diff options
6 files changed, 302 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/doc/os_os2.txt b/runtime/doc/os_os2.txt
index 5200a26830..5b5ed6f1a1 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/os_os2.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/os_os2.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*os_os2.txt* For Vim version 7.1a. Last change: 2007 Apr 22
+*os_os2.txt* For Vim version 7.1b. Last change: 2007 Apr 22
diff --git a/runtime/doc/usr_22.txt b/runtime/doc/usr_22.txt
index dfb6de4865..c97a5ed7f7 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/usr_22.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/usr_22.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*usr_22.txt* For Vim version 7.1a. Last change: 2006 Apr 24
+*usr_22.txt* For Vim version 7.1b. Last change: 2006 Apr 24
VIM USER MANUAL - by Bram Moolenaar
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/autohotkey.vim b/runtime/syntax/autohotkey.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..78cb9e79b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/syntax/autohotkey.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: AutoHotkey script file
+" Maintainer: Nikolai Weibull <>
+" Latest Revision: 2007-05-09
+if exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+let s:cpo_save = &cpo
+set cpo&vim
+syn case ignore
+syn keyword autohotkeyTodo
+ \ contained
+syn cluster autohotkeyCommentGroup
+ \ contains=
+ \ autohotkeyTodo,
+ \ @Spell
+syn match autohotkeyComment
+ \ display
+ \ contains=@autohotkeyCommentGroup
+ \ '`\@<!;.*$'
+syn region autohotkeyComment
+ \ contains=@autohotkeyCommentGroup
+ \ matchgroup=autohotkeyCommentStart
+ \ start='/\*'
+ \ end='\*/'
+syn match autohotkeyEscape
+ \ display
+ \ '`.'
+syn match autohotkeyHotkey
+ \ contains=autohotkeyKey,
+ \ autohotkeyHotkeyDelimiter
+ \ display
+ \ '^.\{-}::'
+syn match autohotkeyKey
+ \ contained
+ \ display
+ \ '^.\{-}'
+syn match autohotkeyDelimiter
+ \ contained
+ \ display
+ \ '::'
+syn match autohotkeyHotstringDefinition
+ \ contains=autohotkeyHotstring,
+ \ autohotkeyHotstringDelimiter
+ \ display
+ \ '^:\%(B0\|C1\|K\d\+\|P\d\+\|S[IPE]\|Z\d\=\|[*?COR]\)*:.\{-}::'
+syn match autohotkeyHotstring
+ \ contained
+ \ display
+ \ '.\{-}'
+syn match autohotkeyHotstringDelimiter
+ \ contained
+ \ display
+ \ '::'
+syn match autohotkeyHotstringDelimiter
+ \ contains=autohotkeyHotstringOptions
+ \ contained
+ \ display
+ \ ':\%(B0\|C1\|K\d\+\|P\d\+\|S[IPE]\|Z\d\=\|[*?COR]\):'
+syn match autohotkeyHotstringOptions
+ \ contained
+ \ display
+ \ '\%(B0\|C1\|K\d\+\|P\d\+\|S[IPE]\|Z\d\=\|[*?COR]\)'
+syn region autohotkeyString
+ \ display
+ \ oneline
+ \ matchgroup=autohotkeyStringDelimiter
+ \ start=+"+
+ \ end=+"+
+ \ contains=autohotkeyEscape
+syn region autohotkeyVariable
+ \ display
+ \ oneline
+ \ contains=autohotkeyBuiltinVariable
+ \ matchgroup=autohotkeyVariableDelimiter
