path: root/nixos
diff options
authorSandro <>2021-09-12 22:13:02 +0200
committerGitHub <>2021-09-12 22:13:02 +0200
commite4b50b4821027c85fd7d2f559adad18a637e1a3a (patch)
tree00ff9572f3ea5e9c71b311a4a55a70ed5887cb1a /nixos
parentd5540fa18f9bc7e914e9b48d462c5cddfc7fb013 (diff)
parent7221585f89c72078b070d14e4f00f439db0b92fb (diff)
Merge pull request #66415 from ToxicFrog/crossfire
Diffstat (limited to 'nixos')
3 files changed, 349 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nixos/modules/module-list.nix b/nixos/modules/module-list.nix
index 76cc4411baba..fed212c0332c 100644
--- a/nixos/modules/module-list.nix
+++ b/nixos/modules/module-list.nix
@@ -383,6 +383,8 @@
+ ./services/games/crossfire-server.nix
+ ./services/games/deliantra-server.nix
diff --git a/nixos/modules/services/games/crossfire-server.nix b/nixos/modules/services/games/crossfire-server.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..974aea0cd671
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixos/modules/services/games/crossfire-server.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg =;
+ serverPort = 13327;
+in {
+ = {
+ enable = mkOption {
+ type = types.bool;
+ default = false;
+ description = ''
+ If enabled, the Crossfire game server will be started at boot.
+ '';
+ };
+ package = mkOption {
+ type = types.package;
+ default = pkgs.crossfire-server;
+ defaultText = "pkgs.crossfire-server";
+ description = ''
+ The package to use for the Crossfire server (and map/arch data, if you
+ don't change dataDir).
+ '';
+ };
+ dataDir = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ default = "${cfg.package}/share/crossfire";
+ defaultText = "\${}/share/crossfire";
+ description = ''
+ Where to load readonly data from -- maps, archetypes, treasure tables,
+ and the like. If you plan to edit the data on the live server (rather
+ than overlaying the crossfire-maps and crossfire-arch packages and
+ nixos-rebuilding), point this somewhere read-write and copy the data
+ there before starting the server.
+ '';
+ };
+ stateDir = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ default = "/var/lib/crossfire";
+ description = ''
+ Where to store runtime data (save files, persistent items, etc).
+ If left at the default, this will be automatically created on server
+ startup if it does not already exist. If changed, it is the admin's
+ responsibility to make sure that the directory exists and is writeable
+ by the `crossfire` user.
+ '';
+ };
+ openFirewall = mkOption {
+ type = types.bool;
+ default = false;
+ description = ''
+ Whether to open ports in the firewall for the server.
+ '';
+ };
+ configFiles = mkOption {
+ type = types.attrsOf types.str;
+ description = ''
+ Text to append to the corresponding configuration files. Note that the
+ files given in the example are *not* the complete set of files available
+ to customize; look in /etc/crossfire after enabling the server to see
+ the available files, and read the comments in each file for detailed
+ documentation on the format and what settings are available.
+ Note that the motd, rules, and news files, if configured here, will
+ overwrite the example files that come with the server, rather than being
+ appended to them as the other configuration files are.
+ '';
+ example = literalExample ''
+ dm_file = '''
+ admin:secret_password:localhost
+ jane:xyzzy:*
+ ''';
+ ban_file = '''
+ # Bob is a jerk
+ bob@*
+ # So is everyone on
+ *@192.168.86.
+ ''';
+ metaserver2 = '''
+ metaserver2_notification on
+ localhostname
+ ''';
+ motd = "Welcome to CrossFire!";
+ news = "No news yet.";
+ rules = "Don't be a jerk.";
+ settings = '''
+ # be nicer to newbies and harsher to experienced players
+ balanced_stat_loss true
+ # don't let players pick up and use admin-created items
+ real_wiz false
+ ''';
+ '';
+ default = {};
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf cfg.enable {
+ users.users.crossfire = {
+ description = "Crossfire server daemon user";
+ home = cfg.stateDir;
+ createHome = false;
+ isSystemUser = true;
+ group = "crossfire";
+ };
+ users.groups.crossfire = {};
+ # Merge the cfg.configFiles setting with the default files shipped with
+ # Crossfire.
