diff options
47 files changed, 1185 insertions, 1223 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/doc/autocmd.txt b/runtime/doc/autocmd.txt
index dfa46a9d93..0206e7efa9 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/autocmd.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/autocmd.txt
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
-Automatic commands *autocommand*
+Automatic commands *autocommand* *autocommands*
For a basic explanation, see section |40.3| in the user manual.
diff --git a/runtime/doc/eval.txt b/runtime/doc/eval.txt
index 5ae0f6bca5..46903bc03e 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/eval.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/eval.txt
@@ -7053,6 +7053,7 @@ searchpair({start}, {middle}, {end} [, {flags} [, {skip}
When evaluating {skip} causes an error the search is aborted
and -1 returned.
{skip} can be a string, a lambda, a funcref or a partial.
+ Anything else makes the function fail.
For {stopline} and {timeout} see |search()|.
diff --git a/runtime/doc/quickref.txt b/runtime/doc/quickref.txt
index 6f43022f0d..f2c540b290 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/quickref.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/quickref.txt
@@ -957,6 +957,8 @@ Short explanation of each option: *option-list*
'undoreload' 'ur' max nr of lines to save for undo on a buffer reload
'updatecount' 'uc' after this many characters flush swap file
'updatetime' 'ut' after this many milliseconds flush swap file
+'varsofttabstop' 'vsts' a list of number of spaces when typing <Tab>
+'vartabstop' 'vts' a list of number of spaces for <Tab>s
'verbose' 'vbs' give informative messages
'verbosefile' 'vfile' file to write messages in
'viewdir' 'vdir' directory where to store files with :mkview
diff --git a/runtime/doc/remote.txt b/runtime/doc/remote.txt
index f856c98fc7..15219e0b9b 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/remote.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/remote.txt
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ The following command line arguments are available:
--servername {name} Become the server {name}. When used together
with one of the --remote commands: connect to
server {name} instead of the default (see
- below).
+ below). The name used will be uppercase.
--remote-send {keys} Send {keys} to server and exit. The {keys}
are not mapped. Special key names are
diff --git a/runtime/doc/tags b/runtime/doc/tags
index cd14b3f679..f2e4556873 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/tags
+++ b/runtime/doc/tags
@@ -1144,6 +1144,8 @@ $VIM_POSIX vi_diff.txt /*$VIM_POSIX*
'updatetime' options.txt /*'updatetime'*
'ur' options.txt /*'ur'*
'ut' options.txt /*'ut'*
+'varsofttabstop' options.txt /*'varsofttabstop'*
+'vartabstop' options.txt /*'vartabstop'*
'vb' options.txt /*'vb'*
'vbs' options.txt /*'vbs'*
'vdir' options.txt /*'vdir'*
@@ -1160,6 +1162,8 @@ $VIM_POSIX vi_diff.txt /*$VIM_POSIX*
'virtualedit' options.txt /*'virtualedit'*
'visualbell' options.txt /*'visualbell'*
'vop' options.txt /*'vop'*
+'vsts' options.txt /*'vsts'*
+'vts' options.txt /*'vts'*
'w1200' vi_diff.txt /*'w1200'*
'w300' vi_diff.txt /*'w300'*
'w9600' vi_diff.txt /*'w9600'*
@@ -1354,6 +1358,7 @@ $VIM_POSIX vi_diff.txt /*$VIM_POSIX*
+toolbar various.txt /*+toolbar*
+unix eval.txt /*+unix*
+user_commands various.txt /*+user_commands*
++vartabs various.txt /*+vartabs*
+vertsplit various.txt /*+vertsplit*
+viminfo various.txt /*+viminfo*
+virtualedit various.txt /*+virtualedit*
diff --git a/runtime/doc/todo.txt b/runtime/doc/todo.txt
index c3385132c4..c90a7718e4 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/todo.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/todo.txt
@@ -43,32 +43,19 @@ Prompt buffer:
- delay next prompt until plugin gives OK?
Terminal debugger:
-- Using terminal window: after "cont" in gdb window CTRL-C interrupts, but
- after :Continue it does not. Mode of UI is changed? :Stop does work.
-- patch from Christian to handle changing 'background'
- and a patch to show breakpoint nr in sign. (June 14)
- Make prompt-buffer variant work better.
