AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-09-28printer: remove 'subl' aliasag/polishAndrew Gallant
2023-09-28core: polish the core of ripgrepAndrew Gallant
2023-09-28deps: bump what we canAndrew Gallant
2023-09-28deps: drop thread_local, lazy_static and once_cellAndrew Gallant
2023-09-28ignore: polishAndrew Gallant
2023-09-28globset: use a Pool from regex-automataAndrew Gallant
2023-09-28searcher: polishAndrew Gallant
2023-09-26grep: update to the 2021 editionAndrew Gallant
2023-09-26globset: polishingAndrew Gallant
2023-09-26core: doc and logging touchupsAndrew Gallant
2023-09-26printer: fix a few issues in the hyperlink docsLucas Trzesniewski
2023-09-25crates: remove hard-coded linksAndrew Gallant
2023-09-25regex: some minor polishAndrew Gallant
2023-09-25pcre2: small polishingAndrew Gallant
2023-09-25matcher: polish the grep-matcher crateAndrew Gallant
2023-09-25hyperlink: rejigger how hyperlinks workAndrew Gallant
2023-09-25printer: move PathPrinter into grep-printerAndrew Gallant
2023-09-25printer: clean-upAndrew Gallant
2023-09-25cli: add new 'hostname' functionAndrew Gallant
2023-09-25cli: clean-up crateAndrew Gallant
2023-09-25printer: add hyperlinksLucas Trzesniewski
2023-09-20deps: update everythingAndrew Gallant
2023-09-20ignore: use work-stealing stack instead of Arc<Mutex<Vec<_>>>Tavian Barnes
2023-09-20ignore: fix filtering when searching subdirectoriesThilo Uttendorfer
2023-09-18github: convert bug-report issue template to issue formdana
2023-09-18deps: bump to aho-corasick 1.1.0Andrew Gallant
2023-09-02deps: bump to memchr 2.6.3Andrew Gallant
2023-09-02deps: drop bytecount in favor of memchr_iter(..).count()Andrew Gallant
2023-09-02deps: update bstrAndrew Gallant
2023-09-02deps: update the regex family of cratesAndrew Gallant
2023-08-31ignore/types: add *.vsh to V typeYochem van Rosmalen
2023-08-28ignore: implement FusedIterator for WalkChristian Vallentin
2023-08-28ci: replace mips with powerpc64, aarch64 and s390xAndrew Gallant
2023-08-28ignore: apply rustfmtAndrew Gallant
2023-08-28deps: bump everything elseAndrew Gallant
2023-08-28deps: bump regex, regex-automata and regex-syntaxAndrew Gallant
2023-08-28deps: bump memchr to 2.6.0Andrew Gallant
2023-08-21ignore/types: add Prolog file typesmataha
2023-08-20ignore/types: tweak Gradle file typesmataha
2023-08-15deps: update everythingAndrew Gallant
2023-08-15deps: update aho-corasickAndrew Gallant
2023-08-05globset-0.4.13globset-0.4.13Andrew Gallant
2023-08-05globset: use non-capture groups in regex transformAndrew Gallant
2023-07-31regex: fix fast path for -w/--word-regexp flag (#2576)Andrew Gallant
2023-07-31ignore/types: add csprojVidar
2023-07-26globset-0.4.12globset-0.4.12Andrew Gallant
2023-07-26api: impl Deserialize for GlobSetDavid Tolnay
2023-07-18grep-cli-0.1.9grep-cli-0.1.9Andrew Gallant
2023-07-12globset-0.4.11globset-0.4.11Andrew Gallant
2023-07-10ignore/types: add Windows Command Prompt filesmataha