diff options
13 files changed, 410 insertions, 112 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/doc/message.txt b/runtime/doc/message.txt
index bb94867b3f..dad5e0d9d6 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/message.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/message.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*message.txt* For Vim version 7.0aa. Last change: 2006 Jan 08
+*message.txt* For Vim version 7.0aa. Last change: 2006 Mar 01
@@ -751,9 +751,12 @@ and the screen is about to be redrawn:
-> Press <Enter> or <Space> to redraw the screen and continue, without that
key being used otherwise.
-> Press ':' or any other Normal mode command character to start that command.
--> Press 'k', 'u', 'b' or 'g' to scroll back in the messages. This works the
- same way as at the |more-prompt|. Only works when 'compatible' is off and
- 'more' is on.
+-> Press 'k', <Up>, 'u', 'b' or 'g' to scroll back in the messages. This
+ works the same way as at the |more-prompt|. Only works when 'compatible'
+ is off and 'more' is on.
+-> Pressing 'j', 'd' or <Down> is ignored when messages scrolled off the top
+ of the screen, 'compatible' is off and 'more' is on, to avoid that typing
+ one 'j' too many causes the messages to disappear.
-> Press <C-Y> to copy (yank) a modeless selection to the clipboard register.
-> Use a menu. The characters defined for Cmdline-mode are used.
-> When 'mouse' contains the 'r' flag, clicking the left mouse button works
diff --git a/runtime/doc/tabpage.txt b/runtime/doc/tabpage.txt
index 244fd24b87..8b18b939f1 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/tabpage.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/tabpage.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*tabpage.txt* For Vim version 7.0aa. Last change: 2006 Feb 26
+*tabpage.txt* For Vim version 7.0aa. Last change: 2006 Mar 01
@@ -32,8 +32,9 @@ each tab page. With the mouse you can click on the label to jump to that tab
page. There are other ways to move between tab pages, see below.
Most commands work only in the current tab page. That includes the |CTRL-W|
-commands, |:windo|, |:all| and |:ball|. The commands that are aware of
-other tab pages than the current one are mentioned below.
+commands, |:windo|, |:all| and |:ball| (when not using the |:tab| modifier).
+The commands that are aware of other tab pages than the current one are
+mentioned below.
Tabs are also a nice way to edit a buffer temporarily without changing the
current window layout. Open a new tab page, do whatever you want to do and
@@ -45,7 +46,7 @@ close the tab page.
When starting Vim "vim -p filename ..." opens each file argument in a separate
-tab page (up to 10). |-p|
+tab page (up to 'tabpagemax'). |-p|
A double click with the mouse in the tab pages line opens a new, empty tab
page. It is placed left of the position of the click. The first click may
diff --git a/runtime/plugin/matchparen.vim b/runtime/plugin/matchparen.vim
index c11ca9fede..07860e6460 100644
--- a/runtime/plugin/matchparen.vim
+++ b/runtime/plugin/matchparen.vim
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
" Vim plugin for showing matching parens
" Maintainer: Bram Moolenaar <>
-" Last Change: 2006 Feb 27
+" Last Change: 2006 Mar 01
" Exit quickly when:
" - this plugin was already loaded (or disabled)
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ endif
function! s:Highlight_Matching_Pair()
" Remove any previous match.
if s:paren_hl_on
- match none
+ 3match none
let s:paren_hl_on = 0
@@ -81,6 +81,8 @@ function! s:Highlight_Matching_Pair()
if before > 0
if &ve != ''
let vcol = virtcol('.')
+ let old_ve = &ve
+ set ve=all
call cursor(c_lnum, c_col - before)
@@ -88,6 +90,7 @@ function! s:Highlight_Matching_Pair()
if before > 0
if &ve != ''
exe 'normal ' . vcol . '|'
+ let &ve = old_ve
call cursor(0, c_col)
@@ -95,12 +98,12 @@ function! s:Highlight_Matching_Pair()
" If a match is found setup match highlighting.
if m_lnum > 0 && m_lnum >= line('w0') && m_lnum <= line('w$')
- exe 'match MatchParen /\(\%' . c_lnum . 'l\%' . (c_col - before) .