+- When only gdb window exists, on "quit" edit another buffer.
- Termdebug does not work when Vim was build with mzscheme: gdb hangs just
after "run". Everything else works, including communication channel. Not
initializing mzscheme avoid the problem, thus it's not some #ifdef.
-- Show breakpoint number in the sign? (Uri Moszkowicz, 2018 Jun 13, #3007)
-- Allow for users to create their own gdb mappings. Perhaps by making the gdb
- buffer global? (Uri Moszkowicz, #3012) Or with a function to send a command
- to gdb.
Terminal emulator window:
- With a vertical split only one window is updated. (Linwei, 2018 Jun 2,
-- When typing : at the more prompt, instead of entering a new Vim command, the
- : is inserted in the terminal window. Should skip terminal_loop here.
- ()
- When pasting should call vterm_keyboard_start_paste(), e.g. when using
K_MIDDLEMOUSE, calling insert_reg().
- Users expect parsing the :term argument like a shell does, also support
single quotes. E.g. with: :term grep 'alice says "hello"' (#1999)
-- When running a shell in a terminal to run Vim tests, CTRL-W : the command
- line keeps getting cleard. Doing the same in another window is OK. (Jason
- Franklin, 2018 Jun 17)
- How to access selection in Terminal running a shell? (damnskippy, 2018 May
27, #29620 When terminal doesn't use the mouse, use modeless selection.
- Win32: Redirecting input does not work, half of Test_terminal_redir_file()
@@ -102,26 +89,11 @@ Errors found with random data:
More warnings from static analysis:
-Patch to make "is" and "as" work better. (Jason Franklin, 2018 May 19)
-Patch to add tests for user and language completion. (Dominique Pelle, 2018
-Jun 2, #2978) typo wk -> we
-Patch to support user name completion on MS-Windows. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto, 2012
-Aug 16)
-Patch to add tests for libcall() and libcallnr(). (Dominique Pelle, #2982)
-Patch to fix that v:shell_error is always zero when using terminal for shell
-command. (Ichizok, 2018 Jun 8, #2994)
-Patch to make test for terminal out&error more reliable. (Ichizok, 2018 Jun 8,
Patch to fix duplicate entry in tagfiles() and add a test. (Dominique Pelle,
Pasting foo} causes Vim to behave weird. (John Little, 2018 Jun 17)
-Related to bracketed paste.
+Related to bracketed paste. I cannot reproduce it.
Using ":file" in quickfix window during an autocommand doesn't work.
(Jason Franklin, 2018 May 23) Allow for using it when there is no argument.
@@ -134,6 +106,15 @@ Patch for xterm and vt320 builtin termcap. (Kouichi Iwamoto, 2018 May 31,
Patch to add more testing for :cd command. (Dominique Pelle, 2018 May 30,
+Whenever the file name is "~" then expand('%:p') returns $HOME. (Aidan
+Shafran, 2018 Jun 23, #3072)
+Patch to set w_curswant when setting the cursor in language interfaces.
+(David Hotham, 2018 Jun 22, #3060)
+Patch to make CTRL-W <CR> work properly in a quickfix window. (Jason Franklin,
+2018 May 30)
Patch to make mode() return something different for Normal mode when coming
from Insert mode with CTRL-O. (#3000)
@@ -158,6 +139,13 @@ Tests failing for "make testgui" with GTK:
- Test_setbufvar_options()
- Test_exit_callback_interval()
+Patch to stack and pop the window title and icon. (IWAMOTO Kouichi, 2018 Jun
+22, #3059)
+8 For xterm need to open a connection to the X server to get the window
+ title, which can be slow. Can also get the title with "<Esc>[21t", no
+ need to use X11 calls. This returns "<Esc>]l{title}<Esc>\".
+Using title stack probably works better.
Make balloon_show() work outside of 'balloonexpr'? Users expect it to work:
#2948. (related to #1512?)
On Win32 it stops showing, because showState is already ShS_SHOWING.
@@ -198,9 +186,6 @@ deleting autocmds, not when adding them.
