path: root/runtime/syntax/vim.vim
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Diffstat (limited to 'runtime/syntax/vim.vim')
1 files changed, 22 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/vim.vim b/runtime/syntax/vim.vim
index 6a327b9624..2de81ae578 100644
--- a/runtime/syntax/vim.vim
+++ b/runtime/syntax/vim.vim
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
" Vim syntax file
" Language: Vim 8.2 script
" Maintainer: Charles E. Campbell <NcampObell@SdrPchip.AorgM-NOSPAM>
-" Last Change: May 20, 2021
-" Version: 8.2-03
+" Last Change: June 20, 2021
+" Version: 8.2-06
" URL:
" Automatically generated keyword lists: {{{1
@@ -19,12 +19,12 @@ syn keyword vimTodo contained COMBAK FIXME TODO XXX
syn cluster vimCommentGroup contains=vimTodo,@Spell
" regular vim commands {{{2
-syn keyword vimCommand contained a ar[gs] argl[ocal] ba[ll] bl[ast] brea[k] buffers ca caf[ter] cbo[ttom] cex[pr] cgete[xpr] cl[ist] cn[ext] colo[rscheme] cons[t] cs d[elete] delel delf[unction] dif[fupdate] difft[his] dli[st] ds[earch] echoc[onsole] em[enu] endw[hile] export filt[er] fo[ld] fu[nction] gvim helpt[ags] iabc[lear] import isp[lit] keepa l[ist] laf[ter] lbel[ow] lcscope lf[ile] lgr[ep] lli[st] lnf[ile] lol[der] lt[ag] lw[indow] menut[ranslate] mkvie[w] nbc[lose] noh[lsearch] ol[dfiles] pa[ckadd] po[p] prof[ile] pta[g] ptr[ewind] py3f[ile] pythonx quita[ll] redraws[tatus] rew[ind] rubyf[ile] sIg sa[rgument] sba[ll] sbr[ewind] scl scscope sfir[st] sgl sic sin sm[ap] snoreme spelld[ump] spellw[rong] srg sta[g] sts[elect] sus[pend] syncbind tabN[ext] tabl[ast] tabr[ewind] tcld[o] tj[ump] tlu tno[remap] tu[nmenu] undol[ist] v vie[w] vmapc[lear] wa[ll] winp[os] wundo xme xr[estore]
+syn keyword vimCommand contained a ar[gs] argl[ocal] ba[ll] bl[ast] brea[k] buffers ca caf[ter] cbo[ttom] cex[pr] cgete[xpr] cl[ist] cn[ext] colo[rscheme] cons[t] cs d[elete] delel delf[unction] dif[fupdate] difft[his] dli[st] ds[earch] echoc[onsole] em[enu] endw[hile] export filt[er] fo[ld] fu[nction] gvim helpt[ags] iabc[lear] import isp[lit] keepa l[ist] laf[ter] lbel[ow] lcscope lf[ile] lgr[ep] lli[st] lnf[ile] lol[der] lt[ag] lw[indow] menut[ranslate] mkvie[w] nbc[lose] noh[lsearch] ol[dfiles] pa[ckadd] po[p] prof[ile] pta[g] ptr[ewind] py3f[ile] pythonx quita[ll] redraws[tatus] rew[ind] rubyf[ile] sIg sa[rgument] sba[ll] sbr[ewind] scl scscope sfir[st] sgl sic sin sm[ap] snoreme spelld[ump] spellw[rong] srg sta[g] sts[elect] sus[pend] syncbind tabN[ext] tabl[ast] tabr[ewind] tcld[o] tj[ump] tlu tno[remap] tu[nmenu] undol[ist] v vie[w] viu[sage] wa[ll] winp[os] wundo xme xr[estore]
syn keyword vimCommand contained ab arga[dd] argu[ment] bad[d] bm[odified] breaka[dd] bun[load] cabc[lear] cal[l] cc cf[ile] changes cla[st] cnew[er] com cope[n] cscope debug delep dell diffg[et] dig[raphs] do dsp[lit] echoe[rr] en[dif] ene[w] exu[sage] fin[d] foldc[lose] g h[elp] hi if in iuna[bbrev] keepalt la[st] lan[guage] lbo[ttom] ld[o] lfdo lgrepa[dd] lma lo[adview] lop[en] lua m[ove] mes[sages] mod[e] nbs[tart] nor omapc[lear] packl[oadall] popu[p] profd[el] ptf[irst] pts[elect] py3f[ile] pyx r[ead] redrawt[abline] ri[ght] rundo sIl sal[l] sbf[irst] sc scp se[t] sg sgn sie sip sme snoremenu spelli[nfo] spr[evious] sri star[tinsert] substitutepattern sv[iew] syntime tabc[lose] tabm[ove] tabs tclf[ile] tl[ast] tlunmenu to[pleft] tunma[p] unh[ide] var vim9[cmd] vne[w] wh[ile] wn[ext] wv[iminfo] xmenu xunme