+ # For most files this consists of reading ${crossfire}/etc/crossfire/${name}
+ # and appending the user setting to it; the motd, news, and rules are handled
+ # specially, with user-provided values completely replacing the original.
+ environment.etc = lib.attrsets.mapAttrs'
+ (name: value: lib.attrsets.nameValuePair "crossfire/${name}" {
+ mode = "0644";
+ text =
+ (optionalString (!elem name ["motd" "news" "rules"])
+ (fileContents "${cfg.package}/etc/crossfire/${name}"))
+ + "\n${value}";
+ }) ({
+ ban_file = "";
+ dm_file = "";
+ exp_table = "";
+ forbid = "";
+ metaserver2 = "";
+ motd = (fileContents "${cfg.package}/etc/crossfire/motd");
+ news = (fileContents "${cfg.package}/etc/crossfire/news");
+ rules = (fileContents "${cfg.package}/etc/crossfire/rules");
+ settings = "";
+ stat_bonus = "";
+ } // cfg.configFiles);
+ = {
+ description = "Crossfire Server Daemon";
+ wantedBy = [ "" ];
+ after = [ "" ];
+ serviceConfig = mkMerge [
+ {
+ ExecStart = "${cfg.package}/bin/crossfire-server -conf /etc/crossfire -local '${cfg.stateDir}' -data '${cfg.dataDir}'";
+ Restart = "always";
+ User = "crossfire";
+ Group = "crossfire";
+ WorkingDirectory = cfg.stateDir;
+ }
+ (mkIf (cfg.stateDir == "/var/lib/crossfire") {
+ StateDirectory = "crossfire";
+ })
+ ];
+ # The crossfire server needs access to a bunch of files at runtime that
+ # are not created automatically at server startup; they're meant to be
+ # installed in $PREFIX/var/crossfire by `make install`. And those files
+ # need to be writeable, so we can't just point at the ones in the nix
+ # store. Instead we take the approach of copying them out of the store
+ # on first run. If `bookarch` already exists, we assume the rest of the
+ # files do as well, and copy nothing -- otherwise we risk ovewriting
+ # server state information every time the server is upgraded.
+ preStart = ''
+ if [ ! -e "${cfg.stateDir}"/bookarch ]; then
+ ${pkgs.rsync}/bin/rsync -a --chmod=u=rwX,go=rX \
+ "${cfg.package}/var/crossfire/" "${cfg.stateDir}/"
+ fi
+ '';
+ };
+ networking.firewall = mkIf cfg.openFirewall {
+ allowedTCPPorts = [ serverPort ];
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/nixos/modules/services/games/deliantra-server.nix b/nixos/modules/services/games/deliantra-server.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..36bf60417626
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixos/modules/services/games/deliantra-server.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg =;
+ serverPort = 13327;
+in {
+ = {
+ enable = mkOption {
+ type = types.bool;
+ default = false;
+ description = ''
+ If enabled, the Deliantra game server will be started at boot.
+ '';
+ };
+ package = mkOption {
+ type = types.package;
+ default = pkgs.deliantra-server;
+ defaultText = "pkgs.deliantra-server";
+ description = ''
+ The package to use for the Deliantra server (and map/arch data, if you
+ don't change dataDir).
+ '';
+ };
+ dataDir = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ default = "${pkgs.deliantra-data}";
+ defaultText = "\${pkgs.deliantra-data}";
+ description = ''
+ Where to store readonly data (maps, archetypes, sprites, etc).
+ Note that if you plan to use the live map editor (rather than editing
+ the maps offline and then nixos-rebuilding), THIS MUST BE WRITEABLE --
+ copy the deliantra-data someplace writeable (say,
+ /var/lib/deliantra/data) and update this option accordingly.
+ '';
+ };
+ stateDir = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ default = "/var/lib/deliantra";
+ description = ''
+ Where to store runtime data (save files, persistent items, etc).