+ exe '3match MatchParen /\(\%' . c_lnum . 'l\%' . (c_col - before) .
\ 'c\)\|\(\%' . m_lnum . 'l\%' . m_col . 'c\)/'
let s:paren_hl_on = 1
" Define commands that will disable and enable the plugin.
-command! NoMatchParen match none | unlet! g:loaded_matchparen | au! matchparen
+command! NoMatchParen 3match none | unlet! g:loaded_matchparen | au! matchparen
command! DoMatchParen runtime plugin/matchparen.vim | doau CursorMoved
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/rd.vim b/runtime/syntax/rd.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b08e4b2bb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/syntax/rd.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: R Help File
+" Maintainer: Johannes Ranke <>
+" Last Change: 2006 Mär 01
+" Version: 0.5
+" Remarks: - Now includes R syntax highlighting in the appropriate
+" sections if an r.vim file is in the same directory or in the
+" default debian location.
+" - I didn't yet include any special markup for S4 methods.
+" - The two versions of \item{}{} markup are not
+" distinguished (in the \arguments{} environment, the items to
+" be described are R identifiers, but not in the \describe{}
+" environment).
+" - There is no Latex markup in equations
+" Version Clears: {{{1
+" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
+" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
+if version < 600
+ syntax clear
+elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+syn case match
+" Rd identifiers {{{
+syn region rdIdentifier matchgroup=rdSection start="\\name{" end="}"
+syn region rdIdentifier matchgroup=rdSection start="\\alias{" end="}"
+syn region rdIdentifier matchgroup=rdSection start="\\pkg{" end="}"
+syn region rdIdentifier matchgroup=rdSection start="\\item{" end="}" contained
+syn region rdIdentifier matchgroup=rdSection start="\\method{" end=/}/ contained
+" Highlighting of R code using an existing r.vim syntax file if available {{{1
+let s:syntaxdir = expand("<sfile>:p:h") "look in the directory of this file
+let s:rsyntax = s:syntaxdir . "/r.vim"
+if filereadable(s:rsyntax)
+ syn include @R <sfile>:p:h/r.vim
+elseif filereadable('/usr/share/vim/vim64/syntax/r.vim') "and debian location
+ syn include @R /usr/share/vim/vimcurrent/syntax/r.vim
+ syn match rdRComment /\#.*/ "if no r.vim is found, do comments
+ syn cluster R contains=rdRComment
+syn region rdRcode matchgroup=Delimiter start="\\examples{" matchgroup=Delimiter transparent end=/}/ contains=@R,rdSection
+syn region rdRcode matchgroup=Delimiter start="\\usage{" matchgroup=Delimiter transparent end=/}/ contains=@R,rdIdentifier
+syn region rdRcode matchgroup=Delimiter start="\\synopsis{" matchgroup=Delimiter transparent end=/}/ contains=@R
+syn region rdRcode matchgroup=Delimiter start="\\special{" matchgroup=Delimiter transparent end=/}/ contains=@R contained
+syn region rdRcode matchgroup=Delimiter start="\\code{" matchgroup=Delimiter transparent end=/}/ contains=@R contained
+" Strings {{{1
+syn region rdString start=/"/ end=/"/
+" Special TeX characters ( \$ \& \% \# \{ \} \_) {{{1
+syn match rdSpecialChar "\\[$&%#{}_]"
+" Special Delimiters {{{1
+syn match rdDelimiter "\\cr"
+syn match rdDelimiter "\\tab "
+" Keywords {{{1
+syn match rdKeyword "\\R"
+syn match rdKeyword "\\dots"
+syn match rdKeyword "\\ldots"
+" Links {{{1
+syn region rdLink matchgroup=rdSection start="\\link{" end="}" contained keepend
+syn region rdLink matchgroup=rdSection start="\\link\[.*\]{" end="}" contained keepend
+" Type Styles {{{1
+syn match rdType "\\emph\>"
+syn match rdType "\\strong\>"
+syn match rdType "\\bold\>"
+syn match rdType "\\sQuote\>"
+syn match rdType "\\dQuote\>"
+syn match rdType "\\code\>"
+syn match rdType "\\preformatted\>"
+syn match rdType "\\kbd\>"
+syn match rdType "\\samp\>"
+syn match rdType "\\eqn\>"
+syn match rdType "\\deqn\>"
+syn match rdType "\\file\>"
+syn match rdType "\\email\>"
+syn match rdType "\\url\>"
+syn match rdType "\\var\>"
