path: root/runtime/doc/usr_41.txt
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+*usr_41.txt* For Vim version 7.0aa. Last change: 2004 May 06
+ VIM USER MANUAL - by Bram Moolenaar
+ Write a Vim script
+The Vim script language is used for the startup vimrc file, syntax files, and
+many other things. This chapter explains the items that can be used in a Vim
+script. There are a lot of them, thus this is a long chapter.
+|41.1| Introduction
+|41.2| Variables
+|41.3| Expressions
+|41.4| Conditionals
+|41.5| Executing an expression
+|41.6| Using functions
+|41.7| Defining a function
+|41.8| Exceptions
+|41.9| Various remarks
+|41.10| Writing a plugin
+|41.11| Writing a filetype plugin
+|41.12| Writing a compiler plugin
+ Next chapter: |usr_42.txt| Add new menus
+ Previous chapter: |usr_40.txt| Make new commands
+Table of contents: |usr_toc.txt|
+*41.1* Introduction *vim-script-intro*
+Your first experience with Vim scripts is the vimrc file. Vim reads it when
+it starts up and executes the commands. You can set options to values you
+prefer. And you can use any colon command in it (commands that start with a
+":"; these are sometimes referred to as Ex commands or command-line commands).
+ Syntax files are also Vim scripts. As are files that set options for a
+specific file type. A complicated macro can be defined by a separate Vim
+script file. You can think of other uses yourself.
+Let's start with a simple example: >
+ :let i = 1
+ :while i < 5
+ : echo "count is" i
+ : let i = i + 1
+ :endwhile
+ Note:
+ The ":" characters are not really needed here. You only need to use
+ them when you type a command. In a Vim script file they can be left
+ out. We will use them here anyway to make clear these are colon
+ commands and make them stand out from Normal mode commands.
+The ":let" command assigns a value to a variable. The generic form is: >
+ :let {variable} = {expression}
+In this case the variable name is "i" and the expression is a simple value,
+the number one.
+ The ":while" command starts a loop. The generic form is: >
+ :while {condition}
+ : {statements}
+ :endwhile
+The statements until the matching ":endwhile" are executed for as long as the
+condition is true. The condition used here is the expression "i < 5". This
+is true when the variable i is smaller than five.
+ The ":echo" command prints its arguments. In this case the string "count
+is" and the value of the variable i. Since i is one, this will print:
+ count is 1 ~
+Then there is another ":let i =" command. The value used is the expression "i
++ 1". This adds one to the variable i and assigns the new value to the same
+ The output of the example code is:
+ count is 1 ~
+ count is 2 ~
+ count is 3 ~
+ count is 4 ~
+ Note:
+ If you happen to write a while loop that keeps on running, you can
+ interrupt it by pressing CTRL-C (CTRL-Break on MS-Windows).
+Numbers can be decimal, hexadecimal or octal. A hexadecimal number starts
+with "0x" or "0X". For example "0x1f" is 31. An octal number starts with a
+zero. "017" is 15. Careful: don't put a zero before a decimal number, it
+will be interpreted as an octal number!
+ The ":echo" command always prints decimal numbers. Example: >
+ :echo 0x7f 036
+< 127 30 ~
+A number is made negative with a minus sign. This also works for hexadecimal
+and octal numbers. A minus sign is also for subtraction. Compare this with
+the previous example: >
+ :echo 0x7f -036
+< 97 ~
+White space in an expression is ignored. However, it's recommended to use it
+for separating items, to make the expression easier to read. For example, to
+avoid the confusion with a negative number, put a space between the minus sign
+and the following number: >
+ :echo 0x7f - 036
+*41.2* Variables
+A variable name consists of ASCII letters, digits and the underscore. It
+cannot start with a digit. Valid variable names are:
+ counter
+ _aap3
+ very_long_variable_name_with_underscores
+ FuncLength
+Invalid names are "foo+bar" and "6var".