Quickfix window height is not kept with a vertical split. (Lifepillar, 2018
Jun 10, #2998)
-Patch for variable tabstops. On github (Christian Brabandt, 2014 May 15)
-Update 2018 March 12, #2711
Improve the installer for MS-Windows. There are a few alternatives:
- Add silent install option. (Shane Lee, #751)
- Installer from Cream (Steve Hall).
@@ -321,6 +306,8 @@ highlighted. (van-de-bugger, 2018 Jan 23, #2576)
Patch to parse ":line" in tags file and use it for search. (Daniel Hahler,
#2546) Fixes #1057. Missing a test.
+":file" does not show anything when 'shortmess' contains 'F'. (#3070)
Patch to add winlayout() function. (Yegappan Lakshmanan, 2018 Jan 4)
No profile information for function that executes ":quit". (Daniel Hahler,
@@ -463,6 +450,10 @@ The ++ options for the :edit command are also useful on the Vim command line.
When recovering a file, put the swap file name in b:recovered_swapfile. Then
a command can delete it.
+When a swap file exists, is not for a running process, is from the same
+machine and recovering results in the same text, we could silently delete it.
Overlong utf-8 sequence is displayed wrong. (Harm te Hennepe, 2017 Sep 14,
#2089) Patch with possible solution by Björn Linse.
@@ -3430,9 +3421,6 @@ Macintosh:
7 X11: Some people prefer to use CLIPBOARD instead of PRIMARY for the normal
selection. Add an "xclipboard" argument to the 'clipboard' option? (Mark
-8 For xterm need to open a connection to the X server to get the window
- title, which can be slow. Can also get the title with "<Esc>[21t", no
- need to use X11 calls. This returns "<Esc>]l{title}<Esc>\".
6 When the xterm reports the number of colors, a redraw occurs. This is
annoying on a slow connection. Wait for the xterm to report the number of
colors before drawing the screen. With a timeout.
diff --git a/runtime/lang/menu_da.utf-8.vim b/runtime/lang/menu_da.utf-8.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e5f14d27a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/lang/menu_da.utf-8.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
+" Menu Translations: Danish / Dansk
+" Maintainer: scootergrisen
+" Last Change: 2018 Jun 23
+" Quit when menu translations have already been done.
+if exists("did_menu_trans")
+ finish
+let did_menu_trans = 1
+let s:keepcpo= &cpo
+set cpo&vim
+scriptencoding utf-8
+" Help menu
+menut &Help Hjælp
+menut &Overview<Tab><F1> Overblik<Tab><F1>
+menut &User\ Manual Brugermanual
+menut &How-to\ links How-to-links
+menut &Find\.\.\. Find\.\.\.
+" -SEP1-
+menut &Credits Anerkendelser
+menut Co&pying Kopiering
+menut &Sponsor/Register Sponsorer/registrer
+menut O&rphans Forældreløse\ børn
+" -SEP2-
+menut &Version Version
+menut &About Om
+let g:menutrans_help_dialog = "Indtast en kommando eller ord for at finde hjælp om:\n\nStart med i_ for kommandoer til inputtilstand (f.eks.: i_CTRL-X)\nStart med c_ for kommandoer til redigering af kommandolinje (f.eks.: c_<Del>)\nStart med ' for et tilvalgsnavn (f.eks.: 'shiftwidth')"
+" File menu
+menut &File Fil
+menut &Open\.\.\.<Tab>:e Åbn\.\.\.<Tab>:e
+menut Sp&lit-Open\.\.\.<Tab>:sp Opdel-åbn\.\.\.<Tab>:sp
+menut Open\ Tab\.\.\.<Tab>:tabnew Åbn\ faneblad\.\.\.<Tab>:tabnew
+menut &New<Tab>:enew Ny<Tab>:enew
+menut &Close<Tab>:close Luk<Tab>:close
+" -SEP1-
+menut &Save<Tab>:w Gem<Tab>:w
+menut Save\ &As\.\.\.<Tab>:sav Gem\ som\.\.\.<Tab>:sav
+" -SEP2-
+menut Split\ &Diff\ with\.\.\. Opdel\ diff\ med\.\.\.
+menut Split\ Patched\ &By\.\.\. Opdel\ "patchet\ af"\.\.\.