syn keyword vimCommand contained abc[lear] argd[elete] as[cii] balt bn[ext] breakd[el] bw[ipeout] cabo[ve] cat[ch] ccl[ose] cfdo chd[ir] class cnf[ile] comc[lear] cp[revious] cstag debugg[reedy] deletel delm[arks] diffo[ff] dir doau e[dit] echom[sg] enddef eval f[ile] fina[lly] foldd[oopen] go[to] ha[rdcopy] hid[e] ij[ump] inor j[oin] keepj[umps] lab[ove] lat lc[d] le[ft] lfir[st] lh[elpgrep] lmak[e] loadk lp[revious] luado ma[rk] mk[exrc] mz[scheme] new nore on[ly] pc[lose] pp[op] promptf[ind] ptj[ump] pu[t] py[thon] pyxdo rec[over] reg[isters] rightb[elow] rv[iminfo] sIn san[dbox] sbl[ast] scI scr[iptnames] setf[iletype] sgI sgp sig sir smenu so[urce] spellr[are] sr srl startg[replace] substituterepeat sw[apname] t tabd[o] tabn[ext] tags te[aroff] tlm tm[enu] tp[revious] type unl ve[rsion] vim9s[cript] vs[plit] win[size] wp[revious] x[it] xnoreme xunmenu
-syn keyword vimCommand contained abo[veleft] argdo au bd[elete] bo[tright] breakl[ist] cN[ext] cad[dbuffer] cb[uffer] cd cfir[st] che[ckpath] cle[arjumps] cnor comp[iler] cpf[ile] cun def deletep delp diffp[atch] disa[ssemble] doaut ea echon endf[unction] ex files fini[sh] folddoc[losed] gr[ep] helpc[lose] his[tory] il[ist] interface ju[mps] keepp[atterns] lad[dexpr] later lch[dir] lefta[bove] lg[etfile] lhi[story] lmapc[lear] loadkeymap lpf[ile] luafile mak[e] mks[ession] mzf[ile] nmapc[lear] nos[wapfile] opt[ions] pe[rl] pre[serve] promptr[epl] ptl[ast] pw[d] pydo pyxfile red[o] res[ize] ru[ntime] sI sIp sav[eas] sbm[odified] sce scripte[ncoding] setg[lobal] sgc sgr sign sl[eep] smile sor[t] spellr[epall] srI srn startr[eplace] sun[hide] sy tN[ext] tabe[dit] tabnew tc[l] ter[minal] tlmenu tma[p] tr[ewind] u[ndo] unlo[ckvar] verb[ose] vim[grep] wN[ext] winc[md] wq xa[ll] xnoremenu xwininfo
-syn keyword vimCommand contained addd arge[dit] bN[ext] bel[owright] bp[revious] bro[wse] cNf[ile] cadde[xpr] cbe[fore] cdo cg[etfile] checkt[ime] clo[se] co[py] con[tinue] cq[uit] cuna[bbrev] defc[ompile] deletl dep diffpu[t] dj[ump] dp earlier el[se] endfo[r] exi[t] filet fir[st] foldo[pen] grepa[dd] helpf[ind] i imapc[lear] intro k lN[ext] laddb[uffer] lb[uffer] lcl[ose] leg[acy] lgetb[uffer] ll lne[xt] loc[kmarks] lr[ewind] lv[imgrep] marks mksp[ell] n[ext] noa nu[mber] ownsyntax ped[it] prev[ious] ps[earch] ptn[ext] py3 pyf[ile] q[uit] redi[r] ret[ab] rub[y] sIc sIr sbN[ext] sbn[ext] scg scriptv[ersion] setl[ocal] sge sh[ell] sil[ent] sla[st] sn[ext] sp[lit] spellr[rare] src srp stj[ump] sunme syn ta[g] tabf[ind] tabo[nly] tcd tf[irst] tln tmapc[lear] try una[bbreviate] uns[ilent] vert[ical] vimgrepa[dd] w[rite] windo wqa[ll] xmapc[lear] xprop y[ank]
-syn keyword vimCommand contained al[l] argg[lobal] b[uffer] bf[irst] br[ewind] bufdo c[hange] caddf[ile] cbel[ow] ce[nter] cgetb[uffer] chi[story] cmapc[lear] col[der] conf[irm] cr[ewind] cw[indow] delc[ommand] deletp di[splay] diffs[plit] dl dr[op] ec elsei[f] endt[ry] exp filetype fix[del] for gui helpg[rep] ia imp is[earch] kee[pmarks] lNf[ile] laddf[ile] lbe[fore] lcs lex[pr] lgete[xpr] lla[st] lnew[er] lockv[ar] ls lvimgrepa[dd] mat[ch] mkv[imrc] nb[key] noautocmd o[pen] p[rint] perld[o] pro ptN[ext] ptp[revious] py3do python3 qa[ll] redr[aw] retu[rn] rubyd[o] sIe sN[ext] sb[uffer] sbp[revious] sci scs sf[ind] sgi si sim[alt] sm[agic] sno[magic] spe[llgood] spellu[ndo] sre[wind] st[op] stopi[nsert] sunmenu sync tab tabfir[st] tabp[revious] tch[dir] th[row] tlnoremenu tn[ext] ts[elect] undoj[oin] up[date] vi[sual] viu[sage]
