diff options
7 files changed, 487 insertions, 272 deletions
diff --git a/src/testdir/Make_all.mak b/src/testdir/Make_all.mak
index 3d143588f2..fff4fdf6ac 100644
--- a/src/testdir/Make_all.mak
+++ b/src/testdir/Make_all.mak
@@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ NEW_TESTS = \
test_close_count \
test_cmdline \
test_command_count \
+ test_comments \
test_comparators \
test_compiler \
test_conceal \
@@ -341,6 +342,7 @@ NEW_TESTS_RES = \
test_close_count.res \
test_cmdline.res \
test_command_count.res \
+ test_comments.res \
test_comparators.res \
test_conceal.res \
test_const.res \
diff --git a/src/testdir/test_buffer.vim b/src/testdir/test_buffer.vim
index de163538e4..5981e247ac 100644
--- a/src/testdir/test_buffer.vim
+++ b/src/testdir/test_buffer.vim
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
" Tests for Vim buffer
+source check.vim
" Test for the :bunload command with an offset
func Test_bunload_with_offset()
@@ -152,6 +154,24 @@ func Test_bdelete_cmd()
set nobuflisted
call assert_fails('bdelete ' .. bnr, 'E516:')
+ " Deleting more than one buffer
+ new Xbuf1
+ new Xbuf2
+ exe 'bdel ' .. bufnr('Xbuf2') .. ' ' .. bufnr('Xbuf1')
+ call assert_equal(1, winnr('$'))
+ call assert_equal(0, getbufinfo('Xbuf1')[0].loaded)
+ call assert_equal(0, getbufinfo('Xbuf2')[0].loaded)
+ " Deleting more than one buffer and an invalid buffer
+ new Xbuf1
+ new Xbuf2
+ let cmd = "exe 'bdel ' .. bufnr('Xbuf2') .. ' xxx ' .. bufnr('Xbuf1')"
+ call assert_fails(cmd, 'E94:')
+ call assert_equal(2, winnr('$'))
+ call assert_equal(1, getbufinfo('Xbuf1')[0].loaded)
+ call assert_equal(0, getbufinfo('Xbuf2')[0].loaded)
@@ -166,4 +186,188 @@ func Test_buffer_error()
+" Test for the status messages displayed when unloading, deleting or wiping
+" out buffers
+func Test_buffer_statusmsg()
+ CheckEnglish
+ set report=1
+ new Xbuf1
+ new Xbuf2
+ let bnr = bufnr()
+ exe "normal 2\<C-G>"
+ call assert_match('buf ' .. bnr .. ':', v:statusmsg)
+ bunload Xbuf1 Xbuf2
+ call assert_equal('2 buffers unloaded', v:statusmsg)
+ bdel Xbuf1 Xbuf2
+ call assert_equal('2 buffers deleted', v:statusmsg)
+ bwipe Xbuf1 Xbuf2
+ call assert_equal('2 buffers wiped out', v:statusmsg)
+ set report&
+" Test for quitting the 'swapfile exists' dialog with the split buffer
+" command.
+func Test_buffer_sbuf_cleanup()
+ call writefile([], 'Xfile')
+ " first open the file in a buffer
+ new Xfile
+ let bnr = bufnr()
+ close
+ " create the swap file
+ call writefile([], '.Xfile.swp')
+ " Remove the catch-all that runtest.vim adds
+ au! SwapExists
+ augroup BufTest
+ au!
+ autocmd SwapExists Xfile let v:swapchoice='q'
+ augroup END
+ exe 'sbuf ' . bnr
+ call assert_equal(1, winnr('$'))
+ call assert_equal(0, getbufinfo('Xfile')[0].loaded)
+ " test for :sball
+ sball
+ call assert_equal(1, winnr('$'))
+ call assert_equal(0, getbufinfo('Xfile')[0].loaded)
+ %bw!
+ set shortmess+=F
+ let v:statusmsg = ''
+ edit Xfile
+ call assert_equal('', v:statusmsg)
+ call assert_equal(1, winnr('$'))
+ call assert_equal(0, getbufinfo('Xfile')[0].loaded)
+ set shortmess&
+ call delete('Xfile')
+ call delete('.Xfile.swp')
+ augroup BufTest
+ au!
