path: root/runtime/autoload/phpcomplete.vim
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Diffstat (limited to 'runtime/autoload/phpcomplete.vim')
1 files changed, 171 insertions, 52 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/autoload/phpcomplete.vim b/runtime/autoload/phpcomplete.vim
index 5ddad88873..dbc40fdf36 100644
--- a/runtime/autoload/phpcomplete.vim
+++ b/runtime/autoload/phpcomplete.vim
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
" Maintainer: Dávid Szabó ( complex857 AT gmail DOT com )
" Previous Maintainer: Mikolaj Machowski ( mikmach AT wp DOT pl )
" URL:
-" Last Change: 2014 Dec 01
+" Last Change: 2015 Feb 28
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ function! phpcomplete#CompletePHP(findstart, base) " {{{
let [current_namespace, imports] = phpcomplete#GetCurrentNameSpace(getline(0, line('.')))
- if context =~? '^use\s'
+ if context =~? '^use\s' || context ==? 'use'
return phpcomplete#CompleteUse(a:base)
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ function! phpcomplete#CompletePHP(findstart, base) " {{{
" }}}
elseif context =~? 'implements'
return phpcomplete#CompleteClassName(a:base, ['i'], current_namespace, imports)
- elseif context =~? 'extends\s\+.\+$'
+ elseif context =~? 'extends\s\+.\+$' && a:base == ''
return ['implements']
elseif context =~? 'extends'
let kinds = context =~? 'class\s' ? ['c'] : ['i']
@@ -244,12 +244,13 @@ function! phpcomplete#CompleteUse(base) " {{{
if has_key(tag, 'namespace')
let patched_ctags_detected = 1
if tag.kind ==? 'n' && =~? '^'.namespace_match_pattern
let patched_ctags_detected = 1
call add(namespaced_matches, {'word':, 'kind': 'n', 'menu': tag.filename, 'info': tag.filename })
- elseif has_key(tag, 'namespace') && (tag.kind ==? 'c' || tag.kind ==? 'i') && tag.namespace ==? namespace_for_class
+ elseif has_key(tag, 'namespace') && (tag.kind ==? 'c' || tag.kind ==? 'i' || tag.kind ==? 't') && tag.namespace ==? namespace_for_class
call add(namespaced_matches, {'word': namespace_for_class.'\', 'kind': tag.kind, 'menu': tag.filename, 'info': tag.filename })
- elseif (tag.kind ==? 'c' || tag.kind ==? 'i')
+ elseif (tag.kind ==? 'c' || tag.kind ==? 'i' || tag.kind ==? 't')
call add(no_namespace_matches, {'word': namespace_for_class.'\', 'kind': tag.kind, 'menu': tag.filename, 'info': tag.filename })
@@ -272,6 +273,10 @@ function! phpcomplete#CompleteUse(base) " {{{
+ for comp in res
+ let comp.word = substitute(comp.word, '^\\', '', '')
+ endfor
return res
" }}}
@@ -326,6 +331,7 @@ function! phpcomplete#CompleteGeneral(base, current_namespace, imports) " {{{
let ext_functions = {}
let ext_constants = {}
let ext_classes = {}
+ let ext_traits = {}
let ext_interfaces = {}
let ext_namespaces = {}
@@ -420,7 +426,7 @@ function! phpcomplete#CompleteGeneral(base, current_namespace, imports) " {{{
- elseif tag.kind ==? 'c' || tag.kind ==? 'i'
+ elseif tag.kind ==? 'c' || tag.kind ==? 'i' || tag.kind ==? 't'
let info = ' - '.tag.filename
let key = ''
@@ -441,6 +447,8 @@ function! phpcomplete#CompleteGeneral(base, current_namespace, imports) " {{{
let ext_classes[key] = info
elseif tag.kind ==? 'i'
let ext_interfaces[key] = info
+ elseif tag.kind ==? 't'
+ let ext_traits[key] = info
@@ -463,7 +471,7 @@ function! phpcomplete#CompleteGeneral(base, current_namespace, imports) " {{{
for [interfacename, info] in items(g:php_builtin_interfacenames)
if interfacename =~? '^'.base
