path: root/lib/soundtouch/BPMDetect.cpp
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diff --git a/lib/soundtouch/BPMDetect.cpp b/lib/soundtouch/BPMDetect.cpp
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index 3ecda49f61..0000000000
--- a/lib/soundtouch/BPMDetect.cpp
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-/// Beats-per-minute (BPM) detection routine.
-/// The beat detection algorithm works as follows:
-/// - Use function 'inputSamples' to input a chunks of samples to the class for
-/// analysis. It's a good idea to enter a large sound file or stream in smallish
-/// chunks of around few kilosamples in order not to extinguish too much RAM memory.
-/// - Inputted sound data is decimated to approx 500 Hz to reduce calculation burden,
-/// which is basically ok as low (bass) frequencies mostly determine the beat rate.
-/// Simple averaging is used for anti-alias filtering because the resulting signal
-/// quality isn't of that high importance.
-/// - Decimated sound data is enveloped, i.e. the amplitude shape is detected by
-/// taking absolute value that's smoothed by sliding average. Signal levels that
-/// are below a couple of times the general RMS amplitude level are cut away to
-/// leave only notable peaks there.
-/// - Repeating sound patterns (e.g. beats) are detected by calculating short-term
-/// autocorrelation function of the enveloped signal.
-/// - After whole sound data file has been analyzed as above, the bpm level is
-/// detected by function 'getBpm' that finds the highest peak of the autocorrelation
-/// function, calculates it's precise location and converts this reading to bpm's.
-/// Author : Copyright (c) Olli Parviainen
-/// Author e-mail : oparviai 'at'
-/// SoundTouch WWW:
-// License :
-// SoundTouch audio processing library
-// Copyright (c) Olli Parviainen
-// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// Lesser General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-#include <math.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <cfloat>
-#include "FIFOSampleBuffer.h"
-#include "PeakFinder.h"
-#include "BPMDetect.h"
-using namespace soundtouch;
-// algorithm input sample block size
-static const int INPUT_BLOCK_SIZE = 2048;
-// decimated sample block size
-static const int DECIMATED_BLOCK_SIZE = 256;
-/// Target sample rate after decimation
-static const int TARGET_SRATE = 1000;
-/// XCorr update sequence size, update in about 200msec chunks
-static const int XCORR_UPDATE_SEQUENCE = (int)(TARGET_SRATE / 5);
-/// Moving average N size
-static const int MOVING_AVERAGE_N = 15;
-/// XCorr decay time constant, decay to half in 30 seconds
-/// If it's desired to have the system adapt quicker to beat rate
-/// changes within a continuing music stream, then the
-/// 'xcorr_decay_time_constant' value can be reduced, yet that
-/// can increase possibility of glitches in bpm detection.
-static const double XCORR_DECAY_TIME_CONSTANT = 30.0;
-/// Data overlap factor for beat detection algorithm
-static const int OVERLAP_FACTOR = 4;
-static const double TWOPI = (2 * M_PI);
-// Enable following define to create bpm analysis file:
- static void _SaveDebugData(const char *name, const float *data, int minpos, int maxpos, double coeff)
- {
- FILE *fptr = fopen(name, "wt");
- int i;
- if (fptr)
- {
- printf("\nWriting BPM debug data into file %s\n", name);
- for (i = minpos; i < maxpos; i ++)
- {
- fprintf(fptr, "%d\t%.1lf\t%f\n", i, coeff / (double)i, data[i]);
- }
- fclose(fptr);
- }
- }
- void _SaveDebugBeatPos(const char *name, const std::vector<BEAT> &beats)
- {
- printf("\nWriting beat detections data into file %s\n", name);
- FILE *fptr = fopen(name, "wt");
- if (fptr)
- {
- for (uint i = 0; i < beats.size(); i++)
- {
- BEAT b = beats[i];
- fprintf(fptr, "%lf\t%lf\n", b.pos, b.strength);
- }
- fclose(fptr);
- }
- }
- #define _SaveDebugData(name, a,b,c,d)
- #define _SaveDebugBeatPos(name, b)
-// Hamming window
-void hamming(float *w, int N)
- for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
- {
- w[i] = (float)(0.54 - 0.46 * cos(TWOPI * i / (N - 1)));
- }
-// IIR2_filter - 2nd order IIR filter
-IIR2_filter::IIR2_filter(const double *lpf_coeffs)
- memcpy(coeffs, lpf_coeffs, 5 * sizeof(double));
- memset(prev, 0, sizeof(prev));
-float IIR2_filter::update(float x)
- prev[0] = x;
- double y = x * coeffs[0];
- for (int i = 4; i >= 1; i--)
- {
- y += coeffs[i] * prev[i];
- prev[i] = prev[i - 1];
- }
- prev[3] = y;
- return (float)y;
-// IIR low-pass filter coefficients, calculated with matlab/octave cheby2(2,40,0.05)
-const double _LPF_coeffs[5] = { 0.00996655391939, -0.01944529148401, 0.00996655391939, 1.96867605796247, -0.96916387431724 };
-BPMDetect::BPMDetect(int numChannels, int aSampleRate) :
- beat_lpf(_LPF_coeffs)
- beats.reserve(250); // initial reservation to prevent frequent reallocation
- this->sampleRate = aSampleRate;
- this->channels = numChannels;
- decimateSum = 0;
- decimateCount = 0;
- // choose decimation factor so that result is approx. 1000 Hz
- decimateBy = sampleRate / TARGET_SRATE;
- if ((decimateBy <= 0) || (decimateBy * DECIMATED_BLOCK_SIZE < INPUT_BLOCK_SIZE))
- {
- ST_THROW_RT_ERROR("Too small samplerate");
- }
- // Calculate window length & starting item according to desired min & max bpms
- windowLen = (60 * sampleRate) / (decimateBy * MIN_BPM);
- windowStart = (60 * sampleRate) / (decimateBy * MAX_BPM_RANGE);
- assert(windowLen > windowStart);
- // allocate new working objects
- xcorr = new float[windowLen];
- memset(xcorr, 0, windowLen * sizeof(float));
- pos = 0;
- peakPos = 0;
- peakVal = 0;
- init_scaler = 1;
- beatcorr_ringbuffpos = 0;
- beatcorr_ringbuff = new float[windowLen];
- memset(beatcorr_ringbuff, 0, windowLen * sizeof(float));
- // allocate processing buffer
- buffer = new FIFOSampleBuffer();
- // we do processing in mono mode
- buffer->setChannels(1);
- buffer->clear();
- // calculate hamming windows
- hamw = new float[XCORR_UPDATE_SEQUENCE];
- hamming(hamw, XCORR_UPDATE_SEQUENCE);
- hamw2 = new float[XCORR_UPDATE_SEQUENCE / 2];
- hamming(hamw2, XCORR_UPDATE_SEQUENCE / 2);
- delete[] xcorr;
- delete[] beatcorr_ringbuff;
- delete[] hamw;
- delete[] hamw2;
- delete buffer;
-/// convert to mono, low-pass filter & decimate to about 500 Hz.
-/// return number of outputted samples.
-/// Decimation is used to remove the unnecessary frequencies and thus to reduce
-/// the amount of data needed to be processed as calculating autocorrelation
-/// function is a very-very heavy operation.