+ \ start="%"
+ \ end="%"
+ \ keepend
+syn keyword autohotkeyBuiltinVariable
+ \ A_Space A_Tab
+ \ A_WorkingDir A_ScriptDir A_ScriptName A_ScriptFullPath A_LineNumber
+ \ A_LineFile A_AhkVersion A_AhkPAth A_IsCompiled A_ExitReason
+ \ A_Sec A_MSec A_Now A_NowUTC A_TickCount
+ \ A_IsSuspended A_BatchLines A_TitleMatchMode A_TitleMatchModeSpeed
+ \ A_DetectHiddenWindows A_DetectHiddenText A_AutoTrim A_STringCaseSense
+ \ A_FormatInteger A_FormatFloat A_KeyDelay A_WinDelay A_ControlDelay
+ \ A_MouseDelay A_DefaultMouseSpeed A_IconHidden A_IconTip A_IconFile
+ \ A_IconNumber
+ \ A_TimeIdle A_TimeIdlePhysical
+ \ A_Gui A_GuiControl A_GuiWidth A_GuiHeight A_GuiX A_GuiY A_GuiEvent
+ \ A_GuiControlEvent A_EventInfo
+ \ A_ThisMenuItem A_ThisMenu A_ThisMenuItemPos A_ThisHotkey A_PriorHotkey
+ \ A_TimeSinceThisHotkey A_TimeSincePriorHotkey A_EndChar
+ \ ComSpec A_Temp A_OSType A_OSVersion A_Language A_ComputerName A_UserName
+ \ A_WinDir A_ProgramFiles ProgramFiles A_AppData A_AppDataCommon A_Desktop
+ \ A_DesktopCommon A_StartMenu A_StartMenuCommon A_Programs
+ \ A_ProgramsCommon A_Startup A_StartupCommon A_MyDocuments A_IsAdmin
+ \ A_ScreenWidth A_ScreenHeight A_IPAddress1 A_IPAddress2 A_IPAddress3
+ \ A_IPAddress4
+ \ A_Cursor A_CaretX A_CaretY Clipboard ClipboardAll ErrorLevel A_LastError
+ \ A_Index A_LoopFileName A_LoopRegName A_LoopReadLine A_LoopField
+syn match autohotkeyBuiltinVariable
+ \ contained
+ \ display
+ \ '%\d\+%'
+syn keyword autohotkeyCommand
+ \ ClipWait EnvGet EnvSet EnvUpdate
+ \ Drive DriveGet DriveSpaceFree FileAppend FileCopy FileCopyDir
+ \ FileCreateDir FileCreateShortcut FileDelete FileGetAttrib
+ \ FileGetShortcut FileGetSize FileGetTime FileGetVersion FileInstall
+ \ FileMove FileMoveDir FileReadLine FileRead FileRecycle FileRecycleEmpty
+ \ FileRemoveDir FileSelectFolder FileSelectFile FileSetAttrib FileSetTime
+ \ IniDelete IniRead IniWrite SetWorkingDir
+ \ SplitPath
+ \ Gui GuiControl GuiControlGet IfMsgBox InputBox MsgBox Progress
+ \ SplashImage SplashTextOn SplashTextOff ToolTip TrayTip
+ \ Hotkey ListHotkeys BlockInput ControlSend ControlSendRaw GetKeyState
+ \ KeyHistory KeyWait Input Send SendRaw SendInput SendPlay SendEvent
+ \ SendMode SetKeyDelay SetNumScrollCapsLockState SetStoreCapslockMode
+ \ EnvAdd EnvDiv EnvMult EnvSub Random SetFormat Transform
+ \ AutoTrim BlockInput CoordMode Critical Edit ImageSearch
+ \ ListLines ListVars Menu OutputDebug PixelGetColor PixelSearch
+ \ SetBatchLines SetEnv SetTimer SysGet Thread Transform URLDownloadToFile
+ \ Click ControlClick MouseClick MouseClickDrag MouseGetPos MouseMove
+ \ SetDefaultMouseSpeed SetMouseDelay
+ \ Process Run RunWait RunAs Shutdown Sleep
+ \ RegDelete RegRead RegWrite
+ \ SoundBeep SoundGet SoundGetWaveVolume SoundPlay SoundSet
+ \ SoundSetWaveVolume
+ \ FormatTime IfInString IfNotInString Sort StringCaseSense StringGetPos
