path: root/runtime/syntax/autoit.vim
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'runtime/syntax/autoit.vim')
1 files changed, 1111 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/autoit.vim b/runtime/syntax/autoit.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..47210f55b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/syntax/autoit.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,1111 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: AutoIt v3 (
+" Maintainer: Jared Breland <>
+" Authored By: Riccardo Casini <>
+" Script URL:
+" ChangeLog: Please visit the script URL for detailed change information
+" AutoIt is not case dependent
+syn case ignore
+" Definitions for AutoIt reserved keywords
+syn keyword autoitKeyword Default False True
+syn keyword autoitKeyword Const Dim Global Local ReDim
+syn keyword autoitKeyword If Else ElseIf Then EndIf
+syn keyword autoitKeyword Select Switch Case EndSelect EndSwitch
+syn keyword autoitKeyword Enum For In To Step Next
+syn keyword autoitKeyword With While EndWith Wend Do Until
+syn keyword autoitKeyword ContinueCase ContinueLoop ExitLoop Exit
+" inside script inclusion and global options
+syn match autoitIncluded display contained "<[^>]*>"
+syn match autoitInclude display "^\s*#\s*include\>\s*["<]"
+ \ contains=autoitIncluded,autoitString
+syn match autoitInclude "^\s*#include-once\>"
+syn match autoitInclude "^\s*#NoTrayIcon\>"
+syn match autoitInclude "^\s*#RequireAdmin\>"
+" user-defined functions
+syn keyword autoitKeyword Func ByRef EndFunc Return OnAutoItStart OnAutoItExit
+" built-in functions
+" environment management
+syn keyword autoitFunction ClipGet ClipPut EnvGet EnvSet EnvUpdate MemGetStats
+" file, directory, and disk management
+syn keyword autoitFunction ConsoleRead ConsoleWrite ConsoleWriteError
+syn keyword autoitFunction DirCopy DirCreate DirGetSize DirMove DirRemove
+syn keyword autoitFunction DriveGetDrive DriveGetFileSystem DriveGetLabel
+ \ DriveGetSerial DriveGetType DriveMapAdd DriveMapDel DriveMapGet
+ \ DriveSetLabel DriveSpaceFree DriveSpaceTotal DriveStatus
+syn keyword autoitFunction FileChangeDir FileClose FileCopy FileCreateNTFSLink
+ \ FileCreateShortcut FileDelete FileExists FileFindFirstFile
+ \ FileFindNextFile FileGetAttrib FileGetLongName FileGetShortcut
+ \ FileGetShortName FileGetSize FileGetTime FileGetVersion FileInstall
+ \ FileMove FileOpen FileOpenDialog FileRead FileReadLine FileRecycle
+ \ FileRecycleEmpty FileSaveDialog FileSelectFolder FileSetAttrib
+ \ FileSetTime FileWrite FileWriteLine
+syn keyword autoitFunction IniDelete IniRead IniReadSection IniReadSectionNames
+ \ IniRenameSection IniWrite IniWriteSection
+syn keyword autoitFunction StderrRead StdinWrite StdoutRead
+" graphic and sound
+syn keyword autoitFunction Beep PixelChecksum PixelGetColor PixelSearch
+ \ SoundPlay SoundSetWaveVolume
+" gui reference
+syn keyword autoitFunction GUICreate GUIDelete GUICtrlGetHandle GUICtrlGetState
+ \ GUICtrlRead GUICtrlRecvMsg GUICtrlSendMsg GUICtrlSendToDummy
+ \ GUIGetCursorInfo GUIGetMsg GUIRegisterMsg GUIStartGroup GUISwitch
+syn keyword autoitFunction GUICtrlCreateAvi GUICtrlCreateButton
+ \ GUICtrlCreateCheckbox GUICtrlCreateCombo GUICtrlCreateContextMenu
+ \ GUICtrlCreateDate GUICtrlCreateDummy GUICtrlCreateEdit
+ \ GUICtrlCreateGraphic GUICtrlCreateGroup GUICtrlCreateIcon
+ \ GUICtrlCreateInput GUICtrlCreateLabel GUICtrlCreateList
+ \ GUICtrlCreateListView GUICtrlCreateListViewItem GUICtrlCreateMenu
+ \ GUICtrlCreateMenuItem GUICtrlCreateMonthCal GUICtrlCreateObj
+ \ GUICtrlCreatePic GUICtrlCreateProgress GUICtrlCreateRadio
+ \ GUICtrlCreateSlider GUICtrlCreateTab GUICtrlCreateTabItem
+ \ GUICtrlCreateTreeView GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem
+ \ GUICtrlCreateUpDown GUICtrlDelete
+syn keyword autoitFunction GUICtrlRegisterListViewSort GUICtrlSetBkColor
+ \ GUICtrlSetColor GUICtrlSetCursor GUICtrlSetData GUICtrlSetFont
+ \ GUICtrlSetGraphic GUICtrlSetImage GUICtrlSetLimit GUICtrlSetOnEvent
+ \ GUICtrlSetPos GUICtrlSetResizing GUICtrlSetState GUICtrlSetStyle
+ \ GUICtrlSetTip
+syn keyword autoitFunction GUISetBkColor GUISetCoord GUISetCursor GUISetFont
+ \ GUISetHelp GUISetIcon GUISetOnEvent GUISetState
+" keyboard control
+syn keyword autoitFunction HotKeySet Send
+" math
+syn keyword autoitFunction Abs ACos ASin ATan BitAND BitNOT BitOR BitRotate
+ \ BitShift BitXOR Cos Ceiling Exp Floor Log Mod Random Round Sin Sqrt
+ \ SRandom Tan
+" message boxes and dialogs
+syn keyword autoitFunction InputBox MsgBox ProgressOff ProgressOn ProgressSet
+ \ SplashImageOn SplashOff SplashTextOn ToolTip
+" miscellaneous
+syn keyword autoitFunction AdlibDisable AdlibEnable AutoItSetOption
+ \ AutoItWinGetTitle AutoItWinSetTitle BlockInput Break Call CDTray
+ \ Execute Opt SetError SetExtended
+" mouse control
+syn keyword autoitFunction MouseClick MouseClickDrag MouseDown MouseGetCursor
+ \ MouseGetPos MouseMove MouseUp MouseWheel
+" network
+syn keyword autoitFunction FtpSetProxy HttpSetProxy InetGet InetGetSize Ping
+ \ TCPAccept TCPCloseSocket TCPConnect TCPListen TCPNameToIp TCPRecv
+ \ TCPSend TCPShutDown TCPStartup UDPBind UDPCloseSocket UDPOpen UDPRecv
+ \ UDPSend UDPShutdown UDPStartup
+" obj/com reference
+syn keyword autoitFunction ObjCreate ObjEvent ObjGet ObjName
+" process management
+syn keyword autoitFunction DllCall DllClose DllOpen DllStructCreate
+ \ DllStructGetData DllStructGetPtr DllStructGetSize DllStructSetData
+ \ ProcessClose ProcessExists ProcessSetPriority ProcessList ProcessWait
+ \ ProcessWaitClose Run RunAsSet RunWait ShellExecute ShellExecuteWait
+ \ Shutdown
+ " removed from 3.2.0 docs - PluginClose PluginOpen
+" registry management
+syn keyword autoitFunction RegDelete RegEnumKey RegEnumVal RegRead RegWrite
+" string management
+syn keyword autoitFunction StringAddCR StringFormat StringInStr StringIsAlNum
+ \ StringIsAlpha StringIsASCII StringIsDigit StringIsFloat StringIsInt
+ \ StringIsLower StringIsSpace StringIsUpper StringIsXDigit StringLeft
