path: root/ui/assets/css/main.css
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2020-07-09Adding lemmy's devs / contributors to the sidebar. Fixes #743Dessalines
2020-07-03Adding a search icon, and a faster transition.Dessalines
2020-07-03Modify search button to be expandable.Ricardo de Arruda
* Accordingly issue#814. * Input contract if un-focus input element * Search text data persisted when contracted/expanded
2020-07-01Replace search button to input field at navbar.Ricardo de Arruda
* Search input not rendered at /search path. * Navbar wrapped with withRouter for accessing history props. * Flex-grow/shrink control the width of the input element dynamically.
2020-06-24Making max markdown image height smaller. Fixes #836Dessalines
2020-05-28Remove only show scrollbar on hover, change to auto. Fixes #734Dessalines
2020-04-12Add Emoji squashed commit.Dessalines
2020-03-19Changing comment action button size. Adding comment dividers. Fixes #604Dessalines
2020-03-08Line break pre / view_source blocks.Dessalines
2020-03-06Some comment-node additionsDessalines
- Hiding extra vote counts if no downvotes. - Showing numbers on actions if there are.
2020-03-05Thinner blockquotes. Corrected user on private messaging.Dessalines
2020-03-04Moving comment voting to action bar. Adding plurals.Dessalines
2020-03-03A first pass at adding icons, and tippy tooltips.Dessalines
- Adding icons for post-listing, comment-node, and navbar. - Adding html titles. - Updating moment expand to use users locale.
2020-02-29Increasing mini-overlay size. #564Dessalines
2020-02-29Refactoring thumbnails. Fixes #564Dessalines
- Adding a default discussion thumbnail - Adding a cropping max-height, and consistent width. - Getting rid of hover overlays, in favor of top right content-type icon.
2020-02-27Use image thumbnails from pictshare. Fixes #555Dessalines
2020-02-24Adding missing image thumbnail. Fixes #553Dessalines
2020-02-21Adding a link overlay. Fixes #549Dessalines
2020-02-12Add community refine by searching on new post creation. Fixes #521Dessalines
2020-02-09Adding instant voting / vote animations. Fixes #526Dessalines
2020-02-06Fix expanded image height. Fixes #455Dessalines
2020-01-20Adding nsfw image blur. Fixes #438Dessalines
2020-01-19Fixing a css sizing style.Dessalines
2020-01-15Fix image expanding and truncation issue.Dessalines
2020-01-16[CSS] Sticky FooterSmit Patel
2020-01-14Fixing text overflow / wrapping for titles and markdown. Fixes #414Dessalines
2020-01-14Adding border lines and spacing on markdown tables.Dessalines
- Fixes #413
2019-10-15Adding 8 different themes.Dessalines
- Fixes #276