path: root/runtime/doc/usr_02.txt
diff options
authorBram Moolenaar <>2016-01-15 20:57:49 +0100
committerBram Moolenaar <>2016-01-15 20:57:49 +0100
commit345efa013dc6d1754ba06e5596a26c48c9935937 (patch)
tree06f16ff3b80c3e02de583515fcfed4a0a5194e3d /runtime/doc/usr_02.txt
parent065ee9aebf9abe08ae8c0dba7d05cbdcc423c8e0 (diff)
Update runtime files
Diffstat (limited to 'runtime/doc/usr_02.txt')
1 files changed, 192 insertions, 61 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/doc/usr_02.txt b/runtime/doc/usr_02.txt
index da63640456..ba29dc0e9d 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/usr_02.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/usr_02.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*usr_02.txt* For Vim version 7.4. Last change: 2015 Apr 12
+*usr_02.txt* For Vim version 7.4. Last change: 2016 Jan 15
VIM USER MANUAL - by Bram Moolenaar
@@ -408,7 +408,15 @@ original version of the file.
Everything you always wanted to know can be found in the Vim help files.
Don't be afraid to ask!
- To get generic help use this command: >
+If you know what you are looking for, it is usually easier to search for it
+using the help system, instead of using Google. Because the subjects follow
+a certain style guide.
+Also the help has the advantage of belonging to your particular Vim version.
+You won't see help for commands added later. These would not work for you.
+To get generic help use this command: >
@@ -482,7 +490,7 @@ example, use the following command: >
:help 'number'
-The table with all mode prefixes can be found here: |help-context|.
+The table with all mode prefixes can be found below: |help-summary|.
Special keys are enclosed in angle brackets. To find help on the up-arrow key
in Insert mode, for instance, use this command: >
@@ -499,64 +507,187 @@ You can use the error ID at the start to find help about it: >
Summary: *help-summary* >
- :help
-< Gives you very general help. Scroll down to see a list of all
- helpfiles, including those added locally (i.e. not distributed
- with Vim). >
- :help user-toc.txt
-< Table of contents of the User Manual. >
- :help :subject
-< Ex-command "subject", for instance the following: >
- :help :help
-< Help on getting help. >
- :help abc
-< normal-mode command "abc". >
- :help CTRL-B
-< Control key <C-B> in Normal mode. >
- :help i_abc
- :help i_CTRL-B
-< The same in Insert mode. >
- :help v_abc
- :help v_CTRL-B
-< The same in Visual mode. >
- :help c_abc
- :help c_CTRL-B
-< The same in Command-line mode. >
- :help 'subject'
-< Option 'subject'. >
- :help subject()
-< Function "subject". >
- :help -subject
-< Command-line argument "-subject". >
- :help +subject
-< Compile-time feature "+subject". >
- :help /*
-< Regular expression item "*" >
- :help EventName
-< Autocommand event "EventName". >
- :help digraphs.txt
-< The top of the helpfile "digraph.txt".
- Similarly for any other helpfile. >
- :help pattern<Tab>
-< Find a help tag starting with "pattern". Repeat <Tab> for
- others. >
- :help pattern<Ctrl-D>
-< See all possible help tag matches "pattern" at once. >
- :helpgrep pattern
-< Search the whole text of all help files for pattern "pattern".
- Jumps to the first match. Jump to other matches with: >
- :cn
-< next match >
- :cprev
- :cN
-< previous match >
- :cfirst
- :clast
-< first or last match >
- :copen
- :cclose
-< open/close the quickfix window; press <Enter> to jump
- to the item under the cursor
+1) Use Ctrl-D after typing a topic and let Vim show all available topics.
+ Or press Tab to complete: >
+ :help some<Tab>
+< More information on how to use the help: >
+ :help helphelp
+2) Follow the links in bars to related help. You can go from the detailed
+ help to the user documentation, which describes certain commands more from
+ a user perspective and less detailed. E.g. after: >
+ :help pattern.txt
+< You can see the user guide topics |03.9| and |usr_27.txt| in the
+ introduction.
+3) Options are enclosed in single apostrophes. To go to the help topic for the
+ list option: >
+ :help 'list'
+< If you only know you are looking for a certain option, you can also do: >
+ :help options.txt
+< to open the help page which describes all option handling and then search
+ using regular expressions, e.g. textwidth.
+ Certain options have their own namespace, e.g.: >
+ :help cpo-<letter>
+< for the corresponding flag of the 'cpoptions' settings, substitute <letter>
+ by a specific flag, e.g.: >
+ :help cpo-;
+< And for the guioption flags: >
+ :help go-<letter>
+4) Normal mode commands do not have a prefix. To go to the help page for the
+ "gt" command: >
+ :help gt
+5) Insert mode commands start with i_. Help for deleting a word: >
+ :help i_CTRL-W
+6) Visual mode commands start with v_. Help for jumping to the other side of
+ the Visual area: >
+ :help v_o
+7) Command line editing and arguments start with c_. Help for using the
+ command argument %: >
+ :help c_%
+8) Ex-commands always start with ":", so to go to the :s command help: >
+ :help :s
+9) Key combinations. They usually start with a single letter indicating
+ the mode for which they can be used. E.g.: >
+ :help i_CTRL-X
+< takes you to the family of Ctrl-X commands for insert mode which can be
+ used to auto complete different things. Note, that certain keys will
+ always be written the same, e.g. Control will always be CTRL.