+ \ StringLen StringLower StringMid StringRegExp StringRegExpReplace
+ \ StringReplace StringRight StringSplit StringStripCR StringStripWS
+ \ StringTrimLeft StringTrimRight StringUpper
+" timer and delay
+syn keyword autoitFunction Sleep TimerInit TimerDiff
+" tray
+syn keyword autoitFunction TrayCreateItem TrayCreateMenu TrayItemDelete
+ \ TrayItemGetHandle TrayItemGetState TrayItemGetText TrayItemSetOnEvent
+ \ TrayItemSetState TrayItemSetText TrayGetMsg TraySetClick TraySetIcon
+ \ TraySetOnEvent TraySetPauseIcon TraySetState TraySetToolTip TrayTip
+" variables and conversions
+syn keyword autoitFunction Asc Assign Binary Chr Dec Eval Hex HWnd Int IsAdmin
+ \ IsArray IsBinaryString IsBool IsDeclared IsDllStruct IsFloat IsHWnd
+ \ IsInt IsKeyword IsNumber IsObj IsString Number String UBound
+" window management
+syn keyword autoitFunction WinActivate WinActive WinClose WinExists WinFlash
+ \ WinGetCaretPos WinGetClassList WinGetClientSize WinGetHandle WinGetPos
+ \ WinGetProcess WinGetState WinGetText WinGetTitle WinKill WinList
+ \ WinMenuSelectItem WinMinimizeAll WinMinimizeAllUndo WinMove
+ \ WinSetOnTop WinSetState WinSetTitle WinSetTrans WinWait WinWaitActive
+ \ WinWaitClose WinWaitNotActive
+syn keyword autoitFunction ControlClick ControlCommand ControlDisable
+ \ ControlEnable ControlFocus ControlGetFocus ControlGetHandle
+ \ ControlGetPos ControlGetText ControlHide ControlListView ControlMove
+ \ ControlSend ControlSetText ControlShow StatusBarGetText
+" user defined functions
+" array
+syn keyword autoitFunction _ArrayAdd _ArrayBinarySearch _ArrayCreate
+ \ _ArrayDelete _ArrayDisplay _ArrayInsert _ArrayMax _ArrayMaxIndex
+ \ _ArrayMin _ArrayMinIndex _ArrayPop _ArrayPush _ArrayReverse
+ \ _ArraySearch _ArraySort _ArraySwap _ArrayToClip _ArrayToString
+ \ _ArrayTrim
+" color
+syn keyword autoitFunction _ColorgetBlue _ColorGetGreen _ColorGetRed
+" date
+syn keyword autoitFunction _DateAdd _DateDayOfWeek _DateDaysInMonth _DateDiff
+ \ _DateIsLeapYear _DateIsValid _DateTimeFormat _DateTimeSplit
+ \ _DateToDayOfWeek _ToDayOfWeekISO _DateToDayValue _DayValueToDate _Now
+ \ _NowCalc _NowCalcDate _NowDate _NowTime _SetDate _SetTime _TicksToTime
+ \ _TimeToTicks _WeekNumberISO
+" file
+syn keyword autoitFunction _FileCountLines _FileCreate _FileListToArray
+ \ _FilePrint _FileReadToArray _FileWriteFromArray _FileWriteLog
+ \ _FileWriteToLine _PathFull _PathMake _PathSplit _ReplaceStringInFile
+ \ _TempFile
+" guicombo
+syn keyword autoitFunction _GUICtrlComboAddDir _GUICtrlComboAddString
+ \ _GUICtrlComboAutoComplete _GUICtrlComboDeleteString
+ \ _GUICtrlComboFindString _GUICtrlComboGetCount _GUICtrlComboGetCurSel
+ \ _GUICtrlComboGetDroppedControlRect _GUICtrlComboGetDroppedState
+ \ _GUICtrlComboGetDroppedWidth _GUICtrlComboGetEditSel
+ \ _GUICtrlComboGetExtendedUI _GUICtrlComboGetHorizontalExtent
+ \ _GUICtrlComboGetItemHeight _GUICtrlComboGetLBText
+ \ _GUICtrlComboGetLBTextLen _GUICtrlComboGetList _GUICtrlComboGetLocale
+ \ _GUICtrlComboGetMinVisible _GUICtrlComboGetTopIndex
+ \ _GUICtrlComboInitStorage _GUICtrlComboInsertString
+ \ _GUICtrlComboLimitText _GUICtrlComboResetContent
+ \ _GUICtrlComboSelectString _GUICtrlComboSetCurSel
+ \ _GUICtrlComboSetDroppedWidth _GUICtrlComboSetEditSel
+ \ _GUICtrlComboSetExtendedUI _GUICtrlComboSetHorizontalExtent
+ \ _GUICtrlComboSetItemHeight _GUICtrlComboSetMinVisible
+ \ _GUICtrlComboSetTopIndex _GUICtrlComboShowDropDown
+" guiedit
+syn keyword autoitFunction _GUICtrlEditCanUndo _GUICtrlEditEmptyUndoBuffer
+ \ _GuiCtrlEditFind _GUICtrlEditGetFirstVisibleLine _GUICtrlEditGetLine
+ \ _GUICtrlEditGetLineCount _GUICtrlEditGetModify _GUICtrlEditGetRect
+ \ _GUICtrlEditGetSel _GUICtrlEditLineFromChar _GUICtrlEditLineIndex
+ \ _GUICtrlEditLineLength _GUICtrlEditLineScroll _GUICtrlEditReplaceSel
+ \ _GUICtrlEditScroll _GUICtrlEditSetModify _GUICtrlEditSetRect
+ \ _GUICtrlEditSetSel _GUICtrlEditUndo
+" guiipaddress
+syn keyword autoitFunction _GUICtrlIpAddressClear _GUICtrlIpAddressCreate
+ \ _GUICtrlIpAddressDelete _GUICtrlIpAddressGet _GUICtrlIpAddressIsBlank
+ \ _GUICtrlIpAddressSet _GUICtrlIpAddressSetFocus
+ \ _GUICtrlIpAddressSetFont
+ \ _GUICtrlIpAddressSetRange _GUICtrlIpAddressShowHide
+" guilist
+syn keyword autoitFunction _GUICtrlListAddDir _GUICtrlListAddItem
+ \ _GUICtrlListClear
+ \ _GUICtrlListCount _GUICtrlListDeleteItem _GUICtrlListFindString
+ \ _GUICtrlListGetAnchorIndex _GUICtrlListGetCaretIndex
+ \ _GUICtrlListGetHorizontalExtent _GUICtrlListGetInfo
+ \ _GUICtrlListGetItemRect _GUICtrlListGetLocale _GUICtrlListGetSelCount
+ \ _GUICtrlListGetSelItems _GUICtrlListGetSelItemsText
+ \ _GUICtrlListGetSelState _GUICtrlListGetText _GUICtrlListGetTextLen
+ \ _GUICtrlListGetTopIndex _GUICtrlListInsertItem
+ \ _GUICtrlListReplaceString _GUICtrlListSelectedIndex
+ \ _GUICtrlListSelectIndex _GUICtrlListSelectString
+ \ _GUICtrlListSelItemRange _GUICtrlListSelItemRangeEx
+ \ _GUICtrlListSetAnchorIndex _GUICtrlListSetCaretIndex
+ \ _GUICtrlListSetHorizontalExtent _GUICtrlListSetLocale
+ \ _GUICtrlListSetSel _GUICtrlListSetTopIndex _GUICtrlListSort
+ \ _GUICtrlListSwapString
+" guilistview
+syn keyword autoitFunction _GUICtrlListViewCopyItems
+ \ _GUICtrlListViewDeleteAllItems _GUICtrlListViewDeleteColumn
+ \ _GUICtrlListViewDeleteItem _GUICtrlListViewDeleteItemsSelected
+ \ _GUICtrlListViewEnsureVisible _GUICtrlListViewFindItem
+ \ _GUICtrlListViewGetBackColor _GUICtrlListViewGetCallBackMask
+ \ _GUICtrlListViewGetCheckedState _GUICtrlListViewGetColumnOrder
+ \ _GUICtrlListViewGetColumnWidth _GUICtrlListViewGetCounterPage
+ \ _GUICtrlListViewGetCurSel _GUICtrlListViewGetExtendedListViewStyle
+ \ _GUICtrlListViewGetHeader _GUICtrlListViewGetHotCursor
+ \ _GUICtrlListViewGetHotItem _GUICtrlListViewGetHoverTime
+ \ _GUICtrlListViewGetItemCount _GUICtrlListViewGetItemText
+ \ _GUICtrlListViewGetItemTextArray _GUICtrlListViewGetNextItem
+ \ _GUICtrlListViewGetSelectedCount _GUICtrlListViewGetSelectedIndices
+ \ _GUICtrlListViewGetSubItemsCount _GUICtrlListViewGetTopIndex
+ \ _GUICtrlListViewGetUnicodeFormat _GUICtrlListViewHideColumn
