AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-05-22license: revert license file changeHEADmasterAlex Touchet
2019-09-06doc: use HTTPS for all linksBruce Adams
2018-10-06reame: add MacPorts instructionsPerry Lee
2018-10-02xsv: fix error message for invalid commandsmintyplanet
2018-09-12readme: note naming collisionAndrew Gallant
2018-08-25deps: use crossbeam-channel instead of chanAndrew Gallant
2018-08-25deps: update to quickcheck 0.7Andrew Gallant
2018-08-22xsv: add --drop flag to partition commandDimagog
2018-08-22xsv: add reverse commandDimagog
2018-08-14readme: add `partition`ngirard
2018-07-24xsv: add `partition` to command listAlexandre Bury
2018-07-11config: .tab should imply tsv by defaultGuillaume Plique
2018-07-11cmd/sample: add --seed flagGuillaume Plique
2018-05-12ci: fix appveyor, take 20.13.0Andrew Gallant
2018-05-12ci: fix Rust install on WindowsAndrew Gallant
2018-05-120.13.0Andrew Gallant
2018-05-12churn: continue to use AsciiExtAndrew Gallant
2018-05-12deps: update all dependenciesAndrew Gallant
2018-04-12cmd/sort: open writer after consuming readerChris Buesser
2018-03-22deps: update all dependenciesAndrew Gallant
2018-03-22cmd/fmt: recognize tsv automaticallyAndrew Gallant
2018-02-01readme: xsv isn't ripgrepAndrew Gallant
2018-02-01readme: add nix install instructionsMatt
2018-01-07Changed png icon to svg in readmeAmila Welihinda
2017-10-31escapes: fix handling of escapes againAndrew Gallant
2017-10-30config: propagate escape configAndrew Gallant
2017-10-30lock: benign update?Andrew Gallant
2017-10-20ci: remove darwin i686Andrew Gallant
2017-10-20frequency: fix BOM bugAndrew Gallant
2017-09-21Numerical sorting now treats non-integer numbers as f64.Anton Hägerstrand
2017-07-25xsv Gallant
2017-07-25cmd/input: add --no-quoting flagAndrew Gallant
2017-07-25fix config bugAndrew Gallant
2017-05-25bump versionAndrew Gallant
2017-05-24small performance improvements0.12.1Andrew Gallant
2017-05-23Migrate to csv crate rewrite.0.12.0Andrew Gallant
2017-05-23Replace `---` with proper em dash (`—`)Lukas Kalbertodt
2017-05-15Implement numeric and reversed sorting (#57)Astro
2017-04-27Add type parameters to from_bytes callsMichiel De Muynck
2017-03- Gallant
2017-03-26fixlengths command ignores trailing empty fields.Konstantin Yegupov
2017-03-25Add `xsv partition` to partition on a column's valuesEric Kidd
2017-03-24Add help message for "<command> -h"Damien
2017-03-24Fix CI and bump deps.Andrew Gallant
2017-03-24Improve `xsv select` documentation to point out you can quote fieldLuis Casillas
2017-03-24Add homebrew-core installation instructionsJoseph Frazier
2017-03-22Assert that split doesn't produce extra empty filesEric Kidd
2017-02-24Update readme installation sectionTim
2017-02-23Fix broken link to csvkit in readmeKeith Devens
2016-12-30Merge pull request #53 from alexcrichton/fix-betaAndrew Gallant