path: root/tmux.1
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-03-13Make the attach-session description clearer - do not mention creating anicm
2024-02-13Add two new values for the destroy-unattached option to destroy sessionsnicm
2023-12-27Remove flags from the prefix before comparing with the received key sonicm
2023-12-27groff apparently generates broken output for some common characters innicm
2023-09-16Remove next- and previous-prompt added in error. GitHub issue 3696.nicm
2023-09-15Add -t to source-file, GitHub issue 3473.nicm
2023-09-02Setulc only does RGB colour so add Setulc1 to do non-RGB colours, GitHubnicm
2023-09-01Add detach-on-destroy previous and next, mostly from Alexis Hildebrandt.nicm
2023-08-23Add -c to run-shell to set working directory, from someone in GitHubnicm
2023-08-17Add a session, pane and user mouse range types for the status line andnicm
2023-08-15Add an option menu-selected-style to configure the currently selectednicm
2023-08-08Add flag to next-prompt/previous-prompt to go to command output instead,nicm
2023-07-11Remove Ns and Li and change Nm to Ic, suggested by jmc.nicm
2023-07-11Add descriptions of copy mode commands, from Michael Bianco.nicm
2023-07-03Add support for marking lines with a shell prompt based on the OSC 133nicm
2023-06-26Add "us" to styles for underscore colour, GitHub issue 3589.nicm
2023-05-19Add format for server_sessions, from Magnus Gross.nicm
2023-04-28Add options to change the confirm key and default behaviour ofnicm
2023-04-03Clarify text for new -A slightly, GitHub issue 3508.nicm
2023-03-27Add a format to show if there are unseen changes while in a mode, fromnicm
2023-02-07Add an L modifier like P, W, S to loop over clients. Also fix some longnicm
2023-02-06Add -f to list-clients like the other list commands, from Andy Walker innicm
2023-02-05Extend display-message to work for control clients. GitHub issue 3449.nicm
2023-01-23Too many \s in example, GitHub issue 3445.nicm
2023-01-20Add a flag to display-menu to select the manu item chosen first, GitHubnicm
2023-01-08Quotes are now required in select-layout example.nicm
2022-12-22Denote multiple arguments with 'arg ...' not 'args'kn
2022-12-16Add send-keys -K to handle keys directly as if typed (so look up in keynicm
2022-11-11Parse primary device attributes as well as secondary and add a SIXELnicm
2022-11-11Document alternative delimiters for substitution, from Jim Wisniewski.nicm
2022-11-10- sort options; from josiah frentsosjmc
2022-11-03Add a -l flag to display-message to disable format expansion, from Aaronnicm
2022-10-28Add paste-buffer-deleted notification and fix name of paste-buffer-changed.nicm
2022-09-28Add scroll-top and scroll-bottom commands to scroll so cursor is at topnicm
2022-09-09Add message-line option to control where message and prompt go, fromnicm
2022-08-23Add scroll-middle copy mode command to make cursor line in the middle,nicm
2022-08-15Notify when a paste buffer is deleted, GitHub issue 3302 from Georgenicm
2022-08-15Add a Nobr terminfo capability to tell tmux the terminal does not usenicm
2022-08-02Add a third state "all" to allow-passthrough to work even in invisiblenicm
2022-08-02-u is no longer equivalent to -TUTF-8 so don't say it is.nicm
2022-07-06Mention whether time is creation/activity for sort orders.nicm
2022-07-06Support hyperlinks with capture-pane -e and add a mouse_hyperlinknicm
2022-06-30Add support for OSC 8 hyperlinks (a VTE extension now supported by othernicm
2022-06-20Do not display configuration file errors in a pane when in control mode,nicm
2022-06-14kf* terminfo capabilities are poorly defined and rxvt uses them in anicm
2022-05-30Add pane_start_path to match start_command.nicm
2022-05-30Fix property name from Sergei Dyshel, and a typo from imcusg at gmailnicm
2022-05-30Add an ACL list for users connecting to the tmux socket. Users may benicm
2022-04-14Fix clearphist alias, from Jacqueline Jolicoeur via jmc@.nicm
2022-03-31man pages: add missing commas between subordinate and main clausesnaddy