+ \ _GUICtrlListViewInsertColumn _GUICtrlListViewInsertItem
+ \ _GUICtrlListViewJustifyColumn _GUICtrlListViewScroll
+ \ _GUICtrlListViewSetCheckState _GUICtrlListViewSetColumnHeaderText
+ \ _GUICtrlListViewSetColumnOrder _GUICtrlListViewSetColumnWidth
+ \ _GUICtrlListViewSetHotItem _GUICtrlListViewSetHoverTime
+ \ _GUICtrlListViewSetItemCount _GUICtrlListViewSetItemSelState
+ \ _GUICtrlListViewSetItemText _GUICtrlListViewSort
+" guimonthcal
+syn keyword autoitFunction _GUICtrlMonthCalGet1stDOW _GUICtrlMonthCalGetColor
+ \ _GUICtrlMonthCalGetDelta _GUICtrlMonthCalGetMaxSelCount
+ \ _GUICtrlMonthCalGetMaxTodayWidth _GUICtrlMonthCalGetMinReqRect
+ \ _GUICtrlMonthCalSet1stDOW _GUICtrlMonthCalSetColor
+ \ _GUICtrlMonthCalSetDelta _GUICtrlMonthCalSetMaxSelCount
+" guislider
+syn keyword autoitFunction _GUICtrlSliderClearTics _GUICtrlSliderGetLineSize
+ \ _GUICtrlSliderGetNumTics _GUICtrlSliderGetPageSize
+ \ _GUICtrlSliderGetPos _GUICtrlSliderGetRangeMax
+ \ _GUICtrlSliderGetRangeMin _GUICtrlSliderSetLineSize
+ \ _GUICtrlSliderSetPageSize _GUICtrlSliderSetPos
+ \ _GUICtrlSliderSetTicFreq
+" guistatusbar
+syn keyword autoitFunction _GuiCtrlStatusBarCreate
+ \ _GUICtrlStatusBarCreateProgress _GUICtrlStatusBarDelete
+ \ _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetBorders _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetIcon
+ \ _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetParts _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetRect
+ \ _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetText _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetTextLength
+ \ _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetTip _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetUnicode
+ \ _GUICtrlStatusBarIsSimple _GuiCtrlStatusBarResize
+ \ _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetBKColor _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetIcon
+ \ _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetMinHeight _GUICtrlStatusBarSetParts
+ \ _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetSimple _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetText
+ \ _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetTip _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetUnicode
+ \ _GUICtrlStatusBarShowHide
+" guitab
+syn keyword autoitFunction _GUICtrlTabDeleteAllItems _GUICtrlTabDeleteItem
+ \ _GUICtrlTabDeselectAll _GUICtrlTabGetCurFocus _GUICtrlTabGetCurSel
+ \ _GUICtrlTabGetExtendedStyle _GUICtrlTabGetItemCount
+ \ _GUICtrlTabGetItemRect _GUICtrlTabGetRowCount
+ \ _GUICtrlTabGetUnicodeFormat _GUICtrlTabHighlightItem
+ \ _GUICtrlTabSetCurFocus _GUICtrlTabSetCurSel
+ \ _GUICtrlTabSetMinTabWidth _GUICtrlTabSetUnicodeFormat
+" guitreeview
+syn keyword autoitFunction _GUICtrlTreeViewDeleteAllItems
+ \ _GUICtrlTreeViewDeleteItem _GUICtrlTreeViewExpand
+ \ _GUICtrlTreeViewGetBkColor _GUICtrlTreeViewGetCount
+ \ _GUICtrlTreeViewGetIndent _GUICtrlTreeViewGetLineColor
+ \ _GUICtrlTreeViewGetParentHandle _GUICtrlTreeViewGetParentID
+ \ _GUICtrlTreeViewGetState _GUICtrlTreeViewGetText
+ \ _GUICtrlTreeViewGetTextColor _GUICtrlTreeViewItemGetTree
+ \ _GUICtrlTreeViewInsertItem _GUICtrlTreeViewSetBkColor
+ \ _GUICtrlTreeViewSetIcon _GUICtrlTreeViewSetIndent
+ \ _GUICtrlTreeViewSetLineColor GUICtrlTreeViewSetState
+ \ _GUICtrlTreeViewSetText _GUICtrlTreeViewSetTextColor
+ \ _GUICtrlTreeViewSort
+" ie
+syn keyword autoitFunction _IE_Example _IE_Introduction _IE_VersionInfo
+ \ _IEAction _IEAttach _IEBodyReadHTML _IEBodyReadText _IEBodyWriteHTML
+ \ _IECreate _IECreateEmbedded _IEDocGetObj _IEDocInsertHTML
+ \ _IEDocInsertText _IEDocReadHTML _IEDocWriteHTML
+ \ _IEErrorHandlerDeRegister _IEErrorHandlerRegister _IEErrorNotify
+ \ _IEFormElementCheckboxSelect _IEFormElementGetCollection
+ \ _IEFormElementGetObjByName _IEFormElementGetValue
+ \ _IEFormElementOptionSelect _IEFormElementRadioSelect
+ \ _IEFormElementSetValue _IEFormGetCollection _IEFormGetObjByName
+ \ _IEFormImageClick _IEFormReset _IEFormSubmit _IEFrameGetCollection
+ \ _IEFrameGetObjByName _IEGetObjByName _IEHeadInsertEventScript
+ \ _IEImgClick _IEImgGetCollection _IEIsFrameSet _IELinkClickByIndex
+ \ _IELinkClickByText _IELinkGetCollection _IELoadWait _IELoadWaitTimeout
+ \ _IENavigate _IEPropertyGet _IEPropertySet _IEQuit
+ \ _IETableGetCollection _IETableWriteToArray _IETagNameAllGetCollection
+ \ _IETagNameGetCollection
+" inet
+syn keyword autoitFunction _GetIP _INetExplorerCapable _INetGetSource _INetMail
+ \ _INetSmtpMail _TCPIpToName
+" math
+syn keyword autoitFunction _Degree _MathCheckDiv _Max _Min _Radian
+" miscellaneous
+syn keyword autoitFunction _ChooseColor _ChooseFont _ClipPutFile _Iif
+ \ _IsPressed _MouseTrap _SendMessage _Singleton
+" process
+syn keyword autoitFunction _ProcessGetName _ProcessGetPriority _RunDOS
+" sound
+syn keyword autoitFunction _SoundClose _SoundLength _SoundOpen _SoundPause
+ \ _SoundPlay _SoundPos _SoundResume _SoundSeek _SoundStatus _SoundStop
+" sqlite
+syn keyword autoitFunction _SQLite_Changes _SQLite_Close
+ \ _SQLite_Display2DResult _SQLite_Encode _SQLite_ErrCode _SQLite_ErrMsg
+ \ _SQLite_Escape _SQLite_Exec _SQLite_FetchData _SQLite_FetchNames
+ \ _SQLite_GetTable _SQLite_GetTable2D _SQLite_LastInsertRowID
+ \ _SQLite_LibVersion _SQLite_Open _SQLite_Query _SQLite_QueryFinalize
+ \ _SQLite_QueryReset _SQLite_QuerySingleRow _SQLite_SaveMode
+ \ _SQLite_SetTimeout _SQLite_Shutdown _SQLite_SQLiteExe _SQLite_Startup
+ \ _SQLite_TotalChanges
+" string
+syn keyword autoitFunction _HexToString _StringAddComma _StringBetween
+ \ _StringEncrypt _StringInsert _StringProper _StringRepeat
+ \ _StringReverse _StringToHex
+" visa
+syn keyword autoitFunction _viClose _viExecCommand _viFindGpib _viGpibBusReset
+ \ _viGTL _viOpen _viSetAttribute _viSetTimeout
+" read-only macros
