AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-03-30Merge pull request #247 from gardockt/revert-termbox-go-bumpHEADmasterxxxserxxx
2023-03-22Revert termbox-go dependency bumpTomasz Gardocki
2023-03-22Disabling this for now since it always fails and I'm not sure it should be au...Sean E. Russell
2023-03-22The man page should be in 1, not 8Sean E. Russell
2023-03-21Merge pull request #248 from jakic12/readme-typoxxxserxxx
2023-03-19fix readme typoJakob Drusany
2023-02-16Revert termbox-go dependency bumpTomasz Gardocki
2023-02-08Merge pull request #245 from talentlessguy/patch-1xxxserxxx
2023-01-23Better Russian translationv 1 r t l
2022-11-16Merge pull request #238 from rare-magma/update-smart.goxxxserxxx
2022-11-04Merge pull request #204 from mjshariati98/add-farsi-langxxxserxxx
2022-09-29update smart.gorare-magma
2022-09-29More docs changes. Churn, baby, churn!Sean E. Russell
2022-09-29Readme fixesSean E. Russell
2022-09-29Adds translation for sort-by-command change to NL; many docs changes.v4.2.0Sean E. Russell
2022-09-29Merge branch 'feat-sort-procs-cmd' of E. Russell
2022-09-29Merge branch 'update-gopsutil' of E. Russell
2022-09-29One of the termui tests was failing; this fixes the `numbered.Less()` function.Sean E. Russell
2022-09-29Update the module versionsSean E. Russell
2022-09-29Merge branch 'master' of E. Russell
2022-09-29Merge pull request #237 from rapenne-s/patch-1xxxserxxx
2022-09-26gotop is available in NixpkgsSolène Rapenne
2022-09-17smart.go: switch to simpler ReadGenericAttributes() apiAnatol Pomozov
2022-09-01Update gopsutilStanisław Pitucha
2022-08-17Merge pull request #231 from sitiom/patch-1xxxserxxx
2022-08-05Add scoop installation methodsitiom
2022-07-28Merge pull request #223 from Vistaus/masterxxxserxxx
2022-07-28Merge pull request #225 from anatol/masterxxxserxxx
2022-07-28Merge pull request #228 from ctII/pageupdownadditionxxxserxxx
2022-07-22add page up and page down to for scrolling pagesClayton Townsend II
2022-07-15Adjust nvme temperature from Kelvins to CelsiusAnatol Pomozov
2022-07-15Fixes #217v4.1.4Sean E. Russell
2022-07-15Bump the version of the cross-compiler builder to pull in fixes for #212, #20...Sean E. Russell
2022-07-15Add instruction for packagers and cross-compilers.Sean E. Russell
2022-07-15Build script version fix, documentation clarification on some recent feature ...Sean E. Russell
2022-07-13Added nl.tomlHeimen Stoffels
2022-06-19use single map, improve logic and loggingrare-magma
2022-06-18optimize device opening / closingrare-magma
2022-06-18update go.modrare-magma
2022-06-15update go.modrare-magma
2022-06-15handle smart errors, use ParseAsTemperature()rare-magma
2022-06-14add error handling, simplify attribute value assignment, remove redundant nam...rare-magma
2022-06-08use defer to close smart streamrare-magma
2022-06-07close smart stream after reading temperaturerare-magma
2022-06-07use log for error instead of fmtrare-magma
2022-06-07improve and simplify disk type switchrare-magma
2022-06-06add disk temperatures via smart.go / ghwrare-magma
2022-05-13Merge pull request #219 from aztecrabbit/fix-issue-16xxxserxxx
2022-05-13Ignore gopsutil host warningsAkbar Rifai
2022-04-25Merge pull request #215 from ignavan39/fix/ru_dictxxxserxxx