- let builtin_interfaces[leading_slash.interfacename] = info
+ let builtin_interfaces[leading_slash.g:php_builtin_interfaces[tolower(interfacename)].name] = info
@@ -511,6 +519,8 @@ function! phpcomplete#CompleteGeneral(base, current_namespace, imports) " {{{
let ext_interfaces[imported_name] = ' '' - '.import.filename
+ elseif import.kind ==? 't'
+ let ext_traits[imported_name] = ' '' - '.import.filename
" no builtin interfaces
@@ -540,6 +550,9 @@ function! phpcomplete#CompleteGeneral(base, current_namespace, imports) " {{{
" Add external interfaces
call extend(all_values, ext_interfaces)
+ " Add external traits
+ call extend(all_values, ext_traits)
" Add built-in classes
call extend(all_values, builtin_classnames)
@@ -566,6 +579,8 @@ function! phpcomplete#CompleteGeneral(base, current_namespace, imports) " {{{
elseif has_key(ext_interfaces, i) || has_key(builtin_interfaces, i)
let info = has_key(ext_interfaces, i) ? ext_interfaces[i] : builtin_interfaces[i].' - builtin'
let final_list += [{'word':i, 'kind': 'i', 'menu': info, 'info':}]
+ elseif has_key(ext_traits, i)
+ let final_list += [{'word':i, 'kind': 't', 'menu': ext_traits[i], 'info': ext_traits[i]}]
elseif has_key(int_constants, i) || has_key(builtin_constants, i)
let info = has_key(int_constants, i) ? int_constants[i] : ' - builtin'
let final_list += [{'word':i, 'kind': 'd', 'menu': info, 'info':}]
@@ -784,7 +799,7 @@ function! phpcomplete#CompleteClassName(base, kinds, current_namespace, imports)
let tags = []
if len(tag_match_pattern) >= g:phpcomplete_min_num_of_chars_for_namespace_completion
- let tags = phpcomplete#GetTaglist('^'.tag_match_pattern)
+ let tags = phpcomplete#GetTaglist('^\c'.tag_match_pattern)
if len(tags)
@@ -861,6 +876,39 @@ function! phpcomplete#CompareCompletionRow(i1, i2) " {{{
" }}}
+function! s:getNextCharWithPos(filelines, current_pos) " {{{
+ let line_no = a:current_pos[0]
+ let col_no = a:current_pos[1]
+ let last_line = a:filelines[len(a:filelines) - 1]
+ let end_pos = [len(a:filelines) - 1, strlen(last_line) - 1]
+ if line_no > end_pos[0] || line_no == end_pos[0] && col_no > end_pos[1]
+ return ['EOF', 'EOF']
+ endif
+ " we've not reached the end of the current line break
+ if col_no + 1 < strlen(a:filelines[line_no])
+ let col_no += 1
+ else
+ " we've reached the end of the current line, jump to the next
+ " non-blank line (blank lines have no position where we can read from,
+ " not even a whitespace. The newline char does not positionable by vim
+ let line_no += 1
+ while strlen(a:filelines[line_no]) == 0
+ let line_no += 1
+ endwhile
+ let col_no = 0
+ endif
+ " return 'EOF' string to signal end of file, normal results only one char
+ " in length
+ if line_no == end_pos[0] && col_no > end_pos[1]
+ return ['EOF', 'EOF']
+ endif
+ return [[line_no, col_no], a:filelines[line_no][col_no]]
+endfunction " }}}
function! phpcomplete#EvaluateModifiers(modifiers, required_modifiers, prohibited_modifiers) " {{{
" if theres no modifier, and no modifier is allowed and no modifier is required
if len(a:modifiers) == 0 && len(a:required_modifiers) == 0
@@ -1602,26 +1650,26 @@ function! phpcomplete#GetClassName(start_line, context, current_namespace, impor
- " in-file lookup for typehinted function arguments
- " - the function can have a name or be anonymous (e.g., function qux() { ... } vs. function () { ... })
- " - the type-hinted argument can be anywhere in the arguments list.