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@AppData\(Common\)\=Dir"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@AutoItExe"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@AutoItPID"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@AutoItVersion"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@COM_EventObj"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@CommonFilesDir"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@Compiled"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@ComputerName"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@ComSpec"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@CR\(LF\)\="
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@Desktop\(Common\)\=Dir"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@DesktopDepth"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@DesktopHeight"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@DesktopRefresh"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@DesktopWidth"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@DocumentsCommonDir"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@Error"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@ExitCode"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@ExitMethod"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@Extended"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@Favorites\(Common\)\=Dir"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@GUI_CtrlId"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@GUI_CtrlHandle"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@GUI_DragId"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@GUI_DragFile"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@GUI_DropId"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@GUI_WinHandle"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@HomeDrive"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@HomePath"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@HomeShare"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@HOUR"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@HotKeyPressed"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@InetGetActive"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@InetGetBytesRead"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@IPAddress[1234]"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@KBLayout"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@LF"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@Logon\(DNS\)\=Domain"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@LogonServer"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@MDAY"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@MIN"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@MON"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@MyDocumentsDir"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@NumParams"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@OSBuild"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@OSLang"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@OSServicePack"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@OSTYPE"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@OSVersion"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@ProcessorArch"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@ProgramFilesDir"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@Programs\(Common\)\=Dir"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@ScriptDir"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@ScriptFullPath"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@ScriptLineNumber"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@ScriptName"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@SEC"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@StartMenu\(Common\)\=Dir"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@Startup\(Common\)\=Dir"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@SW_DISABLE"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@SW_ENABLE"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@SW_HIDE"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@SW_LOCK"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@SW_MAXIMIZE"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@SW_MINIMIZE"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@SW_RESTORE"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@SW_SHOW"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@SW_SHOWDEFAULT"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@SW_SHOWMINIMIZED"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@SW_SHOWNA"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@SW_SHOWNORMAL"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@SW_UNLOCK"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@SystemDir"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@TAB"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@TempDir"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@TRAY_ID"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@TrayIconFlashing"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@TrayIconVisible"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@UserProfileDir"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@UserName"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@WDAY"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@WindowsDir"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@WorkingDir"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@YDAY"
+syn match autoitBuiltin "@YEAR"
+"comments and commenting-out
+syn match autoitComment ";.*"
+"in this way also #ce alone will be highlighted
+syn match autoitCommDelimiter "^\s*#comments-start\>"
+syn match autoitCommDelimiter "^\s*#cs\>"
+syn match autoitCommDelimiter "^\s*#comments-end\>"
+syn match autoitCommDelimiter "^\s*#ce\>"
+syn region autoitComment
+ \ matchgroup=autoitCommDelimiter
+ \ start="^\s*#comments-start\>" start="^\s*#cs\>"
+ \ end="^\s*#comments-end\>" end="^\s*#ce\>"
+"one character operators
+syn match autoitOperator "[-+*/&^=<>][^-+*/&^=<>]"me=e-1
+"two characters operators
+syn match autoitOperator "==[^=]"me=e-1
+syn match autoitOperator "<>"
+syn match autoitOperator "<="
+syn match autoitOperator ">="