+syn keyword vimCommand contained abo[veleft] argdo au bd[elete] bo[tright] breakl[ist] cN[ext] cad[dbuffer] cb[uffer] cd cfir[st] che[ckpath] cle[arjumps] cnor comp[iler] cpf[ile] cun def deletep delp diffp[atch] disa[ssemble] doaut ea echon endf[unction] ex files fini[sh] folddoc[losed] gr[ep] helpc[lose] his[tory] il[ist] interface ju[mps] keepp[atterns] lad[dexpr] later lch[dir] lefta[bove] lg[etfile] lhi[story] lmapc[lear] loadkeymap lpf[ile] luafile mak[e] mks[ession] mzf[ile] nmapc[lear] nos[wapfile] opt[ions] pe[rl] pre[serve] promptr[epl] ptl[ast] pw[d] pydo pyxfile red[o] res[ize] ru[ntime] sI sIp sav[eas] sbm[odified] sce scripte[ncoding] setg[lobal] sgc sgr sign sl[eep] smile sor[t] spellr[epall] srI srn startr[eplace] sun[hide] sy tN[ext] tabe[dit] tabnew tc[d] ter[minal] tlmenu tma[p] tr[ewind] u[ndo] unlo[ckvar] verb[ose] vim[grep] wN[ext] winc[md] wq xa[ll] xnoremenu xwininfo
+syn keyword vimCommand contained addd arge[dit] bN[ext] bel[owright] bp[revious] bro[wse] cNf[ile] cadde[xpr] cbe[fore] cdo cg[etfile] checkt[ime] clo[se] co[py] con[tinue] cq[uit] cuna[bbrev] defc[ompile] deletl dep diffpu[t] dj[ump] dp earlier el[se] endfo[r] exi[t] filet fir[st] foldo[pen] grepa[dd] helpf[ind] i imapc[lear] intro k lN[ext] laddb[uffer] lb[uffer] lcl[ose] leg[acy] lgetb[uffer] ll lne[xt] loc[kmarks] lr[ewind] lv[imgrep] marks mksp[ell] n[ext] noa nu[mber] ownsyntax ped[it] prev[ious] ps[earch] ptn[ext] py3 pyf[ile] q[uit] redi[r] ret[ab] rub[y] sIc sIr sbN[ext] sbn[ext] scg scriptv[ersion] setl[ocal] sge sh[ell] sil[ent] sla[st] sn[ext] sp[lit] spellr[rare] src srp stj[ump] sunme syn ta[g] tabf[ind] tabo[nly] tch[dir] tf[irst] tln tmapc[lear] try una[bbreviate] uns[ilent] vert[ical] vimgrepa[dd] w[rite] windo wqa[ll] xmapc[lear] xprop y[ank]
+syn keyword vimCommand contained al[l] argg[lobal] b[uffer] bf[irst] br[ewind] bufdo c[hange] caddf[ile] cbel[ow] ce[nter] cgetb[uffer] chi[story] cmapc[lear] col[der] conf[irm] cr[ewind] cw[indow] delc[ommand] deletp di[splay] diffs[plit] dl dr[op] ec elsei[f] endt[ry] exp filetype fix[del] for gui helpg[rep] ia imp is[earch] kee[pmarks] lNf[ile] laddf[ile] lbe[fore] lcs lex[pr] lgete[xpr] lla[st] lnew[er] lockv[ar] ls lvimgrepa[dd] mat[ch] mkv[imrc] nb[key] noautocmd o[pen] p[rint] perld[o] pro ptN[ext] ptp[revious] py3do python3 qa[ll] redr[aw] retu[rn] rubyd[o] sIe sN[ext] sb[uffer] sbp[revious] sci scs sf[ind] sgi si sim[alt] sm[agic] sno[magic] spe[llgood] spellu[ndo] sre[wind] st[op] stopi[nsert] sunmenu sync tab tabfir[st] tabp[revious] tcl th[row] tlnoremenu tn[ext] ts[elect] undoj[oin] up[date] vi[sual]
syn match vimCommand contained "\<z[-+^.=]\=\>"
syn keyword vimStdPlugin contained Arguments Asm Break Cfilter Clear Continue DiffOrig Evaluate Finish Gdb Lfilter Man N[ext] Over P[rint] Program Run S Source Step Stop Termdebug TermdebugCommand TOhtml Winbar XMLent XMLns
@@ -78,12 +78,12 @@ syn match vimHLGroup contained "Conceal"
syn case match
