path: root/regress/conf
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21 files changed, 4070 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/regress/conf/01840240e807e837dbf76d85b4b938de.conf b/regress/conf/01840240e807e837dbf76d85b4b938de.conf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dcd4899e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/regress/conf/01840240e807e837dbf76d85b4b938de.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,1496 @@
+# Options {{{1
+# Server {{{2
+# Don't pile up more than 10 buffers (down from 50 by default).{{{
+# Rationale: Keeping a tidy stack, with relevant information, could help us
+# integrate tmux buffers in our workflow more often.
+# However, maybe we could keep a big stack of buffers, and filter them by
+# pressing `f` in the window opened by `choose-buffer`.
+# Alternatively, we could also try to use fzf to fuzzy search through their
+# contents...
+set -s buffer-limit 10
+# What does this option control?{{{
+# It sets the time in milliseconds for which tmux waits after an escape is input
+# to determine if it is part of a function or meta key sequences.
+# The default is 500 millisec onds.
+# Why do you reset it?{{{
+# The default value introduces lag when we use Vim and escape from insert to
+# normal mode. We want to reduce the timeout.
+# Why don't you set it to 0 ?{{{
+# > Some people set it to zero but I consider that risky if you're connecting
+# > over a wide-area network or there is anything else that might insert small
+# > delays between the delivery of chars in such a sequence.
+# Source:
+# Basically, we should still let a few ms to be sure all the keys in a control
+# sequence will have enough time to reach tmux.
+set -s escape-time 10
+# If the terminal supports focus events, they will be requested by the tmux
+# client and passed through to the tmux server, then to the programs it runs.
+# Necessary to be able to listen to `FocusGained` and `FocusLost`.
+# Also necessary for `pane-focus-[in|out]` hooks.
+set -s focus-events on
+# history of tmux commands (pfx :)
+set -s history-file "$HOME/.tmux/command_history"
+# What does this do?{{{
+# It makes tmux sometimes send an OSC 52 sequence – which sets the terminal
+# clipboard content – if there is an `Ms` entry in the terminfo description of
+# the outer terminal.
+# What are the possible values of this option?{{{
+# - `on`
+# - `external`
+# - `off`
+# ---
+# There are 3 ways to create a tmux buffer:
+# 1. invoke the `set-buffer` or `load-buffer` tmux commands
+# 2. copy text in copy mode (`send -X copy-selection`, `copy-pipe`, ...)
+# 3. send an OSC 52 sequence from an application inside tmux (e.g. `$ printf ...`)
+# `1.` always creates a tmux buffer; never sets the X clipboard.
+# `2.` always creates a tmux buffer; sets the X clipboard via OSC 52 iff `set-clipboard` is not `off`.
+# `3.` creates a tmux buffer *and* sets the X clipboard via OSC 52 iff `set-clipboard` is `on`.
+# IOW, `external` makes tmux *automatically* set the X clipboard when you yank
+# sth in copy mode via OSC 52, while `on` does the same, but also allows an
+# application to *manually* set a tmux buffer/the X clipboard via a OSC 52.
+# Source:
+# What is the possible drawback of the value `on`?{{{
+# How to disable OSC 52 for some terminals, but not all?{{{
+# # or use 'external'
+# set -s set-clipboard on
+# set -as terminal-overrides 'yourTERMname:Ms@'
+# ^
+# man terminfo /Similar Terminals/;/canceled
+set -s set-clipboard external
+# Why do you move your 'terminal-overrides' settings in another file?{{{
+# It makes it easier to source the settings only when the tmux server is started;
+# not when we manually re-source `tmux.conf`.
+# Why do you need them to be sourced only once?{{{
+# We *append* strings to the value of the 'terminal-overrides' option.
+# I don't want to append the same strings again and again every time I re-source
+# `tmux.conf`.
