AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-05-16remove outdated commentsplugin-workers-and-striderAram Drevekenin
2023-05-16final cleanupsAram Drevekenin
2023-05-16style(fmt): rustfmtAram Drevekenin
2023-05-16add test for plugin worker persistenceAram Drevekenin
2023-05-16fix plugin worker persistenceAram Drevekenin
2023-05-15remove debugging statements from testAram Drevekenin
2023-05-15fix plugin system ci testsAram Drevekenin
2023-05-15correct path for plugin system testsAram Drevekenin
2023-05-15debug ciAram Drevekenin
2023-05-15debug ciAram Drevekenin
2023-05-15style(fmt): rustfmtAram Drevekenin
2023-05-15refactor: remove unused stuffAram Drevekenin
2023-05-15Merge branch 'main' into plugin-workers-and-striderAram Drevekenin
2023-05-15tests and more refactoringAram Drevekenin
2023-05-11even more refactoringAram Drevekenin
2023-05-10moar refactoringAram Drevekenin
2023-05-09Use rust 1.67 (#2375)har7an
2023-05-08various refactoringzAram Drevekenin
2023-05-08improve search uiAram Drevekenin
2023-05-05mvp of strider fuzzy findAram Drevekenin
2023-05-05docs(changelog): fix FreeBSD sticky bit crashThomas Linford
2023-05-05Do not unwrap() the sticky bit setting! (#2424)Val Packett
2023-05-03docs(changelog): build/ci speedupThomas Linford
2023-05-03improve build/ci times (#2396)Thomas Linford
2023-05-02docs(changelog): fix theme loadingJae-Heon Ji
2023-05-02Fix error loading non-existant themes directory and use default themes as the...Imbris
2023-04-28fix(e2e): fix flaky locked mode test (#2413)Aram Drevekenin
2023-04-28docs(changelog): error file pathsAram Drevekenin
2023-04-28fix(errors): add file path context to all IO errors in ConfigError (#2412)Imbris
2023-04-28docs(changelog): support env vars and shell expansions in cwdAram Drevekenin
2023-04-28feat(layout): Support environment variables in cwd (#2288) (#2291)Ran Shaham
2023-04-28docs(changelog): update and render plugins asyncAram Drevekenin
2023-04-28feat(plugins): update and render plugins asynchronously (#2410)Aram Drevekenin
2023-04-27docs(changelog): provide default themesJae-Heon Ji
2023-04-27feat: provide default themes (#2307)Jae-Heon Ji
2023-04-26docs(changelog): fix typoJae-Heon Ji
2023-04-26docs(changelog): add nightfox themesJae-Heon Ji
2023-04-26feat(themes): add nightfox themes (#2384)EdenEast
2023-04-21docs(changelog): update architecture docsJae-Heon Ji
2023-04-21Update architecture doc (#2371)Kangaxx-0
2023-04-19docs(changelog): reload plugins at runtimeAram Drevekenin
2023-04-19feat(plugins): reload plugin at runtime (#2372)Aram Drevekenin
2023-04-18docs(changelog): default cwdAram Drevekenin
2023-04-18feat: support default cwd (#2290)Kangaxx-0
2023-04-18docs(changelog): tab sync excludeAram Drevekenin
2023-04-18feat: Add layout configuration to exclude panes from tab sync (#2314)Theo Salzmann
2023-04-16docs(changelog): hide session on compact-barJae-Heon Ji
2023-04-16fix(plugin): respect hide session option on compact-bar (#2368)Pedro Fedricci
2023-04-13chore(version): bump development versionAram Drevekenin
2023-04-13chore(release): v0.36.0v0.36.0Aram Drevekenin