+ These variables are global. To see a list of currently defined variables
+use this command: >
+ :let
+You can use global variables everywhere. This also means that when the
+variable "count" is used in one script file, it might also be used in another
+file. This leads to confusion at least, and real problems at worst. To avoid
+this, you can use a variable local to a script file by prepending "s:". For
+example, one script contains this code: >
+ :let s:count = 1
+ :while s:count < 5
+ : source other.vim
+ : let s:count = s:count + 1
+ :endwhile
+Since "s:count" is local to this script, you can be sure that sourcing the
+"other.vim" script will not change this variable. If "other.vim" also uses an
+"s:count" variable, it will be a different copy, local to that script. More
+about script-local variables here: |script-variable|.
+There are more kinds of variables, see |internal-variables|. The most often
+used ones are:
+ b:name variable local to a buffer
+ w:name variable local to a window
+ g:name global variable (also in a function)
+ v:name variable predefined by Vim
+Variables take up memory and show up in the output of the ":let" command. To
+delete a variable use the ":unlet" command. Example: >
+ :unlet s:count
+This deletes the script-local variable "s:count" to free up the memory it
+uses. If you are not sure if the variable exists, and don't want an error
+message when it doesn't, append !: >
+ :unlet! s:count
+When a script finishes, the local variables used there will not be
+automatically freed. The next time the script executes, it can still use the
+old value. Example: >
+ :if !exists("s:call_count")
+ : let s:call_count = 0
+ :endif
+ :let s:call_count = s:call_count + 1
+ :echo "called" s:call_count "times"
+The "exists()" function checks if a variable has already been defined. Its
+argument is the name of the variable you want to check. Not the variable
+itself! If you would do this: >
+ :if !exists(s:call_count)
+Then the value of s:call_count will be used as the name of the variable that
+exists() checks. That's not what you want.
+ The exclamation mark ! negates a value. When the value was true, it
+becomes false. When it was false, it becomes true. You can read it as "not".
+Thus "if !exists()" can be read as "if not exists()".
+ What Vim calls true is anything that is not zero. Only zero is false.
+So far only numbers were used for the variable value. Strings can be used as
+well. Numbers and strings are the only two types of variables that Vim
+supports. The type is dynamic, it is set each time when assigning a value to
+the variable with ":let".
+ To assign a string value to a variable, you need to use a string constant.
+There are two types of these. First the string in double quotes: >
+ :let name = "peter"
+ :echo name
+< peter ~
+If you want to include a double quote inside the string, put a backslash in
+front of it: >
+ :let name = "\"peter\""
+ :echo name
+< "peter" ~
+To avoid the need for a backslash, you can use a string in single quotes: >
+ :let name = '"peter"'
+ :echo name
+< "peter" ~
+Inside a single-quote string all the characters are taken literally. The
+drawback is that it's impossible to include a single quote. A backslash is
+taken literally as well, thus you can't use it to change the meaning of the
+character after it.
+ In double-quote strings it is possible to use special characters. Here are
+a few useful ones:
+ \t <Tab>
+ \n <NL>, line break
+ \r <CR>, <Enter>
+ \e <Esc>
+ \b <BS>, backspace
+ \" "
+ \\ \, backslash
+ \<Esc> <Esc>
+ \<C-W> CTRL-W
+The last two are just examples. The "\<name>" form can be used to include
+the special key "name".
+ See |expr-quote| for the full list of special items in a string.
+*41.3* Expressions
+Vim has a rich, yet simple way to handle expressions. You can read the
+definition here: |expression-syntax|. Here we will show the most common
+ The numbers, strings and variables mentioned above are expressions by
+themselves. Thus everywhere an expression is expected, you can use a number,
+string or variable. Other basic items in an expression are:
+ $NAME environment variable
+ &name option
+ @r register
+Examples: >
+ :echo "The value of 'tabstop' is" &ts
+ :echo "Your home directory is" $HOME
+ :if @a > 5
+The &name form can be used to save an option value, set it to a new value,
+do something and restore the old value. Example: >
+ :let save_ic = &ic
+ :set noic
+ :/The Start/,$delete
+ :let &ic = save_ic
+This makes sure the "The Start" pattern is used with the 'ignorecase' option
+off. Still, it keeps the value that the user had set.
