path: root/runtime
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Diffstat (limited to 'runtime')
2 files changed, 58 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/autoload/dist/man.vim b/runtime/autoload/dist/man.vim
index 6ef47f8b78..5b8b4456db 100644
--- a/runtime/autoload/dist/man.vim
+++ b/runtime/autoload/dist/man.vim
@@ -21,31 +21,65 @@ catch /E145:/
" Ignore the error in restricted mode
+func s:ParseIntoPageAndSection()
+ " Accommodate a reference that terminates in a hyphen.
+ "
+ " See init_charset_table() at
+ "
+ "
+ " See can_break_after() at
+ "
+ "
+ " Assumptions and limitations:
+ " 1) Manual-page references (in consequence of command-related filenames)
+ " do not contain non-ASCII HYPHENs (0x2010), any terminating HYPHEN
+ " must have been introduced to mark division of a word at the end of
+ " a line and can be discarded; whereas similar references may contain
+ " ASCII HYPHEN-MINUSes (0x002d) and any terminating HYPHEN-MINUS forms
+ " a compound word in addition to marking word division.
+ " 2) Well-formed manual-page references always have a section suffix, e.g.
+ " "git-commit(1)", therefore suspended hyphenated compounds are not
+ " determined, e.g. [V] (With cursor at _git-merge-_ below...)
+ " ".................... git-merge- and git-merge-base. (See git-cherry-
+ " pick(1) and git-cherry(1).)" (... look up "git-merge-pick(1)".)
+ "
+ " Note that EM DASH (0x2014), a third stooge from init_charset_table(),
+ " neither connects nor divides parts of a word.
+ let str = expand("<cWORD>")
+ if str =~ '\%u2010$' " HYPHEN (-1).
+ let str = strpart(str, 0, strridx(str, "\u2010"))
+ " Append the leftmost WORD (or an empty string) from the line below.
+ let str .= get(split(get(getbufline(bufnr('%'), line('.') + 1), 0, '')), 0, '')
+ elseif str =~ '-$' " HYPHEN-MINUS.
+ " Append the leftmost WORD (or an empty string) from the line below.
+ let str .= get(split(get(getbufline(bufnr('%'), line('.') + 1), 0, '')), 0, '')
+ endif
+ " According to man(1), section name formats vary (MANSECT):
+ " 1 n l 8 3 2 3posix 3pm 3perl 3am 5 4 9 6 7
+ let parts = matchlist(str, '\(\k\+\)(\(\k\+\))')
+ return (len(parts) > 2)
+ \ ? {'page': parts[1], 'section': parts[2]}
+ \ : {'page': matchstr(str, '\k\+'), 'section': ''}
func dist#man#PreGetPage(cnt)
if a:cnt == 0
- let old_isk = &iskeyword
- if &ft == 'man'
- setl iskeyword+=(,)
- endif
- let str = expand("<cword>")
- let &l:iskeyword = old_isk
- let page = substitute(str, '(*\(\k\+\).*', '\1', '')
- let sect = substitute(str, '\(\k\+\)(\([^()]*\)).*', '\2', '')
- if match(sect, '^[0-9 ]\+$') == -1
- let sect = ""
- endif
- if sect == page
- let sect = ""
- endif
+ let what = s:ParseIntoPageAndSection()
+ let sect = what.section
+ let page =
+ let what = s:ParseIntoPageAndSection()
let sect = a:cnt
- let page = expand("<cword>")
+ let page =
call dist#man#GetPage('', sect, page)
func s:GetCmdArg(sect, page)
if empty(a:sect)
return shellescape(a:page)
@@ -75,9 +109,11 @@ func dist#man#GetPage(cmdmods, ...)
- " To support: nmap K :Man <cword>
- if page == '<cword>'
- let page = expand('<cword>')
+ " To support: nmap K :Man <cWORD><CR>
+ if page ==? '<cword>'
+ let what = s:ParseIntoPageAndSection()
+ let sect = what.section
+ let page =
if !exists('g:ft_man_no_sect_fallback') || (g:ft_man_no_sect_fallback == 0)
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/man.vim b/runtime/syntax/man.vim
index 4e08cd7342..dfbb35a700 100644
--- a/runtime/syntax/man.vim
+++ b/runtime/syntax/man.vim
@@ -20,7 +20,9 @@ runtime! syntax/ctrlh.vim
syn case ignore
-syn match manReference "\f\+([1-9][a-z]\=)"
+" See notes about hyphenation in s:ParseIntoPageAndSection of
+" autoload/dist/man.vim.
+syn match manReference "\%(\f\+[\u2010-]\%(\n\|\r\n\=\)\s\+\)\=\f\+([1-9]\l*)"
syn match manSectionHeading "^\a.*$"
syn match manSubHeading "^\s\{3\}\a.*$"
syn match manOptionDesc "^\s*[+-][a-z0-9]\S*"