AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-03-09fix(ansi): pad line end when erasing charactersfix-asciiquariumAram Drevekenin
2023-03-08docs(changelog): command pane crash fixAram Drevekenin
2023-03-08fix(screen): hold and applylayout races (#2251)Aram Drevekenin
2023-03-08docs(changelog): attach --create fixAram Drevekenin
2023-03-08fix(sessions): attach --create regression (#2247)Aram Drevekenin
2023-03-07chore(release): v0.35.1v0.35.1Aram Drevekenin
2023-03-07chore(version): bump development versionAram Drevekenin
2023-03-07hotfix: fix assetsAram Drevekenin
2023-03-07chore(release): v0.35.0v0.35.0Aram Drevekenin
2023-03-07chore(repo): version 0.35.0 (#2230)Aram Drevekenin
2023-03-07docs(changelog): update changelog itemJae-Heon Ji
2023-03-06chore(repo): revert theme pr (#2229)Aram Drevekenin
2023-03-06CHANGELOG: Add PR #2194har7an
2023-03-06Feature: simulate publishing (#2194)har7an
2023-03-06docs(changelog): add self-provided themesJae-Heon Ji
2023-03-06feat: add self-provided themes (#2224)Jae-Heon Ji
2023-03-06fix(cli): make auto_layout work through the cli (#2227)Aram Drevekenin
2023-03-06docs(changelog): layout tab name fixesAram Drevekenin
2023-03-06fix(layouts): naming and gototabname (#2225)Aram Drevekenin
2023-03-01docs(changelog): pty log error for cwdAram Drevekenin
2023-03-01fix(pty): do not crash when unable to set cwd (#2214)Aram Drevekenin
2023-03-01docs(changelog): query tab names cli actionAram Drevekenin
2023-03-01feat(cli): `QueryTabNames` cli action to list all tab names (#2145)哇呜哇呜呀咦耶
2023-03-01docs(changelog): plugin url decodeAram Drevekenin
2023-03-01fix(plugins): location path decoding from Url (#2190)Cory Forsstrom
2023-03-01docs(changelog): various fixesAram Drevekenin
2023-03-01fix(sixel): report pixel size in winsize change ioctl (#2212)Aram Drevekenin
2023-03-01fix(pty): report no-cwd for empty path returned from sysinfo (#2213)Aram Drevekenin
2023-02-28docs(changelog): exact panes constraintAram Drevekenin
2023-02-28feat(layouts): exact panes constraint (#2206)Aram Drevekenin
2023-02-28docs(changelog): neovim underline fixAram Drevekenin
2023-02-28fix(grid): only use background pending styling when deleting characters (#2204)Aram Drevekenin
2023-02-28docs(changelog): new-tab config parametersAram Drevekenin
2023-02-28fix(new-tab): get config parameters from config file (#2203)Aram Drevekenin
2023-02-27fix(layouts): do not relayout twice on auto_layout (#2202)Aram Drevekenin
2023-02-27docs(changelog0Aram Drevekenin
2023-02-27fix(cli): edit cwd (#2201)Aram Drevekenin
2023-02-27docs(changelog): new-tab keybind layout folder fixJae-Heon Ji
2023-02-27fix(kdl): new-tab keybind looks in layout_dir for layouts (#2200)Jae-Heon Ji
2023-02-26docs(changelog): new-tab cli layout folder fixAram Drevekenin
2023-02-26fix(cli): new-tab now also looks in layout_dir for layouts (#2198)Aram Drevekenin
2023-02-26docs(changel0g): tab focus fixAram Drevekenin
2023-02-26fix(layout): tab focus (#2197)Aram Drevekenin
2023-02-26docs(changelog): open panes fixAram Drevekenin
2023-02-26fix(messaging): cache hold pane messages by their tab_id if the tab is not re...Aram Drevekenin
2023-02-25docs(changelog): layout fixesAram Drevekenin
2023-02-25fix(layout): various parser and ui fixes (#2191)Aram Drevekenin
2023-02-20docs(bug-report): update template with OSX log directory (#2181)Kai Spencer
2023-02-20docs(changelog): glitchy resizes fixAram Drevekenin
2023-02-20fix(grid): glitchy resizes (#2182)Aram Drevekenin