- if line =~? 'function\(\s\+'.function_name_pattern.'\)\?\s*(.\{-}'.class_name_pattern.'\s\+'.object && !object_is_array
- let f_args = matchstr(line, '\cfunction\(\s\+'.function_name_pattern.'\)\?\s*(\zs.\{-}\ze)')
- let args = split(f_args, '\s*\zs,\ze\s*')
- for arg in args
- if arg =~# object.'\(,\|$\)'
- let classname_candidate = matchstr(arg, '\s*\zs'.class_name_pattern.'\ze\s\+'.object)
- let [classname_candidate, class_candidate_namespace] = phpcomplete#ExpandClassName(classname_candidate, a:current_namespace, a:imports)
+ " function declaration line
+ if line =~? 'function\(\s\+'.function_name_pattern.'\)\?\s*('
+ let function_lines = join(reverse(lines), " ")
+ " search for type hinted arguments
+ if function_lines =~? 'function\(\s\+'.function_name_pattern.'\)\?\s*(.\{-}'.class_name_pattern.'\s\+'.object && !object_is_array
+ let f_args = matchstr(function_lines, '\cfunction\(\s\+'.function_name_pattern.'\)\?\s*(\zs.\{-}\ze)')
+ let args = split(f_args, '\s*\zs,\ze\s*')
+ for arg in args
+ if arg =~# object.'\(,\|$\)'
+ let classname_candidate = matchstr(arg, '\s*\zs'.class_name_pattern.'\ze\s\+'.object)
+ let [classname_candidate, class_candidate_namespace] = phpcomplete#ExpandClassName(classname_candidate, a:current_namespace, a:imports)
+ break
+ endif
+ endfor
+ if classname_candidate != ''
- endfor
- if classname_candidate != ''
- break
- endif
- " if we see a function declaration, try loading the docblock for it and look for matching @params
- if line =~? 'function\(\s\+'.function_name_pattern.'\)\?\s*(.\{-}'.object
+ " search for docblock for the function
let match_line = substitute(line, '\\', '\\\\', 'g')
let sccontent = getline(0, a:start_line - i)
let doc_str = phpcomplete#GetDocBlock(sccontent, match_line)
@@ -1641,13 +1689,14 @@ function! phpcomplete#GetClassName(start_line, context, current_namespace, impor
" assignment for the variable in question with a variable on the right hand side
- if line =~# '^\s*'.object.'\s*=&\?\s*'.variable_name_pattern
+ if line =~# '^\s*'.object.'\s*=&\?\s\+\(clone\)\?\s*'.variable_name_pattern
" try to find the next non-comment or string ";" char
- let start_col = match(line, '^\s*'.object.'\C\s*=\zs&\?\s*'.variable_name_pattern)
+ let start_col = match(line, '^\s*'.object.'\C\s*=\zs&\?\s\+\(clone\)\?\s*'.variable_name_pattern)
let filelines = reverse(lines)
let [pos, char] = s:getNextCharWithPos(filelines, [a:start_line - i - 1, start_col])
let chars_read = 1
+ let last_pos = pos
" read while end of the file
while char != 'EOF' && chars_read < 1000
let last_pos = pos
@@ -1689,6 +1738,7 @@ function! phpcomplete#GetClassName(start_line, context, current_namespace, impor
let filelines = reverse(lines)
let [pos, char] = s:getNextCharWithPos(filelines, [a:start_line - i - 1, start_col])
let chars_read = 1
+ let last_pos = pos
" read while end of the file
while char != 'EOF' && chars_read < 1000
let last_pos = pos
@@ -1819,7 +1869,7 @@ function! phpcomplete#GetClassLocation(classname, namespace) " {{{
let i = 1
while i < line('.')
let line = getline(line('.')-i)
- if line =~? '^\s*\(abstract\s\+\|final\s\+\)*\s*class\s*'.a:classname.'\(\s\+\|$\)' && tolower(current_namespace) == search_namespace
+ if line =~? '^\s*\(abstract\s\+\|final\s\+\)*\s*\(class\|interface\|trait\)\s*'.a:classname.'\(\s\+\|$\)' && tolower(current_namespace) == search_namespace
return expand('%:p')
let i += 1
@@ -1831,7 +1881,9 @@ function! phpcomplete#GetClassLocation(classname, namespace) " {{{
let no_namespace_candidate = ''
let tags = phpcomplete#GetTaglist('^'.a:classname.'$')
for tag in tags
- if tag.kind == 'c' || tag.kind == 'i'
+ " We'll allow interfaces and traits to be handled classes since you
+ " can't have colliding names with different kinds anyway
+ if tag.kind == 'c' || tag.kind == 'i' || tag.kind == 't'
if !has_key(tag, 'namespace')
let no_namespace_candidate = tag.filename
@@ -1979,9 +2031,9 @@ function! phpcomplete#GetClassContentsStructure(file_path, file_lines, class_nam
" remember the window we started at
let phpcomplete_original_window = winnr()
- silent! below 1new
+ silent! tab 1new
silent! 0put =cfile
- call search('\(class\|interface\)\_s\+'.a:class_name.'\(\>\|$\)')
+ call search('\c\(class\|interface\|trait\)\_s\+'.a:class_name.'\(\>\|$\)')
let cfline = line('.')
