path: root/devices
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-09-17smart.go: switch to simpler ReadGenericAttributes() apiAnatol Pomozov
2022-07-15Adjust nvme temperature from Kelvins to CelsiusAnatol Pomozov
2022-06-19use single map, improve logic and loggingrare-magma
2022-06-18optimize device opening / closingrare-magma
2022-06-15handle smart errors, use ParseAsTemperature()rare-magma
2022-06-14add error handling, simplify attribute value assignment, remove redundant nam...rare-magma
2022-06-08use defer to close smart streamrare-magma
2022-06-07close smart stream after reading temperaturerare-magma
2022-06-07use log for error instead of fmtrare-magma
2022-06-07improve and simplify disk type switchrare-magma
2022-06-06add disk temperatures via smart.go / ghwrare-magma
2022-05-13Ignore gopsutil host warningsAkbar Rifai
2022-03-26Fixes test on darwinQuan Tong
2022-02-15Fixed target directory for man page; removes the homebrew trigger in release ...Sean E. Russell
2022-02-10Temporarily replace David's goopt with my patched version that fixes the dash...Sean E. Russell
2022-02-09Fixes #158, adding a man page. This replaces the flags library in the process...Sean E. Russell
2021-07-20Mostly TODOs, but adds command to build Darwin/ARMSean E. Russell
2021-07-17Remote extension was ignoring config file values.Sean E. Russell
2021-05-03Merge branch 'go1.16'Sean E. Russell
2021-03-05Fixes cross-platform building (`func update` shadowing), removes gotop-builde...Sean E. Russell
2021-03-04Gets the NVidia extension options working, including marshalling.nvidiaSean E. Russell
2021-03-02Bring extensions under the umbrella.Sean E. Russell
2021-02-15Fixes #166, duplicate key in de_DESean E. Russell
2021-02-03Merge branch 'master' into go1.16Sean E. Russell
2021-02-03Fixes #152, missing thermal device on FreeBSD reported as error, when it isn't.Sean E. Russell
2021-02-03Go 1.16: embed and io/fsSean E. Russell
2021-02-03Replace jdkeke142 lingo with fork; using replace in go.mod breaks go get.Sean E. Russell
2021-01-27Fixes #6, no temperatures shown on Raspberry Pi.Sean E. Russell
2021-01-26strings.TrimSuffix() is some 7x faster than a call to Index() plus a slice, a...Sean E. Russell
2020-11-30Fixes #130. Any warning or error from gopsutil was preventing any temps from ...Sean E. Russell
2020-11-23Merge branch 'master' of E. Russell
2020-11-23Resolves merge conflictsSean E. Russell
2020-07-25Closes #32. Average is really average, over time. Boldify the AVRG label. Rem...v4.0.2Sean E. Russell
2020-06-26Work-around for bug shirou/gopsutil#849, addressing #135Sean E. Russell
2020-06-20More strings moved to translationsSean E. Russell
2020-06-19Translation files are now bundled.Sean E. Russell
2020-06-12Fixme commentSean E. Russell
2020-06-09Closes #131, SMC GPL issue on OSX; consequently removes need to CGO in darwin.v4.0.1Sean E. Russell
2020-05-31Merge branch 'master' into v4.0Sean E. Russell
2020-05-31Merge tag 'v3.5.3'Sean E. Russell
2020-05-30Fixes #97Sean E. Russell
2020-05-29Fixes #97Sean E. Russell
2020-05-24Merge branch 'master' into v4.0Sean E. Russell
2020-05-24Documentation clean-up.Sean E. Russell
2020-05-19Cleans up and removes the smc.c code, which was forcing a license dependency ...Sean E. Russell
2020-05-19Closes #36 -- switch to MIT license.Sean E. Russell
2020-05-08Merge branch 'master' into v4.0Sean E. Russell
2020-05-06FIXMEsSean E. Russell
2020-05-01Fixes #123, refresh delay on startSean E. Russell
2020-05-01Update todosSean E. Russell