+ augroup END
+ augroup! BufTest
+" Test for deleting a modified buffer with :confirm
+func Test_bdel_with_confirm()
+ CheckUnix
+ CheckNotGui
+ CheckFeature dialog_con
+ new
+ call setline(1, 'test')
+ call assert_fails('bdel', 'E89:')
+ call feedkeys('c', 'L')
+ confirm bdel
+ call assert_equal(2, winnr('$'))
+ call assert_equal(1, &modified)
+ call feedkeys('n', 'L')
+ confirm bdel
+ call assert_equal(1, winnr('$'))
+" Test for editing another buffer from a modified buffer with :confirm
+func Test_goto_buf_with_confirm()
+ CheckUnix
+ CheckNotGui
+ CheckFeature dialog_con
+ new Xfile
+ enew
+ call setline(1, 'test')
+ call assert_fails('b Xfile', 'E37:')
+ call feedkeys('c', 'L')
+ call assert_fails('confirm b Xfile', 'E37:')
+ call assert_equal(1, &modified)
+ call assert_equal('', @%)
+ call feedkeys('y', 'L')
+ call assert_fails('confirm b Xfile', 'E37:')
+ call assert_equal(1, &modified)
+ call assert_equal('', @%)
+ call feedkeys('n', 'L')
+ confirm b Xfile
+ call assert_equal('Xfile', @%)
+ close!
+" Test for splitting buffer with 'switchbuf'
+func Test_buffer_switchbuf()
+ new Xfile
+ wincmd w
+ set switchbuf=useopen
+ sbuf Xfile
+ call assert_equal(1, winnr())
+ call assert_equal(2, winnr('$'))
+ set switchbuf=usetab
+ tabnew
+ sbuf Xfile
+ call assert_equal(1, tabpagenr())
+ call assert_equal(2, tabpagenr('$'))
+ set switchbuf&
+ %bw
+" Test for BufAdd autocommand wiping out the buffer
+func Test_bufadd_autocmd_bwipe()
+ %bw!
+ augroup BufAdd_Wipe
+ au!
+ autocmd BufAdd Xfile %bw!
+ augroup END
+ edit Xfile
+ call assert_equal('', @%)
+ call assert_equal(0, bufexists('Xfile'))
+ augroup BufAdd_Wipe
+ au!
+ augroup END
+ augroup! BufAdd_Wipe
+" Test for trying to load a buffer with text locked
+" <C-\>e in the command line is used to lock the text
+func Test_load_buf_with_text_locked()
+ new Xfile1
+ edit Xfile2
+ let cmd = ":\<C-\>eexecute(\"normal \<C-O>\")\<CR>\<C-C>"
+ call assert_fails("call feedkeys(cmd, 'xt')", 'E565:')
+ %bw!
+" Test for using CTRL-^ to edit the alternative file keeping the cursor
+" position with 'nostartofline'. Also test using the 'buf' command.
+func Test_buffer_edit_altfile()
+ call writefile(repeat(['one two'], 50), 'Xfile1')
+ call writefile(repeat(['five six'], 50), 'Xfile2')
+ set nosol
+ edit Xfile1
+ call cursor(25, 5)
+ edit Xfile2
+ call cursor(30, 4)
+ exe "normal \<C-^>"
+ call assert_equal([0, 25, 5, 0], getpos('.'))
+ exe "normal \<C-^>"
+ call assert_equal([0, 30, 4, 0], getpos('.'))
+ buf Xfile1
+ call assert_equal([0, 25, 5, 0], getpos('.'))
+ buf Xfile2
+ call assert_equal([0, 30, 4, 0], getpos('.'))
+ set sol&
+ call delete('Xfile1')
+ call delete('Xfile2')
+" Test for running the :sball command with a maximum window count and a
+" modified buffer
+func Test_sball_with_count()
+ %bw!
+ edit Xfile1
+ call setline(1, ['abc'])
+ new Xfile2
+ new Xfile3
+ new Xfile4
+ 2sball
+ call assert_equal(bufnr('Xfile4'), winbufnr(1))
+ call assert_equal(bufnr('Xfile1'), winbufnr(2))
+ call assert_equal(0, getbufinfo('Xfile2')[0].loaded)
+ call assert_equal(0, getbufinfo('Xfile3')[0].loaded)
+ %bw!
" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab
diff --git a/src/testdir/test_cmdline.vim b/src/testdir/test_cmdline.vim
index 5d772eacdc..4dca8ea6ea 100644
--- a/src/testdir/test_cmdline.vim
+++ b/src/testdir/test_cmdline.vim
@@ -392,6 +392,7 @@ func Test_getcompletion()
call delete('Xtags')
set tags&
+ call assert_fails("call getcompletion('\\\\@!\\\\@=', 'buffer')", 'E871:')
call assert_fails('call getcompletion("", "burp")', 'E475:')
call assert_fails('call getcompletion("abc", [])', 'E475:')
diff --git a/src/testdir/test_comments.vim b/src/testdir/test_comments.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c34b85c42d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/testdir/test_comments.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+" Tests for the various flags in the 'comments' option
+" Test for the 'n' flag in 'comments'
+func Test_comment_nested()
+ new
+ setlocal comments=n:> fo+=ro
+ exe "normal i> B\nD\<C-C>ggOA\<C-C>joC\<C-C>Go\<BS>>>> F\nH"
+ exe "normal 5GOE\<C-C>6GoG"
+ let expected =<< trim END
+ > A
+ > B
+ > C
+ > D
+ >>>> E
+ >>>> F
+ >>>> G
+ >>>> H
+ call assert_equal(expected, getline(1, '$'))
+ close!
+" Test for the 'b' flag in 'comments'
+func Test_comment_blank()
+ new
+ setlocal comments=b:* fo+=ro
+ exe "normal i* E\nF\n\<BS>G\nH\<C-C>ggOC\<C-C>O\<BS>B\<C-C>OA\<C-C>2joD"
+ let expected =<< trim END
+ A
+ *B
+ * C
+ * D
+ * E
+ * F
+ *G
+ H
+ call assert_equal(expected, getline(1, '$'))
+ close!
+" Test for the 'f' flag in 'comments' (only the first line has a comment
+" string)
+func Test_comment_firstline()
+ new
+ setlocal comments=f:- fo+=ro
+ exe "normal i- B\nD\<C-C>ggoC\<C-C>ggOA\<C-C>"
+ call assert_equal(['A', '- B', ' C', ' D'], getline(1, '$'))
+ %d
+ setlocal comments=:-
+ exe "normal i- B\nD\<C-C>ggoC\<C-C>ggOA\<C-C>"
+ call assert_equal(['- A', '- B', '- C', '- D'], getline(1, '$'))
+ close!
+" Test for the 's', 'm' and 'e' flags in 'comments'
+" Test for automatically adding comment leaders in insert mode
+func Test_comment_threepiece()
+ new
+ setlocal expandtab
+ call setline(1, ["\t/*"])
+ setlocal formatoptions=croql
+ call cursor(1, 3)
+ call feedkeys("A\<cr>\<cr>/", 'tnix')
+ call assert_equal(["\t/*", " *", " */"], getline(1, '$'))
+ " If a comment ends in a single line, then don't add it in the next line
+ %d
+ call setline(1, '/* line1 */')
+ call feedkeys("A\<CR>next line", 'xt')
+ call assert_equal(['/* line1 */', 'next line'], getline(1, '$'))
+ %d
+ " Copy the trailing indentation from the leader comment to a new line
+ setlocal autoindent noexpandtab
+ call feedkeys("a\t/*\tone\ntwo\n/", 'xt')
+ call assert_equal(["\t/*\tone", "\t *\ttwo", "\t */"], getline(1, '$'))
+ close!
+" Test for the 'r' flag in 'comments' (right align comment)
+func Test_comment_rightalign()
+ new
+ setlocal comments=sr:/***,m:**,ex-2:******/ fo+=ro
+ exe "normal i=\<C-C>o\t /***\nD\n/"
+ exe "normal 2GOA\<C-C>joB\<C-C>jOC\<C-C>joE\<C-C>GOF\<C-C>joG"
+ let expected =<< trim END
+ =
+ A
+ /***
+ ** B
+ ** C
+ ** D
+ ** E
+ ** F
+ ******/
+ G
+ call assert_equal(expected, getline(1, '$'))
+ close!
+" Test for the 'O' flag in 'comments'
+func Test_comment_O()
+ new
+ setlocal comments=Ob:* fo+=ro
+ exe "normal i* B\nD\<C-C>kOA\<C-C>joC"
+ let expected =<< trim END
+ A
+ * B
+ * C
+ * D
+ call assert_equal(expected, getline(1, '$'))
+ close!