+# Why don't you simply reset the option before appending a value?{{{
+# That would make us lose the default value of the option:
+# terminal-overrides[0] "xterm*:XT:Ms=\\E]52;%p1%s;%p2%s\\007:Cs=\\E]12;%p1%s\\007:Cr=\\E]112\\007:Ss=\\E[%p1%d q:Se=\\E[2 q"
+# terminal-overrides[1] screen*:XT
+# ---
+# Besides, one of the value we append to 'terminal-overrides' depends on the value of `$TERM`.
+# if '[ "$TERM" != "st-256color" ]' 'set -as terminal-overrides ",*:Cr=\\E]112\\007"'
+# ^----------------------^
+# And the value of `$TERM` will be correct only the first time we source `tmux.conf`.
+# What's the value of `$TERM` here?{{{
+# The first time our `tmux.conf` is sourced, it matches the `$TERM` of the
+# outer terminal; the next times, it's the value of 'default-terminal' (i.e.
+# 'tmux-256color').
+# What's the meaning of this `if` guard?{{{
+# The condition `[ "$TERM" != "tmux-256color" ]` is true only the first time our
+# `tmux.conf` is sourced.
+# So, this part of the guard means: “if this is the first time the file is sourced”.
+# This is equivalent to `has('vim_starting')` in Vim.
+# The condition `[ -n "$DISPLAY" ]` is true only in a GUI environment.
+# So, this part of the guard means: “don't source the file if we are in a console”.
+# Indeed, I doubt a linux console is able to understand any sequence we might
+# want to use.
+# Could we use `%if` instead of `if`?{{{
+# You could try this:
+# %if "#{!=:$TERM,#{default-terminal}}"
+# source-file "$HOME/.config/tmux/terminal-overrides.conf"
+# %endif
+# But it doesn't seem to work; the guard would not prevent the file from being re-sourced.
+# I think that's because, in this case, `$TERM` refers to the value in the
+# environment of the tmux server process; and for the latter, `TERM` always
+# matches the outer terminal.
+if '[ "$TERM" != "#{default-terminal}" -a -n "$DISPLAY" ]' { source "$HOME/.config/tmux/terminal-overrides.conf" }
+# Leave `default-terminal` at the end.{{{
+# In my limited testing, moving it above would not cause an issue, but better be
+# safe than sorry.
+# In particular, I want to be sure that the value of `$TERM` is not
+# 'tmux-256color' the first time our `tmux.conf` is sourced; otherwise
+# `terminal-overrides.conf` would never be sourced.
+# Why `-s` instead of `-g`? {{{
+# Since tmux 2.1, `default-terminal` is a server option, not a session option.
+# > As a side effect this changes default-terminal to be a server rather than a
+# > session option.
+# Confirmed by the fact that `default-terminal` is described in the section of
+# the server options in the man page.
+# Also confirmed by the fact that it's listed in the output of:
+# tmux show -s
+# However, according to nicm:
+# > You do not have to use -s or -w for set-option except for user options.
+# > tmux can work it out from the option name.
+# > For show-option you do need it.
+# So, we could omit `-s`, but I prefer to be explicit.
+# Why not let tmux use the default value `screen` (for `$TERM`)?{{{
+# By default, most terminals set `$TERM` to `xterm` because the `xterm` entry is
+# present and set in the terminfo db of most machines.
+# tmux sets it to `screen`, again, because it's a popular entry (more than the
+# `tmux` one).
+# The `xterm`/`screen` value implies that the terminal will declare supporting
+# only 8 colors; confirmed by `$ tput colors`.
+# Because of this, the theme of some programs might be off (including Vim and
+# the terminal itself). We want the terminal to declare it supports 256 colors,
+# which anyway is usually true.
+# Do we need `$TERM` to contain `tmux`?{{{
+# Yes. To support italics:
+# The `screen-256color` entry in the terminfo db doesn't have a `sitm` field.
+# IOW, the db reports that screen is unable to support italics, which is true.
+# So, if we set `$TERM` to `screen-256color`, when an application will want to
+# make some text appear italicized, it will think it's not possible.
+# But it *is* possible, because we use tmux, not screen. And tmux *does*
+# support the italics style.