+It becomes more interesting if we combine these basic items. Let's start with
+mathematics on numbers:
+ a + b add
+ a - b subtract
+ a * b multiply
+ a / b divide
+ a % b modulo
+The usual precedence is used. Example: >
+ :echo 10 + 5 * 2
+< 20 ~
+Grouping is done with braces. No surprises here. Example: >
+ :echo (10 + 5) * 2
+< 30 ~
+Strings can be concatenated with ".". Example: >
+ :echo "foo" . "bar"
+< foobar ~
+When the ":echo" command gets multiple arguments, it separates them with a
+space. In the example the argument is a single expression, thus no space is
+Borrowed from the C language is the conditional expression:
+ a ? b : c
+If "a" evaluates to true "b" is used, otherwise "c" is used. Example: >
+ :let i = 4
+ :echo i > 5 ? "i is big" : "i is small"
+< i is small ~
+The three parts of the constructs are always evaluated first, thus you could
+see it work as:
+ (a) ? (b) : (c)
+*41.4* Conditionals
+The ":if" commands executes the following statements, until the matching
+":endif", only when a condition is met. The generic form is:
+ :if {condition}
+ {statements}
+ :endif
+Only when the expression {condition} evaluates to true (non-zero) will the
+{statements} be executed. These must still be valid commands. If they
+contain garbage, Vim won't be able to find the ":endif".
+ You can also use ":else". The generic form for this is:
+ :if {condition}
+ {statements}
+ :else
+ {statements}
+ :endif
+The second {statements} is only executed if the first one isn't.
+ Finally, there is ":elseif":
+ :if {condition}
+ {statements}
+ :elseif {condition}
+ {statements}
+ :endif
+This works just like using ":else" and then "if", but without the need for an
+extra ":endif".
+ A useful example for your vimrc file is checking the 'term' option and
+doing something depending upon its value: >
+ :if &term == "xterm"
+ : " Do stuff for xterm
+ :elseif &term == "vt100"
+ : " Do stuff for a vt100 terminal
+ :else
+ : " Do something for other terminals
+ :endif
+We already used some of them in the examples. These are the most often used
+ a == b equal to
+ a != b not equal to
+ a > b greater than
+ a >= b greater than or equal to
+ a < b less than
+ a <= b less than or equal to
+The result is one if the condition is met and zero otherwise. An example: >
+ :if v:version >= 600
+ : echo "congratulations"
+ :else
+ : echo "you are using an old version, upgrade!"
+ :endif
+Here "v:version" is a variable defined by Vim, which has the value of the Vim
+version. 600 is for version 6.0. Version 6.1 has the value 601. This is
+very useful to write a script that works with multiple versions of Vim.
+The logic operators work both for numbers and strings. When comparing two
+strings, the mathematical difference is used. This compares byte values,
+which may not be right for some languages.
+ When comparing a string with a number, the string is first converted to a
+number. This is a bit tricky, because when a string doesn't look like a
+number, the number zero is used. Example: >
+ :if 0 == "one"
+ : echo "yes"
+ :endif
+This will echo "yes", because "one" doesn't look like a number, thus it is
+converted to the number zero.
+For strings there are two more items:
+ a =~ b matches with
+ a !~ b does not match with
+The left item "a" is used as a string. The right item "b" is used as a
+pattern, like what's used for searching. Example: >
+ :if str =~ " "
+ : echo "str contains a space"
+ :endif
+ :if str !~ '\.$'
+ : echo "str does not end in a full stop"
+ :endif
+Notice the use of a single-quote string for the pattern. This is useful,
+because backslashes need to be doubled in a double-quote string and patterns
+tend to contain many backslashes.