+syn match autoitOperator "+="
+syn match autoitOperator "-="
+syn match autoitOperator "*="
+syn match autoitOperator "/="
+syn match autoitOperator "&="
+syn keyword autoitOperator NOT AND OR
+syn match autoitParen "(\|)"
+syn match autoitBracket "\[\|\]"
+syn match autoitComma ","
+"numbers must come after operator '-'
+"decimal numbers without a dot
+syn match autoitNumber "-\=\<\d\+\>"
+"hexadecimal numbers without a dot
+syn match autoitNumber "-\=\<0x\x\+\>"
+"floating point number with dot (inside or at end)
+syn match autoitNumber "-\=\<\d\+\.\d*\>"
+"floating point number, starting with a dot
+syn match autoitNumber "-\=\<\.\d\+\>"
+"scientific notation numbers without dots
+syn match autoitNumber "-\=\<\d\+e[-+]\=\d\+\>"
+"scientific notation numbers with dots
+syn match autoitNumber "-\=\<\(\(\d\+\.\d*\)\|\(\.\d\+\)\)\(e[-+]\=\d\+\)\=\>"
+"string constants
+"we want the escaped quotes marked in red
+syn match autoitDoubledSingles +''+ contained
+syn match autoitDoubledDoubles +""+ contained
+"we want the continuation character marked in red
+"(also at the top level, not just contained)
+syn match autoitCont "_$"
+" send key list - must be defined before autoitStrings
+syn match autoitSend "{!}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{#}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{+}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{^}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{{}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{}}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{SPACE}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{ENTER}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{ALT}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{BACKSPACE}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{BS}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{DELETE}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{DEL}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{UP}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{DOWN}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{LEFT}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{RIGHT}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{HOME}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{END}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{ESCAPE}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{ESC}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{INSERT}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{INS}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{PGUP}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{PGDN}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{F1}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{F2}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{F3}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{F4}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{F5}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{F6}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{F7}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{F8}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{F9}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{F10}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{F11}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{F12}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{TAB}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{PRINTSCREEN}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{LWIN}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{RWIN}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{NUMLOCK}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{CTRLBREAK}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{PAUSE}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{CAPSLOCK}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{NUMPAD0}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{NUMPAD1}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{NUMPAD2}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{NUMPAD3}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{NUMPAD4}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{NUMPAD5}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{NUMPAD6}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{NUMPAD7}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{NUMPAD8}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{NUMPAD9}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{NUMPADMULT}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{NUMPADADD}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{NUMPADSUB}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{NUMPADDIV}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{NUMPADDOT}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{NUMPADENTER}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{APPSKEY}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{LALT}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{RALT}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{LCTRL}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{RCTRL}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{LSHIFT}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{RSHIFT}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{SLEEP}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{ALTDOWN}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{SHIFTDOWN}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{CTRLDOWN}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{LWINDOWN}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{RWINDOWN}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{ASC \d\d\d\d}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{BROWSER_BACK}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{BROWSER_FORWARD}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{BROWSER_REFRESH}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{BROWSER_STOP}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{BROWSER_SEARCH}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{BROWSER_FAVORITES}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{BROWSER_HOME}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{VOLUME_MUTE}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{VOLUME_DOWN}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{VOLUME_UP}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{MEDIA_NEXT}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{MEDIA_PREV}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{MEDIA_STOP}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{LAUNCH_MAIL}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{LAUNCH_MEDIA}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{LAUNCH_APP1}" contained
