diff options
6 files changed, 56 insertions, 32 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/autoload/gzip.vim b/runtime/autoload/gzip.vim
index 95dd906794..ac9e37bf85 100644
--- a/runtime/autoload/gzip.vim
+++ b/runtime/autoload/gzip.vim
@@ -10,12 +10,17 @@
fun s:check(cmd)
let name = substitute(a:cmd, '\(\S*\).*', '\1', '')
if !exists("s:have_" . name)
+ " safety check, don't execute anything from the current directory
+ let f = fnamemodify(exepath(name), ":p:h") !=# getcwd()
+ if !f
+ echoerr "Warning: NOT executing " .. name .. " from current directory!"
+ endif
let e = executable(name)
if e < 0
let r = system(name . " --version")
let e = (r !~ "not found" && r != "")
- exe "let s:have_" . name . "=" . e
+ exe "let s:have_" . name . "=" . (e && f)
exe "return s:have_" . name
diff --git a/runtime/autoload/zip.vim b/runtime/autoload/zip.vim
index 8dda30c418..0331a542ac 100644
--- a/runtime/autoload/zip.vim
+++ b/runtime/autoload/zip.vim
@@ -57,6 +57,10 @@ if !exists("g:zip_extractcmd")
let g:zip_extractcmd= g:zip_unzipcmd
+if fnamemodify(exepath(g:zip_unzipcmd), ":p:h") ==# getcwd()
+ echoerr "Warning: NOT executing " .. g:zip_unzipcmd .. " from current directory!"
+ finish
" ----------------
" Functions: {{{1
" ----------------
diff --git a/runtime/ftplugin/perl.vim b/runtime/ftplugin/perl.vim
index d0bdbc0cfb..edc7b960f1 100644
--- a/runtime/ftplugin/perl.vim
+++ b/runtime/ftplugin/perl.vim
@@ -54,7 +54,8 @@ endif
" Set this once, globally.
if !exists("perlpath")
- if executable("perl")
+ " safety check: don't execute perl from current directory
+ if executable("perl") && fnamemodify(exepath("perl"), ":p:h") != getcwd()
if &shellxquote != '"'
let perlpath = system('perl -e "print join(q/,/,@INC)"')
diff --git a/runtime/ftplugin/ruby.vim b/runtime/ftplugin/ruby.vim
index 8c1f47731c..f4e1f60438 100644
--- a/runtime/ftplugin/ruby.vim
+++ b/runtime/ftplugin/ruby.vim
@@ -99,41 +99,51 @@ function! s:build_path(path) abort
return path
-if !exists('b:ruby_version') && !exists('g:ruby_path') && isdirectory(expand('%:p:h'))
- let s:version_file = findfile('.ruby-version', '.;')
- if !empty(s:version_file) && filereadable(s:version_file)
- let b:ruby_version = get(readfile(s:version_file, '', 1), '')
- if !has_key(g:ruby_version_paths, b:ruby_version)
- let g:ruby_version_paths[b:ruby_version] = s:query_path(fnamemodify(s:version_file, ':p:h'))
+let s:execute_ruby = 1
+" Security Check, don't execute ruby from the current directory
+if fnamemodify(exepath("ruby"), ":p:h") ==# getcwd()
+ let s:execute_ruby = 0
+function SetRubyPath()
+ if !exists('b:ruby_version') && !exists('g:ruby_path') && isdirectory(expand('%:p:h'))
+ let s:version_file = findfile('.ruby-version', '.;')
+ if !empty(s:version_file) && filereadable(s:version_file) && s:execute_ruby
+ let b:ruby_version = get(readfile(s:version_file, '', 1), '')
+ if !has_key(g:ruby_version_paths, b:ruby_version)
+ let g:ruby_version_paths[b:ruby_version] = s:query_path(fnamemodify(s:version_file, ':p:h'))
