path: root/runtime/syntax/testdir/runtest.vim
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'runtime/syntax/testdir/runtest.vim')
1 files changed, 116 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/testdir/runtest.vim b/runtime/syntax/testdir/runtest.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d57341d226
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/syntax/testdir/runtest.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+" Runs all the syntax tests for which there is no "done/name" file.
+" Current directory must be runtime/syntax.
+" Only do this with the +eval feature
+if 1
+let cwd = getcwd()
+if cwd !~ '[/\\]runtime[/\\]syntax\>'
+ echoerr 'Current directory must be "runtime/syntax"'
+ qall
+if !isdirectory('testdir')
+ echoerr '"testdir" directory not found'
+ qall
+" Use the script for source code screendump testing. It sources other scripts,
+" therefore we must "cd" there.
+cd ../../src/testdir
+source screendump.vim
+exe 'cd ' .. fnameescape(cwd)
+" For these tests we need to be able to run terminal Vim with 256 colors. On
+" MS-Windows the console only has 16 colors and the GUI can't run in a
+" terminal.
+if !CanRunVimInTerminal()
+ echomsg 'Cannot make screendumps, aborting'
+ qall
+cd testdir
+if !isdirectory('done')
+ call mkdir('done')
+set nocp
+set nowrapscan
+set report=9999
+set modeline
+set debug=throw
+set nomore
+au! SwapExists * call HandleSwapExists()
+func HandleSwapExists()
+ " Ignore finding a swap file for the test input, the user might be editing
+ " it and that's OK.
+ if expand('<afile>') =~ 'input[/\\].*\..*'
+ let v:swapchoice = 'e'
+ endif
+let failed_count = 0
+for fname in glob('input/*.*', 1, 1)
+ if fname =~ '\~$'
+ " backup file, skip
+ continue
+ endif
+ let linecount = readfile(fname)->len()
+ let root = substitute(fname, 'input[/\\]\(.*\)\..*', '\1', '')
+ " Execute the test if the "done" file does not exist of when the input file
+ " is newer.
+ let in_time = getftime(fname)
+ let out_time = getftime('done/' .. root)
+ if out_time < 0 || in_time > out_time
+ for dumpname in glob('failed/' .. root .. '_\d*\.dump', 1, 1)
+ call delete(dumpname)
+ endfor
+ call delete('done/' .. root)
+ let lines =<< trim END
+ syntax on
+ call writefile(lines, 'Xtestscript')
+ let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S Xtestscript ' .. fname, {})
+ " Screendump at the start of the file: root_00.dump
+ let fail = VerifyScreenDump(buf, root .. '_00', {})
+ " Make a Screendump every 18 lines of the file: root_NN.dump
+ let topline = 1
+ let nr = 1
+ while linecount - topline > 20
+ let topline += 18
+ call term_sendkeys(buf, printf("%dGzt", topline))
+ let fail += VerifyScreenDump(buf, root .. printf('_%02d', nr), {})
+ let nr += 1
+ endwhile
+ " Screendump at the end of the file: root_99.dump
+ call term_sendkeys(buf, 'Gzb')
+ let fail += VerifyScreenDump(buf, root .. '_99', {})
+ call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
+ call delete('Xtestscript')
+ if fail == 0
+ call writefile(['OK'], 'done/' . root)
+ echo "Test " . root . " OK\n"
+ else
+ let failed_count += 1
+ endif
+ endif
+" Matching "if 1" at the start.
+if failed_count > 0
+ " have make report an error
+ cquit