+syn match rdType "\\env\>"
+syn match rdType "\\option\>"
+syn match rdType "\\command\>"
+syn match rdType "\\dfn\>"
+syn match rdType "\\cite\>"
+syn match rdType "\\acronym\>"
+" Rd sections {{{1
+syn match rdSection "\\encoding\>"
+syn match rdSection "\\title\>"
+syn match rdSection "\\description\>"
+syn match rdSection "\\concept\>"
+syn match rdSection "\\arguments\>"
+syn match rdSection "\\details\>"
+syn match rdSection "\\value\>"
+syn match rdSection "\\references\>"
+syn match rdSection "\\note\>"
+syn match rdSection "\\author\>"
+syn match rdSection "\\seealso\>"
+syn match rdSection "\\keyword\>"
+syn match rdSection "\\docType\>"
+syn match rdSection "\\format\>"
+syn match rdSection "\\source\>"
+syn match rdSection "\\itemize\>"
+syn match rdSection "\\describe\>"
+syn match rdSection "\\enumerate\>"
+syn match rdSection "\\item "
+syn match rdSection "\\item$"
+syn match rdSection "\\tabular{[lcr]*}"
+syn match rdSection "\\dontrun\>"
+syn match rdSection "\\dontshow\>"
+syn match rdSection "\\testonly\>"
+" Freely named Sections {{{1
+syn region rdFreesec matchgroup=Delimiter start="\\section{" matchgroup=Delimiter transparent end=/}/
+" Rd comments {{{1
+syn match rdComment /%.*$/ contained
+" Error {{{1
+syn region rdRegion matchgroup=Delimiter start=/(/ matchgroup=Delimiter end=/)/ transparent contains=ALLBUT,rdError,rdBraceError,rdCurlyError
+syn region rdRegion matchgroup=Delimiter start=/{/ matchgroup=Delimiter end=/}/ transparent contains=ALLBUT,rdError,rdBraceError,rdParenError
+syn region rdRegion matchgroup=Delimiter start=/\[/ matchgroup=Delimiter end=/]/ transparent contains=ALLBUT,rdError,rdCurlyError,rdParenError
+syn match rdError /[)\]}]/
+syn match rdBraceError /[)}]/ contained
+syn match rdCurlyError /[)\]]/ contained
+syn match rdParenError /[\]}]/ contained
+" Define the default highlighting {{{1
+" For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
+" For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
+if version >= 508 || !exists("did_rd_syntax_inits")
+ if version < 508
+ let did_rd_syntax_inits = 1
+ command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
+ else
+ command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
+ endif
+ HiLink rdIdentifier Identifier
+ HiLink rdString String
+ HiLink rdKeyword Keyword
+ HiLink rdLink Underlined
+ HiLink rdType Type
+ HiLink rdSection PreCondit
+ HiLink rdError Error
+ HiLink rdBraceError Error
+ HiLink rdCurlyError Error
+ HiLink rdParenError Error
+ HiLink rdDelimiter Delimiter
+ HiLink rdComment Comment
+ HiLink rdRComment Comment
+ HiLink rdSpecialChar SpecialChar
+ delcommand HiLink
+let b:current_syntax = "rd"
+" vim: foldmethod=marker:
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/sh.vim b/runtime/syntax/sh.vim
index 74f96bc23a..ee029e23dd 100644
--- a/runtime/syntax/sh.vim
+++ b/runtime/syntax/sh.vim
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
" Language: shell (sh) Korn shell (ksh) bash (sh)
" Maintainer: Dr. Charles E. Campbell, Jr. <NdrOchipS@PcampbellAfamily.Mbiz>
" Previous Maintainer: Lennart Schultz <>
-" Last Change: Feb 01, 2006
-" Version: 80
+" Last Change: Mar 01, 2006
+" Version: 81
" URL:
" Using the following VIM variables: {{{1
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ syn match shTestError "]"
" Options Interceptor: {{{1
" ====================
syn match shOption "\s[\-+][a-zA-Z0-9]\+\>"ms=s+1
-syn match shOption "\s--[^ \t$`|]\+"ms=s+1
+syn match shOption "\s--[^ \t$`'"|]\+"ms=s+1
" Operators: {{{1
" ==========
diff --git a/src/buffer.c b/src/buffer.c
index 697599abb8..7e214a6cc2 100644
--- a/src/buffer.c
+++ b/src/buffer.c
@@ -4191,6 +4191,8 @@ do_arg_all(count, forceit)
int p_ea_save;
alist_T *alist; /* argument list to be used */
buf_T *buf;
+ tabpage_T *tpnext;
+ int had_tab =;
if (ARGCOUNT <= 0)
@@ -4214,79 +4216,97 @@ do_arg_all(count, forceit)
* Also close windows that are not full width;
* When 'hidden' or "forceit" set the buffer becomes hidden.