+ \ StringLeft StringRight StringLower StringUpper StringMid StringReplace
+ \ StringSplit StringTrimLeft StringTrimRight
+ \ Control ControlClick ControlFocus ControlGet ControlGetFocus
+ \ ControlGetPos ControlGetText ControlMove ControlSend ControlSendRaw
+ \ ControlSetText Menu PostMessage SendMessage SetControlDelay
+ \ WinMenuSelectItem GroupActivate GroupAdd GroupClose GroupDeactivate
+ \ DetectHiddenText DetectHiddenWindows SetTitleMatchMode SetWinDelay
+ \ StatusBarGetText StatusBarWait WinActivate WinActivateBottom WinClose
+ \ WinGet WinGetActiveStats WinGetActiveTitle WinGetClass WinGetPos
+ \ WinGetText WinGetTitle WinHide WinKill WinMaximize WinMinimize
+ \ WinMinimizeAll WinMinimizeAllUndo WinMove WinRestore WinSet
+ \ WinSetTitle WinShow WinWait WinWaitActive WinWaitNotActive WinWaitClose
+syn keyword autohotkeyFunction
+ \ InStr RegExMatch RegExReplace StrLen SubStr Asc Chr
+ \ DllCall VarSetCapacity WinActive WinExist IsLabel OnMessage
+ \ Abs Ceil Exp Floor Log Ln Mod Round Sqrt Sin Cos Tan ASin ACos ATan
+ \ FileExist GetKeyState
+syn keyword autohotkeyStatement
+ \ Break Continue Exit ExitApp Gosub Goto OnExit Pause Return
+ \ Suspend Reload
+syn keyword autohotkeyRepeat
+ \ Loop
+syn keyword autohotkeyConditional
+ \ IfExist IfNotExist If IfEqual IfLess IfGreater Else
+syn match autohotkeyPreProcStart
+ \ nextgroup=
+ \ autohotkeyInclude,
+ \ autohotkeyPreProc
+ \ skipwhite
+ \ display
+ \ '^\s*\zs#'
+syn keyword autohotkeyInclude
+ \ contained
+ \ Include
+ \ IncludeAgain
+syn keyword autohotkeyPreProc
+ \ contained
+ \ HotkeyInterval HotKeyModifierTimeout
+ \ Hotstring
+ \ IfWinActive IfWinNotActive IfWinExist IfWinNotExist
+ \ MaxHotkeysPerInterval MaxThreads MaxThreadsBuffer MaxThreadsPerHotkey
+ \ UseHook InstallKeybdHook InstallMouseHook
+ \ KeyHistory
+ \ NoTrayIcon SingleInstance
+ \ WinActivateForce
+ \ AllowSameLineComments
+ \ ClipboardTimeout
+ \ CommentFlag
+ \ ErrorStdOut
+ \ EscapeChar
+ \ MaxMem
+ \ NoEnv
+ \ Persistent
+syn keyword autohotkeyMatchClass
+ \ ahk_group ahk_class ahk_id ahk_pid
+syn match autohotkeyNumbers
+ \ display
+ \ transparent
+ \ contains=
+ \ autohotkeyInteger,
+ \ autohotkeyFloat
+ \ '\<\d\|\.\d'
+syn match autohotkeyInteger
+ \ contained
+ \ display
+ \ '\d\+\>'
+syn match autohotkeyInteger
+ \ contained
+ \ display
+ \ '0x\x\+\>'
+syn match autohotkeyFloat
+ \ contained
+ \ display
+ \ '\d\+\.\d*\|\.\d\+\>'
+syn keyword autohotkeyType
+ \ local
+ \ global
+hi def link autohotkeyTodo Todo
+hi def link autohotkeyComment Comment
+hi def link autohotkeyCommentStart autohotkeyComment
+hi def link autohotkeyEscape Special
+hi def link autohotkeyHotkey Type
+hi def link autohotkeyKey Type
+hi def link autohotkeyDelimiter Delimiter
+hi def link autohotkeyHotstringDefinition Type
+hi def link autohotkeyHotstring Type
+hi def link autohotkeyHotstringDelimiter autohotkeyDelimiter
+hi def link autohotkeyHotstringOptions Special