+ For normal mode commands there is no prefix and the topic is available at
+ :h CTRL-<Letter>. E.g. >
+ :help CTRL-W
+< In contrast >
+ :help c_CTRL-R
+< will describe what the Ctrl-R does when entering commands in the Command
+ line and >
+ :help v_Ctrl-A
+< talks about incrementing numbers in visual mode and >
+ :help g_CTRL-A
+< talks about the g<C-A> command (e.g. you have to press "g" then <Ctrl-A>).
+ Here the "g" stand for the normal command "g" which always expects a second
+ key before doing something similar to the commands starting with "z"
+10) Regexp items always start with /. So to get help for the "\+" quantifier
+ in Vim regexes: >
+ :help /\+
+< If you need to know everything about regular expressions, start reading
+ at: >
+ :help pattern.txt
+11) Registers always start with "quote". To find out about the special ":"
+ register: >
+ :help quote:
+12) Vim Script (VimL) is available at >
+ :help eval.txt
+< Certain aspects of the language are available at :h expr-X where "X" is a
+ single letter. E.g. >
+ :help expr-!
+< will take you to the topic describing the "!" (Not) operator for
+ VimScript.
+ Also important is >
+ :help function-list
+< to find a short description of all functions available. Help topics for
+ VimL functions always include the "()", so: >
+ :help append()
+< talks about the append VimL function rather than how to append text in the
+ current buffer.
+13) Mappings are talked about in the help page :h |map.txt|. Use >
+ :help mapmode-i
+< to find out about the |:imap| command. Also use :map-topic
+ to find out about certain subtopics particular for mappings. e.g: >
+ :help :map-local
+< for buffer-local mappings or >
+ :help map-bar
+< for how the '|' is handled in mappings.
+14) Command definitions are talked about :h command-topic, so use >
+ :help command-bar
+< to find out about the '!' argument for custom commands.
+15) Window management commands always start with CTRL-W, so you find the
+ corresponding help at :h CTRL-W_letter. E.g. >
+ :help CTRL-W_p
+< for moving the previous accessed window). You can also access >
+ :help windows.txt
+< and read your way through if you are looking for window handling
+ commands.
+16) Use |:helpgrep| to search in all help pages (and also of any installed
+ plugins). See |:helpgrep| for how to use it.
+ To search for a topic: >
+ :helpgrep topic
+< This takes you to the first match. To go to the next one: >
+ :cnext
+< All matches are available in the quickfix window which can be opened
+ with: >
+ :copen
+< Move around to the match you like and press Enter to jump to that help.
+17) The user manual. This describes help topics for beginners in a rather
+ friendly way. Start at |usr_toc.txt| to find the table of content (as you
+ might have guessed): >
+ :help usr_toc.txt
+< Skim over the contents to find interesting topics. The "Digraphs" and
+ "Entering special characters" items are in chapter 24, so to go to that
+ particular help page: >
+ :help usr_24.txt
+< Also if you want to access a certain chapter in the help, the chapter
+ number can be accessed directly like this: >
+ :help 10.1
+< goes to chapter 10.1 in |usr_10.txt| and talks about recording macros.
+18) Highlighting groups. Always start with hl-groupname. E.g. >
+ :help hl-WarningMsg
+< talks about the WarningMsg highlighting group.
+19) Syntax highlighting is namespaced to :syn-topic e.g. >
+ :help :syn-conceal
+< talks about the conceal argument for the :syn command.
+20) Quickfix commands usually start with :c while location list commands
+ usually start with :l
+21) Autocommand events can be found by their name: >
+ :help BufWinLeave
+< To see all possible events: >
+ :help autocommands-events
+22) Command-line switches always start with "-". So for the help of the -f
+ command switch of Vim use: >
+ :help -f
+23) Optional features always start with "+". To find out about the
+ conceal feature use: >
+ :help +conceal
+24) Documentation for included filetype specific functionality is usually
+ available in the form ft-<filetype>-<functionality>. So >
+ :help ft-c-syntax
+< talks about the C syntax file and the option it provides. Sometimes,
+ additional sections for omni completion >
+ :help ft-php-omni
+< or filetype plugins >
+ :help ft-tex-plugin
+< are available.
+25) Error and Warning codes can be looked up directly in the help. So >
+ :help E297
+< takes you exactly to the description of the swap error message and >
+ :help W10
+< talks about the warning "Changing a readonly file".
+ Sometimes however, those error codes are not described, but rather are
+ listed at the Vim command that usually causes this. So: >
+ :help E128
+< takes you to the |:function| command