+The 'ignorecase' option is used when comparing strings. When you don't want
+that, append "#" to match case and "?" to ignore case. Thus "==?" compares
+two strings to be equal while ignoring case. And "!~#" checks if a pattern
+doesn't match, also checking the case of letters. For the full table see
+The ":while" command was already mentioned. Two more statements can be used
+in between the ":while" and the ":endwhile":
+ :continue Jump back to the start of the while loop; the
+ loop continues.
+ :break Jump forward to the ":endwhile"; the loop is
+ discontinued.
+Example: >
+ :while counter < 40
+ : call do_something()
+ : if skip_flag
+ : continue
+ : endif
+ : if finished_flag
+ : break
+ : endif
+ : sleep 50m
+ :endwhile
+The ":sleep" command makes Vim take a nap. The "50m" specifies fifty
+milliseconds. Another example is ":sleep 4", which sleeps for four seconds.
+*41.5* Executing an expression
+So far the commands in the script were executed by Vim directly. The
+":execute" command allows executing the result of an expression. This is a
+very powerful way to build commands and execute them.
+ An example is to jump to a tag, which is contained in a variable: >
+ :execute "tag " . tag_name
+The "." is used to concatenate the string "tag " with the value of variable
+"tag_name". Suppose "tag_name" has the value "get_cmd", then the command that
+will be executed is: >
+ :tag get_cmd
+The ":execute" command can only execute colon commands. The ":normal" command
+executes Normal mode commands. However, its argument is not an expression but
+the literal command characters. Example: >
+ :normal gg=G
+This jumps to the first line and formats all lines with the "=" operator.
+ To make ":normal" work with an expression, combine ":execute" with it.
+Example: >
+ :execute "normal " . normal_commands
+The variable "normal_commands" must contain the Normal mode commands.
+ Make sure that the argument for ":normal" is a complete command. Otherwise
+Vim will run into the end of the argument and abort the command. For example,
+if you start Insert mode, you must leave Insert mode as well. This works: >
+ :execute "normal Inew text \<Esc>"
+This inserts "new text " in the current line. Notice the use of the special
+key "\<Esc>". This avoids having to enter a real <Esc> character in your
+*41.6* Using functions
+Vim defines many functions and provides a large amount of functionality that
+way. A few examples will be given in this section. You can find the whole
+list here: |functions|.
+A function is called with the ":call" command. The parameters are passed in
+between braces, separated by commas. Example: >
+ :call search("Date: ", "W")
+This calls the search() function, with arguments "Date: " and "W". The
+search() function uses its first argument as a search pattern and the second
+one as flags. The "W" flag means the search doesn't wrap around the end of
+the file.
+A function can be called in an expression. Example: >
+ :let line = getline(".")
+ :let repl = substitute(line, '\a', "*", "g")
+ :call setline(".", repl)
+The getline() function obtains a line from the current file. Its argument is
+a specification of the line number. In this case "." is used, which means the
+line where the cursor is.
+ The substitute() function does something similar to the ":substitute"
+command. The first argument is the string on which to perform the
+substitution. The second argument is the pattern, the third the replacement
+string. Finally, the last arguments are the flags.
+ The setline() function sets the line, specified by the first argument, to a
+new string, the second argument. In this example the line under the cursor is
+replaced with the result of the substitute(). Thus the effect of the three
+statements is equal to: >
+ :substitute/\a/*/g
+Using the functions becomes more interesting when you do more work before and
+after the substitute() call.
+FUNCTIONS *function-list*
+There are many functions. We will mention them here, grouped by what they are
+used for. You can find an alphabetical list here: |functions|. Use CTRL-] on
+the function name to jump to detailed help on it.