call search('{')
let endline = line('.')
@@ -1994,8 +2046,48 @@ function! phpcomplete#GetClassContentsStructure(file_path, file_lines, class_nam
let extends_class = ''
call searchpair('{', '', '}', 'W')
- let classcontent = join(getline(cfline, line('.')), "\n")
+ let class_closing_bracket_line = line('.')
+ let classcontent = join(getline(cfline, class_closing_bracket_line), "\n")
+ let used_traits = []
+ " move back to the line next to the class's definition
+ call cursor(endline + 1, 1)
+ let keep_searching = 1
+ while keep_searching != 0
+ " try to grab "use..." keywords
+ let [lnum, col] = searchpos('\c^\s\+use\s\+'.class_name_pattern, 'cW', class_closing_bracket_line)
+ let syn_name = synIDattr(synID(lnum, col, 0), "name")
+ if syn_name =~? 'string\|comment'
+ call cursor(lnum + 1, 1)
+ continue
+ endif
+ let trait_line = getline(lnum)
+ if trait_line !~? ';'
+ " try to find the next line containing ';'
+ let l = lnum
+ let search_line = trait_line
+ " add lines from the file until theres no ';' in them
+ while search_line !~? ';' && l > 0
+ " file lines are reversed so we need to go backwards
+ let l += 1
+ let search_line = getline(l)
+ let trait_line .= ' '.substitute(search_line, '\(^\s\+\|\s\+$\)', '', 'g')
+ endwhile
+ endif
+ let use_expression = matchstr(trait_line, '^\s*use\s\+\zs.\{-}\ze;')
+ let use_parts = map(split(use_expression, '\s*,\s*'), 'substitute(v:val, "\\s+", " ", "g")')
+ let used_traits += map(use_parts, 'substitute(v:val, "\\s", "", "g")')
+ call cursor(lnum + 1, 1)
+ if [lnum, col] == [0, 0]
+ let keep_searching = 0
+ endif
+ endwhile
silent! bw! %
let [current_namespace, imports] = phpcomplete#GetCurrentNameSpace(a:file_lines[0:cfline])
" go back to original window
exe phpcomplete_original_window.'wincmd w'
@@ -2008,21 +2100,27 @@ function! phpcomplete#GetClassContentsStructure(file_path, file_lines, class_nam
\ 'mtime': getftime(full_file_path),
\ })
+ let all_extends = used_traits
if extends_class != ''
- let [extends_class, namespace] = phpcomplete#ExpandClassName(extends_class, current_namespace, imports)
- if namespace == ''
- let namespace = '\'
- endif
- let classlocation = phpcomplete#GetClassLocation(extends_class, namespace)
- if classlocation == "VIMPHP_BUILTINOBJECT"
- let result += [phpcomplete#GenerateBuiltinClassStub(g:php_builtin_classes[tolower(extends_class)])]
- elseif classlocation != '' && filereadable(classlocation)
- let full_file_path = fnamemodify(classlocation, ':p')
- let result += phpcomplete#GetClassContentsStructure(full_file_path, readfile(full_file_path), extends_class)
- elseif tolower(current_namespace) == tolower(namespace)
- " try to find the declaration in the same file.
