diff options
authorNicholas Marriott <>2017-06-08 13:29:36 +0100
committerNicholas Marriott <>2017-06-08 13:29:36 +0100
commit61ed6425bd4cfc5dc6cbc321cd9f094e066b5a58 (patch)
parent4aa02c374323e1a1d2f7d1364885c2dc06b2933f (diff)
Move FAQ online and do not ship TODO.
3 files changed, 2 insertions, 226 deletions
diff --git a/FAQ b/FAQ
deleted file mode 100644
index 6df68993..00000000
--- a/FAQ
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
-tmux frequently asked questions
-* PLEASE NOTE: most display problems are due to incorrect TERM! Before *
-* reporting problems make SURE that TERM settings are correct inside and *
-* outside tmux. *
-* *
-* Inside tmux TERM must be "screen" or similar (such as "screen-256color"). *
-* Don't bother reporting problems where it isn't! *
-* *
-* Outside, it must match your terminal: particularly, use "rxvt" for rxvt *
-* and derivatives. *
-* How is tmux different from GNU screen?
-tmux and GNU screen have many similarities and similar goals but now many
-differences. Most things that can be achieved in one can be achieved in the
-other, however.
-* What is TERM and what does it do?
-The environment variable TERM tells applications the name of a terminal
-description to read from the terminfo(5) database. Each description consists of
-a number of named capabilities which tell applications what to send to control
-the terminal. For example, the "cup" capability contains the escape sequence
-used to move the cursor up.
-It is important that TERM points to the correct description for the terminal an
-application is running in - if it doesn't, applications may misbehave.
-The infocmp(1) command shows the contents of a terminal description and the
-tic(1) command builds and installs a description from a file (the -x flag is
-normally required with both).
-* I found a bug in tmux! What do I do?
-Check the latest version of tmux from Git to see if the problem is still
-Please send bug reports by email to or or by opening a GitHub issue. Please see the
-CONTRIBUTING file for information on what to include.
-* Why doesn't tmux do $x?
-Please send feature requests by email to
-* Why do you use the screen terminal description inside tmux?
-It is already widely available. tmux and tmux-256color entries are provided by
-modern ncurses and can be used instead by setting the default-terminal option.
-* I don't see any colour in my terminal! Help!
-On a few platforms, common terminal descriptions such as xterm do not include
-colour. screen ignores this, tmux does not. If the terminal emulator in use
-supports colour, use a value for TERM which correctly lists this, such as
-* tmux freezes my terminal when I attach to a session. I have to kill -9 the
- shell it was started from to recover!
-Some consoles don't like attempts to set the window title. Tell tmux not to do
-this by turning off the "set-titles" option (you can do this in .tmux.conf):
- set -g set-titles off
-If this doesn't fix it, send a bug report.
-* Why is C-b the prefix key? How do I change it?
-The default key is C-b because the prototype of tmux was originally developed
-inside screen and C-b was chosen not to clash with the screen meta key.
-To change it, change the "prefix" option, and - if required - move the binding
-of the "send-prefix" command from C-b (C-b C-b sends C-b by default) to the new
-key. For example:
- set -g prefix C-a
- unbind C-b
- bind C-a send-prefix
-* How do I use UTF-8?
-tmux requires a system that supports UTF-8 (that is, where the C library has a
-UTF-8 locale) and will not start if support is missing.
-tmux will attempt to detect if the terminal it is running in supports UTF-8 by
-looking at the LC_ALL, LC_CTYPE and LANG environment variables.
-If it believes the terminal is not compatible with UTF-8, any UTF-8 characters
-will be replaced with underscores. The -u flag explicitly tells tmux that the
-terminal supports UTF-8:
- $ tmux -u new
-* How do I use a 256 colour terminal?
-Provided the underlying terminal supports 256 colours, it is usually sufficient
-to add one of the following to ~/.tmux.conf:
- set -g default-terminal "screen-256color"
- set -g default-terminal "tmux-256color"
-And make sure that TERM outside tmux also shows 256 colours, or use the tmux -2
-* Why are tmux pane separators dashed rather than continuous lines?
-Some terminals (such as mintty) or certain fonts (particularly some Japanese
-fonts) do not correctly handle UTF-8 line drawing characters.