* Windows that have a changed buffer and can't be hidden won't be closed.
+ * When the ":tab" modifier was used do this for all tab pages.
- for (wp = firstwin; wp != NULL; wp = wpnext)
+ if (had_tab > 0)
+ goto_tabpage_tp(first_tabpage);
+ for (;;)
- wpnext = wp->w_next;
- buf = wp->w_buffer;
- if (buf->b_ffname == NULL
- || buf->b_nwindows > 1
+ tpnext = curtab->tp_next;
+ for (wp = firstwin; wp != NULL; wp = wpnext)
+ {
+ wpnext = wp->w_next;
+ buf = wp->w_buffer;
+ if (buf->b_ffname == NULL
+ || buf->b_nwindows > 1
- || wp->w_width != Columns
+ || wp->w_width != Columns
- )
- else
- {
- /* check if the buffer in this window is in the arglist */
- for (i = 0; i < ARGCOUNT; ++i)
+ )
+ else
- if (ARGLIST[i].ae_fnum == buf->b_fnum
- || fullpathcmp(alist_name(&ARGLIST[i]),
- buf->b_ffname, TRUE) & FPC_SAME)
+ /* check if the buffer in this window is in the arglist */
+ for (i = 0; i < ARGCOUNT; ++i)
- if (i < opened_len)
- opened[i] = TRUE;
- if (wp->w_alist != curwin->w_alist)
+ if (ARGLIST[i].ae_fnum == buf->b_fnum
+ || fullpathcmp(alist_name(&ARGLIST[i]),
+ buf->b_ffname, TRUE) & FPC_SAME)
- /* Use the current argument list for all windows
- * containing a file from it. */
- alist_unlink(wp->w_alist);
- wp->w_alist = curwin->w_alist;
- ++wp->w_alist->al_refcount;
+ if (i < opened_len)
+ opened[i] = TRUE;
+ if (wp->w_alist != curwin->w_alist)
+ {
+ /* Use the current argument list for all windows
+ * containing a file from it. */
+ alist_unlink(wp->w_alist);
+ wp->w_alist = curwin->w_alist;
+ ++wp->w_alist->al_refcount;
+ }
+ break;
- break;
- }
- wp->w_arg_idx = i;
+ wp->w_arg_idx = i;
- if (i == ARGCOUNT) /* close this window */
- {
- if (P_HID(buf) || forceit || buf->b_nwindows > 1
- || !bufIsChanged(buf))
+ if (i == ARGCOUNT) /* close this window */
- /* If the buffer was changed, and we would like to hide it,
- * try autowriting. */
- if (!P_HID(buf) && buf->b_nwindows <= 1 && bufIsChanged(buf))
+ if (P_HID(buf) || forceit || buf->b_nwindows > 1
+ || !bufIsChanged(buf))
- (void)autowrite(buf, FALSE);
- /* check if autocommands removed the window */
- if (!win_valid(wp) || !buf_valid(buf))
+ /* If the buffer was changed, and we would like to hide it,
+ * try autowriting. */
+ if (!P_HID(buf) && buf->b_nwindows <= 1 && bufIsChanged(buf))
- wpnext = firstwin; /* start all over... */
- continue;
- }
+ (void)autowrite(buf, FALSE);
+ /* check if autocommands removed the window */
+ if (!win_valid(wp) || !buf_valid(buf))
+ {
+ wpnext = firstwin; /* start all over... */
+ continue;
+ }
- }
+ }
- if (firstwin == lastwin) /* don't close last window */
+ if (firstwin == lastwin) /* don't close last window */
- use_firstwin = TRUE;
+ use_firstwin = TRUE;
- else
- {
- win_close(wp, !P_HID(buf) && !bufIsChanged(buf));
+ else
+ {
+ win_close(wp, !P_HID(buf) && !bufIsChanged(buf));
- /* check if autocommands removed the next window */