" Function Names {{{2
-syn keyword vimFuncName contained abs argc assert_equal assert_match atan browsedir bufname byteidxcomp charcol ch_evalexpr ch_logfile ch_sendraw complete cos deepcopy echoraw eventhandler exp feedkeys findfile fmod foldlevel funcref getbufline getcharpos getcmdwintype getenv getftype getmarklist getqflist gettabvar getwinpos glob2regpat hasmapto hlexists index inputsave isdirectory job_getchannel job_stop json_encode line listener_flush luaeval mapset matchdelete matchstr mkdir or popup_clear popup_filter_yesno popup_hide popup_notification prevnonblank prompt_setprompt prop_remove prop_type_list pyxeval readdirex reltime remote_peek rename rubyeval screenpos searchdecl serverlist setcharsearch setline setreg sha256 sign_getplaced sign_unplace slice sound_playfile sqrt str2nr strftime strpart submatch synID systemlist taglist term_dumpload term_getcursor term_getstatus term_scrape term_setrestore test_autochdir test_ignore_error test_null_job test_override test_srand_seed timer_start tr undofile visualmode win_execute winheight winnr win_splitmove
-syn keyword vimFuncName contained acos argidx assert_equalfile assert_nobeep atan2 bufadd bufnr call charidx ch_evalraw ch_open ch_setoptions complete_add cosh delete empty executable expand filereadable flatten fnameescape foldtext function getbufvar getcharsearch getcompletion getfontname getimstatus getmatches getreg gettabwinvar getwinposx globpath histadd hlID input inputsecret isinf job_info join keys line2byte listener_remove map match matchend matchstrpos mode pathshorten popup_close popup_findinfo popup_list popup_setoptions printf prop_add prop_type_add pum_getpos rand readfile reltimefloat remote_read repeat screenattr screenrow searchpair setbufline setcmdpos setloclist settabvar shellescape sign_jump sign_unplacelist sort sound_stop srand strcharlen strgetchar strptime substitute synIDattr tabpagebuflist tan term_dumpwrite term_getjob term_gettitle term_sendkeys term_setsize test_feedinput test_null_blob test_null_list test_refcount test_unknown timer_stop trim undotree wildmenumode win_findbuf win_id2tabwin winrestcmd winwidth
-syn keyword vimFuncName contained add arglistid assert_exception assert_notequal balloon_gettext bufexists bufwinid ceil ch_canread ch_getbufnr ch_read ch_status complete_check count deletebufline environ execute expandcmd filewritable flattennew fnamemodify foldtextresult garbagecollect getchangelist getcmdline getcurpos getfperm getjumplist getmousepos getreginfo gettagstack getwinposy has histdel hostname inputdialog insert islocked job_setoptions js_decode len lispindent localtime maparg matchadd matchfuzzy max mzeval perleval popup_create popup_findpreview popup_locate popup_settext prompt_getprompt prop_clear prop_type_change pumvisible range reduce reltimestr remote_send resolve screenchar screenstring searchpairpos setbufvar setcursorcharpos setmatches settabwinvar shiftwidth sign_place simplify sound_clear spellbadword state strcharpart stridx strridx swapinfo synIDtrans tabpagenr tanh term_getaltscreen term_getline term_gettty term_setansicolors term_start test_garbagecollect_now test_null_channel test_null_partial test_scrollbar test_void timer_stopall trunc uniq winbufnr win_getid win_id2win winrestview wordcount