+" -SEP3-
+menut &Print Udskriv
+" -SEP4-
+menut Sa&ve-Exit<Tab>:wqa Gem-afslut
+menut E&xit<Tab>:qa Afslut
+" Edit menu
+menut &Edit Rediger
+menut &Undo<Tab>u Fortryd<Tab>u
+menut &Redo<Tab>^R Omgør<Tab>^R
+menut Rep&eat<Tab>\. Gentag<Tab>\.
+" -SEP1-
+menut Cu&t<Tab>"+x Klip<Tab>"+x
+menut &Copy<Tab>"+y Kopiér<Tab>"+y
+menut &Paste<Tab>"+gP Indsæt<Tab>"+gP
+menut Put\ &Before<Tab>[p Indsæt\ inden\ (put)<Tab>[p
+menut Put\ &After<Tab>]p Indsæt\ efter\ (put)<Tab>]p
+menut &Delete<Tab>x Slet<Tab>x
+menut &Select\ all<Tab>ggVG Markér\ alt<Tab>ggVG
+" -SEP2-
+menut &Find\.\.\. Find\.\.\.
+menut &Find\.\.\.<Tab>/ Find\.\.\.<Tab>/
+menut Find\ and\ Rep&lace\.\.\. Find\ og\ erstat\.\.\.
+menut Find\ and\ Rep&lace\.\.\.<Tab>:%s Find\ og\ erstat\.\.\.<Tab>:%s
+menut Find\ and\ Rep&lace\.\.\.<Tab>:s Find\ og\ erstat\.\.\.<Tab>:s
+" -SEP3-
+menut Settings\ &Window Indstillinger-vindue
+menut Startup\ &Settings Opstartsindstillinger
+menut &Global\ Settings Globale\ indstillinger
+menut Question Spørgsmål
+" Edit
+menut Toggle\ Pattern\ &Highlight<Tab>:set\ hls! Fremhævning\ af\ mønster\ til/fra<Tab>:set\ hls!
+menut Toggle\ &Ignoring\ Case<Tab>:set\ ic! Ignorerer\ "forskel\ på\ store\ og\ små\ bogstaver"\ til/fra<Tab>:set\ ic!
+menut Toggle\ &Showing\ Matched\ Pairs<Tab>:set\ sm! Viser\ matchende\ par\ til/fra<Tab>:set\ sm!
+menut &Context\ lines Kontekstlinjer
+menut &Virtual\ Edit Virtuel\ redigering
+menut Never Aldrig
+menut Block\ Selection Blokmarkering
+menut Insert\ mode Indsæt-tilstand
+menut Block\ and\ Insert Blok\ og\ indsæt
+menut Always Altid
+menut Toggle\ Insert\ &Mode<Tab>:set\ im! Indsæt-tilstand\ til/fra<Tab>:set\ im!
+menut Toggle\ Vi\ C&ompatibility<Tab>:set\ cp! Vi-kompatibel\ til/fra<Tab>:set\ cp!
+menut Search\ &Path\.\.\. Søgesti\.\.\.
+menut Ta&g\ Files\.\.\. Tag-filer\.\.\.
+" -SEP1-
+menut Toggle\ &Toolbar Værktøjslinje\ til/fra
+menut Toggle\ &Bottom\ Scrollbar Nederste\ rullebjælke\ til/fra
+menut Toggle\ &Left\ Scrollbar Venstre\ rullebjælke\ til/fra
+menut Toggle\ &Right\ Scrollbar Højre\ rullebjælke\ til/fra
+let g:menutrans_path_dialog = "Indtast søgesti til filer.\nSeparer mappenavne med et komma."
+let g:menutrans_tags_dialog = "Indtast navne på tag-filer.\nSeparer navnene med et komma."
+" Edit/File Settings
+menut F&ile\ Settings Filindstillinger
+" Boolean options
+menut Toggle\ Line\ &Numbering<Tab>:set\ nu! Linjenummerering\ til/fra<Tab>:set\ nu!
+menut Toggle\ Relati&ve\ Line\ Numbering<Tab>:set\ rnu! Relativ\ linjenummerering\ til/fra<Tab>:set\ rnu!
+menut Toggle\ &List\ Mode<Tab>:set\ list! Listetilstand\ til/fra<Tab>:set\ list!