+syn match autoitSend "{LAUNCH_APP2}" contained
+"this was tricky!
+"we use an oneline region, instead of a match, in order to use skip=
+"matchgroup= so start and end quotes are not considered as au3Doubled
+syn region autoitString oneline contains=autoitSend matchgroup=autoitQuote start=+"+
+ \ end=+"+ end=+_\n\{1}.*"+
+ \ contains=autoitCont,autoitDoubledDoubles skip=+""+
+syn region autoitString oneline matchgroup=autoitQuote start=+'+
+ \ end=+'+ end=+_\n\{1}.*'+
+ \ contains=autoitCont,autoitDoubledSingles skip=+''+
+syn match autoitVarSelector "\$" contained display
+syn match autoitVariable "$\w\+" contains=autoitVarSelector
+" options - must be defined after autoitStrings
+syn match autoitOption "\([\"\']\)CaretCoordMode\1"
+syn match autoitOption "\([\"\']\)ColorMode\1"
+syn match autoitOption "\([\"\']\)ExpandEnvStrings\1"
+syn match autoitOption "\([\"\']\)ExpandVarStrings\1"
+syn match autoitOption "\([\"\']\)FtpBinaryMode\1"
+syn match autoitOption "\([\"\']\)GUICloseOnEsc\1"
+syn match autoitOption "\([\"\']\)GUICoordMode\1"
+syn match autoitOption "\([\"\']\)GUIDataSeparatorChar\1"
+syn match autoitOption "\([\"\']\)GUIOnEventMode\1"
+syn match autoitOption "\([\"\']\)GUIResizeMode\1"
+syn match autoitOption "\([\"\']\)GUIEventCompatibilityMode\1"
+syn match autoitOption "\([\"\']\)MouseClickDelay\1"
+syn match autoitOption "\([\"\']\)MouseClickDownDelay\1"
+syn match autoitOption "\([\"\']\)MouseClickDragDelay\1"
+syn match autoitOption "\([\"\']\)MouseCoordMode\1"
+syn match autoitOption "\([\"\']\)MustDeclareVars\1"
+syn match autoitOption "\([\"\']\)OnExitFunc\1"
+syn match autoitOption "\([\"\']\)PixelCoordMode\1"
+syn match autoitOption "\([\"\']\)RunErrorsFatal\1"
+syn match autoitOption "\([\"\']\)SendAttachMode\1"
+syn match autoitOption "\([\"\']\)SendCapslockMode\1"
+syn match autoitOption "\([\"\']\)SendKeyDelay\1"
+syn match autoitOption "\([\"\']\)SendKeyDownDelay\1"
+syn match autoitOption "\([\"\']\)TCPTimeout\1"
+syn match autoitOption "\([\"\']\)TrayAutoPause\1"
+syn match autoitOption "\([\"\']\)TrayIconDebug\1"
+syn match autoitOption "\([\"\']\)TrayIconHide\1"
+syn match autoitOption "\([\"\']\)TrayMenuMode\1"
+syn match autoitOption "\([\"\']\)TrayOnEventMode\1"
+syn match autoitOption "\([\"\']\)WinDetectHiddenText\1"
+syn match autoitOption "\([\"\']\)WinSearchChildren\1"
+syn match autoitOption "\([\"\']\)WinTextMatchMode\1"
+syn match autoitOption "\([\"\']\)WinTitleMatchMode\1"
+syn match autoitOption "\([\"\']\)WinWaitDelay\1"
+" styles - must be defined after autoitVariable
+" common
+syn match autoitStyle "\$WS_BORDER"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$WS_POPUP"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$WS_CAPTION"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$WS_CLIPCHILDREN"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$WS_CLIPSIBLINGS"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$WS_DISABLED"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$WS_DLGFRAME"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$WS_HSCROLL"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$WS_MAXIMIZE"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$WS_MAXIMIZEBOX"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$WS_MINIMIZE"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$WS_MINIMIZEBOX"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$WS_OVERLAPPED"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$WS_POPUPWINDOW"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$WS_SIZEBOX"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$WS_SYSMENU"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$WS_THICKFRAME"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$WS_VSCROLL"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$WS_VISIBLE"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$WS_CHILD"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$WS_GROUP"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$WS_TABSTOP"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$DS_MODALFRAME"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$DS_SETFOREGROUND"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$DS_CONTEXTHELP"
+" common extended
+syn match autoitStyle "\$WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$WS_EX_APPWINDOW"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$WS_EX_MDICHILD"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$WS_EX_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$WS_EX_STATICEDGE"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$WS_EX_TOPMOST"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$WS_EX_TRANSPARENT"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$WS_EX_LAYERED"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$GUI_WS_EX_PARENTDRAG"
+" checkbox
+syn match autoitStyle "\$BS_3STATE"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$BS_AUTO3STATE"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$BS_AUTOCHECKBOX"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$BS_CHECKBOX"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$BS_LEFT"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$BS_PUSHLIKE"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$BS_RIGHT"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$BS_RIGHTBUTTON"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$BS_GROUPBOX"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON"
