AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-04-06Use synchronized update mode to simplify and enhance renderingcsi2026Junegunn Choi
2024-04- Choi
2024-04-04Do not trim CR on Windows when --read0 is setJunegunn Choi
2024-04-04mod: update changes/fastwalk to v1.0.3 (#3709)Charlie Vieth
2024-04-04[bash] Add -o nospace to dir completion options (#1987)Junegunn Choi
2024-04-04[bash] Remove -o default from dir completion options (#1987)Junegunn Choi
2024-04-04[bash] Fix variable completion of directory-related commandsJunegunn Choi
2024-04-04Do not hide separator by default on --info=inline-right|hiddenJunegunn Choi
2024-04-02Further performance improvements by removing unnecessary copiesJunegunn Choi
2024-04-02GitHub Actions: Use Go "1.20"Junegunn Choi
2024-04-02GitHub Actions: Use Go 1.20Junegunn Choi
2024-04-02Improve ingestion performance (by around 40%)Junegunn Choi
2024-04-01Improve ingestion performance (by around 20%)Junegunn Choi
2024-03-31[fish] Fix $dir in FZF_{CTRL_T,ALT_C}_COMMAND not evaluatedJunegunn Choi
2024-03-31Deploying to master from @ junegunn/fzf@7de87a9b2c643ab6a1329666b283cab4ba9cb...junegunn
2024-03-31[shell] Make ALT-C use the absolute path to the selected directory (#3688)Emilio Vesprini
2024-03-29[bash-completion] Make dynamic loader return 124 to retry completionJunegunn Choi
2024-03-29Fix flaky test caseJunegunn Choi
2024-03-29Add environment variables: FZF_{BORDER,PREVIEW}_LABEL (#3693)Matthieu Cneude
2024-03-28Add track-current, untrack-current, and toggle-track-current (#3699)Junegunn Choi
2024-03-27Fix typo in commentJunegunn Choi
2024-03-27Fix reload and reload-sync behaviorsJunegunn Choi
2024-03-21Increase the buffer size for POST requestsJunegunn Choi
2024-03-21Set a 2-second timeout for POST requestsJunegunn Choi
2024-03-21README: Mention that you can source individual script filesJunegunn Choi
2024-03-21chore: transition from markdown to YAML for issue template (#3687)LangLangBart
2024-03-19[fish] Fix Ctrl-T and Alt-C not using last token as search root (#3684)zeertzjq
2024-03- Choi
2024-03-17Update READMEJunegunn Choi
2024-03-17Update READMEJunegunn Choi
2024-03-17Show how to disable a key bindingJunegunn Choi
2024-03-17Update Makefile target dependenciesJunegunn Choi
2024-03-17Updated link for highlight command (#3680)Brayden Hill
2024-03-17Make it possible to disable `Ctrl+T` / `Alt+C` / completions (#3678)Eli Barzilay
2024-03-17Fix panic caused by invalid cursor indexJunegunn Choi
2024-03-17[bash] Fix default completion of unset, unalias, etcJunegunn Choi
2024-03-17Deploying to master from @ junegunn/fzf@8977c9257a8093a82a2cffa4f7e6974e43206...junegunn
2024-03-14Limit the maximum number of focus events to process at onceJunegunn Choi
2024-03- Choi
2024-03-13Embed shell integration scripts in fzf binary (`--bash` / `--zsh` / `--fish`)...Junegunn Choi
2024-03-13Add walker options and replace 'find' with the built-in walker (#3649)Junegunn Choi
2024-03-13[bash] Fix regression in dynamic completionJunegunn Choi
2024-03-12Bump from 0.17.0 to 0.18.0 (#3670)dependabot[bot]
2024-03-10Revert "Fix CHANGELOG"Junegunn Choi
2024-03-10Fix CHANGELOGJunegunn Choi
2024-03- Choi
2024-03-10[bash] Update orig_complete after _completion_loaderKoichi Murase
2024-03-10[bash] Refactor access to "_fzf_orig_complete_${cmd//[^A-Za-z0-9_]/_}"Koichi Murase
2024-03-10Deploying to master from @ junegunn/fzf@26244ad8c21ccc946393e10eea7d6b1ad3209...junegunn
2024-03-09Fix preview area not being cleared when using certain types of border stylesJunegunn Choi