+menut Toggle\ Line\ &Wrapping<Tab>:set\ wrap! Linjeombrydning\ til/fra<Tab>:set\ wrap!
+menut Toggle\ W&rapping\ at\ word<Tab>:set\ lbr! Ombrydning\ ved\ ord\ til/fra<Tab>:set\ lbr!
+menut Toggle\ Tab\ &expanding<Tab>:set\ et! Udvidelse\ af\ tabulator\ til/fra<Tab>:set\ et!
+menut Toggle\ &Auto\ Indenting<Tab>:set\ ai! Automatisk\ indrykning\ til/fra<Tab>:set\ ai!
+menut Toggle\ &C-Style\ Indenting<Tab>:set\ cin! Indrykning\ i\ &C-stil\ til/fra<Tab>:set\ cin!
+" -SEP2-
+menut &Shiftwidth "Shiftwidth"
+" menut &Shiftwidth.2<Tab>:set\ sw=2\ sw?<CR> "Shiftwidth".2<Tab>:set\ sw=2\ sw?<CR>
+" menut &Shiftwidth.3<Tab>:set\ sw=3\ sw?<CR> "Shiftwidth".3<Tab>:set\ sw=3\ sw?<CR>
+" menut &Shiftwidth.4<Tab>:set\ sw=4\ sw?<CR> "Shiftwidth".4<Tab>:set\ sw=4\ sw?<CR>
+" menut &Shiftwidth.5<Tab>:set\ sw=5\ sw?<CR> "Shiftwidth".5<Tab>:set\ sw=5\ sw?<CR>
+" menut &Shiftwidth.6<Tab>:set\ sw=6\ sw?<CR> "Shiftwidth".6<Tab>:set\ sw=6\ sw?<CR>
+" menut &Shiftwidth.8<Tab>:set\ sw=8\ sw?<CR> "Shiftwidth".8<Tab>:set\ sw=8\ sw?<CR>
+menut Soft\ &Tabstop Blødt\ tabulatorstop
+" menut Soft\ &Tabstop.2<Tab>:set\ sts=2\ sts? Blødt\ "Tabstop".2<Tab>:set\ sts=2\ sts?
+" menut Soft\ &Tabstop.3<Tab>:set\ sts=3\ sts? Blødt\ "Tabstop".3<Tab>:set\ sts=3\ sts?
+" menut Soft\ &Tabstop.4<Tab>:set\ sts=4\ sts? Blødt\ "Tabstop".4<Tab>:set\ sts=4\ sts?
+" menut Soft\ &Tabstop.5<Tab>:set\ sts=5\ sts? Blødt\ "Tabstop".5<Tab>:set\ sts=5\ sts?
+" menut Soft\ &Tabstop.6<Tab>:set\ sts=6\ sts? Blødt\ "Tabstop".6<Tab>:set\ sts=6\ sts?
+" menut Soft\ &Tabstop.8<Tab>:set\ sts=8\ sts? Blødt\ "Tabstop".8<Tab>:set\ sts=8\ sts?
+menut Te&xt\ Width\.\.\. Tekstbredde\.\.\.
+menut &File\ Format\.\.\. Filformat\.\.\.
+let g:menutrans_textwidth_dialog = "Indtast ny tekstbredde (0 for at deaktivere formatering): "
+let g:menutrans_fileformat_dialog = "Vælg format til skrivning af filen"
+let g:menutrans_fileformat_choices = "&Unix\n&Dos\n&Mac\n&Annuller"
+menut Show\ C&olor\ Schemes\ in\ Menu Vis\ farveskemaer\ i\ menu
+menut C&olor\ Scheme Farveskema
+" menut blue blå
+" menut darkblue mørkeblå
+" menut desert ørken
+" menut elflord elverherre
+" menut evening aften
+" menut industry industri
+" menut morning morgen
+" menut peachpuff fersken
+" menut shine skær
+" menut slate skiffer
+" menut default standard
+" menut torte tærte
+" menut zellner ???
+" menut delek ???
+" menut koehler ???
+" menut murphy ???
+" menut pablo ???