+" Test for using a multibyte character as a comment leader
+func Test_comment_multibyte_leader()
+ new
+ let t =<< trim END
+ {
+ X
+ Xa
+ XaY
+ XY
+ X Y
+ X YZ
+ XX
+ XXa
+ }
+ call setline(1, t)
+ call cursor(2, 1)
+ set tw=2 fo=cqm comments=n:X
+ exe "normal gqgqjgqgqjgqgqjgqgqjgqgqjgqgqjgqgqjgqgqjgqgqjgqgq"
+ let t =<< trim END
+ X
+ Xa
+ XaY
+ XY
+ X Y
+ X YZ
+ XX
+ XXa
+ exe "normal o\n" . join(t, "\n")
+ let expected =<< trim END
+ {
+ X
+ Xa
+ Xa
+ XY
+ XY
+ XY
+ XZ
+ X Y
+ X Y
+ X Z
+ XX
+ XXa
+ X
+ Xa
+ Xa
+ XY
+ XY
+ XY
+ XZ
+ X Y
+ X Y
+ X Z
+ XX
+ XXa
+ }
+ call assert_equal(expected, getline(1, '$'))
+ set tw& fo& comments&
+ close!
+" Test for a space character in 'comments' setting
+func Test_comment_space()
+ new
+ setlocal comments=b:\ > fo+=ro
+ exe "normal i> B\nD\<C-C>ggOA\<C-C>joC"
+ exe "normal Go > F\nH\<C-C>kOE\<C-C>joG"
+ let expected =<< trim END
+ A
+ > B
+ C
+ D
+ > E
+ > F
+ > G
+ > H
+ call assert_equal(expected, getline(1, '$'))
+ close!
+" Test for formatting lines with and without comments
+func Test_comment_format_lines()
+ new
+ call setline(1, ['one', '/* two */', 'three'])
+ normal gggqG
+ call assert_equal(['one', '/* two */', 'three'], getline(1, '$'))
+ close!
+" Test for using 'a' in 'formatoptions' with comments
+func Test_comment_autoformat()
+ new
+ setlocal formatoptions+=a
+ call feedkeys("a- one\n- two\n", 'xt')
+ call assert_equal(['- one', '- two', ''], getline(1, '$'))
+ %d
+ call feedkeys("a\none\n", 'xt')
+ call assert_equal(['', 'one', ''], getline(1, '$'))
+ setlocal formatoptions+=aw
+ %d
+ call feedkeys("aone \ntwo\n", 'xt')
+ call assert_equal(['one two', ''], getline(1, '$'))
+ %d
+ call feedkeys("aone\ntwo\n", 'xt')
+ call assert_equal(['one', 'two', ''], getline(1, '$'))
+ close!
+" Test for joining lines with comments ('j' flag in 'formatoptions')
+func Test_comment_join_lines_fo_j()
+ new
+ setlocal fo+=j comments=://
+ call setline(1, ['i++; // comment1', ' // comment2'])
+ normal J
+ call assert_equal('i++; // comment1 comment2', getline(1))
+ setlocal fo-=j
+ call setline(1, ['i++; // comment1', ' // comment2'])
+ normal J
+ call assert_equal('i++; // comment1 // comment2', getline(1))
+ " Test with nested comments
+ setlocal fo+=j comments=n:>,n:)
+ call setline(1, ['i++; > ) > ) comment1', ' > ) comment2'])
+ normal J
+ call assert_equal('i++; > ) > ) comment1 comment2', getline(1))
+ close!
+" Test for formatting lines where only the first line has a comment.
+func Test_comment_format_firstline_comment()
+ new
+ setlocal formatoptions=tcq
+ call setline(1, ['- one two', 'three'])
+ normal gggqG
+ call assert_equal(['- one two three'], getline(1, '$'))
+ %d
+ call setline(1, ['- one', '- two'])
+ normal gggqG
+ call assert_equal(['- one', '- two'], getline(1, '$'))
+ close!
+" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab
diff --git a/src/testdir/test_normal.vim b/src/testdir/test_normal.vim
index 2a06bb5b01..a4dc61945a 100644
--- a/src/testdir/test_normal.vim
+++ b/src/testdir/test_normal.vim
@@ -1267,6 +1267,7 @@ func Test_normal21_nv_hat()
edit Xfoo | %bw
call assert_fails(':buffer #', 'E86')
call assert_fails(':execute "normal! \<C-^>"', 'E23')
+ call assert_fails("normal i\<C-R>#", 'E23:')
" Test for the expected behavior when switching between two named buffers.
edit Xfoo | edit Xbar
diff --git a/src/testdir/test_textformat.vim b/src/testdir/test_textformat.vim
index d529b8520a..a91c3da81c 100644
--- a/src/testdir/test_textformat.vim
+++ b/src/testdir/test_textformat.vim
@@ -784,78 +784,6 @@ func Test_tw_2_fo_tm_noai()
-func Test_tw_2_fo_cqm_com()
- new
- let t =<< trim END
- {
- X
- Xa
- XaY
- XY
- X Y
- X YZ
- XX
- XXa
- }
- call setline(1, t)
- call cursor(2, 1)
- set tw=2 fo=cqm comments=n:X
- exe "normal gqgqjgqgqjgqgqjgqgqjgqgqjgqgqjgqgqjgqgqjgqgqjgqgq"
- let t =<< trim END
- X
- Xa
- XaY
- XY
- X Y
- X YZ
- XX
- XXa
- exe "normal o\n" . join(t, "\n")
- let expected =<< trim END
- {
- X
- Xa
- Xa
- XY
- XY
- XY
- XZ
- X Y
- X Y
- X Z
- XX
- XXa
- X
- Xa
- Xa
- XY
- XY
- XY
- XZ
- X Y
- X Y
- X Z
- XX
- XXa
- }
- call assert_equal(expected, getline(1, '$'))
- set tw& fo& comments&
- bwipe!
func Test_tw_2_fo_tm_replace()
let t =<< trim END
@@ -975,140 +903,6 @@ func Test_whichwrap_multi_byte()
-" Test for automatically adding comment leaders in insert mode
-func Test_threepiece_comment()
- new
- setlocal expandtab
- call setline(1, ["\t/*"])
- setlocal formatoptions=croql
- call cursor(1, 3)
- call feedkeys("A\<cr>\<cr>/", 'tnix')
- call assert_equal(["\t/*", " *", " */"], getline(1, '$'))
- " If a comment ends in a single line, then don't add it in the next line
- %d
- call setline(1, '/* line1 */')
- call feedkeys("A\<CR>next line", 'xt')
- call assert_equal(['/* line1 */', 'next line'], getline(1, '$'))
- %d
- " Copy the trailing indentation from the leader comment to a new line
- setlocal autoindent noexpandtab
- call feedkeys("a\t/*\tone\ntwo\n/", 'xt')
- call assert_equal(["\t/*\tone", "\t *\ttwo", "\t */"], getline(1, '$'))
- close!
-" Test for the 'f' flag in 'comments' (only the first line has the comment
-" string)
-func Test_firstline_comment()
- new
- setlocal comments=f:- fo+=ro
- exe "normal i- B\nD\<C-C>ggoC\<C-C>ggOA\<C-C>"
- call assert_equal(['A', '- B', ' C', ' D'], getline(1, '$'))
- %d
- setlocal comments=:-
- exe "normal i- B\nD\<C-C>ggoC\<C-C>ggOA\<C-C>"
- call assert_equal(['- A', '- B', '- C', '- D'], getline(1, '$'))
- %bw!
-" Test for the 'r' flag in 'comments' (right align comment)
-func Test_comment_rightalign()
- new
- setlocal comments=sr:/***,m:**,ex-2:******/ fo+=ro
- exe "normal i=\<C-C>o\t /***\nD\n/"
- exe "normal 2GOA\<C-C>joB\<C-C>jOC\<C-C>joE\<C-C>GOF\<C-C>joG"
- let expected =<< trim END
- =
- A
- /***
- ** B
- ** C
- ** D
- ** E
- ** F
- ******/
- G
- call assert_equal(expected, getline(1, '$'))
- %bw!