- if (!win_valid(wpnext))
- wpnext = firstwin; /* start all over... */
+ /* check if autocommands removed the next window */
+ if (!win_valid(wpnext))
+ wpnext = firstwin; /* start all over... */
# endif
- }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Without the ":tab" modifier only do the current tab page. */
+ if (had_tab == 0 || tpnext == NULL)
+ break;
+ /* check if autocommands removed the next tab page */
+ if (!valid_tabpage(tpnext))
+ tpnext = first_tabpage; /* start all over...*/
+# endif
+ goto_tabpage_tp(tpnext);
@@ -4359,6 +4379,10 @@ do_arg_all(count, forceit)
use_firstwin = FALSE;
+ /* When ":tab" was used open a new tab for a new window repeatedly. */
+ if (had_tab > 0 && tabpage_index(NULL) <= p_tpm)
+ = 9999;
/* Remove the "lock" on the argument list. */
@@ -4390,6 +4414,10 @@ ex_buffer_all(eap)
int r;
int count; /* Maximum number of windows to open. */
int all; /* When TRUE also load inactive buffers. */
+ int had_tab =;
+ tabpage_T *tpnext;
if (eap->addr_count == 0) /* make as many windows as possible */
count = 9999;
@@ -4410,27 +4438,48 @@ ex_buffer_all(eap)
* Close superfluous windows (two windows for the same buffer).
* Also close windows that are not full-width.
- for (wp = firstwin; wp != NULL; wp = wpnext)
+ if (had_tab > 0)
+ goto_tabpage_tp(first_tabpage);
+ for (;;)
- wpnext = wp->w_next;
- if (wp->w_buffer->b_nwindows > 1
- || ((cmdmod.split & WSP_VERT)
- ? wp->w_height + wp->w_status_height < Rows - p_ch
- : wp->w_width != Columns)
- )
+ tpnext = curtab->tp_next;
+ for (wp = firstwin; wp != NULL; wp = wpnext)
- win_close(wp, FALSE);
+ wpnext = wp->w_next;
+ if (wp->w_buffer->b_nwindows > 1
+ || ((cmdmod.split & WSP_VERT)
+ ? wp->w_height + wp->w_status_height < Rows - p_ch
+ : wp->w_width != Columns)
+ )
+ {
+ win_close(wp, FALSE);
- wpnext = firstwin; /* just in case an autocommand does something
- strange with windows */
- open_wins = 0;
+ wpnext = firstwin; /* just in case an autocommand does
+ something strange with windows */
+ open_wins = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ ++open_wins;
- else
- ++open_wins;
+ /* Without the ":tab" modifier only do the current tab page. */
+ if (had_tab == 0 || tpnext == NULL)
+ break;
+ /* check if autocommands removed the next tab page */
+ if (!valid_tabpage(tpnext))
+ tpnext = first_tabpage; /* start all over...*/
+# endif
+ goto_tabpage_tp(tpnext);
* Go through the buffer list. When a buffer doesn't have a window yet,
@@ -4523,6 +4572,11 @@ ex_buffer_all(eap)
if (aborting())
+ /* When ":tab" was used open a new tab for a new window repeatedly. */
+ if (had_tab > 0 && tabpage_index(NULL) <= p_tpm)
+ = 9999;
diff --git a/src/ex_docmd.c b/src/ex_docmd.c
index 97cb91c414..27f2ce760f 100644
--- a/src/ex_docmd.c
+++ b/src/ex_docmd.c
@@ -4392,7 +4392,7 @@ repl_cmdline(eap, src, srclen, repl, cmdlinep)
len = (int)STRLEN(repl);