+" menut ron ron
+menut Show\ &Keymaps\ in\ Menu Vis\ tastaturlayouts\ i\ menu
+menut &Keymap Tastaturlayout
+menut None Intet
+" menut accents Diakritiske\ tegn
+" menut arabic arabisk
+" menut armenian-eastern armensk\ (østlig)
+" menut armenian-western armensk\ (vestlig)
+" menut belarusian-jcuken hviderussisk"\ [belarusian-jcuken]"
+" menut czech tjekkisk
+" menut greek græsk
+" menut hebrew hebraisk
+" menut hebrewp hebraisk"\ [hebrewp]"
+" menut magyar ungarsk
+" menut persian persisk
+" menut serbian serbisk
+" menut serbian-latin serbisk\ (latinsk)
+" menut slovak slovakisk
+menut Select\ Fo&nt\.\.\. Vælg\ skrifttype\.\.\.
+" Programming menu
+menut &Tools Værktøjer
+menut &Jump\ to\ this\ tag<Tab>g^] Hop\ til\ tagget<Tab>g^]
+menut Jump\ &back<Tab>^T Hop\ tilbage<Tab>^T
+menut Build\ &Tags\ File Build\ tags-fil
+" -SEP1-
+" Tools.Spelling Menu
+menut &Spelling Stavning
+menut &Spell\ Check\ On Stavekontrol\ til
+menut Spell\ Check\ &Off Stavekontrol\ fra
+menut To\ &Next\ error<Tab>]s Til\ næste\ fejl<Tab>]s
+menut To\ &Previous\ error<Tab>[s Til\ forrige\ fejl<Tab>[s
+menut Suggest\ &Corrections<Tab>z= Foreslå\ rettelse<Tab>z=
+menut &Repeat\ correction<Tab>:spellrepall Gentag\ rettelse<Tab>:spellrepall
+menut Set\ language\ to\ "en" Sæt\ sprog\ til\ "en"
+menut Set\ language\ to\ "en_au" Sæt\ sprog\ til\ "en_au"
+menut Set\ language\ to\ "en_ca" Sæt\ sprog\ til\ "en_ca"
+menut Set\ language\ to\ "en_gb" Sæt\ sprog\ til\ "en_gb"
+menut Set\ language\ to\ "en_nz" Sæt\ sprog\ til\ "en_nz"
+menut Set\ language\ to\ "en_us" Sæt\ sprog\ til\ "en_us"
+menut &Find\ More\ Languages Find\ flere\ sprog
+" Tools.Fold Menu
+menut &Folding Foldning
+" open close folds
+menut &Enable/Disable\ folds<Tab>zi Aktivér/deaktivér\ sammenfoldninger<Tab>zi
+menut &View\ Cursor\ Line<Tab>zv Vis\ markørlinje<Tab>zv
+menut Vie&w\ Cursor\ Line\ only<Tab>zMzx Vis\ kun\ markørlinje<Tab>zMzx
+menut C&lose\ more\ folds<Tab>zm Luk\ flere\ sammenfoldninger<Tab>zm
+menut &Close\ all\ folds<Tab>zM Luk\ alle\ sammenfoldninger<Tab>zM
+menut O&pen\ more\ folds<Tab>zr Åbn\ flere\ sammenfoldninger<Tab>zr
+menut &Open\ all\ folds<Tab>zR Åbn\ alle\ sammenfoldninger<Tab>zR
+" fold method
+" -SEP1-
+menut Fold\ Met&hod Sammenfoldningsmetode
+menut M&anual Manuelt
+menut I&ndent Indryk
+menut E&xpression Udtryk
+menut S&yntax Syntaks
+menut &Diff Diff
+menut Ma&rker Markør
+" create and delete folds
+menut Create\ &Fold<Tab>zf Opret\ sammenfoldning<Tab>zf
+menut &Delete\ Fold<Tab>zd Slet\ sammenfoldning<Tab>zd
+menut Delete\ &All\ Folds<Tab>zD Slet\ alle\ sammenfoldninger<Tab>zD
+" moving around in folds
+" -SEP2-
+menut Fold\ col&umn\ width Kolonnebredde\ for\ sammenfoldning
+menut &Diff Diff
+menut &Update Opdater
+menut &Get\ Block Hent\ blok\ (get)
+menut &Put\ Block Indsæt\ blok\ (put)
+" -SEP2-
+menut &Make<Tab>:make &Make<Tab>:make
+menut &List\ Errors<Tab>:cl Oplist\ fejl<Tab>:cl
+menut L&ist\ Messages<Tab>:cl! Oplist\ meddelelser<Tab>:cl!