-" Test for the 'b' flag in 'comments'
-func Test_comment_blank()
- new
- setlocal comments=b:* fo+=ro
- exe "normal i* E\nF\n\<BS>G\nH\<C-C>ggOC\<C-C>O\<BS>B\<C-C>OA\<C-C>2joD"
- let expected =<< trim END
- A
- *B
- * C
- * D
- * E
- * F
- *G
- H
- call assert_equal(expected, getline(1, '$'))
- %bw!
-" Test for the 'n' flag in comments
-func Test_comment_nested()
- new
- setlocal comments=n:> fo+=ro
- exe "normal i> B\nD\<C-C>ggOA\<C-C>joC\<C-C>Go\<BS>>>> F\nH"
- exe "normal 5GOE\<C-C>6GoG"
- let expected =<< trim END
- > A
- > B
- > C
- > D
- >>>> E
- >>>> F
- >>>> G
- >>>> H
- call assert_equal(expected, getline(1, '$'))
- %bw!
-" Test for a space character in 'comments' setting
-func Test_comment_space()
- new
- setlocal comments=b:\ > fo+=ro
- exe "normal i> B\nD\<C-C>ggOA\<C-C>joC"
- exe "normal Go > F\nH\<C-C>kOE\<C-C>joG"
- let expected =<< trim END
- A
- > B
- C
- D
- > E
- > F
- > G
- > H
- call assert_equal(expected, getline(1, '$'))
- %bw!
-" Test for the 'O' flag in 'comments'
-func Test_comment_O()
- new
- setlocal comments=Ob:* fo+=ro
- exe "normal i* B\nD\<C-C>kOA\<C-C>joC"
- let expected =<< trim END
- A
- * B
- * C
- * D
- call assert_equal(expected, getline(1, '$'))
- %bw!
" Test for 'a' and 'w' flags in 'formatoptions'
func Test_fo_a_w()
@@ -1143,25 +937,6 @@ func Test_fo_a_w()
-" Test for 'j' flag in 'formatoptions'
-func Test_fo_j()
- new
- setlocal fo+=j comments=://
- call setline(1, ['i++; // comment1', ' // comment2'])
- normal J
- call assert_equal('i++; // comment1 comment2', getline(1))
- setlocal fo-=j
- call setline(1, ['i++; // comment1', ' // comment2'])
- normal J
- call assert_equal('i++; // comment1 // comment2', getline(1))
- " Test with nested comments
- setlocal fo+=j comments=n:>,n:)
- call setline(1, ['i++; > ) > ) comment1', ' > ) comment2'])
- normal J
- call assert_equal('i++; > ) > ) comment1 comment2', getline(1))
- %bw!
" Test for formatting lines using gq in visual mode
func Test_visual_gq_format()
@@ -1296,51 +1071,4 @@ func Test_fo_2()
-" Test for formatting lines where only the first line has a comment.
-func Test_fo_gq_with_firstline_comment()
- new
- setlocal formatoptions=tcq
- call setline(1, ['- one two', 'three'])
- normal gggqG
- call assert_equal(['- one two three'], getline(1, '$'))
- %d
- call setline(1, ['- one', '- two'])
- normal gggqG
- call assert_equal(['- one', '- two'], getline(1, '$'))
- close!
-" Test for trying to join a comment line with a non-comment line
-func Test_join_comments()
- new
- call setline(1, ['one', '/* two */', 'three'])
- normal gggqG
- call assert_equal(['one', '/* two */', 'three'], getline(1, '$'))
- close!
-" Test for using 'a' in 'formatoptions' with comments
-func Test_autoformat_comments()
- new
- setlocal formatoptions+=a
- call feedkeys("a- one\n- two\n", 'xt')
- call assert_equal(['- one', '- two', ''], getline(1, '$'))
- %d
- call feedkeys("a\none\n", 'xt')
- call assert_equal(['', 'one', ''], getline(1, '$'))
- setlocal formatoptions+=aw
- %d
- call feedkeys("aone \ntwo\n", 'xt')
- call assert_equal(['one two', ''], getline(1, '$'))
- %d
- call feedkeys("aone\ntwo\n", 'xt')
- call assert_equal(['one', 'two', ''], getline(1, '$'))
- close!
" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab
diff --git a/src/version.c b/src/version.c
index 49f9ddf22f..1ee45307f3 100644
--- a/src/version.c
+++ b/src/version.c
@@ -755,6 +755,8 @@ static char *(features[]) =
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 1046,