path: root/runtime/indent/vim.vim
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'runtime/indent/vim.vim')
1 files changed, 16 insertions, 208 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/indent/vim.vim b/runtime/indent/vim.vim
index 2ae3658a4b..2f59dfc867 100644
--- a/runtime/indent/vim.vim
+++ b/runtime/indent/vim.vim
@@ -1,214 +1,22 @@
-" Vim indent file
-" Language: Vim script
-" Maintainer: Bram Moolenaar <>
-" Last Change: 2022 Jun 24
-" Only load this indent file when no other was loaded.
-if exists("b:did_indent")
- finish
-let b:did_indent = 1
-setlocal indentexpr=GetVimIndent()
-setlocal indentkeys+==endif,=enddef,=endfu,=endfor,=endwh,=endtry,=},=else,=cat,=finall,=END,0\\,0=\"\\\
-setlocal indentkeys-=0#
-setlocal indentkeys-=:
+# Vim indent file
+# Language: Vim script
+# Maintainer: Bram Moolenaar <>
+# Last Change: 2022 Sep 27
-let b:undo_indent = "setl indentkeys< indentexpr<"
-" Only define the function once.
-if exists("*GetVimIndent")
- finish
+# Only load this indent file when no other was loaded.
+if exists('b:did_indent')
+ finish
-let s:keepcpo= &cpo
-set cpo&vim
-function GetVimIndent()
- let ignorecase_save = &ignorecase
- try
- let &ignorecase = 0
- return GetVimIndentIntern()
- finally
- let &ignorecase = ignorecase_save
- endtry
-" Legacy script line continuation and Vim9 script operators that must mean an
-" expression that continues from the previous line.
-let s:lineContPat = '^\s*\(\\\|"\\ \|->\)'
-function GetVimIndentIntern()
- " If the current line has line continuation and the previous one too, use
- " the same indent. This does not skip empty lines.
- let cur_text = getline(v:lnum)
- let cur_has_linecont = cur_text =~ s:lineContPat
- if cur_has_linecont && v:lnum > 1 && getline(v:lnum - 1) =~ s:lineContPat
- return indent(v:lnum - 1)
- endif
- " Find a non-blank line above the current line.
- let lnum = prevnonblank(v:lnum - 1)
- " The previous line, ignoring line continuation
- let prev_text_end = lnum > 0 ? getline(lnum) : ''
- " If the current line doesn't start with '\' or '"\ ' and below a line that
- " starts with '\' or '"\ ', use the indent of the line above it.
- if !cur_has_linecont
- while lnum > 0 && getline(lnum) =~ s:lineContPat
- let lnum = lnum - 1
- endwhile
- endif
- " At the start of the file use zero indent.
- if lnum == 0
- return 0
- endif
- " the start of the previous line, skipping over line continuation
- let prev_text = getline(lnum)
- let found_cont = 0
- " Add a 'shiftwidth' after :if, :while, :try, :catch, :finally, :function
- " and :else. Add it three times for a line that starts with '\' or '"\ '
- " after a line that doesn't (or g:vim_indent_cont if it exists).
- let ind = indent(lnum)
+b:did_indent = true
+b:undo_indent = 'setlocal indentkeys< indentexpr<'
- " In heredoc indenting works completely differently.
- if has('syntax_items')
- let syn_here = synIDattr(synID(v:lnum, 1, 1), "name")
- if syn_here =~ 'vimLetHereDocStop'
- " End of heredoc: use indent of matching start line
- let lnum = v:lnum - 1
- while lnum > 0
- let attr = synIDattr(synID(lnum, 1, 1), "name")
- if attr != '' && attr !~ 'vimLetHereDoc'
- return indent(lnum)
- endif
- let lnum -= 1
- endwhile
- return 0
- endif
- if syn_here =~ 'vimLetHereDoc'
- if synIDattr(synID(lnum, 1, 1), "name") !~ 'vimLetHereDoc'
- " First line in heredoc: increase indent
- return ind + shiftwidth()
- endif
- " Heredoc continues: no change in indent
- return ind
- endif
- endif
+import autoload '../autoload/dist/vimindent.vim'
- if cur_text =~ s:lineContPat && v:lnum > 1 && prev_text !~ s:lineContPat
- let found_cont = 1
- if exists("g:vim_indent_cont")
- let ind = ind + g:vim_indent_cont
- else
- let ind = ind + shiftwidth() * 3
- endif
- elseif prev_text =~ '^\s*aug\%[roup]\s\+' && prev_text !~ '^\s*aug\%[roup]\s\+[eE][nN][dD]\>'
- let ind = ind + shiftwidth()
- else
- " A line starting with :au does not increment/decrement indent.
