AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
6 daysDeploying to master from @ junegunn/fzf@d8bfb6712d514fd6715135fd0e60df188831b...HEADmasterjunegunn
7 daysRemove invalid 'result' event when using --sync optionJunegunn Choi
8 daysRespect $FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS_FILE in key bindings and completion (#3742)Junegunn Choi
8 daysDescribe how to build fzf from the latest source using brewJunegunn Choi
10 daysfix: Move 'emulate' command outside interactive check (#3736)LangLangBart
10 days[fzf-tmux] Replace `command -v` with `which`Junegunn Choi
10 daysFix typo in comment (#3734)hidewrong
12 days0. Choi
12 daysFix streaming filter mode by not running reader callback concurrentlyJunegunn Choi
13 daysImprove search performance by limiting the search scopeJunegunn Choi
13 daysImprove search performance by pre-calculating bonus matrixJunegunn Choi
13 daysImprove search performance by pre-calculating character classesJunegunn Choi
13 daysDeploying to master from @ junegunn/fzf@3c877c504b6102daf5dcc1083b1f1a7db88d3...junegunn
14 daysEnable profiling options when 'pprof' tag is set (#2813)Charlie Vieth
14 daysFix tcell buildJunegunn Choi
14 daysFix unit testsJunegunn Choi
14 daysExport $FZF_KEY environment variable to child processesJunegunn Choi
2024-04-10Add jump and jump-cancel eventsJunegunn Choi
2024-04-10Bump from 0.18.0 to 0.19.0 (#3718)dependabot[bot]
2024-04-10[shell] Revert interactiveness checks for evalJunegunn Choi
2024-04-09Disable line wrapping during renderingJunegunn Choi
2024-04-07chore: Add new option in issue checklist and modify requirements (#3715)LangLangBart
2024-04-07Deploying to master from @ junegunn/fzf@62963dcefd6d74510ae2692cd0955177bae57...junegunn
2024-04- Choi
2024-04-04Do not trim CR on Windows when --read0 is setJunegunn Choi
2024-04-04mod: update changes/fastwalk to v1.0.3 (#3709)Charlie Vieth
2024-04-04[bash] Add -o nospace to dir completion options (#1987)Junegunn Choi
2024-04-04[bash] Remove -o default from dir completion options (#1987)Junegunn Choi
2024-04-04[bash] Fix variable completion of directory-related commandsJunegunn Choi
2024-04-04Do not hide separator by default on --info=inline-right|hiddenJunegunn Choi
2024-04-02Further performance improvements by removing unnecessary copiesJunegunn Choi
2024-04-02GitHub Actions: Use Go "1.20"Junegunn Choi
2024-04-02GitHub Actions: Use Go 1.20Junegunn Choi
2024-04-02Improve ingestion performance (by around 40%)Junegunn Choi
2024-04-01Improve ingestion performance (by around 20%)Junegunn Choi
2024-03-31[fish] Fix $dir in FZF_{CTRL_T,ALT_C}_COMMAND not evaluatedJunegunn Choi
2024-03-31Deploying to master from @ junegunn/fzf@7de87a9b2c643ab6a1329666b283cab4ba9cb...junegunn
2024-03-31[shell] Make ALT-C use the absolute path to the selected directory (#3688)Emilio Vesprini
2024-03-29[bash-completion] Make dynamic loader return 124 to retry completionJunegunn Choi
2024-03-29Fix flaky test caseJunegunn Choi
2024-03-29Add environment variables: FZF_{BORDER,PREVIEW}_LABEL (#3693)Matthieu Cneude
2024-03-28Add track-current, untrack-current, and toggle-track-current (#3699)Junegunn Choi
2024-03-27Fix typo in commentJunegunn Choi
2024-03-27Fix reload and reload-sync behaviorsJunegunn Choi
2024-03-21Increase the buffer size for POST requestsJunegunn Choi
2024-03-21Set a 2-second timeout for POST requestsJunegunn Choi
2024-03-21README: Mention that you can source individual script filesJunegunn Choi
2024-03-21chore: transition from markdown to YAML for issue template (#3687)LangLangBart
2024-03-19[fish] Fix Ctrl-T and Alt-C not using last token as search root (#3684)zeertzjq
2024-03- Choi