-The U8 capability forces tmux to use ACS instead of UTF-8 line drawing:
- set -as terminal-overrides ",*:U8=0"
-* How do I make Ctrl-PgUp and Ctrl-PgDn work inside tmux?
-tmux sends modified function keys using xterm(1)-style escape
-sequences. However, many applications don't accept these when TERM is set to
-screen or screen-256color inside tmux because these terminal descriptions lack
-the capabilities for modified function keys. The tmux and tmux-256color
-descriptions do have such capabilities, so using those instead may work.
-* What is the proper way to escape characters with #(command)?
-When using the #(command) construction to include the output from a command in
-the status line, the command will be parsed twice. First, when it's read by the
-configuration file or the command-prompt parser, and second when the status
-line is being drawn and the command is passed to the shell. For example, to
-echo the string "(test)" to the status line, either single or double quotes
-could be used:
- set -g status-right "#(echo \\\\(test\\\\))"
- set -g status-right '#(echo \\\(test\\\))'
-In both cases, the status-right option will be set to the string "#(echo
-\\(test\\))" and the command executed will be "echo \(test\)".
-* tmux uses too much CPU. What do I do?
-Automatic window renaming may use a lot of CPU, particularly on slow computers:
-if this is a problem, turn it off with "setw -g automatic-rename off". If this
-doesn't fix it, please report the problem.
-* What is the best way to display the load average? Why no #L?
-It isn't possible to get the load average portably in code and it is preferable
-not to add portability goop. The following works on at least Linux, *BSD and OS
- uptime|awk '{split(substr($0, index($0, "load")), a, ":"); print a[2]}'
-* How do I attach the same session to multiple clients but with a different
- current window, like screen -x?
-One or more of the windows can be linked into multiple sessions manually with
-link-window, or a grouped session with all the windows can be created with
-new-session -t.
-* I don't see italics! Or italics and reverse are the wrong way round!
-GNU screen does not support italics and the "screen" terminal description uses
-the italics escape sequence incorrectly.
-As of tmux 2.1, if default-terminal is set to "screen" or matches "screen-*",
-tmux will behave like screen and italics will be disabled.
-To enable italics, make sure you are using the tmux terminal description:
- set -g default-terminal "tmux"
-* How do I see the default configuration?
-Show the default session options by starting a new tmux server with no
-configuration file:
- $ tmux -Lfoo -f/dev/null start\; show -g
-Or the default window options:
- $ tmux -Lfoo -f/dev/null start\; show -gw
-* How do I copy a selection from tmux to the system's clipboard?
-When running in xterm(1), tmux can automatically send copied text to the
-clipboard. This is controlled by the set-clipboard option and also needs this X
-resource to be set:
- XTerm*disallowedWindowOps: 20,21,SetXprop
-For rxvt-unicode (urxvt), there is an unofficial Perl extension here:
-Otherwise a key binding for copy mode using xclip (or xsel) works:
- bind -temacs-copy C-y copy-pipe "xclip -i >/dev/null"
-Or for inside and outside copy mode with the prefix key:
- bind C-y run -b "tmux save-buffer - | xclip -i"
-On OS X, look at the pbcopy(1) and pbpaste(1) commands.
-* Why do I see dots around a session when I attach to it?
-tmux limits the size of the window to the smallest attached session. If
-it didn't do this then it would be impossible to see the entire window.
-The dots mark the size of the window tmux can display.
-To avoid this, detach all other clients when attaching:
- $ tmux attach -d
-Or from inside tmux by detaching individual clients with C-b D or all
- C-b : attach -d
diff --git a/ b/
index 14afb628..bdc752c2 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ CLEANFILES = tmux.1.mdoc
# Distribution tarball options.
- CHANGES FAQ README TODO COPYING example_tmux.conf compat/*.[ch] \
+ CHANGES README COPYING example_tmux.conf compat/*.[ch] \
osdep-*.c mdoc2man.awk tmux.1
# Preprocessor flags.
diff --git a/README b/README
index 018ef9f5..9c036a2a 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -37,8 +37,7 @@ the source tree with:
$ nroff -mdoc tmux.1|less
-Some common questions are answered in the FAQ file, a rough todo list is in the
-TODO file and an example configuration in example_tmux.conf.
+A small example configuration in example_tmux.conf.
A vim(1) syntax file is available at: