path: root/runtime/syntax/dnsmasq.vim
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Diffstat (limited to 'runtime/syntax/dnsmasq.vim')
1 files changed, 104 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/dnsmasq.vim b/runtime/syntax/dnsmasq.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e6976201f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/syntax/dnsmasq.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: dnsmasq(8) configuration file
+" Maintainer: Thilo Six <>
+" Last Change: 2011 Apr 28
+" Credits: This file is a mix of cfg.vim, wget.vim and xf86conf.vim, credits go to:
+" Igor N. Prischepoff
+" Doug Kearns
+" David Ne\v{c}as
+" Options: let dnsmasq_backrgound_light = 1
+" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
+" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
+if version < 600
+ syntax clear
+elseif exists ("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+if !exists("b:dnsmasq_backrgound_light")
+ if exists("dnsmasq_backrgound_light")
+ let b:dnsmasq_backrgound_light = dnsmasq_backrgound_light
+ else
+ let b:dnsmasq_backrgound_light = 0
+ endif
+" case on
+syn case match
+syn match DnsmasqParams "^.\{-}="me=e-1 contains=DnsmasqComment
+"... and their values (don't want to highlight '=' sign)
+syn match DnsmasqValues "=.*"hs=s+1 contains=DnsmasqComment,DnsmasqSpecial
+"...because we do it here.
+syn match DnsmasqEq display '=\|@\|/\|,' nextgroup=DnsmasqValues
+syn match DnsmasqSpecial "#"
+" String
+syn match DnsmasqString "\".*\""
+syn match DnsmasqString "'.*'"
+" Comments
+syn match DnsmasqComment "^#.*$" contains=DnsmasqTodo
+syn match DnsmasqComment "[ \t]#.*$" contains=DnsmasqTodo
+syn keyword DnsmasqTodo FIXME TODO XXX NOT contained
+syn match DnsmasqKeyword "^\s*add-mac\>"
+syn match DnsmasqKeyword "^\s*all-servers\>"
+syn match DnsmasqKeyword "^\s*bind-interfaces\>"
+syn match DnsmasqKeyword "^\s*bogus-priv\>"
+syn match DnsmasqKeyword "^\s*clear-on-reload\>"
+syn match DnsmasqKeyword "^\s*dhcp-authoritative\>"
+syn match DnsmasqKeyword "^\s*dhcp-fqdn\>"
+syn match DnsmasqKeyword "^\s*dhcp-no-override\>"
+syn match DnsmasqKeyword "^\s*dhcp-scriptuser\>"
+syn match DnsmasqKeyword "^\s*domain-needed\>"
+syn match DnsmasqKeyword "^\s*enable-dbus\>"
+syn match DnsmasqKeyword "^\s*enable-tftp\>"
+syn match DnsmasqKeyword "^\s*expand-hosts\>"
+syn match DnsmasqKeyword "^\s*filterwin2k\>"
+syn match DnsmasqKeyword "^\s*keep-in-foreground\>"
+syn match DnsmasqKeyword "^\s*leasefile-ro\>"
+syn match DnsmasqKeyword "^\s*localise-queries\>"
+syn match DnsmasqKeyword "^\s*localmx\>"
+syn match DnsmasqKeyword "^\s*log-dhcp\>"
+syn match DnsmasqKeyword "^\s*log-queries\>"
+syn match DnsmasqKeyword "^\s*no-daemon\>"
+syn match DnsmasqKeyword "^\s*no-hosts\>"
+syn match DnsmasqKeyword "^\s*no-negcache\>"
+syn match DnsmasqKeyword "^\s*no-ping\>"
+syn match DnsmasqKeyword "^\s*no-poll\>"
+syn match DnsmasqKeyword "^\s*no-resolv\>"
+syn match DnsmasqKeyword "^\s*proxy-dnssec\>"
+syn match DnsmasqKeyword "^\s*read-ethers\>"
+syn match DnsmasqKeyword "^\s*rebind-localhost-ok\>"
+syn match DnsmasqKeyword "^\s*selfmx\>"
+syn match DnsmasqKeyword "^\s*stop-dns-rebind\>"
+syn match DnsmasqKeyword "^\s*strict-order\>"
+syn match DnsmasqKeyword "^\s*tftp-no-blocksize\>"
+syn match DnsmasqKeyword "^\s*tftp-secure\>"
+syn match DnsmasqKeyword "^\s*tftp-unique-root\>"
+if b:dnsmasq_backrgound_light == 1
+ hi def DnsmasqParams ctermfg=DarkGreen guifg=DarkGreen
+ hi def DnsmasqKeyword ctermfg=DarkGreen guifg=DarkGreen
+ hi def link DnsmasqKeyword Keyword
+ hi def link DnsmasqParams Keyword
+hi def link DnsmasqTodo Todo
+hi def link DnsmasqSpecial Constant
+hi def link DnsmasqComment Comment
+hi def link DnsmasqString Constant
+hi def link DnsmasqValues Normal
+hi def link DnsmasqEq Constant
+let b:current_syntax = "dnsmasq"