- let result += phpcomplete#GetClassContentsStructure(full_file_path, a:file_lines, extends_class)
- endif
+ call add(all_extends, extends_class)
+ endif
+ if len(all_extends) > 0
+ for class in all_extends
+ let [class, namespace] = phpcomplete#ExpandClassName(class, current_namespace, imports)
+ if namespace == ''
+ let namespace = '\'
+ endif
+ let classlocation = phpcomplete#GetClassLocation(class, namespace)
+ if classlocation == "VIMPHP_BUILTINOBJECT"
+ let result += [phpcomplete#GenerateBuiltinClassStub(g:php_builtin_classes[tolower(class)])]
+ elseif classlocation != '' && filereadable(classlocation)
+ let full_file_path = fnamemodify(classlocation, ':p')
+ let result += phpcomplete#GetClassContentsStructure(full_file_path, readfile(full_file_path), class)
+ elseif tolower(current_namespace) == tolower(namespace)
+ " try to find the declaration in the same file.
+ let result += phpcomplete#GetClassContentsStructure(full_file_path, a:file_lines, class)
+ endif
+ endfor
return result
@@ -2270,19 +2368,40 @@ endfunction!
" }}}
function! phpcomplete#GetCurrentNameSpace(file_lines) " {{{
+ let original_window = winnr()
+ silent! tab 1new
+ silent! 0put =a:file_lines
+ normal! G
+ " clear out classes, functions and other blocks
+ while 1
+ let block_start_pos = searchpos('\c\(class\|trait\|function\|interface\)\s\+\_.\{-}\zs{', 'Web')
+ if block_start_pos == [0, 0]
+ break
+ endif
+ let block_end_pos = searchpairpos('{', '', '}\|\%$', 'W', 'synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 0), "name") =~? "string\\|comment"')
+ silent! exec block_start_pos[0].','.block_end_pos[0].'d'
+ endwhile
+ normal! G
+ " grab the remains
+ let file_lines = reverse(getline(1, line('.') - 1))
+ silent! bw! %
+ exe original_window.'wincmd w'
let namespace_name_pattern = '[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff\\][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff\\]*'
- let file_lines = reverse(copy(a:file_lines))
let i = 0
let file_length = len(file_lines)
let imports = {}
let current_namespace = '\'
while i < file_length
let line = file_lines[i]
if line =~? '^\s*namespace\s*'.namespace_name_pattern
- let current_namespace = matchstr(line, '^\s*namespace\s*\zs'.namespace_name_pattern.'\ze')
+ let current_namespace = matchstr(line, '\c^\s*namespace\s*\zs'.namespace_name_pattern.'\ze')
@@ -2303,11 +2422,11 @@ function! phpcomplete#GetCurrentNameSpace(file_lines) " {{{
let use_line .= ' '.substitute(search_line, '\(^\s\+\|\s\+$\)', '', 'g')
- let use_expression = matchstr(use_line, '^\s*use\s\+\zs.\{-}\ze;')
+ let use_expression = matchstr(use_line, '^\c\s*use\s\+\zs.\{-}\ze;')
let use_parts = map(split(use_expression, '\s*,\s*'), 'substitute(v:val, "\\s+", " ", "g")')
for part in use_parts
if part =~? '\s\+as\s\+'
- let [object, name] = split(part, '\s\+as\s\+')
+ let [object, name] = split(part, '\s\+as\s\+\c')
let object = substitute(object, '^\\', '', '')
let name = substitute(name, '^\\', '', '')
@@ -2343,7 +2462,7 @@ function! phpcomplete#GetCurrentNameSpace(file_lines) " {{{
" if the name matches with the extracted classname and namespace
- if (tag.kind == 'c' || tag.kind == 'i') && == classname
+ if (tag.kind == 'c' || tag.kind == 'i' || tag.kind == 't') && == classname
if has_key(tag, 'namespace')
let patched_ctags_detected = 1
if tag.namespace == namespace_for_classes
@@ -2386,7 +2505,7 @@ function! phpcomplete#GetCurrentNameSpace(file_lines) " {{{
let tags = phpcomplete#GetTaglist('^'.import['name'].'$')
for tag in tags
" search for the first matchin namespace, class, interface with no namespace
- if !has_key(tag, 'namespace') && (tag.kind == 'n' || tag.kind == 'c' || tag.kind == 'i')
+ if !has_key(tag, 'namespace') && (tag.kind == 'n' || tag.kind == 'c' || tag.kind == 'i' || tag.kind == 't')
call extend(import, tag)
let import['builtin'] = 0