+# The solution is to set `$TERM` to `tmux-256color` so that when an application
+# queries the terminfo db, it finds the field `sitm` with the right value
+# `\E[3m`.
+# See also:
+# `256color`?{{{
+# For a Vim color scheme to be correctly applied, no.
+# Because it seems that our current theme automatically sets the number of
+# colors to 256:
+# :runtime colors/seoul256.vim
+# :echo &t_Co
+# But, for the color schemes of other programs, maybe.
+set -s default-terminal tmux-256color
+# Session {{{2
+# Don't ring the bell in the current window.
+set -g bell-action other
+# Why?{{{
+# If a new window is created without any command to execute, tmux reads the
+# session option `default-command` to find one.
+# By default, its value is an empty string which instructs tmux to create a
+# *login* shell using the value of the default-shell option.
+# The default value of the latter is `$SHELL` (atm: `/usr/local/bin/zsh`).
+# When we create a new window, we want a *non*-login shell, because a login zsh
+# shell sources `~/.zprofile`, which we use to execute code specific to a
+# virtual *console* (set the background to white in the console).
+# This code is not suited to a virtual *terminal*.
+# More generally, we don't want a *non*-login shell to source login files
+# (`.profile`, `.zprofile`, `.zlogin`).
+# So, we give the value zsh to `default-command` to prevent tmux from starting a
+# login shell.
+set -g default-command "$SHELL"
+# Don't detach the client when the current session is killed.
+set -g detach-on-destroy off
+# display status line messages and other on-screen indicators for 1s
+# (or until a key is pressed)
+set -g display-time 1000
+# display the indicators shown by the display-panes command for 5s
+set -g display-panes-time 5000
+# increase scrollback buffer (2000 → 50000)
+# `history-limit` has nothing to do with the history of executed tmux commands.
+# It controls the amount of lines you can scroll back when you enter copy mode.
+set -g history-limit 50000
+# Index options
+# When we create a new window, tmux looks for an unused index, starting from 0.{{{
+# I prefer 1, because:
+# - I usually count from 1, not 0
+# - this lets us run `:movew -t :0` to move the current window in first position
+# Note that you can't run `:movew -t :1` to move the window in first position,
+# because 1 is already taken by the first window.
+# `:movew` expects an index which is “free” (i.e. not used by any existing window).
+# Also, note that when running `:movew -t :0`, tmux renumbers all windows
+# automatically from whatever value is assigned to the 'base-index' option.
+set -g base-index 1
+# │
+# └ must be applied globally to all sessions
+# same thing for the panes
+set -gw pane-base-index 1
+# ││
+# │└ window option
+# └ must be applied globally to all windows
+# make tmux capture the mouse and allow mouse events to be bound as key bindings
+set -g mouse on
+# use `M-space` as a prefix
+set -g prefix M-space
+# renumber windows, when:{{{
+# - we destroy one of them
+# - we move the first window (index 1) at the end (index 99), by running `movew -t :99`
+# to prevent holes in the sequence of indexes
+set -g renumber-windows on
+# time for repeating of a hotkey bound using the -r flag without having to type the prefix again; default: 500
+set -g repeat-time 1000
+# Some consoles don't like attempts to set the window title.
+# This might cause tmux to freeze the terminal when you attach to a session.
+set -g set-titles off
+# update the status line every 5 seconds (instead of 15s by default)
+set -g status-interval 5
+# emacs key bindings in tmux command prompt (prefix + :) are better than vi keys,
+# even for vim users.
+set -g status-keys emacs
+# color of status line
+set -g -F status-style "bg=#{?#{==:$DISPLAY,},blue,colour138}"
+# Center the position of the window list component of the status line
+set -g status-justify centre
+# cache the number of cpu cores in `~/.ncore`, which a shell command in 'status-right' is going to need
+if '[ ! -s "${HOME}/.ncore" ]' \
+ { run "lscpu | awk '/^CPU\\(s\\):\\s*[0-9]/ { print $2 }' >\"${HOME}/.ncore\"" }
+# set the contents of the status line
+# What's `#[...]`?{{{
+# It lets you embed some styles.