+ If left at the default, this will be automatically created on server
+ startup if it does not already exist. If changed, it is the admin's
+ responsibility to make sure that the directory exists and is writeable
+ by the `crossfire` user.
+ '';
+ };
+ openFirewall = mkOption {
+ type = types.bool;
+ default = false;
+ description = ''
+ Whether to open ports in the firewall for the server.
+ '';
+ };
+ configFiles = mkOption {
+ type = types.attrsOf types.str;
+ description = ''
+ Contents of the server configuration files. These will be appended to
+ the example configurations the server comes with and overwrite any
+ default settings defined therein.
+ The example here is not comprehensive. See the files in
+ /etc/deliantra-server after enabling this module for full documentation.
+ '';
+ example = literalExample ''
+ dm_file = '''
+ admin:secret_password:localhost
+ jane:xyzzy:*
+ ''';
+ motd = "Welcome to Deliantra!";
+ settings = '''
+ # Settings for game mechanics.
+ stat_loss_on_death true
+ armor_max_enchant 7
+ ''';
+ config = '''
+ # Settings for the server daemon.
+ hiscore_url
+ max_map_reset 86400
+ ''';
+ '';
+ default = {
+ motd = "";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf cfg.enable {
+ users.users.deliantra = {
+ description = "Deliantra server daemon user";
+ home = cfg.stateDir;
+ createHome = false;
+ isSystemUser = true;
+ group = "deliantra";
+ };
+ users.groups.deliantra = {};
+ # Merge the cfg.configFiles setting with the default files shipped with
+ # Deliantra.
+ # For most files this consists of reading
+ # ${deliantra}/etc/deliantra-server/${name} and appending the user setting
+ # to it.
+ environment.etc = lib.attrsets.mapAttrs'
+ (name: value: lib.attrsets.nameValuePair "deliantra-server/${name}" {
+ mode = "0644";
+ text =
+ # Deliantra doesn't come with a motd file, but respects it if present
+ # in /etc.
+ (optionalString (name != "motd")
+ (fileContents "${cfg.package}/etc/deliantra-server/${name}"))
+ + "\n${value}";
+ }) ({
+ motd = "";
+ settings = "";
+ config = "";
+ dm_file = "";
+ } // cfg.configFiles);
+ = {
+ description = "Deliantra Server Daemon";
+ wantedBy = [ "" ];
+ after = [ "" ];
+ environment = {
+ DELIANTRA_DATADIR="${cfg.dataDir}";
+ DELIANTRA_LOCALDIR="${cfg.stateDir}";
+ DELIANTRA_CONFDIR="/etc/deliantra-server";
+ };
+ serviceConfig = mkMerge [
+ {
+ ExecStart = "${cfg.package}/bin/deliantra-server";
+ Restart = "always";
+ User = "deliantra";
+ Group = "deliantra";
+ WorkingDirectory = cfg.stateDir;
+ }
+ (mkIf (cfg.stateDir == "/var/lib/deliantra") {
+ StateDirectory = "deliantra";
+ })
+ ];
+ # The deliantra server needs access to a bunch of files at runtime that
+ # are not created automatically at server startup; they're meant to be
+ # installed in $PREFIX/var/deliantra-server by `make install`. And those
+ # files need to be writeable, so we can't just point at the ones in the
+ # nix store. Instead we take the approach of copying them out of the store
+ # on first run. If `bookarch` already exists, we assume the rest of the
+ # files do as well, and copy nothing -- otherwise we risk ovewriting
+ # server state information every time the server is upgraded.
+ preStart = ''
+ if [ ! -e "${cfg.stateDir}"/bookarch ]; then
+ ${pkgs.rsync}/bin/rsync -a --chmod=u=rwX,go=rX \
+ "${cfg.package}/var/deliantra-server/" "${cfg.stateDir}/"
+ fi
+ '';
+ };
+ networking.firewall = mkIf cfg.openFirewall {
+ allowedTCPPorts = [ serverPort ];
+ };
+ };