+" push button
+syn match autoitStyle "\$BS_BOTTOM"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$BS_CENTER"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$BS_MULTILINE"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$BS_TOP"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$BS_VCENTER"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$BS_ICON"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$BS_BITMAP"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$BS_FLAT"
+" combo
+syn match autoitStyle "\$CBS_AUTOHSCROLL"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$CBS_DISABLENOSCROLL"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$CBS_DROPDOWN"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$CBS_DROPDOWNLIST"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$CBS_LOWERCASE"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$CBS_NOINTEGRALHEIGHT"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$CBS_OEMCONVERT"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$CBS_SIMPLE"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$CBS_SORT"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$CBS_UPPERCASE"
+" list
+syn match autoitStyle "\$LBS_DISABLENOSCROLL"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$LBS_NOINTEGRALHEIGHT"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$LBS_NOSEL"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$LBS_NOTIFY"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$LBS_SORT"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$LBS_STANDARD"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$LBS_USETABSTOPS"
+" edit/input
+syn match autoitStyle "\$ES_AUTOHSCROLL"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$ES_AUTOVSCROLL"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$ES_CENTER"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$ES_LOWERCASE"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$ES_NOHIDESEL"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$ES_NUMBER"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$ES_OEMCONVERT"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$ES_MULTILINE"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$ES_PASSWORD"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$ES_READONLY"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$ES_RIGHT"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$ES_UPPERCASE"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$ES_WANTRETURN"
+" progress bar
+syn match autoitStyle "\$PBS_SMOOTH"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$PBS_VERTICAL"
+" up-down
+syn match autoitStyle "\$UDS_ALIGNLEFT"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$UDS_ALIGNRIGHT"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$UDS_ARROWKEYS"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$UDS_HORZ"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$UDS_NOTHOUSANDS"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$UDS_WRAP"
+" label/static
+syn match autoitStyle "\$SS_BLACKFRAME"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$SS_BLACKRECT"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$SS_CENTER"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$SS_CENTERIMAGE"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$SS_ETCHEDFRAME"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$SS_ETCHEDHORZ"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$SS_ETCHEDVERT"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$SS_GRAYFRAME"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$SS_GRAYRECT"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$SS_LEFT"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$SS_NOPREFIX"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$SS_NOTIFY"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$SS_RIGHT"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$SS_RIGHTJUST"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$SS_SIMPLE"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$SS_SUNKEN"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$SS_WHITEFRAME"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$SS_WHITERECT"
+" tab
+syn match autoitStyle "\$TCS_SCROLLOPPOSITE"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$TCS_BOTTOM"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$TCS_RIGHT"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$TCS_MULTISELECT"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$TCS_FLATBUTTONS"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$TCS_FORCEICONLEFT"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$TCS_FORCELABELLEFT"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$TCS_HOTTRACK"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$TCS_VERTICAL"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$TCS_TABS"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$TCS_BUTTONS"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$TCS_SINGLELINE"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$TCS_MULTILINE"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$TCS_RIGHTJUSTIFY"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$TCS_FIXEDWIDTH"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$TCS_RAGGEDRIGHT"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$TCS_FOCUSONBUTTONDOWN"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$TCS_OWNERDRAWFIXED"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$TCS_TOOLTIPS"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$TCS_FOCUSNEVER"
+" avi clip
+syn match autoitStyle "\$ACS_AUTOPLAY"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$ACS_CENTER"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$ACS_TRANSPARENT"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$ACS_NONTRANSPARENT"
+" date