+# If you want to apply the same style all over the left part or the right part
+# of the status line, you can also use `status-left-style` or `status-right-style`:
+# set -g status-left '#[fg=colour15,bold] #S'
+# ⇔
+# set -g status-left ' #S'
+# set -g status-left-style '#[fg=colour15,bold]'
+# However, I prefer embedding the styles inside the value of `status-left` and
+# `status-right`, because:
+# - it's more concise
+# - it's more powerful: you can set the style of an arbitrary *portion* of the status line
+# ---
+# Note that you can use this syntax only in the value of an option which sets
+# the *contents* of sth, not its style.
+# So, this is *not* a valid syntax:
+# # ✘
+# set -g status-left-style '#[fg=colour15,bold]'
+# Here, you must get rid of `#[...]`:
+# # ✔
+# set -g status-left-style 'fg=colour15,bold'
+# What's `#{?...}`?{{{
+# A conditional:
+# #{?test,val1,val2}
+# For example:
+# {?client_prefix,#[bold],}
+# This will be evaluated into the style `bold` if the prefix has been pressed,
+# or nothing otherwise.
+# Why do you use `nobold`?{{{
+# We set the style `bold` for some part of the status line.
+# But a style applies to *all* the remaining text in the status line.
+# We need `nobold` to reset the style.
+# How can I include the time of the day or the hour in the status line?{{{
+# Use `date(1)` and `%` items:
+# %a = day of week
+# %d = day of month
+# %b = month
+# %R = hour
+# See `man date`.
+set -g status-left ' #[fg=colour7]#{?client_prefix,#[fg=colour0],}#S#[fg=colour7]'
+# Which alternative could I use to get the cpu load?{{{
+# $ uptime|awk '{split(substr($0, index($0, "load")), a, ":"); print a[2]}'
+# Why don't you write the code in a script and invoke it with `#(`?{{{
+# A script needs another shell to be interpreted.
+# The latter adds overhead, which would almost double the time the code needs to
+# be run.
+# Check this:
+# $ cat <<'EOF' >/tmp/
+# awk 'BEGIN { getline load <"/proc/loadavg"; getline ncore <(ENVIRON["HOME"]"/.ncore"); printf("%d", 100 * load / ncore) }'
+# EOF
+# $ chmod +x /tmp/
+# $ time zsh -c 'repeat 100 /tmp/'
+# ... 0,420 total˜
+# $ time zsh -c 'repeat 100 awk '\''BEGIN { getline load <"/proc/loadavg"; getline ncore <(ENVIRON["HOME"]"/.ncore"); printf("%d", 100 * load / ncore) }'\'''
+# ... 0,193 total˜
+# Why do you double the percent sign in `printf("%%d", ...)`?{{{
+# The code is going to be expanded inside the value of 'status-right'.
+# And the latter is always passed to `strftime(3)` for which the percent sign
+# has a special meaning.
+# As a result, if you don't double the percent sign – to make it literal – `%d`
+# will be replaced with the current day of the month (01, 02, ..., 31).
+# From `man tmux /status-right`:
+# > As with status-left, string will be passed to strftime(3) and character
+# > pairs are replaced.
+cpu='awk '\''BEGIN { \
+ getline load <"/proc/loadavg"; \
+ getline ncore <(ENVIRON["HOME"]"/.ncore"); \
+ printf("%%d", 100 * load / ncore) }'\'''
+mem='free | awk '\''/Mem/ { total = $2; used = $3 }; \
+ END { printf("%%d", 100 * used / total) }'\'''
+# TODO: Maybe we could get rid of `free(1)`, by inspecting `/proc/meminfo`.
+# However, I can find the second field ("total") of `free(1)` in this file
+# (first line: "MemTotal"), but not the third one ("used").
+# Update: From `man free`:
+# used Used memory (calculated as total - free - buffers - cache)
+# You would have to read 4 files to compute the `used` field.
