of the runtime
+ environment. This allows Vim scripts to be aware of the
+ current language. Technical: it's the value of LC_TIME.
+ This variable can not be set directly, use the |:language|
+ command. See |multi-lang|.
+ *v:lnum* *lnum-variable*
+v:lnum Line number for the 'foldexpr' and 'indentexpr' expressions.
+ Only valid while one of these expressions is being evaluated.
+ Read-only. |fold-expr| 'indentexpr'
+ *v:prevcount* *prevcount-variable*
+v:prevcount The count given for the last but one Normal mode command.
+ This is the v:count value of the previous command. Useful if
+ you want to cancel Visual mode and then use the count. >
+ :vmap % <Esc>:call MyFilter(v:prevcount)<CR>
+< Read-only.
+ *v:progname* *progname-variable*
+v:progname Contains the name (with path removed) with which Vim was
+ invoked. Allows you to do special initialisations for "view",
+ "evim" etc., or any other name you might symlink to Vim.
+ Read-only.
+ *v:register* *register-variable*
+v:register The name of the register supplied to the last normal mode
+ command. Empty if none were supplied. |getreg()| |setreg()|
+ *v:servername* *servername-variable*
+v:servername The resulting registered |x11-clientserver| name if any.
+ Read-only.
+ *v:shell_error* *shell_error-variable*
+v:shell_error Result of the last shell command. When non-zero, the last
+ shell command had an error. When zero, there was no problem.
+ This only works when the shell returns the error code to Vim.
+ The value -1 is often used when the command could not be
+ executed. Read-only.
+ Example: >
+ :!mv foo bar
+ :if v:shell_error
+ : echo 'could not rename "foo" to "bar"!'
+ :endif
+< "shell_error" also works, for backwards compatibility.
+ *v:statusmsg* *statusmsg-variable*
+v:statusmsg Last given status message. It's allowed to set this variable.
+ *v:termresponse* *termresponse-variable*
+v:termresponse The escape sequence returned by the terminal for the |t_RV|
+ termcap entry. It is set when Vim receives an escape sequence
+ that starts with ESC [ or CSI and ends in a 'c', with only
+ digits, ';' and '.' in between.
+ When this option is set, the TermResponse autocommand event is
+ fired, so that you can react to the response from the
+ terminal.
+ The response from a new xterm is: "<Esc>[ Pp ; Pv ; Pc c". Pp
+ is the terminal type: 0 for vt100 and 1 for vt220. Pv is the
+ patch level (since this was introduced in patch 95, it's
+ always 95 or bigger). Pc is always zero.
+ {only when compiled with |+termresponse| feature}
+ *v:this_session* *this_session-variable*
+v:this_session Full filename of the last loaded or saved session file. See
+ |:mksession|. It is allowed to set this variable. When no
+ session file has been saved, this variable is empty.
+ "this_session" also works, for backwards compatibility.
+ *v:throwpoint* *throwpoint-variable*
+v:throwpoint The point where the exception most recently caught and not
+ finished was thrown. Not set when commands are typed. See
+ also |v:exception| and |throw-variables|.
+ Example: >
+ :try
+ : throw "oops"
+ :catch /.*/
+ : echo "Exception from" v:throwpoint
+ :endtry
+< Output: "Exception from test.vim, line 2"
+ *v:version* *version-variable*
+v:version Version number of Vim: Major version number times 100 plus
+ minor version number. Version 5.0 is 500. Version 5.1 (5.01)
+ is 501. Read-only. "version" also works, for backwards
+ compatibility.
+ Use |has()| to check if a certain patch was included, e.g.: >
+ if has("patch123")
+< Note that patch numbers are specific to the version, thus both
+ version 5.0 and 5.1 may have a patch 123, but these are
+ completely different.
+ *v:warningmsg* *warningmsg-variable*
+v:warningmsg Last given warning message. It's allowed to set this variable.
+4. Builtin Functions *functions*
+See |function-list| for a list grouped by what the function is used for.