+hi def link autohotkeyString String
+hi def link autohotkeyStringDelimiter autohotkeyString
+hi def link autohotkeyVariable Identifier
+hi def link autohotkeyVariableDelimiter autohotkeyVariable
+hi def link autohotkeyBuiltinVariable Macro
+hi def link autohotkeyCommand Keyword
+hi def link autohotkeyFunction Function
+hi def link autohotkeyStatement autohotkeyCommand
+hi def link autohotkeyRepeat Repeat
+hi def link autohotkeyConditional Conditional
+hi def link autohotkeyPreProcStart PreProc
+hi def link autohotkeyInclude Include
+hi def link autohotkeyPreProc PreProc
+hi def link autohotkeyMatchClass Typedef
+hi def link autohotkeyNumber Number
+hi def link autohotkeyInteger autohotkeyNumber
+hi def link autohotkeyFloat autohotkeyNumber
+hi def link autohotkeyType Type
+let b:current_syntax = "autohotkey"
+let &cpo = s:cpo_save
+unlet s:cpo_save
diff --git a/src/buffer.c b/src/buffer.c
index 5df0857699..14b64c8eea 100644
--- a/src/buffer.c
+++ b/src/buffer.c
@@ -550,6 +550,24 @@ buf_freeall(buf, del_buf, wipe_buf)
#ifdef FEAT_DIFF
diff_buf_delete(buf); /* Can't use 'diff' for unloaded buffer. */
+ /* No folds in an empty buffer. */
+ {
+ win_T *win;
+ tabpage_T *tp;
+ if (win->w_buffer == buf)
+ clearFolding(win);
+ }
+# else
+ if (curwin->w_buffer == buf)
+ clearFolding(curwin);
+# endif
#ifdef FEAT_TCL
@@ -2023,7 +2041,7 @@ buflist_findpat(pattern, pattern_end, unlisted, diffmode)
* Try four ways of matching a listed buffer:
* attempt == 0: without '^' or '$' (at any position)
- * attempt == 1: with '^' at start (only at postion 0)
+ * attempt == 1: with '^' at start (only at position 0)
* attempt == 2: with '$' at end (only match at end)
* attempt == 3: with '^' at start and '$' at end (only full match)
* Repeat this for finding an unlisted buffer if there was no matching
diff --git a/src/getchar.c b/src/getchar.c
index c265a6f009..23611a118e 100644
--- a/src/getchar.c
+++ b/src/getchar.c
@@ -3427,7 +3427,7 @@ do_map(maptype, arg, mode, abbrev)
showmap(mp, map_table != maphash);
did_it = TRUE;
- else if (n != len) /* new entry is ambigious */
+ else if (n != len) /* new entry is ambiguous */
mpp = &(mp->m_next);
diff --git a/src/window.c b/src/window.c
index 0ee1ad40ac..4083f81871 100644
--- a/src/window.c
+++ b/src/window.c
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ static void win_new_height __ARGS((win_T *, int));
#define URL_SLASH 1 /* path_is_url() has found "://" */
#define URL_BACKSLASH 2 /* path_is_url() has found ":\\" */
-#define NOWIN (win_T *)-1 /* non-exisiting window */
+#define NOWIN (win_T *)-1 /* non-existing window */
# define ROWS_AVAIL (Rows - p_ch - tabline_height())
@@ -536,7 +536,7 @@ wingotofile:
-/* Go to the first occurence of the identifier under cursor along path in a
+/* Go to the first occurrence of the identifier under cursor along path in a
* new window -- webb
case 'i': /* Go to any match */