AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-03-30fix(layouts): nested attribute truncatingfix-nested-layout-attribute-truncatingAram Drevekenin
2023-03-30docs(changelog): add option `hide_session_name`Jae-Heon Ji
2023-03-30Add option to hide session name in tab-bar (deriving from #2172) (#2301)Marcel Baur
2023-03-30Add 'launch in xonsh' in README (#2323)Andy Kipp
2023-03-29docs(changelog): clear scrollback (cli) actionAram Drevekenin
2023-03-29feat(terminal): cli and bindable action to clear all buffers for a specific p...Oleks Gnatovskyi
2023-03-29docs(readme): fix roadmap linkAram Drevekenin
2023-03-29docs(readme): update roadmap image (#2333)Aram Drevekenin
2023-03-27feat(plugins): async plugin loading (#2327)Aram Drevekenin
2023-03-27docs(changelog): load plugins asyncAram Drevekenin
2023-03-24docs(changelog): update interprocess dep, fix crashraphTec
2023-03-24fix: Fix crash and memory leak by updating interprocess depgbrigandi
2023-03-20docs(changelog): closing stacked pane fixAram Drevekenin
2023-03-20fix(panes): closing a stacked pane should relayout (#2312)Aram Drevekenin
2023-03-16docs(changelog): adding panes to lone stack fixAram Drevekenin
2023-03-16fix(panes): adding panes to lone stack (#2298)Aram Drevekenin
2023-03-15chore(assets): update layout examples to .kdl from .yaml (#2250)Cale Flatley
2023-03-15docs(third-party): correct summary (#2235)Silejonu
2023-03-15docs(changelog): focus pane off screen edgeAram Drevekenin
2023-03-15fix(screen): focus pane on screen edge when moving pane focus offtab (#2293)Aram Drevekenin
2023-03-15chore(themes): add menace (#2257)Oleks Gnatovskyi
2023-03-15chore(sponsorship): add liberapay and ko-fi optionsAram Drevekenin
2023-03-10chore(version): bump development versionAram Drevekenin
2023-03-10chore(release): v0.35.2v0.35.2Aram Drevekenin
2023-03-10chore(version): bump development versionAram Drevekenin
2023-03-09docs(changelog): ansi fixAram Drevekenin
2023-03-09fix(ansi): pad line end when erasing characters (#2259)Aram Drevekenin
2023-03-08docs(changelog): command pane crash fixAram Drevekenin
2023-03-08fix(screen): hold and applylayout races (#2251)Aram Drevekenin
2023-03-08docs(changelog): attach --create fixAram Drevekenin
2023-03-08fix(sessions): attach --create regression (#2247)Aram Drevekenin
2023-03-07chore(release): v0.35.1v0.35.1Aram Drevekenin
2023-03-07chore(version): bump development versionAram Drevekenin
2023-03-07hotfix: fix assetsAram Drevekenin
2023-03-07chore(release): v0.35.0v0.35.0Aram Drevekenin
2023-03-07chore(repo): version 0.35.0 (#2230)Aram Drevekenin
2023-03-07docs(changelog): update changelog itemJae-Heon Ji
2023-03-06chore(repo): revert theme pr (#2229)Aram Drevekenin
2023-03-06CHANGELOG: Add PR #2194har7an
2023-03-06Feature: simulate publishing (#2194)har7an
2023-03-06docs(changelog): add self-provided themesJae-Heon Ji
2023-03-06feat: add self-provided themes (#2224)Jae-Heon Ji
2023-03-06fix(cli): make auto_layout work through the cli (#2227)Aram Drevekenin
2023-03-06docs(changelog): layout tab name fixesAram Drevekenin
2023-03-06fix(layouts): naming and gototabname (#2225)Aram Drevekenin
2023-03-01docs(changelog): pty log error for cwdAram Drevekenin
2023-03-01fix(pty): do not crash when unable to set cwd (#2214)Aram Drevekenin
2023-03-01docs(changelog): query tab names cli actionAram Drevekenin
2023-03-01feat(cli): `QueryTabNames` cli action to list all tab names (#2145)哇呜哇呜呀咦耶
2023-03-01docs(changelog): plugin url decodeAram Drevekenin