-syn keyword vimFuncName contained and argv assert_fails assert_notmatch balloon_show buflisted bufwinnr changenr ch_close ch_getjob ch_readblob cindent complete_info cscope_connection did_filetype escape exepath extend filter float2nr foldclosed foreground get getchar getcmdpos getcursorcharpos getfsize getline getpid getregtype gettext getwinvar has_key histget iconv inputlist interrupt isnan job_start js_encode libcall list2str log mapcheck matchaddpos matchfuzzypos menu_info nextnonblank popup_atcursor popup_dialog popup_getoptions popup_menu popup_show prompt_setcallback prop_find prop_type_delete py3eval readblob reg_executing remote_expr remote_startserver reverse screenchars search searchpos setcellwidths setenv setpos settagstack sign_define sign_placelist sin soundfold spellsuggest str2float strchars string strtrans swapname synstack tabpagewinnr tempname term_getansicolors term_getscrolled terminalprops term_setapi term_wait test_garbagecollect_soon test_null_dict test_null_string test_setmouse timer_info tolower type values wincol win_gettype winlayout winsaveview writefile
-syn keyword vimFuncName contained append asin assert_false assert_report balloon_split bufload byte2line char2nr ch_close_in ch_info ch_readraw clearmatches confirm cursor diff_filler eval exists extendnew finddir floor foldclosedend fullcommand getbufinfo getcharmod getcmdtype getcwd getftime getloclist getpos gettabinfo getwininfo glob haslocaldir histnr indent inputrestore invert items job_status json_decode libcallnr listener_add log10 mapnew matcharg matchlist min nr2char popup_beval popup_filter_menu popup_getpos popup_move pow prompt_setinterrupt prop_list prop_type_get pyeval readdir reg_recording remote_foreground remove round screencol searchcount server2client setcharpos setfperm setqflist setwinvar sign_getdefined sign_undefine sinh sound_playevent split str2list strdisplaywidth strlen strwidth synconcealed system tagfiles term_dumpdiff term_getattr term_getsize term_list term_setkill test_alloc_fail test_getvalue test_null_function test_option_not_set test_settime timer_pause toupper typename virtcol windowsversion win_gotoid winline win_screenpos xor
-syn keyword vimFuncName contained appendbufline assert_beeps assert_inrange assert_true browse bufloaded byteidx charclass chdir ch_log ch_sendexpr col copy debugbreak diff_hlID
+syn keyword vimFuncName contained abs argc assert_equal assert_match atan browsedir bufname byteidxcomp charcol ch_evalexpr ch_logfile ch_sendraw complete cos deepcopy echoraw executable expand filereadable flatten fnameescape foldtext function getbufvar getcharsearch getcmdwintype getenv getftype getmarklist getqflist gettabvar getwinpos glob2regpat hasmapto hlexists index inputsave isdirectory job_getchannel job_stop json_encode line listener_flush luaeval mapset matchdelete matchstr mkdir or popup_clear popup_filter_yesno popup_hide popup_notification prevnonblank prompt_setprompt prop_remove prop_type_list pyxeval readdirex reltime remote_peek rename rubyeval screenpos searchdecl serverlist setcharsearch setline setreg sha256 sign_getplaced sign_unplace slice sound_playfile sqrt str2nr strftime strpart submatch synID systemlist taglist term_dumpload term_getcursor term_getstatus term_scrape term_setrestore test_autochdir test_ignore_error test_null_job test_override test_srand_seed timer_start tr undofile visualmode win_execute winheight winnr win_splitmove