+String manipulation:
+ char2nr() get ASCII value of a character
+ nr2char() get a character by its ASCII value
+ escape() escape characters in a string with a '\'
+ strtrans() translate a string to make it printable
+ tolower() turn a string to lowercase
+ toupper() turn a string to uppercase
+ match() position where a pattern matches in a string
+ matchend() position where a pattern match ends in a string
+ matchstr() match of a pattern in a string
+ stridx() first index of a short string in a long string
+ strridx() last index of a short string in a long string
+ strlen() length of a string
+ substitute() substitute a pattern match with a string
+ submatch() get a specific match in a ":substitute"
+ strpart() get part of a string
+ expand() expand special keywords
+ type() type of a variable
+ iconv() convert text from one encoding to another
+Working with text in the current buffer:
+ byte2line() get line number at a specific byte count
+ line2byte() byte count at a specific line
+ col() column number of the cursor or a mark
+ virtcol() screen column of the cursor or a mark
+ line() line number of the cursor or mark
+ wincol() window column number of the cursor
+ winline() window line number of the cursor
+ cursor() position the cursor at a line/column
+ getline() get a line from the buffer
+ setline() replace a line in the buffer
+ append() append {string} below line {lnum}
+ indent() indent of a specific line
+ cindent() indent according to C indenting
+ lispindent() indent according to Lisp indenting
+ nextnonblank() find next non-blank line
+ prevnonblank() find previous non-blank line
+ search() find a match for a pattern
+ searchpair() find the other end of a start/skip/end
+System functions and manipulation of files:
+ browse() put up a file requester
+ glob() expand wildcards
+ globpath() expand wildcards in a number of directories
+ resolve() find out where a shortcut points to
+ fnamemodify() modify a file name
+ executable() check if an executable program exists
+ filereadable() check if a file can be read
+ filewritable() check if a file can be written to
+ isdirectory() check if a directory exists
+ getcwd() get the current working directory
+ getfsize() get the size of a file
+ getftime() get last modification time of a file
+ localtime() get current time
+ strftime() convert time to a string
+ tempname() get the name of a temporary file
+ delete() delete a file
+ rename() rename a file
+ system() get the result of a shell command
+ hostname() name of the system
+Buffers, windows and the argument list:
+ argc() number of entries in the argument list
+ argidx() current position in the argument list
+ argv() get one entry from the argument list
+ bufexists() check if a buffer exists
+ buflisted() check if a buffer exists and is listed
+ bufloaded() check if a buffer exists and is loaded
+ bufname() get the name of a specific buffer
+ bufnr() get the buffer number of a specific buffer
+ winnr() get the window number for the current window
+ bufwinnr() get the window number of a specific buffer
+ winbufnr() get the buffer number of a specific window
+ getbufvar() get a variable value from a specific buffer
+ setbufvar() set a variable in a specific buffer
+ getwinvar() get a variable value from a specific window
+ setwinvar() set a variable in a specific window
+ foldclosed() check for a closed fold at a specific line
+ foldclosedend() like foldclosed() but return the last line
+ foldlevel() check for the fold level at a specific line
+ foldtext() generate the line displayed for a closed fold
+Syntax highlighting:
+ hlexists() check if a highlight group exists
+ hlID() get ID of a highlight group
+ synID() get syntax ID at a specific position
+ synIDattr() get a specific attribute of a syntax ID
+ synIDtrans() get translated syntax ID
+ histadd() add an item to a history
+ histdel() delete an item from a history
+ histget() get an item from a history
+ histnr() get highest index of a history list
+ confirm() let the user make a choice
+ getchar() get a character from the user
+ getcharmod() get modifiers for the last typed character
+ input() get a line from the user
+ inputsecret() get a line from the user without showing it
+ inputdialog() get a line from the user in a dialog
+ inputresave save and clear typeahead
+ inputrestore() restore typeahead
+Vim server:
+ serverlist() return the list of server names
+ remote_send() send command characters to a Vim server
+ remote_expr() evaluate an expression in a Vim server
+ server2client() send a reply to a client of a Vim server
+ remote_peek() check if there is a reply from a Vim server
+ remote_read() read a reply from a Vim server
+ foreground() move the Vim window to the foreground
+ remote_foreground() move the Vim server window to the foreground
+ mode() get current editing mode
+ visualmode() last visual mode used
+ hasmapto() check if a mapping exists
+ mapcheck() check if a matching mapping exists
+ maparg() get rhs of a mapping
+ exists() check if a variable, function, etc. exists
+ has() check if a feature is supported in Vim
+ cscope_connection() check if a cscope connection exists
+ did_filetype() check if a FileType autocommand was used
+ eventhandler() check if invoked by an event handler
+ getwinposx() X position of the GUI Vim window
+ getwinposy() Y position of the GUI Vim window
+ winheight() get height of a specific window
+ winwidth() get width of a specific window
+ libcall() call a function in an external library
+ libcallnr() idem, returning a number
+ getreg() get contents of a register
+ getregtype() get type of a register
+ setreg() set contents and type of a register
+*41.7* Defining a function
+Vim enables you to define your own functions. The basic function declaration
+begins as follows: >
+ :function {name}({var1}, {var2}, ...)