-/// Anti-alias filtering is done simply by averaging the samples. This is really a
-/// poor-man's anti-alias filtering, but it's not so critical in this kind of application
-/// (it'd also be difficult to design a high-quality filter with steep cut-off at very
-/// narrow band)
-int BPMDetect::decimate(SAMPLETYPE *dest, const SAMPLETYPE *src, int numsamples)
- int count, outcount;
- assert(channels > 0);
- assert(decimateBy > 0);
- outcount = 0;
- for (count = 0; count < numsamples; count ++)
- {
- int j;
- // convert to mono and accumulate
- for (j = 0; j < channels; j ++)
- {
- decimateSum += src[j];
- }
- src += j;
- decimateCount ++;
- if (decimateCount >= decimateBy)
- {
- // Store every Nth sample only
- out = (LONG_SAMPLETYPE)(decimateSum / (decimateBy * channels));
- decimateSum = 0;
- decimateCount = 0;
- // check ranges for sure (shouldn't actually be necessary)
- if (out > 32767)
- {
- out = 32767;
- }
- else if (out < -32768)
- {
- out = -32768;
- }
- dest[outcount] = (SAMPLETYPE)out;
- outcount ++;
- }
- }
- return outcount;
-// Calculates autocorrelation function of the sample history buffer
-void BPMDetect::updateXCorr(int process_samples)
- int offs;
- SAMPLETYPE *pBuffer;
- assert(buffer->numSamples() >= (uint)(process_samples + windowLen));
- assert(process_samples == XCORR_UPDATE_SEQUENCE);
- pBuffer = buffer->ptrBegin();
- // calculate decay factor for xcorr filtering
- float xcorr_decay = (float)pow(0.5, 1.0 / (XCORR_DECAY_TIME_CONSTANT * TARGET_SRATE / process_samples));
- // prescale pbuffer
- for (int i = 0; i < process_samples; i++)
- {
- tmp[i] = hamw[i] * hamw[i] * pBuffer[i];
- }
- #pragma omp parallel for
- for (offs = windowStart; offs < windowLen; offs ++)
- {
- double sum;
- int i;
- sum = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < process_samples; i ++)
- {
- sum += tmp[i] * pBuffer[i + offs]; // scaling the sub-result shouldn't be necessary
- }
- xcorr[offs] *= xcorr_decay; // decay 'xcorr' here with suitable time constant.
- xcorr[offs] += (float)fabs(sum);
- }
-// Detect individual beat positions
-void BPMDetect::updateBeatPos(int process_samples)
- SAMPLETYPE *pBuffer;
- assert(buffer->numSamples() >= (uint)(process_samples + windowLen));
- pBuffer = buffer->ptrBegin();
- assert(process_samples == XCORR_UPDATE_SEQUENCE / 2);
- // static double thr = 0.0003;
- double posScale = (double)this->decimateBy / (double)this->sampleRate;
- int resetDur = (int)(0.12 / posScale + 0.5);
- double corrScale = 1.0 / (double)(windowLen - windowStart);
- // prescale pbuffer
- float tmp[XCORR_UPDATE_SEQUENCE / 2];
- for (int i = 0; i < process_samples; i++)
- {
- tmp[i] = hamw2[i] * hamw2[i] * pBuffer[i];
- }
- #pragma omp parallel for
- for (int offs = windowStart; offs < windowLen; offs++)
- {
- double sum = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < process_samples; i++)
- {
- sum += tmp[i] * pBuffer[offs + i];
- }
- beatcorr_ringbuff[(beatcorr_ringbuffpos + offs) % windowLen] += (float)((sum > 0) ? sum : 0); // accumulate only positive correlations
- }
- // compensate empty buffer at beginning by scaling coefficient
- float scale = (float)windowLen / (float)(skipstep * init_scaler);
- if (scale > 1.0f)
- {
- init_scaler++;
- }
- else
- {
- scale = 1.0f;
- }
- // detect beats
- for (int i = 0; i < skipstep; i++)
- {
- float sum = beatcorr_ringbuff[beatcorr_ringbuffpos];
- sum -= beat_lpf.update(sum);
- if (sum > peakVal)
- {
- // found new local largest value
- peakVal = sum;
- peakPos = pos;
- }
- if (pos > peakPos + resetDur)
- {
- // largest value not updated for 200msec => accept as beat
- peakPos += skipstep;
- if (peakVal > 0)
- {
- // add detected beat to end of "beats" vector
- BEAT temp = { (float)(peakPos * posScale), (float)(peakVal * scale) };
- beats.push_back(temp);
- }
- peakVal = 0;
- peakPos = pos;
- }
- beatcorr_ringbuff[beatcorr_ringbuffpos] = 0;
- pos++;
- beatcorr_ringbuffpos = (beatcorr_ringbuffpos + 1) % windowLen;
- }
-#define max(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
-void BPMDetect::inputSamples(const SAMPLETYPE *samples, int numSamples)
- // iterate so that max INPUT_BLOCK_SAMPLES processed per iteration
- while (numSamples > 0)
- {
- int block;
- int decSamples;
- block = (numSamples > INPUT_BLOCK_SIZE) ? INPUT_BLOCK_SIZE : numSamples;
- // decimate. note that converts to mono at the same time
- decSamples = decimate(decimated, samples, block);
- samples += block * channels;
- numSamples -= block;
- buffer->putSamples(decimated, decSamples);
- }
- // when the buffer has enough samples for processing...