+syn keyword vimFuncName contained acos argidx assert_equalfile assert_nobeep atan2 bufadd bufnr call charidx ch_evalraw ch_open ch_setoptions complete_add cosh delete empty execute expandcmd filewritable flattennew fnamemodify foldtextresult garbagecollect getchangelist getcharstr getcompletion getfontname getimstatus getmatches getreg gettabwinvar getwinposx globpath histadd hlID input inputsecret isinf job_info join keys line2byte listener_remove map match matchend matchstrpos mode pathshorten popup_close popup_findinfo popup_list popup_setoptions printf prop_add prop_type_add pum_getpos rand readfile reltimefloat remote_read repeat screenattr screenrow searchpair setbufline setcmdpos setloclist settabvar shellescape sign_jump sign_unplacelist sort sound_stop srand strcharlen strgetchar strptime substitute synIDattr tabpagebuflist tan term_dumpwrite term_getjob term_gettitle term_sendkeys term_setsize test_feedinput test_null_blob test_null_list test_refcount test_unknown timer_stop trim undotree wildmenumode win_findbuf win_id2tabwin winrestcmd winwidth
+syn keyword vimFuncName contained add arglistid assert_exception assert_notequal balloon_gettext bufexists bufwinid ceil ch_canread ch_getbufnr ch_read ch_status complete_check count deletebufline environ exepath extend filter float2nr foldclosed foreground get getchar getcmdline getcurpos getfperm getjumplist getmousepos getreginfo gettagstack getwinposy has histdel hostname inputdialog insert islocked job_setoptions js_decode len lispindent localtime maparg matchadd matchfuzzy max mzeval perleval popup_create popup_findpreview popup_locate popup_settext prompt_getprompt prop_clear prop_type_change pumvisible range reduce reltimestr remote_send resolve screenchar screenstring searchpairpos setbufvar setcursorcharpos setmatches settabwinvar shiftwidth sign_place simplify sound_clear spellbadword state strcharpart stridx strridx swapinfo synIDtrans tabpagenr tanh term_getaltscreen term_getline term_gettty term_setansicolors term_start test_garbagecollect_now test_null_channel test_null_partial test_scrollbar test_void timer_stopall trunc uniq winbufnr win_getid win_id2win winrestview wordcount
+syn keyword vimFuncName contained and argv assert_fails assert_notmatch balloon_show buflisted bufwinnr changenr ch_close ch_getjob ch_readblob cindent complete_info cscope_connection did_filetype escape exists extendnew finddir floor foldclosedend fullcommand getbufinfo getcharmod getcmdpos getcursorcharpos getfsize getline getpid getregtype gettext getwinvar has_key histget iconv inputlist interrupt isnan job_start js_encode libcall list2str log mapcheck matchaddpos matchfuzzypos menu_info nextnonblank popup_atcursor popup_dialog popup_getoptions popup_menu popup_show prompt_setcallback prop_find prop_type_delete py3eval readblob reg_executing remote_expr remote_startserver reverse screenchars search searchpos setcellwidths setenv setpos settagstack sign_define sign_placelist sin soundfold spellsuggest str2float strchars string strtrans swapname synstack tabpagewinnr tempname term_getansicolors term_getscrolled terminalprops term_setapi term_wait test_garbagecollect_soon test_null_dict test_null_string test_setmouse timer_info tolower type values wincol win_gettype winlayout winsaveview writefile
