AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-04-06Emit window-layout-changed on swap-pane, from George Nachman.3.3-rc3.3-rcNicholas Marriott
2022-04-06Do not send focus sequences when focus is enabled or disabled by theNicholas Marriott
2022-04-06Add to CHANGES.Nicholas Marriott
2022-04-06Preserve CRLF flag when respawning.nicm
2022-04-06man pages: add missing commas between subordinate and main clausesnaddy
2022-04-06Capture up to used size not available size for each line.nicm
2022-04-06Report error if creating socket fails with -D.nicm
2022-04-06Add support for systemd socket activation (where systemd creates the UnixNicholas Marriott
2022-04-06Fix exit message if creating socket fails.nicm
2022-04-06Add unit (milliseconds) to escape-time, show unset colours as "none"nicm
2022-04-06Add a capability for OSC 7 and use it similarly to how the title is setnicm
2022-04-06Check scroll-on-clear for ED also.nicm
2022-04-06Add an option (scroll-on-clear) to control if tmux scrolls into historynicm
2022-04-06Add an option to set the character used for unused areas of thenicm
2022-04-06With -f use percentages of window size not pane size, GitHub issue 2866.nicm
2022-04-06Fix user hooks (which are strings not arrays).nicm
2022-04-06Add remain-on-exit-format to set text shown when pane is dead.nicm
2022-04-06Add argument to refresh-client -l to forward clipboard to a pane. GitHubnicm
2022-04-06Add formats for client and server UID and user (for multiuser setups).nicm
2022-04-06Use getpeerucred if available (not tested).Nicholas Marriott
2022-04-06Need a declaration for getpeereid also.Nicholas Marriott
2022-04-06Add getpeerid compat.Nicholas Marriott
2022-04-06Remove unnecessary declarations.Nicholas Marriott
2022-04-06Pass client when adding menu item, GitHub issue 3103.nicm
2022-04-06Allow optional arguments.nicm
2022-04-06Don't convert codes for special keys (Tab, Enter, Escape).nicm
2022-04-06Use PATH_MAX instead of MAXPATHLEN.topcat001
2022-04-06Exit on SIGHUP before attach also, GitHub issue 3084.nicm
2022-04-06Map control keys back to an ASCII uppercase letter when passing them onnicm
2022-04-06MAXCOMLEN is no longer needed in these programs, so remove the annotationderaadt
2022-04-06Do not attempt to update focus (and crash) when there is no previous window.nicm
2022-04-06Add next_session_id format with the next session ID, GitHub issue 3078.nicm
2022-04-06Initialize copy_width before adjusting it, GitHub issue 3079.nicm
2022-04-06Use correct size for screen when popup is created without borders.nicm
2022-04-06Add a window-resized hook which is fired when the window is actuallynicm
2022-04-06Support more mouse buttons when the terminal sends them, GitHub issuenicm
2022-04-06No not allow static linking on macOS.Nicholas Marriott
2022-04-06Add an option (default off) to control the passthrough escape sequence.nicm
2022-04-06Do not create a buffer from an OSC 52 response if we have not sent anicm
2022-04-06Do not return error with -q, GitHub issue 3065.nicm
2022-04-06Use ACS for pane border indicators so they work with different linenicm
2022-04-06Adjust size given to resize-pane for pane status line, GitHub issuenicm
2022-02-03Merge branch 'master' into 3.3-rcNicholas Marriott
2022-02-03Merge branch 'obsd-master' into masterThomas Adam
2022-02-03Use format_draw for command prompt prefix to allow styles, GitHub issuenicm
2022-02-03Merge branch 'obsd-master' into masterThomas Adam
2022-02-03Merge branch 'obsd-master' into masterThomas Adam
2022-02-033.3-rc.Nicholas Marriott
2022-02-03Update CHANGES.Nicholas Marriott
2022-02-03Update focus when active pane changes after pane destroyed.nicm