+ : {body}
+ :endfunction
+ Note:
+ Function names must begin with a capital letter.
+Let's define a short function to return the smaller of two numbers. It starts
+with this line: >
+ :function Min(num1, num2)
+This tells Vim that the function is named "Min" and it takes two arguments:
+"num1" and "num2".
+ The first thing you need to do is to check to see which number is smaller:
+ >
+ : if a:num1 < a:num2
+The special prefix "a:" tells Vim that the variable is a function argument.
+Let's assign the variable "smaller" the value of the smallest number: >
+ : if a:num1 < a:num2
+ : let smaller = a:num1
+ : else
+ : let smaller = a:num2
+ : endif
+The variable "smaller" is a local variable. Variables used inside a function
+are local unless prefixed by something like "g:", "a:", or "s:".
+ Note:
+ To access a global variable from inside a function you must prepend
+ "g:" to it. Thus "g:count" inside a function is used for the global
+ variable "count", and "count" is another variable, local to the
+ function.
+You now use the ":return" statement to return the smallest number to the user.
+Finally, you end the function: >
+ : return smaller
+ :endfunction
+The complete function definition is as follows: >
+ :function Min(num1, num2)
+ : if a:num1 < a:num2
+ : let smaller = a:num1
+ : else
+ : let smaller = a:num2
+ : endif
+ : return smaller
+ :endfunction
+A user defined function is called in exactly the same way as a builtin
+function. Only the name is different. The Min function can be used like
+this: >
+ :echo Min(5, 8)
+Only now will the function be executed and the lines be interpreted by Vim.
+If there are mistakes, like using an undefined variable or function, you will
+now get an error message. When defining the function these errors are not
+When a function reaches ":endfunction" or ":return" is used without an
+argument, the function returns zero.
+To redefine a function that already exists, use the ! for the ":function"
+command: >
+ :function! Min(num1, num2, num3)
+The ":call" command can be given a line range. This can have one of two
+meanings. When a function has been defined with the "range" keyword, it will
+take care of the line range itself.
+ The function will be passed the variables "a:firstline" and "a:lastline".
+These will have the line numbers from the range the function was called with.
+Example: >
+ :function Count_words() range
+ : let n = a:firstline
+ : let count = 0
+ : while n <= a:lastline
+ : let count = count + Wordcount(getline(n))
+ : let n = n + 1
+ : endwhile
+ : echo "found " . count . " words"
+ :endfunction
+You can call this function with: >
+ :10,30call Count_words()
+It will be executed once and echo the number of words.
+ The other way to use a line range is by defining a function without the
+"range" keyword. The function will be called once for every line in the
+range, with the cursor in that line. Example: >
+ :function Number()
+ : echo "line " . line(".") . " contains: " . getline(".")