+menut &Next\ Error<Tab>:cn Næste\ fejl<Tab>:cn
+menut &Previous\ Error<Tab>:cp Forrige\ fejl<Tab>:cp
+menut &Older\ List<Tab>:cold Ældre\ liste<Tab>:cold
+menut N&ewer\ List<Tab>:cnew Nyere\ liste<Tab>:cnew
+menut Error\ &Window Fejl-vindue
+menut &Update<Tab>:cwin Opdater<Tab>:cwin
+menut &Open<Tab>:copen Åbn<Tab>:copen
+menut &Close<Tab>:cclose Luk<Tab>:cclose
+" -SEP3-
+menut &Convert\ to\ HEX<Tab>:%!xxd Konvertér\ til\ HEX<Tab>:%!xxd
+menut Conve&rt\ back<Tab>:%!xxd\ -r Konvertér\ tilbage<Tab>:%!xxd\ -r
+menut Se&T\ Compiler Sæt\ kompiler
+" Buffers menu
+menut &Buffers Buffere
+menut &Refresh\ menu Genopfrisk\ menu
+menut &Delete Slet
+menut &Alternate Skift
+menut &Next Næste
+menut &Previous Forrige
+menut [No\ File] [Ingen\ fil]
+" Syntax menu
+menut &Syntax Syntaks
+menut &Show\ File\ Types\ in\ menu Vis\ filtyper\ i\ menu
+menut Set\ '&syntax'\ only Sæt\ kun\ 'syntax'
+menut Set\ '&filetype'\ too Sæt\ også\ 'filetype'
+menut &Off Fra
+menut &Manual Manuelt
+menut A&utomatic Automatisk
+menut On/Off\ for\ &This\ File Til/fra\ for\ denne\ fil
+menut Co&lor\ test Farvetest
+menut &Highlight\ test Fremhævningstest
+menut &Convert\ to\ HTML Konvertér\ til\ HTML
+let g:menutrans_no_file = "[Ingen fil]"
+" Window menu
+menut &Window Vindue
+menut &New<Tab>^Wn Nyt<Tab>^Wn
+menut S&plit<Tab>^Ws Opdel<Tab>^Ws
+menut Sp&lit\ To\ #<Tab>^W^^ Opdel\ til\ #<Tab>^W^^
+menut Split\ &Vertically<Tab>^Wv Opdel\ lodret<Tab>^Wv
+menut Split\ File\ E&xplorer Opdel\ filbrowser
+" -SEP1-
+menut &Close<Tab>^Wc Luk<Tab>^Wc
+menut Close\ &Other(s)<Tab>^Wo Luk\ andre<Tab>^Wo
+" -SEP2-
+menut Move\ &To Flyt\ til
+menut &Top<Tab>^WK Øverst<Tab>^WK
+menut &Bottom<Tab>^WJ Nederst<Tab>^WJ
+menut &Left\ side<Tab>^WH Venstre\ side<Tab>^WH
+menut &Right\ side<Tab>^WL Højre\ side<Tab>^WL
+menut Rotate\ &Up<Tab>^WR Roter\ op<Tab>^WR
+menut Rotate\ &Down<Tab>^Wr Roter\ ned<Tab>^Wr
+" -SEP3-
+menut &Equal\ Size<Tab>^W= Samme\ størrelse<Tab>^W=
+menut &Max\ Height<Tab>^W_ Maks\.\ højde<Tab>^W_
+menut M&in\ Height<Tab>^W1_ Min\.\ højde<Tab>^W1_
+menut Max\ &Width<Tab>^W\| Maks\.\ bredde<Tab>^W\|
+menut Min\ Widt&h<Tab>^W1\| Min\.\ bredde<Tab>^W1\|
+" The popup menu
+menut &Undo Fortryd
+" -SEP1-
+menut Cu&t Klip
+menut &Copy Kopiér
+menut &Paste Indsæt
+menut &Delete Slet
+" -SEP2-
+menut Select\ Blockwise Markér\ blokvis
+menut Select\ &Word Markér\ ord
+menut Select\ &Sentence Markér\ sætning
+menut Select\ Pa&ragraph Markér\ afsnit
+menut Select\ &Line Markér\ linje
+menut Select\ &Block Markér\ blok
+menut Select\ &All Markér\ alt
+" The GUI toolbar
+if has("toolbar")
+ if exists("*Do_toolbar_tmenu")
+ delfun Do_toolbar_tmenu
+ endif
+ fun Do_toolbar_tmenu()
+ tmenu ToolBar.Open Åbn fil
+ tmenu ToolBar.Save Gem nuværende fil
+ tmenu ToolBar.SaveAll Gem alle filer
+ tmenu ToolBar.Print Udskriv
+ tmenu ToolBar.Undo Fortryd
+ tmenu ToolBar.Redo Omgør
+ tmenu ToolBar.Cut Klip til udklipsholder
+ tmenu ToolBar.Copy Kopiér til udklipsholder
+ tmenu ToolBar.Paste Indsæt fra udklipsholder
+ if !has("gui_athena")
+ tmenu ToolBar.Replace Find/erstat...