+syn keyword vimFuncName contained append asin assert_false assert_report balloon_split bufload byte2line char2nr ch_close_in ch_info ch_readraw clearmatches confirm cursor diff_filler eval exp feedkeys findfile fmod foldlevel funcref getbufline getcharpos getcmdtype getcwd getftime getloclist getpos gettabinfo getwininfo glob haslocaldir histnr indent inputrestore invert items job_status json_decode libcallnr listener_add log10 mapnew matcharg matchlist min nr2char popup_beval popup_filter_menu popup_getpos popup_move pow prompt_setinterrupt prop_list prop_type_get pyeval readdir reg_recording remote_foreground remove round screencol searchcount server2client setcharpos setfperm setqflist setwinvar sign_getdefined sign_undefine sinh sound_playevent split str2list strdisplaywidth strlen strwidth synconcealed system tagfiles term_dumpdiff term_getattr term_getsize term_list term_setkill test_alloc_fail test_getvalue test_null_function test_option_not_set test_settime timer_pause toupper typename virtcol windowsversion win_gotoid winline win_screenpos xor
+syn keyword vimFuncName contained appendbufline assert_beeps assert_inrange assert_true browse bufloaded byteidx charclass chdir ch_log ch_sendexpr col copy debugbreak diff_hlID eventhandler
"--- syntax here and above generated by mkvimvim ---
" Special Vim Highlighting (not automatic) {{{1
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ syn keyword vimAugroupKey contained aug[roup]
" Operators: {{{2
" =========
-syn cluster vimOperGroup contains=vimEnvvar,vimFunc,vimFuncVar,vimOper,vimOperParen,vimNumber,vimString,vimRegister,vimContinue,vim9Comment
+syn cluster vimOperGroup contains=vimEnvvar,vimFunc,vimFuncVar,vimOper,vimOperParen,vimNumber,vimString,vimType,vimRegister,vimContinue,vim9Comment
syn match vimOper "\%#=1\(==\|!=\|>=\|<=\|=\~\|!\~\|>\|<\|=\)[?#]\{0,2}" skipwhite nextgroup=vimString,vimSpecFile
syn match vimOper "\(\<is\|\<isnot\)[?#]\{0,2}\>" skipwhite nextgroup=vimString,vimSpecFile
syn match vimOper "||\|&&\|[-+.!]" skipwhite nextgroup=vimString,vimSpecFile
@@ -241,12 +241,13 @@ endif
" =========
syn cluster vimFuncList contains=vimCommand,vimFunctionError,vimFuncKey,Tag,vimFuncSID
syn cluster vimFuncBodyList contains=vimAbb,vimAddress,vimAugroupKey,vimAutoCmd,vimCmplxRepeat,vimComment,vim9Comment,vimContinue,vimCtrlChar,vimEcho,vimEchoHL,vimEnvvar,vimExecute,vimIsCommand,vimFBVar,vimFunc,vimFunction,vimFuncVar,vimGlobal,vimHighlight,vimIsCommand,vimLet,vimLetHereDoc,vimLineComment,vimMap,vimMark,vimNorm,vimNotation,vimNotFunc,vimNumber,vimOper,vimOperParen,vimRegion,vimRegister,vimSearch,vimSet,vimSpecFile,vimString,vimSubst,vimSynLine,vimUnmap,vimUserCommand
-syn match vimFunction "\<\(fu\%[nction]\|def\)!\=\s\+\%(<[sS][iI][dD]>\|[sSgGbBwWtTlL]:\)\=\%(\i\|[#.]\|{.\{-1,}}\)*\ze\s*(" contains=@vimFuncList nextgroup=vimFuncBody
+syn match vimFunction "\<\(fu\%[nction]\)!\=\s\+\%(<[sS][iI][dD]>\|[sSgGbBwWtTlL]:\)\=\%(\i\|[#.]\|{.\{-1,}}\)*\ze\s*(" contains=@vimFuncList nextgroup=vimFuncBody
+syn match vimFunction "\<def!\=\ze\s*(" contains=@vimFuncList nextgroup=vimFuncBody
if exists("g:vimsyn_folding") && g:vimsyn_folding =~# 'f'