+syn match autoitStyle "\$DTS_UPDOWN"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$DTS_SHOWNONE"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$DTS_LONGDATEFORMAT"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$DTS_TIMEFORMAT"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$DTS_RIGHTALIGN"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$DTS_SHORTDATEFORMAT"
+" monthcal
+syn match autoitStyle "\$MCS_NOTODAY"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$MCS_NOTODAYCIRCLE"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$MCS_WEEKNUMBERS"
+" treeview
+syn match autoitStyle "\$TVS_HASBUTTONS"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$TVS_HASLINES"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$TVS_LINESATROOT"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$TVS_DISABLEDRAGDROP"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$TVS_SHOWSELALWAYS"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$TVS_RTLREADING"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$TVS_NOTOOLTIPS"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$TVS_CHECKBOXES"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$TVS_TRACKSELECT"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$TVS_SINGLEEXPAND"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$TVS_FULLROWSELECT"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$TVS_NOSCROLL"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$TVS_NONEVENHEIGHT"
+" slider
+syn match autoitStyle "\$TBS_AUTOTICKS"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$TBS_BOTH"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$TBS_BOTTOM"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$TBS_HORZ"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$TBS_VERT"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$TBS_NOTHUMB"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$TBS_NOTICKS"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$TBS_LEFT"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$TBS_RIGHT"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$TBS_TOP"
+" listview
+syn match autoitStyle "\$LVS_ICON"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$LVS_REPORT"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$LVS_SMALLICON"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$LVS_LIST"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$LVS_EDITLABELS"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$LVS_NOCOLUMNHEADER"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$LVS_NOSORTHEADER"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$LVS_SINGLESEL"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$LVS_SORTASCENDING"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$LVS_SORTDESCENDING"
+" listview extended
+syn match autoitStyle "\$LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$LVS_EX_GRIDLINES"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$LVS_EX_HEADERDRAGDROP"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$LVS_EX_TRACKSELECT"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$LVS_EX_CHECKBOXES"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$LVS_EX_BORDERSELECT"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$LVS_EX_DOUBLEBUFFER"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$LVS_EX_FLATSB"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$LVS_EX_MULTIWORKAREAS"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$LVS_EX_SNAPTOGRID"
+syn match autoitStyle "\$LVS_EX_SUBITEMIMAGES"
+" constants - must be defined after autoitVariable - excludes styles
+" constants - autoit options
+syn match autoitConst "\$OPT_COORDSRELATIVE"
+syn match autoitConst "\$OPT_COORDSABSOLUTE"
+syn match autoitConst "\$OPT_COORDSCLIENT"
+syn match autoitConst "\$OPT_ERRORSILENT"
+syn match autoitConst "\$OPT_ERRORFATAL"
+syn match autoitConst "\$OPT_CAPSNOSTORE"
+syn match autoitConst "\$OPT_CAPSSTORE"
+syn match autoitConst "\$OPT_MATCHSTART"
+syn match autoitConst "\$OPT_MATCHANY"
+syn match autoitConst "\$OPT_MATCHEXACT"
+syn match autoitConst "\$OPT_MATCHADVANCED"
+" constants - file
+syn match autoitConst "\$FC_NOOVERWRITE"
+syn match autoitConst "\$FC_OVERWRITE"
+syn match autoitConst "\$FT_MODIFIED"
+syn match autoitConst "\$FT_CREATED"
+syn match autoitConst "\$FT_ACCESSED"
+syn match autoitConst "\$FO_READ"
+syn match autoitConst "\$FO_APPEND"
+syn match autoitConst "\$FO_OVERWRITE"
+syn match autoitConst "\$EOF"
+syn match autoitConst "\$FD_FILEMUSTEXIST"
+syn match autoitConst "\$FD_PATHMUSTEXIST"
+syn match autoitConst "\$FD_MULTISELECT"
+syn match autoitConst "\$FD_PROMPTCREATENEW"
+syn match autoitConst "\$FD_PROMPTOVERWRITE"
+" constants - keyboard
+syn match autoitConst "\$KB_SENDSPECIAL"
+syn match autoitConst "\$KB_SENDRAW"
+syn match autoitConst "\$KB_CAPSOFF"
+syn match autoitConst "\$KB_CAPSON"
+" constants - message box
+syn match autoitConst "\$MB_OK"
+syn match autoitConst "\$MB_OKCANCEL"
+syn match autoitConst "\$MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE"
+syn match autoitConst "\$MB_YESNOCANCEL"
+syn match autoitConst "\$MB_YESNO"
+syn match autoitConst "\$MB_RETRYCANCEL"
+syn match autoitConst "\$MB_ICONHAND"
+syn match autoitConst "\$MB_ICONQUESTION"
+syn match autoitConst "\$MB_ICONEXCLAMATION"
+syn match autoitConst "\$MB_ICONASTERISK"
+syn match autoitConst "\$MB_DEFBUTTON1"
+syn match autoitConst "\$MB_DEFBUTTON2"
+syn match autoitConst "\$MB_DEFBUTTON3"
+syn match autoitConst "\$MB_APPLMODAL"
+syn match autoitConst "\$MB_SYSTEMMODAL"
+syn match autoitConst "\$MB_TASKMODAL"
+syn match autoitConst "\$MB_TOPMOST"
+syn match autoitConst "\$MB_RIGHTJUSTIFIED"
+syn match autoitConst "\$IDTIMEOUT"
+syn match autoitConst "\$IDOK"
+syn match autoitConst "\$IDCANCEL"
+syn match autoitConst "\$IDABORT"
+syn match autoitConst "\$IDRETRY"
+syn match autoitConst "\$IDIGNORE"
+syn match autoitConst "\$IDYES"
+syn match autoitConst "\$IDNO"
+syn match autoitConst "\$IDTRYAGAIN"
+syn match autoitConst "\$IDCONTINUE"
+" constants - progress and splash
+syn match autoitConst "\$DLG_NOTITLE"
+syn match autoitConst "\$DLG_NOTONTOP"
+syn match autoitConst "\$DLG_TEXTLEFT"
+syn match autoitConst "\$DLG_TEXTRIGHT"
+syn match autoitConst "\$DLG_MOVEABLE"