i = (int)(src - *cmdlinep) + (int)STRLEN(src + srclen) + len + 3;
- if (eap->nextcmd)
+ if (eap->nextcmd != NULL)
i += (int)STRLEN(eap->nextcmd);/* add space for next command */
if ((new_cmdline = alloc((unsigned)i)) == NULL)
return NULL; /* out of memory! */
@@ -4411,7 +4411,7 @@ repl_cmdline(eap, src, srclen, repl, cmdlinep)
STRCPY(new_cmdline + i, src + srclen);
src = new_cmdline + i; /* remember where to continue */
- if (eap->nextcmd) /* append next command */
+ if (eap->nextcmd != NULL) /* append next command */
i = (int)STRLEN(new_cmdline) + 1;
STRCPY(new_cmdline + i, eap->nextcmd);
@@ -10583,7 +10583,7 @@ ex_nohlsearch(eap)
- * ":match {group} {pattern}"
+ * ":[N]match {group} {pattern}"
* Sets nextcmd to the start of the next command, if any. Also called when
* skipping commands to find the next command.
@@ -10594,12 +10594,21 @@ ex_match(eap)
char_u *p;
char_u *end;
int c;
+ int mi;
+ if (eap->line2 <= 3)
+ mi = eap->line2 - 1;
+ else
+ {
+ EMSG(e_invcmd);
+ return;
+ }
/* First clear any old pattern. */
if (!eap->skip)
- vim_free(curwin->w_match.regprog);
- curwin->w_match.regprog = NULL;
+ vim_free(curwin->w_match[mi].regprog);
+ curwin->w_match[mi].regprog = NULL;
redraw_later(NOT_VALID); /* always need a redraw */
@@ -10613,8 +10622,9 @@ ex_match(eap)
p = skiptowhite(eap->arg);
if (!eap->skip)
- curwin->w_match_id = syn_namen2id(eap->arg, (int)(p - eap->arg));
- if (curwin->w_match_id == 0)
+ curwin->w_match_id[mi] = syn_namen2id(eap->arg,
+ (int)(p - eap->arg));
+ if (curwin->w_match_id[mi] == 0)
EMSG2(_(e_nogroup), eap->arg);
@@ -10643,9 +10653,9 @@ ex_match(eap)
c = *end;
*end = NUL;
- curwin->w_match.regprog = vim_regcomp(p + 1, RE_MAGIC);
+ curwin->w_match[mi].regprog = vim_regcomp(p + 1, RE_MAGIC);
*end = c;
- if (curwin->w_match.regprog == NULL)
+ if (curwin->w_match[mi].regprog == NULL)
EMSG2(_(e_invarg2), p);
diff --git a/src/macros.h b/src/macros.h
index 9310bdd202..c4c9a14da3 100644
--- a/src/macros.h
+++ b/src/macros.h
@@ -30,12 +30,14 @@
? (a)->col < (b)->col \
: (a)->coladd < (b)->coladd)
# define equalpos(a, b) (((a).lnum == (b).lnum) && ((a).col == (b).col) && ((a).coladd == (b).coladd))
+# define clearpos(a) {(a)->lnum = 0; (a)->col = 0; (a)->coladd = 0;}
# define lt(a, b) (((a).lnum != (b).lnum) \
? ((a).lnum < (b).lnum) : ((a).col < (b).col))
# define ltp(a, b) (((a)->lnum != (b)->lnum) \
? ((a)->lnum < (b)->lnum) : ((a)->col < (b)->col))
# define equalpos(a, b) (((a).lnum == (b).lnum) && ((a).col == (b).col))
+# define clearpos(a) {(a)->lnum = 0; (a)->col = 0;}
#define ltoreq(a, b) (lt(a, b) || equalpos(a, b))
diff --git a/src/message.c b/src/message.c
index 5521a15b51..0cba2ccba0 100644
--- a/src/message.c
+++ b/src/message.c
@@ -932,22 +932,33 @@ wait_return(redraw)
- if (p_more && !p_cp && (c == 'b' || c == 'k' || c == 'u'
- || c == 'g' || c == K_UP))
+ /*
+ * Allow scrolling back in the messages.
