path: root/src/testdir/test_vimscript.vim
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/testdir/test_vimscript.vim')
1 files changed, 504 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/src/testdir/test_vimscript.vim b/src/testdir/test_vimscript.vim
index e63f647bb5..1b00fc9e78 100644
--- a/src/testdir/test_vimscript.vim
+++ b/src/testdir/test_vimscript.vim
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
" Test various aspects of the Vim script language.
-" Most of this was formerly in test49.
+" Most of this was formerly in test49.vim (developed by Servatius Brandt
+" <>)
source check.vim
source shared.vim
@@ -5868,7 +5869,7 @@ func Test_discard_exception_after_error_1()
call RunInNewVim(test, verify)
-" TODO: Not able inject an interrupt after throwing an exception
+" TODO: Need to interrupt the code before the endtry is invoked
func Disable_Test_discard_exception_after_error_2()
let test =<< trim [CODE]
@@ -5892,6 +5893,507 @@ func Disable_Test_discard_exception_after_error_2()
+" Test 82: Ignoring :catch clauses after an error or interrupt {{{1
+" When an exception is thrown and an error or interrupt occurs before
+" the matching :catch clause is reached, the exception is discarded
+" and the :catch clause is ignored (also for the error or interrupt
+" exception being thrown then).
+func Test_ignore_catch_after_error_1()
+ let test =<< trim [CODE]
+ try
+ try
+ Xpath 'a'
+ throw "arrgh"
+ call assert_report('should not get here')
+ if 1
+ call assert_report('should not get here')
+ " error after :throw: missing :endif
+ catch /.*/
+ call assert_report('should not get here')
+ catch /.*/
+ call assert_report('should not get here')
+ endtry
+ call assert_report('should not get here')
+ catch /arrgh/
+ call assert_report('should not get here')
+ endtry
+ call assert_report('should not get here')
+ [CODE]
+ let verify =<< trim [CODE]
+ call assert_equal('a', g:Xpath)
+ [CODE]
+ call RunInNewVim(test, verify)
+func Test_ignore_catch_after_error_2()
+ let test =<< trim [CODE]
+ func E()
+ try
+ try
+ Xpath 'a'
+ throw "arrgh"
+ call assert_report('should not get here')
+ if 1
+ call assert_report('should not get here')
+ " error after :throw: missing :endif
+ catch /.*/
+ call assert_report('should not get here')
+ catch /.*/
+ call assert_report('should not get here')
+ endtry
+ call assert_report('should not get here')
+ catch /arrgh/
+ call assert_report('should not get here')
+ endtry
+ endfunc
+ call E()
+ call assert_report('should not get here')
+ [CODE]
+ let verify =<< trim [CODE]
+ call assert_equal('a', g:Xpath)
+ [CODE]
+ call RunInNewVim(test, verify)
+" TODO: Need to interrupt the code right before the catch is invoked
+func FIXME_Test_ignore_catch_after_intr_1()
+ let test =<< trim [CODE]
+ try
+ try
+ Xpath 'a'
+ throw "arrgh"
+ call assert_report('should not get here')
+ catch /.*/ " TODO: Need to interrupt before this catch is
+ call interrupt() " invoked
+ call assert_report('should not get here')
+ catch /.*/
+ call assert_report('should not get here')
+ endtry
+ call assert_report('should not get here')
+ catch /arrgh/
+ call assert_report('should not get here')
+ endtry
+ call assert_report('should not get here')
+ [CODE]
+ let verify =<< trim [CODE]
+ call assert_equal('a', g:Xpath)
+ [CODE]
+ call RunInNewVim(test, verify)
+" TODO: Need to interrupt the code right before the catch is invoked
+func FIXME_Test_ignore_catch_after_intr_2()
+ let test =<< trim [CODE]
+ func I()
+ try
+ try
+ Xpath 'a'
+ throw "arrgh"
+ call assert_report('should not get here')
+ catch /.*/ " TODO: Need to interrupt before this catch is
+ " invoked
+ call interrupt()
+ call assert_report('should not get here')
+ catch /.*/
+ call assert_report('should not get here')
+ endtry
+ call assert_report('should not get here')
+ catch /arrgh/
+ call assert_report('should not get here')
+ endtry
+ endfunc
+ call I()
+ call assert_report('should not get here')
+ [CODE]
+ let verify =<< trim [CODE]
+ call assert_equal('a', g:Xpath)
+ [CODE]
+ call RunInNewVim(test, verify)
+" Test 83: Executing :finally clauses after an error or interrupt {{{1
+" When an exception is thrown and an error or interrupt occurs before
+" the :finally of the innermost :try is reached, the exception is
+" discarded and the :finally clause is executed.