syn region vimFuncBody contained fold start="\ze\s*(" matchgroup=vimCommand end="\<\(endf\>\|endfu\%[nction]\>\|enddef\>\)" contains=@vimFuncBodyList
- syn region vimFuncBody contained start="\ze\s*(" matchgroup=vimCommand end="\<\(endf\>\|endfu\%[nction]\>\|enddef\>\)" contains=@vimFuncBodyList
+ syn region vimFuncBody contained start="\ze\s*(" matchgroup=vimCommand end="\<\(endf\>\|endfu\%[nction]\>\|enddef\>\)" contains=@vimFuncBodyList
syn match vimFuncVar contained "a:\(\K\k*\|\d\+\)"
syn match vimFuncSID contained "\c<sid>\|\<s:"
@@ -256,6 +257,9 @@ syn match vimFuncBlank contained "\s\+"
syn keyword vimPattern contained start skip end
+" vimTypes : new for vim9
+syn match vimType ":\s*\zs\<\(bool\|number\|float\|string\|blob\|list<\|dict<\|job\|channel\|func\)\>"
" Special Filenames, Modifiers, Extension Removal: {{{2
" ===============================================
syn match vimSpecFile "<c\(word\|WORD\)>" nextgroup=vimSpecFileMod,vimSubst
@@ -384,7 +388,7 @@ syn match vimCmplxRepeat '[^a-zA-Z_/\\()]q[0-9a-zA-Z"]\>'lc=1
syn match vimCmplxRepeat '@[0-9a-z".=@:]\ze\($\|[^a-zA-Z]\>\)'
" Set command and associated set-options (vimOptions) with comment {{{2
-syn region vimSet matchgroup=vimCommand start="\<\%(setl\%[ocal]\|setg\%[lobal]\|se\%[t]\)\>" skip="\%(\\\\\)*\\." end="$" end="|" matchgroup=vimNotation end="<[cC][rR]>" oneline keepend contains=vimSetEqual,vimOption,vimErrSetting,vimComment,vim9Comment,vimSetString,vimSetMod
+syn region vimSet matchgroup=vimCommand start="\<\%(setl\%[ocal]\|setg\%[lobal]\|se\%[t]\)\>" skip="\%(\\\\\)*\\.\n\@!" end="$" end="|" matchgroup=vimNotation end="<[cC][rR]>" keepend contains=vimSetEqual,vimOption,vimErrSetting,vimComment,vim9Comment,vimSetString,vimSetMod
syn region vimSetEqual contained start="[=:]\|[-+^]=" skip="\\\\\|\\\s" end="[| \t]"me=e-1 end="$" contains=vimCtrlChar,vimSetSep,vimNotation,vimEnvvar
syn region vimSetString contained start=+="+hs=s+1 skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ contains=vimCtrlChar
syn match vimSetSep contained "[,:]"
@@ -419,7 +423,7 @@ syn case match
" Maps: {{{2
" ====
syn match vimMap "\<map\>!\=\ze\s*[^(]" skipwhite nextgroup=vimMapMod,vimMapLhs
-syn keyword vimMap cm[ap] cno[remap] im[ap] ino[remap] lm[ap] ln[oremap] nm[ap] nn[oremap] no[remap] om[ap] ono[remap] smap snor[emap] tno[remap] tm[ap] vm[ap] vn[oremap] xm[ap] xn[oremap] skipwhite nextgroup=vimMapBang,vimMapMod,vimMapLhs
+syn keyword vimMap cm[ap] cno[remap] im[ap] ino[remap] lm[ap] ln[oremap] nm[ap] nn[oremap] no[remap] om[ap] ono[remap] smap snor[emap] tno[remap] tm[ap] vm[ap] vmapc[lear] vn[oremap] xm[ap] xn[oremap] skipwhite nextgroup=vimMapBang,vimMapMod,vimMapLhs
syn keyword vimMap mapc[lear] smapc[lear]
syn keyword vimUnmap cu[nmap] iu[nmap] lu[nmap] nun[map] ou[nmap] sunm[ap] tunma[p] unm[ap] unm[ap] vu[nmap] xu[nmap] skipwhite nextgroup=vimMapBang,vimMapMod,vimMapLhs
syn match vimMapLhs contained "\S\+" contains=vimNotation,vimCtrlChar skipwhite nextgroup=vimMapRhs
@@ -1002,6 +1006,7 @@ if !exists("skip_vim_syntax_inits")
hi def link vimSyntax vimCommand
hi def link vimSynType vimSpecial
hi def link vimTodo Todo
+ hi def link vimType Type
hi def link vimUnmap vimMap
hi def link vimUserAttrbCmpltFunc Special
hi def link vimUserAttrbCmplt vimSpecial