+(Use CTRL-] on the function name to jump to the full explanation)
+append( {lnum}, {string}) Number append {string} below line {lnum}
+argc() Number number of files in the argument list
+argidx() Number current index in the argument list
+argv( {nr}) String {nr} entry of the argument list
+browse( {save}, {title}, {initdir}, {default})
+ String put up a file requester
+bufexists( {expr}) Number TRUE if buffer {expr} exists
+buflisted( {expr}) Number TRUE if buffer {expr} is listed
+bufloaded( {expr}) Number TRUE if buffer {expr} is loaded
+bufname( {expr}) String Name of the buffer {expr}
+bufnr( {expr}) Number Number of the buffer {expr}
+bufwinnr( {expr}) Number window number of buffer {expr}
+byte2line( {byte}) Number line number at byte count {byte}
+char2nr( {expr}) Number ASCII value of first char in {expr}
+cindent( {lnum}) Number C indent for line {lnum}
+col( {expr}) Number column nr of cursor or mark
+confirm( {msg} [, {choices} [, {default} [, {type}]]])
+ Number number of choice picked by user
+cscope_connection( [{num} , {dbpath} [, {prepend}]])
+ Number checks existence of cscope connection
+cursor( {lnum}, {col}) Number position cursor at {lnum}, {col}
+delete( {fname}) Number delete file {fname}
+did_filetype() Number TRUE if FileType autocommand event used
+escape( {string}, {chars}) String escape {chars} in {string} with '\'
+eventhandler( ) Number TRUE if inside an event handler
+executable( {expr}) Number 1 if executable {expr} exists
+exists( {expr}) Number TRUE if {expr} exists
+expand( {expr}) String expand special keywords in {expr}
+filereadable( {file}) Number TRUE if {file} is a readable file
+filewritable( {file}) Number TRUE if {file} is a writable file
+fnamemodify( {fname}, {mods}) String modify file name
+foldclosed( {lnum}) Number first line of fold at {lnum} if closed
+foldclosedend( {lnum}) Number last line of fold at {lnum} if closed
+foldlevel( {lnum}) Number fold level at {lnum}
+foldtext( ) String line displayed for closed fold
+foreground( ) Number bring the Vim window to the foreground
+getchar( [expr]) Number get one character from the user
+getcharmod( ) Number modifiers for the last typed character
+getbufvar( {expr}, {varname}) variable {varname} in buffer {expr}
+getcmdline() String return the current command-line
+getcmdpos() Number return cursor position in command-line
+getcwd() String the current working directory
+getfsize( {fname}) Number size in bytes of file
+getftime( {fname}) Number last modification time of file
+getline( {lnum}) String line {lnum} from current buffer
+getreg( [{regname}]) String contents of register
+getregtype( [{regname}]) String type of register
+getwinposx() Number X coord in pixels of GUI Vim window
+getwinposy() Number Y coord in pixels of GUI Vim window
+getwinvar( {nr}, {varname}) variable {varname} in window {nr}
+glob( {expr}) String expand file wildcards in {expr}
+globpath( {path}, {expr}) String do glob({expr}) for all dirs in {path}
+has( {feature}) Number TRUE if feature {feature} supported
+hasmapto( {what} [, {mode}]) Number TRUE if mapping to {what} exists
+histadd( {history},{item}) String add an item to a history
+histdel( {history} [, {item}]) String remove an item from a history
+histget( {history} [, {index}]) String get the item {index} from a history
+histnr( {history}) Number highest index of a history
+hlexists( {name}) Number TRUE if highlight group {name} exists
+hlID( {name}) Number syntax ID of highlight group {name}
+hostname() String name of the machine Vim is running on
+iconv( {expr}, {from}, {to}) String convert encoding of {expr}
+indent( {lnum}) Number indent of line {lnum}
+input( {prompt} [, {text}]) String get input from the user
+inputdialog( {p} [, {t} [, {c}]]) String like input() but in a GUI dialog
+inputrestore() Number restore typeahead
+inputsave() Number save and clear typeahead
+inputsecret( {prompt} [, {text}]) String like input() but hiding the text
+isdirectory( {directory}) Number TRUE if {directory} is a directory
+libcall( {lib}, {func}, {arg}) String call {func} in library {lib} with {arg}
+libcallnr( {lib}, {func}, {arg}) Number idem, but return a Number
+line( {expr}) Number line nr of cursor, last line or mark
+line2byte( {lnum}) Number byte count of line {lnum}
+lispindent( {lnum}) Number Lisp indent for line {lnum}
+localtime() Number current time
+maparg( {name}[, {mode}]) String rhs of mapping {name} in mode {mode}
+mapcheck( {name}[, {mode}]) String check for mappings matching {name}
+match( {expr}, {pat}[, {start}])
+ Number position where {pat} matches in {expr}
+matchend( {expr}, {pat}[, {start}])
+ Number position where {pat} ends in {expr}
+matchstr( {expr}, {pat}[, {start}])
+ String match of {pat} in {expr}
+mode() String current editing mode
+nextnonblank( {lnum}) Number line nr of non-blank line >= {lnum}
