path: root/screen-write.c
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-03-21Merge branch 'obsd-master'Thomas Adam
2024-03-21Write padding character into the right position.nicm
2024-03-21Fix crash if SIXEL colour register is invalid and remove SIXEL images beforeNicholas Marriott
2023-11-02Merge branch 'obsd-master'Thomas Adam
2023-10-30Do not allow combined UTF-8 characters that are too long, GitHub issuenicm
2023-10-23Unzoom window at start of destroy so it doesn't happen later (whennicm
2023-09-19Reply to SMGRAPHICS.Nicholas Marriott
2023-09-17Merge branch 'obsd-master'Thomas Adam
2023-09-15Change UTF-8 combining to inspect the previous character at the cursornicm
2023-09-14Merge branch 'obsd-master'Thomas Adam
2023-09-14Reset combine flag only if text is actually processed.nicm
2023-09-07Only remove images if reverse index actually scrolls.Nicholas Marriott
2023-09-01Merge branch 'obsd-master'Thomas Adam
2023-09-01Merge branch 'obsd-master'Thomas Adam
2023-09-01Clear combine flag when a non-UTF-8 set of characters is encountered.nicm
2023-09-01Rewrite combined character handling to be more consistent and to supportnicm
2023-08-22Merge SIXEL branch.Nicholas Marriott
2023-08-15Add an option menu-selected-style to configure the currently selectednicm
2023-08-08Add options and flags for menu styles similar to those existing fornicm
2023-08-08Extend the menu drawing function to support custom characters andnicm
2023-07-14Set extended keys flag again after reset, from Eric T Johnson.nicm
2023-03-27For passthrough, don't write to clients attached to different sessions,nicm
2023-02-10Fix cursor position after zero width space, GitHub issue 3469.nicm
2022-12-16Make U+FE0F VARIATION SELECTOR-16 change the width from 1 to 2. GitHubnicm
2022-10-25Initialize context before testing it.nicm
2022-10-25Do not fire redraw callback if NULL.nicm
2022-08-02Add a third state "all" to allow-passthrough to work even in invisiblenicm
2022-06-09If an application gives the first parameter to OSC 52, validate and passnicm
2022-03-17Check scroll-on-clear for ED also.nicm
2022-03-17Add an option (scroll-on-clear) to control if tmux scrolls into historynicm
2021-10-26Do not allow inline styles to replace mode-style for the selected item,nicm
2021-10-25Add -s and -S to display-popup to set popup and border style, fromnicm
2021-10-25Instead of setting the popup default colours in the draw callback, setnicm
2021-10-20Add -T to set a popup title, from Alexis Hildebrandt in GitHub issue 2941.nicm
2021-10-14Add popup-border-lines option to set popup line style, from Alexisnicm
2021-10-13Add popup-style and popup-border-style options, from Alexis Hildebrandtnicm
2021-08-17Be more sophisticated about enabling synchronized updates when there isnicm
2021-08-12Restore saved cursor position after a ZWJ rather than recalculating it.nicm
2021-08-11Break the colour palette into a struct rather than just a single arraynicm
2021-08-06Add basic support for zero width joiners, GitHub issues 1605 and 2784.nicm
2021-08-06Another minor fix - do not draw positions that are under the popup withnicm
2021-06-10Improve logging of screen mode changes.nicm
2021-01-29Trim output overwritten by later text or clears completely rather thannicm
2021-01-27Flush pending output before entering or exiting alternate screen rathernicm
2021-01-22Revert clear changes to writing as they don't work properly, betternicm
2021-01-18There is no need to clear every line entirely before drawing to it, thisnicm
2020-12-07Do not clear the wrapped flag on linefeeds if it is already set - thisnicm
2020-11-09Remove some old debug logging.nicm
2020-07-21Fix show-buffer when run from inside tmux, GitHub issue 2314.nicm
2020-07-06Do not eliminate redundant clears, the code is wrong and doing itnicm