+func Test_finally_after_error()
+ let test =<< trim [CODE]
+ try
+ Xpath 'a'
+ try
+ Xpath 'b'
+ throw "arrgh"
+ call assert_report('should not get here')
+ if 1
+ call assert_report('should not get here')
+ " error after :throw: missing :endif
+ finally
+ Xpath 'c'
+ endtry
+ call assert_report('should not get here')
+ catch /arrgh/
+ call assert_report('should not get here')
+ endtry
+ call assert_report('should not get here')
+ [CODE]
+ let verify =<< trim [CODE]
+ call assert_equal('abc', g:Xpath)
+ [CODE]
+ call RunInNewVim(test, verify)
+" TODO: Need to interrupt the code right before the finally is invoked
+func FIXME_Test_finally_after_intr()
+ let test =<< trim [CODE]
+ try
+ Xpath 'a'
+ try
+ Xpath 'b'
+ throw "arrgh"
+ call assert_report('should not get here')
+ finally " TODO: Need to interrupt before the finally is invoked
+ Xpath 'c'
+ endtry
+ call assert_report('should not get here')
+ catch /arrgh/
+ call assert_report('should not get here')
+ endtry
+ call assert_report('should not get here')
+ [CODE]
+ let verify =<< trim [CODE]
+ call assert_equal('abc', g:Xpath)
+ [CODE]
+ call RunInNewVim(test, verify)
+" Test 84: Exceptions in autocommand sequences. {{{1
+" When an exception occurs in a sequence of autocommands for
+" a specific event, the rest of the sequence is not executed. The
+" command that triggered the autocommand execution aborts, and the
+" exception is propagated to the caller.
+" For the FuncUndefined event under a function call expression or
+" :call command, the function is not executed, even when it has
+" been defined by the autocommands before the exception occurred.
+func Test_autocmd_exception()
+ let test =<< trim [CODE]
+ func INT()
+ call interrupt()
+ endfunc
+ aug TMP
+ autocmd!
+ autocmd User x1 Xpath 'a'
+ autocmd User x1 throw "x1"
+ autocmd User x1 call assert_report('should not get here')
+ autocmd User x2 Xpath 'b'
+ autocmd User x2 asdf
+ autocmd User x2 call assert_report('should not get here')
+ autocmd User x3 Xpath 'c'
+ autocmd User x3 call INT()
+ autocmd User x3 call assert_report('should not get here')
+ autocmd FuncUndefined U1 func U1()
+ autocmd FuncUndefined U1 call assert_report('should not get here')
+ autocmd FuncUndefined U1 endfunc
+ autocmd FuncUndefined U1 Xpath 'd'
+ autocmd FuncUndefined U1 throw "U1"
+ autocmd FuncUndefined U1 call assert_report('should not get here')
+ autocmd FuncUndefined U2 func U2()
+ autocmd FuncUndefined U2 call assert_report('should not get here')
+ autocmd FuncUndefined U2 endfunc
+ autocmd FuncUndefined U2 Xpath 'e'
+ autocmd FuncUndefined U2 ASDF
+ autocmd FuncUndefined U2 call assert_report('should not get here')
+ autocmd FuncUndefined U3 func U3()
+ autocmd FuncUndefined U3 call assert_report('should not get here')
+ autocmd FuncUndefined U3 endfunc
+ autocmd FuncUndefined U3 Xpath 'f'
+ autocmd FuncUndefined U3 call INT()
+ autocmd FuncUndefined U3 call assert_report('should not get here')
+ aug END
+ try
+ try
+ Xpath 'g'
+ doautocmd User x1
+ catch /x1/
+ Xpath 'h'
+ endtry
+ while 1
+ try
+ Xpath 'i'
+ doautocmd User x2
+ catch /asdf/
+ Xpath 'j'
+ finally
+ Xpath 'k'
+ break
+ endtry
+ endwhile
+ while 1
+ try
+ Xpath 'l'
+ doautocmd User x3
+ catch /Vim:Interrupt/
+ Xpath 'm'
+ finally
+ Xpath 'n'
+ " ... but break loop for caught interrupt exception,
+ " or discard interrupt and break loop if $VIMNOINTTHROW
+ break
+ endtry
+ endwhile
+ if exists("*U1") | delfunction U1 | endif
+ if exists("*U2") | delfunction U2 | endif
+ if exists("*U3") | delfunction U3 | endif
+ try
+ Xpath 'o'
+ call U1()
+ catch /U1/
+ Xpath 'p'
+ endtry
+ while 1
+ try
+ Xpath 'q'
+ call U2()
+ catch /ASDF/
+ Xpath 'r'
+ finally
+ Xpath 's'
+ " ... but break loop for caught error exception,
+ " or discard error and break loop if $VIMNOERRTHROW
+ break
+ endtry
+ endwhile
+ while 1
+ try
+ Xpath 't'
+ call U3()
+ catch /Vim:Interrupt/
+ Xpath 'u'
+ finally
+ Xpath 'v'
+ " ... but break loop for caught interrupt exception,
+ " or discard interrupt and break loop if $VIMNOINTTHROW
+ break
+ endtry
+ endwhile
+ catch /.*/
+ call assert_report('should not get here')
+ endtry
+ Xpath 'w'
+ [CODE]
+ let verify =<< trim [CODE]
+ call assert_equal('gahibjklcmnodpqerstfuvw', g:Xpath)
+ [CODE]
+ call RunInNewVim(test, verify)
+" Test 85: Error exceptions in autocommands for I/O command events {{{1
+" When an I/O command is inside :try/:endtry, autocommands to be
+" executed after it should be skipped on an error (exception) in the
+" command itself or in autocommands to be executed before the command.
