path: root/src/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/')
1 files changed, 256 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f351e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+use futures::sync::mpsc;
+use futures::sync::oneshot;
+use futures::{sink, Sink, Future, Poll, Async};
+use super::common::{MailRequest, MailResponse};
+use super::error::MailSendError;
+type InnerChannel = mpsc::Sender<(MailRequest, oneshot::Sender<Result<MailResponse, MailSendError>>)>;
+#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
+pub struct MailServiceHandle {
+ channel: InnerChannel
+impl MailServiceHandle {
+ pub(crate) fn new(sender: InnerChannel) -> Self {
+ MailServiceHandle { channel: sender }
+ }
+ pub fn send_mail(self, mail_request: MailRequest) -> MailEnqueueFuture {
+ let (sender, rx) = oneshot::channel();
+ let send =, sender));
+ MailEnqueueFuture { send, rx: Some(rx) }
+ }
+// pub fn map_request_stream<S>(self, stream: S, max_buffer: Option<usize>) -> SmtpMailStream<RQ, S>
+// where S: Stream<Item = RQ>,
+// S::Error: Into<MailSendError>
+// {
+// SmtpMailStream::new(, stream, max_buffer)
+// }
+ pub fn into_inner(self) -> InnerChannel {
+ }
+pub struct MailEnqueueFuture {
+ send: sink::Send<InnerChannel>,
+ rx: Option<oneshot::Receiver<Result<MailResponse, MailSendError>>>
+impl Future for MailEnqueueFuture {
+ type Item = (MailServiceHandle, MailResponseFuture);
+ type Error = MailSendError;
+ fn poll(&mut self) -> Poll<Self::Item, Self::Error> {
+ let channel = match self.send.poll() {
+ Ok(Async::Ready(channel)) => channel,
+ Ok(Async::NotReady) => return Ok(Async::NotReady),
+ Err(_cancel_err) => return Err(MailSendError::DriverDropped),
+ };
+ let rx = self.rx.take().expect("called poll after polling completed");
+ Ok(Async::Ready((MailServiceHandle { channel }, MailResponseFuture { rx })))
+ }
+pub struct MailResponseFuture {
+ rx: oneshot::Receiver<Result<MailResponse, MailSendError>>
+impl Future for MailResponseFuture {
+ type Item = MailResponse;
+ type Error = MailSendError;
+ fn poll(&mut self) -> Poll<Self::Item, Self::Error> {
+ let res = match self.rx.poll() {
+ Ok(Async::Ready(res)) => res,
+ Ok(Async::NotReady) => return Ok(Async::NotReady),
+ Err(_cancel_err) => return Err(MailSendError::CanceledByDriver),
+ };
+ match res {
+ Ok(resp) => Ok(Async::Ready(resp)),
+ Err(err) => Err(err)
+ }
+ }
+// use a closure to setup smtp Clone + FnMut() -> R, R: Future<Item=...,> or similar
+//fn setup_smtp(smtp_connect SmtpSetup) -> (Sender, impl Future<(), SendError>) {
+// let (send, resc) = mpcs::channel(XX);
+// let shared_composition_base = smtp_setup.composition_base;
+// let driver = smtp_connect().and_then(|service| {
+// let service = shared_composition_base.wrap_smtp_service(service);
+// let pipe_in = resc;;
+// pipe_in.for_each(|(cmd, pipe_out)| {
+//|res| {
+// let _ = pipe_out.send(res);
+// Ok(())
+// })
+// })
+// });
+// (send, driver)
+//fn setup_smtp_with_retry(setup: SmtpSetup) -> impl Future<(),RetryFail> {
+// let driver = setup_smtp(setup.clone());
+// future::loop_fn(driver, move |driver| {
+// driver.or_else(|err| {
+// if err.was_canceled() {
+// Ok(Loop::Break(()))
+// } else if err.can_recover() {
+// let new_driver = setup_smtp(setup.clone());
+// Ok(Loop::Continue(new_driver))
+// } else {
+// Err(err.into())
+// }
+// })
+// })
+// TODO: This links into a stream mapping a stream of requests to a stream of responses,
+// but it needs more though into it, i.e. it decouples the sending of a mail, with
+// the response of getting one. So we need to at last add some mail Id to Req (we
+// might want to see if we can generally do so using MessageId).