+# Make some tests (with `time(1)`) to see whether the resulting `awk(1)` command
+# is slower than what we currently run.
+# TODO: Color the numbers in red if they exceed some threshold.
+# Try to capture the output of the 2 shell commands in tmux variables, so that
+# we can test them in a conditional.
+set -g status-right '#[fg=colour235]M #[fg=colour15,bold]'
+set -ga status-right "#($mem) "
+set -ga status-right '#[fg=colour235,nobold]C #[fg=colour15,bold]'
+set -ga status-right "#($cpu) "
+setenv -gu cpu
+setenv -gu mem
+# Why do you want `COLORTERM` to be automatically updated?{{{
+# It can be useful to detect a terminal which lies about its identity.
+# E.g., xfce4-terminal advertises itself as `xterm-256color`, but the value of
+# its `COLORTERM` variable is 'xfce4-terminal'.
+# So, the more reliable `COLORTERM` is, the better we can detect that we're in
+# xfce4-terminal, and react appropriately.
+# This can be useful, for example, to prevent vim-term from sending `CSI 2 SPC q`
+# when we're leaving Vim from xfce4-terminal on Ubuntu 16.04.
+# The latter doesn't understand this sequence, and once sent to the terminal,
+# tmux will regularly reprint the sequence wherever our cursor is.
+# Why could I be tempted to run the same command for `LESSOPEN`, `LESSCLOSE`, `LS_COLORS`?{{{
+# setenv -gu LESSOPEN
+# setenv -gu LESSCLOSE
+# setenv -gu LS_COLORS
+# These environment variables are set in `~/.zshenv`, but only on the condition
+# they've not been set yet.
+# The purpose of the condition is to make the shell quicker to start.
+# Indeed, setting these variables adds around 8ms to the shell's startup time.
+# However, if they are set in the tmux global environment, then they'll never be
+# reset when we start a new shell, because the condition will never be
+# satisfied.
+# This means that we can't change the value of these variables by simply editing
+# `~/.zshenv`, which can be an issue.
+# Why don't you do it?{{{
+# Because it would add around 8ms to the startup time of every shell we ask tmux
+# to open.
+#  Isn't this an issue?{{{
+# No.
+# If you want to modify one of these variables, and if you want the change to be
+# applied immediately without restarting the tmux server, do it in the context
+# of the tmux global environment:
+# $ tmux setenv -g LESSOPEN new_value
+if '[ "$TERM" != "#{default-terminal}" ]' { set -ga update-environment COLORTERM }
+# TODO: We have several similar `if` conditions. Maybe we should write only one,
+# and put inside all the commands we want to run.
+# This would make tmux start a little faster.
+# display a message when activity is detected in a window
+# Why?{{{
+# We haven't customized the status line to include an indicator when some
+# activity is detected in a window, because by default we don't monitor activity
+# ('monitor-activity' is off).
+# Indeed, generally, most windows will produce some output and have some activity.
+# Seeing a lot of indicators in the status line, all the time, is meaningless.
+# But we do have a key binding to temporarily toggle 'monitor-activity' in the
+# current window; so, we need a way to be notified when some activity is later
+# detected in it.
+set -g visual-activity on
+# Window {{{2
+# Use vi key bindings in copy mode.
+set -gw mode-keys vi
+# colors of *borders* of focused and non-focused panes
+set -gw pane-active-border-style 'fg=colour138,bg=#cacaca'
+set -gw pane-border-style 'fg=colour138,bg=#cacaca'
+# How to insert the index of a window?{{{
+# Use the alias `#I`.
+# How to insert its flags, like `Z` for a zoomed window?{{{
+# Use the alias `#F`.
+# Set what to display for the current window (then for the other ones), and how,
+# in the status line window list.
