AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2023-03-30Merge pull request #247 from gardockt/revert-termbox-go-bumpHEADmasterxxxserxxx
Revert termbox-go dependency bump
2023-03-22Revert termbox-go dependency bumpTomasz Gardocki
2023-03-22Disabling this for now since it always fails and I'm not sure it should be ↵Sean E. Russell
automated anyway.
2023-03-22The man page should be in 1, not 8Sean E. Russell
2023-03-21Merge pull request #248 from jakic12/readme-typoxxxserxxx
Fix readme typo
2023-03-19fix readme typoJakob Drusany
2023-02-16Revert termbox-go dependency bumpTomasz Gardocki
2023-02-08Merge pull request #245 from talentlessguy/patch-1xxxserxxx
Better Russian translation
2023-01-23Better Russian translationv 1 r t l
2022-11-16Merge pull request #238 from rare-magma/update-smart.goxxxserxxx
update smart.go
2022-11-04Merge pull request #204 from mjshariati98/add-farsi-langxxxserxxx
Add Persian/Farsi support to gotop for issue #120
2022-09-29update smart.gorare-magma
2022-09-29More docs changes. Churn, baby, churn!Sean E. Russell
2022-09-29Readme fixesSean E. Russell
2022-09-29Adds translation for sort-by-command change to NL; many docs changes.v4.2.0Sean E. Russell
2022-09-29Merge branch 'feat-sort-procs-cmd' of E. Russell
2022-09-29Merge branch 'update-gopsutil' of E. Russell
2022-09-29One of the termui tests was failing; this fixes the `numbered.Less()` function.Sean E. Russell
Something in sorting was broken at some point, maybe during a Go version upgrade? That code hasn't changed in a while. While fixing the code, I rewrote the `numbered.Less()` function. It's shorter, and I think it's clearer, but in addition to being correct now it's also about 10% faster than the original.
2022-09-29Update the module versionsSean E. Russell
2022-09-29Merge branch 'master' of E. Russell
2022-09-29Merge pull request #237 from rapenne-s/patch-1xxxserxxx
gotop is available in Nixpkgs
2022-09-26gotop is available in NixpkgsSolène Rapenne
2022-09-17smart.go: switch to simpler ReadGenericAttributes() apiAnatol Pomozov get the device temperature. This API abstracts differences between different device interfaces (SATA vs NVMe vs ...)
2022-09-01Update gopsutilStanisław Pitucha
This is required for clean darwin compilation. Older versions fail with: ``` ../go/pkg/mod/ error: 'TARGET_OS_MAC' is not defined, evaluates to 0 [-Werror,-Wundef-prefix=TARGET_OS_] ^ 1 error generated. ```
2022-08-17Merge pull request #231 from sitiom/patch-1xxxserxxx
Add scoop installation method
2022-08-05Add scoop installation methodsitiom
2022-07-28Merge pull request #223 from Vistaus/masterxxxserxxx
Added nl.toml
2022-07-28Merge pull request #225 from anatol/masterxxxserxxx
Adjust nvme temperature from Kelvins to Celsius
2022-07-28Merge pull request #228 from ctII/pageupdownadditionxxxserxxx
add page up and page down to for scrolling pages
2022-07-22add page up and page down to for scrolling pagesClayton Townsend II
adds page up and page down keys to main.go to scroll page up and scroll page down similar to behavior found in htop, and slightly more intuitive
2022-07-15Adjust nvme temperature from Kelvins to CelsiusAnatol Pomozov
NVMe devices report the temperature in Kelvins. Adjust it to Celsius like for the rest of devices.
2022-07-15Fixes #217v4.1.4Sean E. Russell
2022-07-15Bump the version of the cross-compiler builder to pull in fixes for #212, ↵Sean E. Russell
#206, #209
2022-07-15Add instruction for packagers and cross-compilers.Sean E. Russell
2022-07-15Build script version fix, documentation clarification on some recent feature ↵Sean E. Russell
2022-07-13Added nl.tomlHeimen Stoffels
2022-06-19use single map, improve logic and loggingrare-magma
2022-06-18optimize device opening / closingrare-magma
2022-06-18update go.modrare-magma
2022-06-15update go.modrare-magma
2022-06-15handle smart errors, use ParseAsTemperature()rare-magma
2022-06-14add error handling, simplify attribute value assignment, remove redundant ↵rare-magma
name for smart.go
2022-06-08use defer to close smart streamrare-magma
2022-06-07close smart stream after reading temperaturerare-magma
2022-06-07use log for error instead of fmtrare-magma
2022-06-07improve and simplify disk type switchrare-magma
2022-06-06add disk temperatures via smart.go / ghwrare-magma
2022-05-13Merge pull request #219 from aztecrabbit/fix-issue-16xxxserxxx
Fix temperature widget not working
2022-05-13Ignore gopsutil host warningsAkbar Rifai
2022-04-25Merge pull request #215 from ignavan39/fix/ru_dictxxxserxxx
feat: Update ru_RU.toml