+" In the latter case, the I/O command should not be executed either.
+" Example 1: BufWritePre, :write, BufWritePost
+" Example 2: FileReadPre, :read, FileReadPost.
+func Test_autocmd_error_io_exception()
+ let test =<< trim [CODE]
+ " Remove the autocommands for the events specified as arguments in all used
+ " autogroups.
+ func Delete_autocommands(...)
+ let augfile = tempname()
+ while 1
+ try
+ exec "redir >" . augfile
+ aug
+ redir END
+ exec "edit" augfile
+ g/^$/d
+ norm G$
+ let wrap = "w"
+ while search('\%( \|^\)\@<=.\{-}\%( \)\@=', wrap) > 0
+ let wrap = "W"
+ exec "norm y/ \n"
+ let argno = 1
+ while argno <= a:0
+ exec "au!" escape(@", " ") a:{argno}
+ let argno = argno + 1
+ endwhile
+ endwhile
+ catch /.*/
+ finally
+ bwipeout!
+ call delete(augfile)
+ break
+ endtry
+ endwhile
+ endfunc
+ call Delete_autocommands("BufWritePre", "BufWritePost")
+ while 1
+ try
+ try
+ let post = 0
+ aug TMP
+ au! BufWritePost * let post = 1
+ aug END
+ write /n/o/n/e/x/i/s/t/e/n/t
+ catch /^Vim(write):/
+ Xpath 'a'
+ call assert_match("E212: Can't open file for writing", v:exception)
+ finally
+ Xpath 'b'
+ call assert_equal(0, post)
+ au! TMP
+ aug! TMP
+ endtry
+ catch /.*/
+ call assert_report('should not get here')
+ finally
+ Xpath 'c'
+ break
+ endtry
+ endwhile
+ while 1
+ try
+ try
+ let post = 0
+ aug TMP
+ au! BufWritePre * asdf
+ au! BufWritePost * let post = 1
+ aug END
+ let tmpfile = tempname()
+ exec "write" tmpfile
+ catch /^Vim\((write)\)\=:/
+ Xpath 'd'
+ call assert_match('E492: Not an editor command', v:exception)
+ finally
+ Xpath 'e'
+ if filereadable(tmpfile)
+ call assert_report('should not get here')
+ endif
+ call assert_equal(0, post)
+ au! TMP
+ aug! TMP
+ endtry
+ catch /.*/
+ call assert_report('should not get here')
+ finally
+ Xpath 'f'
+ break
+ endtry
+ endwhile
+ call delete(tmpfile)
+ call Delete_autocommands("BufWritePre", "BufWritePost",
+ \ "BufReadPre", "BufReadPost", "FileReadPre", "FileReadPost")
+ while 1
+ try
+ try
+ let post = 0
+ aug TMP
+ au! FileReadPost * let post = 1
+ aug END
+ let caught = 0
+ read /n/o/n/e/x/i/s/t/e/n/t
+ catch /^Vim(read):/
+ Xpath 'g'
+ call assert_match("E484: Can't open file", v:exception)
+ finally
+ Xpath 'h'
+ call assert_equal(0, post)
+ au! TMP
+ aug! TMP
+ endtry
+ catch /.*/
+ call assert_report('should not get here')
+ finally
+ Xpath 'i'
+ break
+ endtry
+ endwhile
+ while 1
+ try
+ let infile = tempname()
+ let tmpfile = tempname()
+ call writefile(["XYZ"], infile)
+ exec "edit" tmpfile
+ try
+ Xpath 'j'
+ try
+ let post = 0
+ aug TMP
+ au! FileReadPre * asdf
+ au! FileReadPost * let post = 1
+ aug END
+ exec "0read" infile
+ catch /^Vim\((read)\)\=:/
+ Xpath 'k'
+ call assert_match('E492: Not an editor command', v:exception)
+ finally
+ Xpath 'l'
+ if getline("1") == "XYZ"
+ call assert_report('should not get here')
+ endif
+ call assert_equal(0, post)
+ au! TMP
+ aug! TMP
+ endtry
+ finally
+ Xpath 'm'
+ bwipeout!
+ endtry
+ catch /.*/
+ call assert_report('should not get here')
+ finally
+ Xpath 'n'
+ break
+ endtry
+ endwhile
+ call delete(infile)
+ call delete(tmpfile)
+ [CODE]
+ let verify =<< trim [CODE]
+ call assert_equal('abcdefghijklmn', g:Xpath)
+ [CODE]
+ call RunInNewVim(test, verify)
" Test 87 using (expr) ? funcref : funcref {{{1
" Vim needs to correctly parse the funcref and even when it does