+ :endfunction
+If you call this function with: >
+ :10,15call Number()
+The function will be called six times.
+Vim enables you to define functions that have a variable number of arguments.
+The following command, for instance, defines a function that must have 1
+argument (start) and can have up to 20 additional arguments: >
+ :function Show(start, ...)
+The variable "a:1" contains the first optional argument, "a:2" the second, and
+so on. The variable "a:0" contains the number of extra arguments.
+ For example: >
+ :function Show(start, ...)
+ : echohl Title
+ : echo "Show is " . a:start
+ : echohl None
+ : let index = 1
+ : while index <= a:0
+ : echo " Arg " . index . " is " . a:{index}
+ : let index = index + 1
+ : endwhile
+ : echo ""
+ :endfunction
+This uses the ":echohl" command to specify the highlighting used for the
+following ":echo" command. ":echohl None" stops it again. The ":echon"
+command works like ":echo", but doesn't output a line break.
+The ":function" command lists the names and arguments of all user-defined
+functions: >
+ :function
+< function Show(start, ...) ~
+ function GetVimIndent() ~
+ function SetSyn(name) ~
+To see what a function does, use its name as an argument for ":function": >
+ :function SetSyn
+< 1 if &syntax == '' ~
+ 2 let &syntax = a:name ~
+ 3 endif ~
+ endfunction ~
+The line number is useful for when you get an error message or when debugging.
+See |debug-scripts| about debugging mode.
+ You can also set the 'verbose' option to 12 or higher to see all function
+calls. Set it to 15 or higher to see every executed line.
+To delete the Show() function: >
+ :delfunction Show
+You get an error when the function doesn't exist.
+*41.8* Exceptions
+Let's start with an example: >
+ :try
+ : read ~/templates/pascal.tmpl
+ :catch /E484:/
+ : echo "Sorry, the Pascal template file cannot be found."
+ :endtry
+The ":read" command will fail if the file does not exist. Instead of
+generating an error message, this code catches the error and gives the user a
+nice message instead.
+For the commands in between ":try" and ":endtry" errors are turned into
+exceptions. An exception is a string. In the case of an error the string
+contains the error message. And every error message has a number. In this
+case, the error we catch contains "E484:". This number is guaranteed to stay
+the same (the text may change, e.g., it may be translated).
+When the ":read" command causes another error, the pattern "E484:" will not
+match in it. Thus this exception will not be caught and result in the usual
+error message.
+You might be tempted to do this: >
+ :try
+ : read ~/templates/pascal.tmpl
+ :catch
+ : echo "Sorry, the Pascal template file cannot be found."
+ :endtry
+This means all errors are caught. But then you will not see errors that are
+useful, such as "E21: Cannot make changes, 'modifiable' is off".
+Another useful mechanism is the ":finally" command: >
+ :let tmp = tempname()
+ :try
+ : exe ".,$write " . tmp
+ : exe "!filter " . tmp
+ : .,$delete
+ : exe "$read " . tmp
+ :finally
+ : call delete(tmp)
+ :endtry
+This filters the lines from the cursor until the end of the file through the
+"filter" command, which takes a file name argument. No matter if the
+filtering works, something goes wrong in between ":try" and ":finally" or the
+user cancels the filtering by pressing CTRL-C, the "call delete(tmp)" is
+always executed. This makes sure you don't leave the temporary file behind.
+More information about exception handling can be found in the reference
+manual: |exception-handling|.
+*41.9* Various remarks
+Here is a summary of items that apply to Vim scripts. They are also mentioned
+elsewhere, but form a nice checklist.
+The end-of-line character depends on the system. For Unix a single <NL>
+character is used. For MS-DOS, Windows, OS/2 and the like, <CR><LF> is used.
+This is important when using mappings that end in a <CR>. See |:source_crnl|.
+Blank lines are allowed and ignored.