- int req = max(windowLen + XCORR_UPDATE_SEQUENCE, 2 * XCORR_UPDATE_SEQUENCE);
- while ((int)buffer->numSamples() >= req)
- {
- // ... update autocorrelations...
- // ...update beat position calculation...
- updateBeatPos(XCORR_UPDATE_SEQUENCE / 2);
- // ... and remove proceessed samples from the buffer
- buffer->receiveSamples(n);
- }
-void BPMDetect::removeBias()
- int i;
- // Remove linear bias: calculate linear regression coefficient
- // 1. calc mean of 'xcorr' and 'i'
- double mean_i = 0;
- double mean_x = 0;
- for (i = windowStart; i < windowLen; i++)
- {
- mean_x += xcorr[i];
- }
- mean_x /= (windowLen - windowStart);
- mean_i = 0.5 * (windowLen - 1 + windowStart);
- // 2. calculate linear regression coefficient
- double b = 0;
- double div = 0;
- for (i = windowStart; i < windowLen; i++)
- {
- double xt = xcorr[i] - mean_x;
- double xi = i - mean_i;
- b += xt * xi;
- div += xi * xi;
- }
- b /= div;
- // subtract linear regression and resolve min. value bias
- float minval = FLT_MAX; // arbitrary large number
- for (i = windowStart; i < windowLen; i ++)
- {
- xcorr[i] -= (float)(b * i);
- if (xcorr[i] < minval)
- {
- minval = xcorr[i];
- }
- }
- // subtract min.value
- for (i = windowStart; i < windowLen; i ++)
- {
- xcorr[i] -= minval;
- }
-// Calculate N-point moving average for "source" values
-void MAFilter(float *dest, const float *source, int start, int end, int N)
- for (int i = start; i < end; i++)
- {
- int i1 = i - N / 2;
- int i2 = i + N / 2 + 1;
- if (i1 < start) i1 = start;
- if (i2 > end) i2 = end;
- double sum = 0;
- for (int j = i1; j < i2; j ++)
- {
- sum += source[j];
- }
- dest[i] = (float)(sum / (i2 - i1));
- }
-float BPMDetect::getBpm()
- double peakPos;
- double coeff;
- PeakFinder peakFinder;
- // remove bias from xcorr data
- removeBias();
- coeff = 60.0 * ((double)sampleRate / (double)decimateBy);
- // save bpm debug data if debug data writing enabled
- _SaveDebugData("soundtouch-bpm-xcorr.txt", xcorr, windowStart, windowLen, coeff);
- // Smoothen by N-point moving-average
- float *data = new float[windowLen];
- memset(data, 0, sizeof(float) * windowLen);
- MAFilter(data, xcorr, windowStart, windowLen, MOVING_AVERAGE_N);
- // find peak position
- peakPos = peakFinder.detectPeak(data, windowStart, windowLen);
- // save bpm debug data if debug data writing enabled
- _SaveDebugData("soundtouch-bpm-smoothed.txt", data, windowStart, windowLen, coeff);
- delete[] data;
- assert(decimateBy != 0);
- if (peakPos < 1e-9) return 0.0; // detection failed.
- _SaveDebugBeatPos("soundtouch-detected-beats.txt", beats);
- // calculate BPM
- float bpm = (float)(coeff / peakPos);
- return (bpm >= MIN_BPM && bpm <= MAX_BPM_VALID) ? bpm : 0;
-/// Get beat position arrays. Note: The array includes also really low beat detection values
-/// in absence of clear strong beats. Consumer may wish to filter low values away.
-/// - "pos" receive array of beat positions
-/// - "values" receive array of beat detection strengths
-/// - max_num indicates max.size of "pos" and "values" array.
-/// You can query a suitable array sized by calling this with NULL in "pos" & "values".
-/// \return number of beats in the arrays.
-int BPMDetect::getBeats(float *pos, float *values, int max_num)
- int num = beats.size();
- if ((!pos) || (!values)) return num; // pos or values NULL, return just size
- for (int i = 0; (i < num) && (i < max_num); i++)
- {
- pos[i] = beats[i].pos;
- values[i] = beats[i].strength;
- }
- return num;