path: root/src/testdir/test_autocmd.vim
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/testdir/test_autocmd.vim')
1 files changed, 98 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/testdir/test_autocmd.vim b/src/testdir/test_autocmd.vim
index f05a55f1aa..43aa8d48dd 100644
--- a/src/testdir/test_autocmd.vim
+++ b/src/testdir/test_autocmd.vim
@@ -77,11 +77,49 @@ function Test_autocmd_bufunload_with_tabnext()
call assert_equal(2, tabpagenr('$'))
+ autocmd! test_autocmd_bufunload_with_tabnext_group
augroup! test_autocmd_bufunload_with_tabnext_group
+" SEGV occurs in older versions. (At least 7.4.2321 or older)
+function Test_autocmd_bufunload_avoiding_SEGV_01()
+ split aa.txt
+ let lastbuf = bufnr('$')
+ augroup test_autocmd_bufunload
+ autocmd!
+ exe 'autocmd BufUnload <buffer> ' . (lastbuf + 1) . 'bwipeout!'
+ augroup END
+ call assert_fails('edit bb.txt', 'E937:')
+ autocmd! test_autocmd_bufunload
+ augroup! test_autocmd_bufunload
+ bwipe! aa.txt
+ bwipe! bb.txt
+" SEGV occurs in older versions. (At least 7.4.2321 or older)
+function Test_autocmd_bufunload_avoiding_SEGV_02()
+ setlocal buftype=nowrite
+ let lastbuf = bufnr('$')
+ augroup test_autocmd_bufunload
+ autocmd!
+ exe 'autocmd BufUnload <buffer> ' . (lastbuf + 1) . 'bwipeout!'
+ augroup END
+ normal! i1
+ call assert_fails('edit a.txt', 'E517:')
+ call feedkeys("\<CR>")
+ autocmd! test_autocmd_bufunload
+ augroup! test_autocmd_bufunload
+ bwipe! a.txt
func Test_win_tab_autocmd()
let g:record = []
@@ -196,3 +234,63 @@ func Test_augroup_deleted()
au! VimEnter
+" Tests for autocommands on :close command.
+" This used to be in test13.
+func Test_three_windows()
+ " Write three files and open them, each in a window.
+ " Then go to next window, with autocommand that deletes the previous one.
+ " Do this twice, writing the file.
+ e! Xtestje1
+ call setline(1, 'testje1')
+ w
+ sp Xtestje2
+ call setline(1, 'testje2')
+ w
+ sp Xtestje3
+ call setline(1, 'testje3')
+ w
+ wincmd w
+ au WinLeave Xtestje2 bwipe
+ wincmd w
+ call assert_equal('Xtestje1', expand('%'))
+ au WinLeave Xtestje1 bwipe Xtestje3
+ close
+ call assert_equal('Xtestje1', expand('%'))
+ " Test deleting the buffer on a Unload event. If this goes wrong there
+ " will be the ATTENTION prompt.
+ e Xtestje1
+ au!
+ au! BufUnload Xtestje1 bwipe
+ call assert_fails('e Xtestje3', 'E937:')
+ call assert_equal('Xtestje3', expand('%'))
+ e Xtestje2
+ sp Xtestje1
+ call assert_fails('e', 'E937:')
+ call assert_equal('Xtestje2', expand('%'))
+ " Test changing buffers in a BufWipeout autocommand. If this goes wrong
+ " there are ml_line errors and/or a Crash.
+ au!
+ only
+ e Xanother
+ e Xtestje1
+ bwipe Xtestje2
+ bwipe Xtestje3
+ au BufWipeout Xtestje1 buf Xtestje1
+ bwipe
+ call assert_equal('Xanother', expand('%'))
+ only
+ help
+ wincmd w
+ 1quit
+ call assert_equal('Xanother', expand('%'))
+ au!
+ call delete('Xtestje1')
+ call delete('Xtestje2')
+ call delete('Xtestje3')