+# See:
+set -gw window-status-current-format '#[fg=colour232,bg=colour253]#W#F#{?window_zoomed_flag, #[fg=blue]#P/#{window_panes},}'
+set -gw window-status-format '#[fg=colour232#,bg=colour248]#W#F#[bg=default]'
+# Pane {{{2
+# colors of focused and non-focused panes
+# Because we use `-gw`, the colors will affect any pane.{{{
+# But, at runtime, you could use `-p` to set the color of a given pane when it's
+# (un)focused differently.
+set -gw window-active-style 'bg=#dbd6d1'
+set -gw window-style 'bg=#cacaca'
+# }}}1
+# Key Bindings {{{1
+# root {{{2
+# `F1`, ..., `F10` are used in `htop(1)`.
+# `F11` and `F12` are used in WeeChat to scroll in the nicklist bar.
+bind -T root S-F8 run -b 'tmux_log'
+# Why do you rebind `command-prompt` to `pfx + ;`? It's already bound to `pfx + :`...{{{
+# We often press the prefix key by accident, then press `:` to open Vim's
+# command-line. As a result, we open tmux command-line; it's distracting.
+bind ';' command-prompt
+unbind :
+# Do *not* bind `command-prompt` to `M-:`; we press it by accident too frequently.
+# focus next/previous window
+# I'm frequently pressing these key bindings in Vim's insert mode. It's distracting!{{{
+# Idea1: Use `pfx w` to focus an arbitrary window, and supercharge `pfx h/l` to
+# focus the next/previous pane or window.
+# bind -r h if -F '#{pane_at_left}' 'prev' 'selectp -L'
+# bind -r l if -F '#{pane_at_right}' 'next' 'selectp -R'
+# Idea2: Use `M-h/l` twice when the current pane is running Vim.
+# set -g @foo 0
+# bind -T root M-l if -F '#{m:*vim,#{pane_current_command}}' { if -F '#{@foo}' { set -g @foo 0 ; next } { set -g @foo 1 } } { next }
+# bind -T root M-h if -F '#{m:*vim,#{pane_current_command}}' { if -F '#{@foo}' { set -g @foo 0 ; prev } { set -g @foo 1 } } { prev }
+# Idea3: Make tmux send `M-h` or `M-l` when Vim is running in the current pane,
+# and let Vim decide what to do, based on whether we're in insert mode or normal
+# mode.
+# noremap! <expr> <m-h> <sid>m_hl('h')
+# noremap! <expr> <m-l> <sid>m_hl('l')
+# nno <expr> <m-h> <sid>m_hl('h')
+# nno <expr> <m-l> <sid>m_hl('l')
+# xno <expr> <m-h> <sid>m_hl('h')
+# xno <expr> <m-l> <sid>m_hl('l')
+# fu s:m_hl(seq) abort
+# if mode() =~# '^[ic]$'
+# return ''
+# endif
+# call system('tmux '..(a:seq is# 'l' ? 'next' : 'prev'))
+# return ''
+# endfu
+# bind -T root M-l if -F '#{m:*vim,#{pane_current_command}}' 'send M-l' 'next'
+# bind -T root M-h if -F '#{m:*vim,#{pane_current_command}}' 'send M-h' 'prev'
+# Problem: When we're running Vim without config (`-Nu NONE`), we can't focus another tmux window.
+# This is because those custom mappings are not installed then.
+# Why do you inspect these window flags?{{{
+# To prevent the commands from wrapping around the edges.
+# They do that by default, and that bothers me at the moment.
+# For example, I often want to focus the next window, and press `¹` by accident
+# instead of `²`. It still works, because we only have 2 windows, but that
+# prevents me from learning to press the correct keys.
+# Once you're confident that those keys are well-chosen, and they've passed into
+# your muscle memory, you could just install:
+# bind -T root ¹ prev
+# bind -T root ² next
+bind -T root ¹ if -F '#{window_start_flag}' {} { prev }
+bind -T root ² if -F '#{window_end_flag}' {} { next }
+# TODO: Sometimes, we press these keys by accident. Find better ones?{{{
+# In particular, when we press `[ox` (where `x` is some character) to toggle
+# some Vim setting, we need to press `AltGr` to produce `[`; but sometimes, we
+# don't release the key before pressing `o`.