+//pub struct SmtpMailStream<RQ, S>
+// where RQ: MailSendRequest,
+// S: Stream<Item = RQ>,
+// S::Error: Into<MailSendError>
+// channel: Option<InnerChannel<RQ>>,
+// stream: Option<S>,
+// res_buffer: FuturesUnordered<oneshot::Receiver<Result<MailResponse, MailSendError>>>,
+// send_buffer: Option<(RQ, oneshot::Sender<Result<MailResponse, MailSendError>>)>,
+// max_buffer: Option<usize>
+//impl<RQ, S> SmtpMailStream<RQ, S>
+// where RQ: MailSendRequest,
+// S: Stream<Item = RQ>,
+// S::Error: Into<MailSendError>
+// pub(crate) fn new(channel: InnerChannel<RQ>, stream: S, max_buffer: Option<usize>) -> Self {
+// SmtpMailStream {
+// channel, stream, max_buffer,
+// send_buffer: None,
+// res_buffer: FuturesUnordered::new(),
+// }
+// }
+// fn channel_mut(&mut self) -> &mut InnerChannel<RQ> {
+// }
+// fn stream_mut(&mut self) -> &mut S {
+// }
+// fn try_enqueue_mail(
+// &mut self,
+// msg: (RQ, oneshot::Sender<Result<MailResponse, MailSendError>>)
+// ) -> Poll<(), DriverDropped<S>>
+// {
+// debug_assert!(self.send_buffer.is_none());
+// debug_assert!( &&;
+// match self.channel_mut().start_send(msg) {
+// Ok(AsyncSink::Ready) => Ok(Async::Ready(())),
+// Ok(AsyncSink::NotReady(msg)) => {
+// self.send_buffer = Some(msg);
+// Ok(Async::NotReady)
+// },
+// Err(_) => {
+// mem::drop(;
+// Err(DriverDropped::Stream(
+// }
+// }
+// }
+// fn close_channel(&mut self) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>, Self::Error> {
+// try_ready!(self.channel_mut().close());
+// return Ok(Async::Ready(None));
+// }
+// fn poll_stream(&mut self) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>, Self::Error> {
+// match self.stream_mut().poll()? {
+// Async::Ready(Some(item)) => Async::Ready(Some(item)),
+// Async::Ready(None) => {
+// return self.close_channel();
+// }
+// Async::NotReady => {
+// try_ready!(self.channel_mut().poll_complete());
+// return Ok(Async::NotRead);
+// }
+// }
+// }
+//pub enum DriverDropped<S> {
+// Stream(S),
+// StreamTakenOnPreviousError
+//impl<RQ, S> Stream for SmtpMailStream<RQ, S>
+// where RQ: MailSendRequest,
+// S: Stream<Item = RQ>,
+// //FIXME[tokio 0.2] use error Never??
+// S::Error: Into<MailSendError>
+// type Item = Result<MailResponse, MailSendError>;
+// type Error = DriverDropped<S>;
+// fn poll(&mut self) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>, Self::Error> {
+// if {
+// return Err(DriverDropped::StreamTakenOnPreviousError);
+// }
+// if {
+// return self.close_channel();
+// }
+// if let Some(msg) = self.send_buffer {
+// try_ready!(self.try_enqueue_mail(msg));
+// }
+// loop {
+// match self.res_buffer.poll() {
+// Ok(Async::NotReady) => {},
+// Ok(Async::Ready(res)) => return Ok(AsyncReady(Ok(res))),
+// Err(err) => return Ok(AsyncReady(Err(e)))
+// }
+// if|max| self.res_buffer.len() >= max).unwrap_or_false() {
+// return Ok(Async::NotReady);
+// }
+// let item = try_some_ready!(self.poll_stream());
+// let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel();
+// self.res_buffer.push(rx);
+// try_ready!(self.try_enqueue_mail((item, tx)));
+// }
+// }
+//} \ No newline at end of file