- " A { may start a block or a dict. Assume that when a } follows it's a
- " terminated dict.
- " ":function" starts a block but "function(" doesn't.
- if prev_text !~ '^\s*au\%[tocmd]' && prev_text !~ '^\s*{.*}'
- let i = match(prev_text, '\(^\||\)\s*\(export\s\+\)\?\({\|\(if\|wh\%[ile]\|for\|try\|cat\%[ch]\|fina\|finall\%[y]\|def\|el\%[seif]\)\>\|fu\%[nction][! ]\)')
- if i >= 0
- let ind += shiftwidth()
- if strpart(prev_text, i, 1) == '|' && has('syntax_items')
- \ && synIDattr(synID(lnum, i, 1), "name") =~ '\(Comment\|String\|PatSep\)$'
- let ind -= shiftwidth()
- endif
- endif
- endif
- endif
- " If the previous line contains an "end" after a pipe, but not in an ":au"
- " command. And not when there is a backslash before the pipe.
- " And when syntax HL is enabled avoid a match inside a string.
- let i = match(prev_text, '[^\\]|\s*\(ene\@!\)')
- if i > 0 && prev_text !~ '^\s*au\%[tocmd]'
- if !has('syntax_items') || synIDattr(synID(lnum, i + 2, 1), "name") !~ '\(Comment\|String\)$'
- let ind = ind - shiftwidth()
- endif
- endif
- " For a line starting with "}" find the matching "{". Align with that line,
- " it is either the matching block start or dictionary start.
- " Use the mapped "%" from matchit to find the match, otherwise we may match
- " a { inside a comment or string.
- if cur_text =~ '^\s*}'
- if maparg('%') != ''
- exe v:lnum
- silent! normal %
- if line('.') < v:lnum
- let ind = indent('.')
- endif
- else
- " todo: use searchpair() to find a match
- endif
- endif
- " Look back for a line to align with
- while lnum > 1
- " Below a line starting with "}" find the matching "{".
- if prev_text =~ '^\s*}'
- if maparg('%') != ''
- exe lnum
- silent! normal %
- if line('.') < lnum
- let lnum = line('.')
- let ind = indent(lnum)
- let prev_text = getline(lnum)
- else
- break
- endif
- else
- " todo: use searchpair() to find a match
- break
- endif
- elseif prev_text =~ s:lineContPat
- " looks like a continuation like, go back one line
- let lnum = lnum - 1
- let ind = indent(lnum)
- let prev_text = getline(lnum)
- else
- break
- endif
- endwhile
- " Below a line starting with "]" we must be below the end of a list.
- " Include a "}" and "},} in case a dictionary ends too.
- if prev_text_end =~ '^\s*\(},\=\s*\)\=]'
- let ind = ind - shiftwidth()
- endif
- let ends_in_comment = has('syntax_items')
- \ && synIDattr(synID(lnum, len(getline(lnum)), 1), "name") =~ '\(Comment\|String\)$'
- " A line ending in "{" or "[" is most likely the start of a dict/list literal,
- " indent the next line more. Not for a continuation line or {{{.
- if !ends_in_comment && prev_text_end =~ '\s[{[]\s*$' && !found_cont
- let ind = ind + shiftwidth()
- endif
- " Subtract a 'shiftwidth' on a :endif, :endwhile, :endfor, :catch, :finally,
- " :endtry, :endfun, :enddef, :else and :augroup END.
- " Although ":en" would be enough only match short command names as in
- " 'indentkeys'.
- if cur_text =~ '^\s*\(endif\|endwh\|endfor\|endtry\|endfu\|enddef\|cat\|finall\|else\|aug\%[roup]\s\+[eE][nN][dD]\)'
- let ind = ind - shiftwidth()
- if ind < 0
- let ind = 0
- endif
- endif
- return ind
-let &cpo = s:keepcpo
-unlet s:keepcpo
-" vim:sw=2
+setlocal indentexpr=vimindent.Expr(v:lnum)
+setlocal indentkeys+==endif,=enddef,=endfu,=endfor,=endwh,=endtry,=},=else,=cat,=finall,=END,0\\
+execute('setlocal indentkeys+=0=\"\\\ ,0=#\\\ ')
+setlocal indentkeys-=0#
+setlocal indentkeys-=: