path: root/
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2020-07-10Split code into cargo workspaces (#67)nutomic
More fixes - fixed docker builds - fixed mentions regex test - fixed DATABASE_URL stuff - change schema path in diesel.toml Address review comments - add jsonb column back into activity table - remove authors field from cargo.toml - adjust LEMMY_DATABASE_URL env var usage - rename all occurences of LEMMY_DATABASE_URL to DATABASE_URL Decouple utils and db Split code into cargo workspaces Co-authored-by: Felix Ableitner <> Reviewed-on:
2020-05-11Improve shell scripts (#705)Richie Zhang
* Improve Allow custom database parameters. Abstract common functionality. * Improve Abstract common functionality. Ask to automagically reload the project when source files are changed.
2020-05-01Improve the yes/no prompt in (#683)Richie Zhang
* Improve the yes/no prompt in The old implementation used a feature only present on Bash version 4, which not all systems have. The new version should work on all bash shells. * Update
2020-03-13Adding full logging.Dessalines
2020-02-08Add line breaks after user prompts in install.shRichie Zhang
2020-02-08Add a semicolon.Richie Zhang
2020-02-08Fix a user prompt in install.shRichie Zhang
2020-02-08Add an option to initialize the database from install.shRichie Zhang
2020-01-26Fixing db export.Dessalines
2019-12-09Adding custom language setting.Dessalines
- Fixes #319
2019-05-02Externalizing JWT tokenDessalines
2019-04-26Add shebang to scriptsFelix Ableitner
2019-04-18Showing how to do live update developing in the install script.Dessalines
2019-04-06Adding expanding navbar, some docsDessalines