AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-11-07chore(release): v0.39.0v0.39.0Aram Drevekenin
2023-11-06docs(api): docs for (#2909)Aram Drevekenin
2023-11-06fix(resurrection): properly serialize certain edge cases (#2907)Aram Drevekenin
2023-11-06docs(changelog): plugin cwdAram Drevekenin
2023-11-06fix(plugins): start plugin pane in cwd of focused pane if possible (#2905)Aram Drevekenin
2023-11-05docs(changelog): renaming sessionsAram Drevekenin
2023-11-05feat(ux): allow renaming sessions (#2903)Aram Drevekenin
2023-11-05docs(changelog): styled underlinesAram Drevekenin
2023-11-05feat(terminal): support styled underlines (#2730)Eatgrass
2023-11-04docs(changelog): session resurrection UIAram Drevekenin
2023-11-04feat(sessions): resurrect sessions through the session-manager (and plugin AP...Aram Drevekenin
2023-11-02docs(changelog): load plugins from the webAram Drevekenin
2023-11-02feat: load plugins from the web (#2863)Jae-Heon Ji
2023-11-02docs(changelog): plugin ui componentsAram Drevekenin
2023-11-02feat(plugins): UI components (#2898)Aram Drevekenin
2023-10-20fix(cli): session names only for attach in fish completion (#2857)Daniel Jankowski
2023-10-20docs(changelog): web request apiAram Drevekenin
2023-10-20feat(plugins): web requests api (#2879)Aram Drevekenin
2023-10-17docs(changelog): esc drop to shell in command panesAram Drevekenin
2023-10-17feat(panes): Add an option to press <ESC> and drop to shell in command panes ...Aram Drevekenin
2023-10-17docs(changelog): cyberpunk themesAram Drevekenin
2023-10-17style: cyberpunk inspired theme options added (#2868)Sourav De
2023-10-16docs(changelog): plugin api run_commandAram Drevekenin
2023-10-16feat(plugins): plugin run_command api (#2862)Aram Drevekenin
2023-10-13fix(plugins): make new auxiliary functions public (#2765)Nacho114
2023-10-13docs(changelog): resurrection crash fixAram Drevekenin
2023-10-13fix(resurrection): log failure instead of crashing in some edge cases (#2851)Aram Drevekenin
2023-10-13docs(changelog): terminal synchronized output when renderingAram Drevekenin
2023-10-13feat(client): terminal synchronized output (#2798)gmorer
2023-10-12docs(changelog): session resurrectionAram Drevekenin
2023-10-12feat(sessions): session resurrection (#2801)Aram Drevekenin
2023-10-12docs(changelog): plugin artifact cache path fixThomas Linford
2023-10-12fix(plugins): add zellij version to cached artifact path (#2836)Thomas Linford
2023-10-02docs(changelog): plugins security fixThomas Linford
2023-10-02fix(plugins): address potential security issue (#2830)Thomas Linford
2023-09-28docs(changelog): correct linkAram Drevekenin
2023-09-28docs(changelog): depsAram Drevekenin
2023-09-28chore: update uuid dependency to 1.4.1 (#2821)silwol
2023-09-28docs(changelog): depsAram Drevekenin
2023-09-28chore: migrate to directories from directories-next (#2820)silwol
2023-09-28chore(files): remove leftover Cargo.lock file from session-manager plugin (#2...silwol
2023-09-27docs(changelog): wasmer 3.1.1 upgradeThomas Linford
2023-09-27feat(plugins): upgrade wasmer to 3.1.1 (#2706)Thomas Linford
2023-09-27docs(changelog): fix kdl display parsing errorJae-Heon Ji
2023-09-27fix: display parsing error for kdl files located under the 'themes' directory...John Shin
2023-09-26docs(changelog): fix theme colorJae-Heon Ji
2023-09-26Change gruvbox light fg color (#2791)Wilfried OLLIVIER
2023-09-18docsAram Drevekenin
2023-09-18feat(panes): in place run (#2795)Aram Drevekenin
2023-09-16docs(changelog): fix validate session nameJae-Heon Ji