+ endif
-if exists("g:ruby_path")
- let s:ruby_path = type(g:ruby_path) == type([]) ? join(g:ruby_path, ',') : g:ruby_path
-elseif has_key(g:ruby_version_paths, get(b:, 'ruby_version', ''))
- let s:ruby_paths = g:ruby_version_paths[b:ruby_version]
- let s:ruby_path = s:build_path(s:ruby_paths)
- if !exists('g:ruby_default_path')
- if has("ruby") && has("win32")
- ruby ::VIM::command( 'let g:ruby_default_path = split("%s",",")' % $:.join(%q{,}) )
- elseif executable('ruby') && !empty($HOME)
- let g:ruby_default_path = s:query_path($HOME)
- else
- let g:ruby_default_path = map(split($RUBYLIB,':'), 'v:val ==# "." ? "" : v:val')
+ if exists("g:ruby_path")
+ let s:ruby_path = type(g:ruby_path) == type([]) ? join(g:ruby_path, ',') : g:ruby_path
+ elseif has_key(g:ruby_version_paths, get(b:, 'ruby_version', '')) && s:execute_ruby
+ let s:ruby_paths = g:ruby_version_paths[b:ruby_version]
+ let s:ruby_path = s:build_path(s:ruby_paths)
+ else
+ if !exists('g:ruby_default_path')
+ if has("ruby") && has("win32")
+ ruby ::VIM::command( 'let g:ruby_default_path = split("%s",",")' % $:.join(%q{,}) )
+ elseif executable('ruby') && !empty($HOME) && s:execute_ruby
+ let g:ruby_default_path = s:query_path($HOME)
+ else
+ let g:ruby_default_path = map(split($RUBYLIB,':'), 'v:val ==# "." ? "" : v:val')
+ endif
+ let s:ruby_paths = g:ruby_default_path
+ let s:ruby_path = s:build_path(s:ruby_paths)
- let s:ruby_paths = g:ruby_default_path
- let s:ruby_path = s:build_path(s:ruby_paths)
-if stridx(&l:path, s:ruby_path) == -1
- let &l:path = s:ruby_path
-if exists('s:ruby_paths') && stridx(&l:tags, join(map(copy(s:ruby_paths),'v:val."/tags"'),',')) == -1
- let &l:tags = &tags . ',' . join(map(copy(s:ruby_paths),'v:val."/tags"'),',')
+ if stridx(&l:path, s:ruby_path) == -1
+ let &l:path = s:ruby_path
+ endif
+ if exists('s:ruby_paths') && stridx(&l:tags, join(map(copy(s:ruby_paths),'v:val."/tags"'),',')) == -1
+ let &l:tags = &tags . ',' . join(map(copy(s:ruby_paths),'v:val."/tags"'),',')
+ endif
+call SetRubyPath()
if (has("gui_win32") || has("gui_gtk")) && !exists("b:browsefilter")
let b:browsefilter = "Ruby Source Files (*.rb)\t*.rb\n" .
diff --git a/runtime/ftplugin/zig.vim b/runtime/ftplugin/zig.vim
index 5f453fc8d1..cd18bfe2bd 100644
--- a/runtime/ftplugin/zig.vim
+++ b/runtime/ftplugin/zig.vim
@@ -39,7 +39,9 @@ endif
let &l:define='\v(<fn>|<const>|<var>|^\s*\#\s*define)'
-if !exists('g:zig_std_dir') && exists('*json_decode') && executable('zig')
+" Safety check: don't execute zip from current directory
+if !exists('g:zig_std_dir') && exists('*json_decode') &&
+ \ executable('zig') && fnamemodify(exepath("zig"), ":p:h") != getcwd()
silent let s:env = system('zig env')
if v:shell_error == 0
let g:zig_std_dir = json_decode(s:env)['std_dir']
diff --git a/src/version.c b/src/version.c
index 796cff9b37..1e528504a5 100644
--- a/src/version.c
+++ b/src/version.c
@@ -700,6 +700,8 @@ static char *(features[]) =
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 1833,