+ * Also accept scroll-down commands when messages fill the screen,
+ * to avoid that typing one 'j' too many makes the messages
+ * disappear.
+ */
+ if (p_more && !p_cp)
- /* scroll back to show older messages */
- do_more_prompt(c);
- if (quit_more)
+ if (c == 'b' || c == 'k' || c == 'u' || c == 'g' || c == K_UP)
- c = CAR; /* just pretend CR was hit */
- quit_more = FALSE;
- got_int = FALSE;
+ /* scroll back to show older messages */
+ do_more_prompt(c);
+ if (quit_more)
+ {
+ c = CAR; /* just pretend CR was hit */
+ quit_more = FALSE;
+ got_int = FALSE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ c = K_IGNORE;
+ hit_return_msg();
+ }
- else
- {
+ else if (msg_scrolled > Rows - 2
+ && (c == 'j' || c == K_DOWN || c == 'd'))
- hit_return_msg();
- }
} while ((had_got_int && c == Ctrl_C)
|| c == K_IGNORE
diff --git a/src/normal.c b/src/normal.c
index 16ab0c1a28..74c03be33d 100644
--- a/src/normal.c
+++ b/src/normal.c
@@ -4147,7 +4147,7 @@ find_decl(ptr, len, locally, thisblock, searchflags)
curwin->w_cursor.col = 0;
/* Search forward for the identifier, ignore comment lines. */
- found_pos.lnum = 0;
+ clearpos(&found_pos);
for (;;)
t = searchit(curwin, curbuf, &curwin->w_cursor, FORWARD,
diff --git a/src/spell.c b/src/spell.c
index 12a8a09e73..d94fb74786 100644
--- a/src/spell.c
+++ b/src/spell.c
@@ -172,6 +172,8 @@
* sectionID == SN_SUGFILE: <timestamp>
* <timestamp> 8 bytes time in seconds that must match with .sug file
+ * sectionID == SN_NOSPLITSUGS: nothing
+ *
* sectionID == SN_WORDS: <word> ...
* <word> N bytes NUL terminated common word
@@ -241,6 +243,7 @@
* <flags2> 1 byte Bitmask of:
* WF_HAS_AFF >> 8 word includes affix
* WF_NEEDCOMP >> 8 word only valid in compound
+ * WF_NOSUGGEST >> 8 word not used for suggestions
* <pflags> 1 byte bitmask of:
* WFP_RARE rare prefix
@@ -328,6 +331,7 @@ typedef long idx_T;
/* for <flags2>, shifted up one byte to be used in wn_flags */
#define WF_HAS_AFF 0x0100 /* word includes affix */
#define WF_NEEDCOMP 0x0200 /* word only valid in compound */
+#define WF_NOSUGGEST 0x0400 /* word not to be suggested */
/* only used for su_badflags */
#define WF_MIXCAP 0x20 /* mix of upper and lower case: macaRONI */
@@ -461,6 +465,7 @@ struct slang_S
* "sl_sal" is a list of wide char lists. */
garray_T sl_repsal; /* list of fromto_T entries from REPSAL lines */
short sl_repsal_first[256]; /* sl_rep_first for REPSAL lines */
+ int sl_nosplitsugs; /* don't suggest splitting a word */
/* Info from the .sug file. Loaded on demand. */
time_t sl_sugtime; /* timestamp for .sug file */
@@ -528,6 +533,7 @@ typedef struct langp_S
#define SN_SUGFILE 11 /* timestamp for .sug file */
#define SN_REPSAL 12 /* REPSAL items section */
#define SN_WORDS 13 /* common words */
+#define SN_NOSPLITSUGS 14 /* don't split word for suggestions */
#define SN_END 255 /* end of sections */
#define SNF_REQUIRED 1 /* <sectionflags>: required section */
@@ -602,6 +608,7 @@ typedef struct suggest_S
/* score for various changes */
#define SCORE_SPLIT 149 /* split bad word */
+#define SCORE_SPLIT_NO 249 /* split bad word with NOSPLITSUGS */
#define SCORE_ICASE 52 /* slightly different case */
#define SCORE_REGION 200 /* word is for different region */
#define SCORE_RARE 180 /* rare word */
@@ -2010,7 +2017,7 @@ spell_move_to(wp, dir, allwords, curline, attrp)
* though...