+# As a result, we press `AltGr + o` which produce `²`; tmux intercepts the
+# keypress, and tries to visit the previous window, while in reality, we wanted
+# to toggle some Vim setting.
+# `M-s` to enter copy mode
+# Do *not* bind `M-s` to anything while in copy mode!{{{
+# This would make you lose an interesting feature of the `copy-mode` command
+# while you're already in copy mode, reading the output of some command such as
+# `list-keys`.
+# The default behavior makes tmux show you the contents of the original window:
+# # you're reading a file
+# :list-keys
+# :copy-mode
+# # the window shows again the file you were reading
+# # press `q`, and you get back the output of `:list-keys`
+# I don't know where this is documented.
+# And I don't know why the `copy-mode` command is invoked when we press `M-s`
+# while in copy mode.
+# We only have one key binding using `M-s` as its lhs, and it's in the root
+# table, not in the copy-mode table.
+# Note that this feature is not specific to our `M-s` key binding.
+# I can reproduce with no config (and `C-b [` instead of `M-s`).
+bind -T root M-s copy-mode
+bind -T root M-z resize-pane -Z
+bind -T root M-Z lastp \; resize-pane -Z
+# Do *not* exit copy mode when when we reach the bottom of the scrollback buffer.{{{
+# We remove the `-e` flag which is passed to `copy-mode` by default, so that if
+# we enter copy mode by scrolling the mouse wheel upward, and we press a key
+# which reaches the bottom of the scrollback buffer, we don't quit copy mode.
+# If you leave `-e` in the default key binding, here's what could happen:
+# you scroll the wheel upward to enter copy mode; at one point, you keep
+# pressing `C-d` to scroll toward the bottom; once you reach the bottom, you'll
+# quit copy mode, and `C-d` will close the shell if the command-line is empty.
+# Where did you find the code?{{{
+# $ tmux -Lx -f/dev/null start \; lsk | grep 'root.*WheelUpPane'
+bind -T root WheelUpPane \
+ if -F -t= '#{mouse_any_flag}' \
+ { send -M } \
+ { if -Ft= '#{pane_in_mode}' 'send -M' 'copy-mode -t=' }
+# But *do* exit copy mode if we scroll downward with the mouse wheel and reach the bottom of the buffer.
+bind -T copy-mode-vi WheelDownPane \
+ selectp \; \
+ send -X -N 5 scroll-down \; \
+ if -F '#{scroll_position}' '' 'send -X cancel'
+# copy-mode-vi {{{2
+bind -T copy-mode-vi C-Space send -X set-mark
+# actually, it should be named "exchange-point-and-mark"...
+bind -T copy-mode-vi C-x send -X jump-to-mark
+# jump Back to the Beginning of the previous shell command{{{
+# Look for the previous shell prompt, to get to the beginning of the last
+# command output. After pressing the key binding, you can visit all the other
+# prompts by pressing `n` or `N`.
+# Inspiration:
+bind -T copy-mode-vi ! send -X start-of-line \; send -X search-backward '٪'
+# Make tmux use the prefix 'buf_' instead of 'buffer' when naming the buffer
+# storing the copied selection.
+bind -T copy-mode-vi Enter send -X copy-selection-and-cancel 'buf_'
+bind -T copy-mode-vi g switchc -T g-prefix
+bind -T g-prefix g send -X history-top
+# Open a visually selected text (filepath or url) by pressing `gf` or `gx`.
+# TODO: The key binding will break if the file name contains double quotes.{{{
+# Find a way to escape special characters.
+# I tried `$ tmux display -p '#{q:#(tmux pasteb)}'`, but it doesn't work.
+# You probably need `q:`, but a modifier needs to be followed by the name of a
+# replacement variable and `#(tmux pasteb)` is not one.
+# Update:
+# I don't think you should use `q:`.
+# Maybe you should try to find a shell utility which quotes special characters
+# in a given text.