+ tmenu ToolBar.FindNext Find næste
+ tmenu ToolBar.FindPrev Find forrige
+ endif
+ tmenu ToolBar.LoadSesn Vælg en session som skal indlæses
+ tmenu ToolBar.SaveSesn Gem nuværende session
+ tmenu ToolBar.RunScript Vælg et Vim-script som skal køres
+ tmenu ToolBar.Make Make nuværende projekt (:make)
+ tmenu ToolBar.RunCtags Build tags i nuværende mappetræ (!ctags -R .)
+ tmenu ToolBar.TagJump Hop til tag under markør
+ tmenu ToolBar.Help Vim hjælp
+ tmenu ToolBar.FindHelp Søg i Vim hjælp
+ endfun
+let g:menutrans_set_lang_to = "Sæt sprog til"
+let g:menutrans_spell_change_ARG_to = 'Ændr "%s" til'
+let g:menutrans_spell_add_ARG_to_word_list = 'Tilføj "%s" til ordliste'
+let g:menutrans_spell_ignore_ARG = 'Ignorer "%s"'
+let &cpo = s:keepcpo
+unlet s:keepcpo
+" vim: set sw=2 :
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/php.vim b/runtime/syntax/php.vim
index ef89a9e850..b10b0c6764 100644
--- a/runtime/syntax/php.vim
+++ b/runtime/syntax/php.vim
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
" Vim syntax file
" Language: php PHP 3/4/5/7
" Maintainer: Jason Woofenden <>
-" Last Change: May 12, 2018
+" Last Change: Jun 20, 2018
" URL:;a=blob;f=php.vim;hb=HEAD
" Former Maintainers: Peter Hodge <>
" Debian VIM Maintainers <>
@@ -446,7 +446,7 @@ if exists("php_folding") && php_folding==1
syn match phpException "\(\s\|^\)catch\(\s\+.*}\)\@=" contained
syn match phpException "\(\s\|^\)finally\(\s\+.*}\)\@=" contained
- set foldmethod=syntax
+ setlocal foldmethod=syntax
syn region phpFoldHtmlInside matchgroup=Delimiter start="?>" end="<?\(php\)\=" contained transparent contains=@htmlTop
syn region phpFoldFunction matchgroup=Storageclass start="^\z(\s*\)\(abstract\s\+\|final\s\+\|private\s\+\|protected\s\+\|public\s\+\|static\s\+\)*function\s\([^};]*$\)\@="rs=e-9 matchgroup=Delimiter end="^\z1}" contains=@phpClFunction,phpFoldHtmlInside,phpFCKeyword contained transparent fold extend
syn region phpFoldFunction matchgroup=Define start="^function\s\([^};]*$\)\@=" matchgroup=Delimiter end="^}" contains=@phpClFunction,phpFoldHtmlInside contained transparent fold extend
@@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ else
syn keyword phpException catch throw try finally contained
syn keyword phpStorageClass final global private protected public static contained
if exists("php_folding") && php_folding==2
- set foldmethod=syntax
+ setlocal foldmethod=syntax
syn region phpFoldHtmlInside matchgroup=Delimiter start="?>" end="<?\(php\)\=" co