AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2020-07-14Change styling on comment-form no login-alert.HEADmasterDessalines
2020-07-14Some password reset UI fixes. Fixes #955Dessalines
2020-07-14Version v0.7.21Dessalines
2020-07-14Merge remote-tracking branch 'weblate/master'Dessalines
2020-07-14Fixing user mention reading. (#968)Dessalines
2020-07-14A few fixes.Dessalines
2020-07-14Translated using Weblate (Italian)riccardo
Currently translated at 100.0% (250 of 250 strings) Translation: Lemmy/lemmy Translate-URL:
2020-07-14Merge branch 'fix_frontend_duplicate_requests' of ↵Dessalines into masterstur-fix_frontend_duplicate_requests
2020-07-14Version v0.7.20Dessalines
2020-07-14Security/fix permission bugs (#966)ryexandra
* secure the `EditPost` API endpoint * Check user is moderator in BanFromCommunity * secure the `EditComment` API endpoint * pass orig `read` prob when not explicitly updating it. * Block random users from adding mods. * use cleaner logic from `EditPost` * prevent editing a community by a mod from transfering ownership to them * secure `read` action in `EditPrivateMessage` * Add check in UserMention * only let the indended recipient mark as read * simplify booleans to satisfy clippy * requested changes + cargo +nightly fmt * fix to pass federation tests for deleting comments and posts Co-authored-by: chiminh <> Co-authored-by: Hex Bear <>
2020-07-14ui.components: fix ts types, move user pagination to user detailsderek
2020-07-13ui.components.sort-select: always parse to numberderek
2020-07-13ui.components.main: simplify url update logicderek
2020-07-13ui.components: fix selector components to work with browser buttonsderek
Use getDerivedState to set state and only send back props
2020-07-13ui.components.communities: deprecate componentWillReceivePropsderek fix duplicate requestsderek
Deprecate componentWillReceiveProps for getDerivedStateFromProps fix duplicate requestsderek
Deprecate componentWillReceiveProps for getDerivedStateFromProps
2020-07-13ui.components.main: fix duplicate requestsderek
Deprecate componentWillReceiveProps for getDerivedStateFromProps
2020-07-13ui.components: split user component up to fix duplicate requestsderek
Replace componentWillReceiveProps with getDerivedState and pass state as props to new component
2020-07-13Merge remote-tracking branch 'LemmyNet/master'derek
2020-07-13Version v0.7.19Dessalines
2020-07-13Making chat only sortable by new.Dessalines
2020-07-13Version v0.7.18Dessalines
2020-07-13Adding docker workspace caching. Fixes #940 (#958)Dessalines
2020-07-13Merge branch 'fix-migrate-apub-lib'Dessalines
2020-07-13Adding a configurable config location through an env var. (#960)Dessalines
* Adding a configurable config location through an env var. - Its `LEMMY_CONFIG_LOCATION` - Fixes #764 * Using a static for CONFIG_FILE again. * Make clippy happy
2020-07-13Using community-link instead.Dessalines
2020-07-13Merge branch 'add_post_title_to_comments_view' of ↵Dessalines into makigi-io-add_post_title_to_comments_view
2020-07-13Make reads from activitypub objects immutableFelix Ableitner
2020-07-13Wrap each inbox route individually (#954)Riley
2020-07-13Adding a community_name option to GetPosts /post/list . Fixes #800 (#942)Dessalines
2020-07-13Fixing admin and mod sort order. Fixes #939 (#941)Dessalines
2020-07-13Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into ↵Ernest
2020-07-13Add post title to user comments inbox view, comment_view, user_mention_viewErnest
2020-07-12Version v0.7.17Dessalines
2020-07-12Merge remote-tracking branch 'weblate/master'Dessalines
2020-07-12Migration fixErnest
2020-07-12Fixing offset for mobile reflow.Dessalines
2020-07-12Add post title to user overview and user comment listErnest
2020-07-12Add post title to comments view #948Ernest
2020-07-12Moving recent comments into main view as a chat select. Fixes #943Dessalines
2020-07-11Comment box focus (#947)Dessalines
* Add fallback url to fuse devserver(closes #945) * Only focus on reply commentform textareas. Fixes #944 Co-authored-by: Justin Hernandez <>
2020-07-11Adding number of comments for user search.Dessalines
2020-07-11Merge branch 'remove-karma-from-search' of ↵Dessalines into jmarthernandez-remove-karma-from-search
2020-07-11Merge branch 'master' into jmarthernandez-remove-karma-from-searchDessalines
2020-07-11Add fallback url to fuse devserver(closes #945) (#946)Justin Hernandez
2020-07-11Remove karma count from search results(fixes #853)Justin Hernandez
2020-07-11Translated using Weblate (Basque)Txopi
Currently translated at 100.0% (250 of 250 strings) Translation: Lemmy/lemmy Translate-URL:
2020-07-11Version v0.7.16Dessalines
2020-07-11Redirect error on create_post page for not logged in users. #937 (#938)ernestwisniewski