+# Does such a tool exist?
+# If it does, maybe you could try: `#(magic_tool $(tmux pasteb))`.
+# Update:
+# `#{}` can be used for a user option (`@foo`).
+# You could temporarily set a user option with the the filepath/url, and quote
+# it with `q:`.
+# Make some tests on that:
+# bind -T copy-mode-vi x send -X copy-selection-and-cancel \; \
+# run 'tmux set @copied_url "$(tmux showb)"' \; \
+# run 'xdg-open "#{q:@copied_url}"'
+# For some reason, we need 2 `run-shell`, otherwise, it seems that the key
+# binding doesn't update the url, when we try a new one.
+# For some reason, when we try to open this:
+# tmux opens this instead:
+# ^
+# ✘
+# For some reason, when we try to open this:
+# tmux doesn't escape the double quote.
+# Text ended before matching quote was found for ".˜
+# (The text was '/usr/bin/firefox ""baz.html"')˜
+# $ tmux set @foo "a'b" \; display -p '#{q:@foo}'
+# a\'b˜
+# $ tmux set @foo "a'b" \; run 'echo #{q:@foo}'
+# a'b˜
+# Why doesn't `run-shell` expand the `#{q:}` format?
+# Update: you need to quote the format:
+# $ tmux set @foo "a'b" \; run 'echo "#{q:@foo}"'
+# a\'b˜
+# Update:
+# I don't think it's possible.
+# Try to open the urls via `urlscan(1)`.
+# The latter fails for the first urls.
+# If a specialized tool fails, I doubt we can do better.
+# FIXME: `gf` fails to open a file path starting with `~/`.
+bind -T g-prefix f send -X pipe "xargs -I {} tmux run 'xdg-open \"{}\"'"
+bind -T g-prefix x send -X pipe "xargs -I {} tmux run 'xdg-open \"{}\"'"
+bind -T copy-mode-vi v if -F '#{selection_present}' { send -X clear-selection } { send -X begin-selection }
+bind -T copy-mode-vi V if -F '#{selection_present}' { send -X clear-selection } { send -X select-line }
+bind -T copy-mode-vi C-v if -F '#{selection_present}' \
+ { if -F '#{rectangle_toggle}' \
+ { send -X rectangle-toggle ; send -X clear-selection } \
+ { send -X rectangle-toggle } \
+ } { send -X begin-selection ; send -X rectangle-toggle }
+# set -s copy-command 'xsel -i'
+# if there's a selection, make `y` yank it
+# without selection, make `yy` yank the current line and `yiw` the current word
+bind -T copy-mode-vi y if -F '#{selection_present}' \
+ { send -X copy-pipe-and-cancel 'xsel -i -b' 'buf_' } \
+ { switchc -T operator-pending-and-cancel }
+# y**y**
+bind -T operator-pending-and-cancel y send -X copy-line 'buf_'
+# y**iw**
+bind -T operator-pending-and-cancel i switchc -T text-object-and-cancel
+# Do *not* use `select-word`:
+bind -T text-object-and-cancel w \
+ { send -X cursor-right
+ send -X previous-word
+ send -X begin-selection
+ send -X next-word-end
+ send -X copy-selection-and-cancel 'buf_' }
+bind -T copy-mode-vi . run "zsh -c \"tmux source =(sed -n '/^# #{@dot_command}/,/^$/p' $HOME/.config/tmux/repeat.conf)\""
+# **"A**yiw **"A**yy v_**"A**y
+bind -T copy-mode-vi '"' switchc -T specify-register
+bind -T specify-register A switchc -T operate-on-register
+# Why the `if 'tmux showb'`?{{{
+# `append-selection` doesn't accept the optional prefix buffer name argument.
+# If there's no buffer, `append-selection` will create a buffer with the prefix
+# name `buffer`; we want the prefix `buf_`.
+# "A**y**iw "A**y**y v_"A**y**
+bind -T operate-on-register y if -F '#{selection_present}' \