+nr2char( {expr}) String single char with ASCII value {expr}
+prevnonblank( {lnum}) Number line nr of non-blank line <= {lnum}
+remote_expr( {server}, {string} [, {idvar}])
+ String send expression
+remote_foreground( {server}) Number bring Vim server to the foreground
+remote_peek( {serverid} [, {retvar}])
+ Number check for reply string
+remote_read( {serverid}) String read reply string
+remote_send( {server}, {string} [, {idvar}])
+ String send key sequence
+rename( {from}, {to}) Number rename (move) file from {from} to {to}
+resolve( {filename}) String get filename a shortcut points to
+search( {pattern} [, {flags}]) Number search for {pattern}
+searchpair( {start}, {middle}, {end} [, {flags} [, {skip}]])
+ Number search for other end of start/end pair
+server2client( {clientid}, {string})
+ Number send reply string
+serverlist() String get a list of available servers
+setbufvar( {expr}, {varname}, {val}) set {varname} in buffer {expr} to {val}
+setcmdpos( {pos}) Number set cursor position in command-line
+setline( {lnum}, {line}) Number set line {lnum} to {line}
+setreg( {n}, {v}[, {opt}]) Number set register to value and type
+setwinvar( {nr}, {varname}, {val}) set {varname} in window {nr} to {val}
+simplify( {filename}) String simplify filename as much as possible
+strftime( {format}[, {time}]) String time in specified format
+stridx( {haystack}, {needle}) Number first index of {needle} in {haystack}
+strlen( {expr}) Number length of the String {expr}
+strpart( {src}, {start}[, {len}])
+ String {len} characters of {src} at {start}
+strridx( {haystack}, {needle}) Number last index of {needle} in {haystack}
+strtrans( {expr}) String translate string to make it printable
+submatch( {nr}) String specific match in ":substitute"
+substitute( {expr}, {pat}, {sub}, {flags})
+ String all {pat} in {expr} replaced with {sub}
+synID( {line}, {col}, {trans}) Number syntax ID at {line} and {col}
+synIDattr( {synID}, {what} [, {mode}])
+ String attribute {what} of syntax ID {synID}
+synIDtrans( {synID}) Number translated syntax ID of {synID}
+system( {expr}) String output of shell command {expr}
+tempname() String name for a temporary file
+tolower( {expr}) String the String {expr} switched to lowercase
+toupper( {expr}) String the String {expr} switched to uppercase
+type( {name}) Number type of variable {name}
+virtcol( {expr}) Number screen column of cursor or mark
+visualmode( [expr]) String last visual mode used
+winbufnr( {nr}) Number buffer number of window {nr}
+wincol() Number window column of the cursor
+winheight( {nr}) Number height of window {nr}
+winline() Number window line of the cursor
+winnr() Number number of current window
+winrestcmd() String returns command to restore window sizes
+winwidth( {nr}) Number width of window {nr}
+append({lnum}, {string}) *append()*
+ Append the text {string} after line {lnum} in the current
+ buffer. {lnum} can be zero, to insert a line before the first
+ one. Returns 1 for failure ({lnum} out of range) or 0 for
+ success.
+ *argc()*
+argc() The result is the number of files in the argument list of the
+ current window. See |arglist|.
+ *argidx()*
+argidx() The result is the current index in the argument list. 0 is
+ the first file. argc() - 1 is the last one. See |arglist|.
+ *argv()*
+argv({nr}) The result is the {nr}th file in the argument list of the
+ current window. See |arglist|. "argv(0)" is the first one.
+ Example: >
+ :let i = 0
+ :while i < argc()
+ : let f = escape(argv(i), '. ')
+ : exe 'amenu Arg.' . f . ' :e ' . f . '<CR>'
+ : let i = i + 1
+ :endwhile
+ *browse()*
+browse({save}, {title}, {initdir}, {default})
+ Put up a file requester. This only works when "has("browse")"
+ returns non-zero (only in some GUI versions).
+ The input fields are:
+ {save} when non-zero, select file to write
+ {title} title for the requester
+ {initdir} directory to start browsing in
+ {default} default file name
+ When the "Cancel" button is hit, something went wrong, or
+ browsing is not possible, an empty string is returned.
+bufexists({expr}) *bufexists()*
+ The result is a Number, which is non-zero if a buffer called
+ {expr} exists.
+ If the {expr} argument is a string it must match a buffer name
+ exactly.
+ If the {expr} argument is a number buffer numbers are used.
+ Unlisted buffers will be found.
+ Note that help files are listed by their short name in the
+ output of |:buffers|, but bufexists() requires using their
+ long name to be able to find them.
+ Use "bufexists(0)" to test for the existence of an alternate
+ file name.
+ *buffer_exists()*
+ Obsolete name: buffer_exists().
+buflisted({expr}) *buflisted()*
+ The result is a Number, which is non-zero if a buffer called
+ {expr} exists and is listed (has the 'buflisted' option set).
+ The {expr} argument is used like with bufexists().
+bufloaded({expr}) *bufloaded()*
+ The