+Leading whitespace characters (blanks and TABs) are always ignored. The
+whitespaces between parameters (e.g. between the 'set' and the 'cpoptions' in
+the example below) are reduced to one blank character and plays the role of a
+separator, the whitespaces after the last (visible) character may or may not
+be ignored depending on the situation, see below.
+For a ":set" command involving the "=" (equal) sign, such as in: >
+ :set cpoptions =aABceFst
+the whitespace immediately before the "=" sign is ignored. But there can be
+no whitespace after the "=" sign!
+To include a whitespace character in the value of an option, it must be
+escaped by a "\" (backslash) as in the following example: >
+ :set tags=my\ nice\ file
+The same example written as >
+ :set tags=my nice file
+will issue an error, because it is interpreted as: >
+ :set tags=my
+ :set nice
+ :set file
+The character " (the double quote mark) starts a comment. Everything after
+and including this character until the end-of-line is considered a comment and
+is ignored, except for commands that don't consider comments, as shown in
+examples below. A comment can start on any character position on the line.
+There is a little "catch" with comments for some commands. Examples: >
+ :abbrev dev development " shorthand
+ :map <F3> o#include " insert include
+ :execute cmd " do it
+ :!ls *.c " list C files
+The abbreviation 'dev' will be expanded to 'development " shorthand'. The
+mapping of <F3> will actually be the whole line after the 'o# ....' including
+the '" insert include'. The "execute" command will give an error. The "!"
+command will send everything after it to the shell, causing an error for an
+unmatched '"' character.
+ There can be no comment after ":map", ":abbreviate", ":execute" and "!"
+commands (there are a few more commands with this restriction). For the
+":map", ":abbreviate" and ":execute" commands there is a trick: >
+ :abbrev dev development|" shorthand
+ :map <F3> o#include|" insert include
+ :execute cmd |" do it
+With the '|' character the command is separated from the next one. And that
+next command is only a comment.
+Notice that there is no white space before the '|' in the abbreviation and
+mapping. For these commands, any character until the end-of-line or '|' is
+included. As a consequence of this behavior, you don't always see that
+trailing whitespace is included: >
+ :map <F4> o#include
+To avoid these problems, you can set the 'list' option when editing vimrc
+Even bigger problem arises in the following example: >
+ :map ,ab o#include
+ :unmap ,ab
+Here the unmap command will not work, because it tries to unmap ",ab ". This
+does not exist as a mapped sequence. An error will be issued, which is very
+hard to identify, because the ending whitespace character in ":unmap ,ab " is
+not visible.
+And this is the same as what happens when one uses a comment after an 'unmap'
+command: >
+ :unmap ,ab " comment
+Here the comment part will be ignored. However, Vim will try to unmap
+',ab ', which does not exist. Rewrite it as: >
+ :unmap ,ab| " comment
+Sometimes you want to make a change and go back to where cursor was.
+Restoring the relative position would also be nice, so that the same line
+appears at the top of the window.
+ This example yanks the current line, puts it above the first line in the
+file and then restores the view: >
+ map ,p ma"aYHmbgg"aP`bzt`a
+What this does: >
+ ma"aYHmbgg"aP`bzt`a
+< ma set mark a at cursor position
+ "aY yank current line into register a
+ Hmb go to top line in window and set mark b there
+ gg go to first line in file
+ "aP put the yanked line above it
+ `b go back to top line in display
+ zt position the text in the window as before
+ `a go back to saved cursor position
+To avoid your function names to interfere with functions that you get from
+others, use this scheme:
+- Prepend a unique string before each function name. I often use an
+ abbreviation. For example, "OW_" is used for the option window functions.
+- Put the definition of your functions together in a file. Set a global
+ variable to indicate that the functions have been loaded. When sourcing the
+ file again, first unload the functions.
+Example: >
+ " This is the XXX package
+ if exists("XXX_loaded")
+ delfun XXX_one
+ delfun XXX_two
+ endif
+ function XXX_one(a)
+ ... body of function ...
+ endfun