lnum = wp->w_cursor.lnum;
- found_pos.lnum = 0;
+ clearpos(&found_pos);
while (!got_int)
@@ -2663,6 +2670,10 @@ spell_load_file(fname, lang, old_lp, silent)
lp->sl_sugtime = get8c(fd); /* <timestamp> */
+ lp->sl_nosplitsugs = TRUE; /* <timestamp> */
+ break;
res = read_compound(fd, lp, len);
@@ -4554,6 +4565,7 @@ typedef struct afffile_S
unsigned af_bad; /* BAD ID for banned word */
unsigned af_needaffix; /* NEEDAFFIX ID */
unsigned af_needcomp; /* NEEDCOMPOUND ID */
+ unsigned af_nosuggest; /* NOSUGGEST ID */
int af_pfxpostpone; /* postpone prefixes without chop string */
hashtab_T af_pref; /* hashtable for prefixes, affheader_T */
hashtab_T af_suff; /* hashtable for suffixes, affheader_T */
@@ -4710,6 +4722,7 @@ typedef struct spellinfo_S
char_u *si_sofofr; /* SOFOFROM text */
char_u *si_sofoto; /* SOFOTO text */
int si_nosugfile; /* NOSUGFILE item found */
+ int si_nosplitsugs; /* NOSPLITSUGS item found */
int si_followup; /* soundsalike: ? */
int si_collapse; /* soundsalike: ? */
hashtab_T si_commonwords; /* hashtable for common words */
@@ -5053,6 +5066,7 @@ spell_read_aff(spin, fname)
|| aff->af_bad != 0
|| aff->af_needaffix != 0
|| aff->af_needcomp != 0
+ || aff->af_nosuggest != 0
|| compflags != NULL
|| aff->af_suff.ht_used > 0
|| aff->af_pref.ht_used > 0)
@@ -5064,10 +5078,6 @@ spell_read_aff(spin, fname)
midword = getroom_save(spin, items[1]);
- else if (STRCMP(items[0], "NOSPLITSUGS") == 0 && itemcnt == 1)
- {
- /* ignored, we always split */
- }
else if (STRCMP(items[0], "TRY") == 0 && itemcnt == 2)
/* ignored, we look in the tree for what chars may appear */
@@ -5100,6 +5110,12 @@ spell_read_aff(spin, fname)
aff->af_needaffix = affitem2flag(aff->af_flagtype, items[1],
fname, lnum);
+ else if (STRCMP(items[0], "NOSUGGEST") == 0 && itemcnt == 2
+ && aff->af_nosuggest == 0)
+ {
+ aff->af_nosuggest = affitem2flag(aff->af_flagtype, items[1],
+ fname, lnum);
+ }
else if (STRCMP(items[0], "NEEDCOMPOUND") == 0 && itemcnt == 2
&& aff->af_needcomp == 0)
@@ -5171,6 +5187,10 @@ spell_read_aff(spin, fname)
spin->si_nobreak = TRUE;
+ else if (STRCMP(items[0], "NOSPLITSUGS") == 0 && itemcnt == 1)
+ {
+ spin->si_nosplitsugs = TRUE;
+ }
else if (STRCMP(items[0], "NOSUGFILE") == 0 && itemcnt == 1)
spin->si_nosugfile = TRUE;
@@ -5223,8 +5243,9 @@ spell_read_aff(spin, fname)
|| cur_aff->ah_flag == aff->af_rare
|| cur_aff->ah_flag == aff->af_keepcase
|| cur_aff->ah_flag == aff->af_needaffix
+ || cur_aff->ah_flag == aff->af_nosuggest
|| cur_aff->ah_flag == aff->af_needcomp)
- smsg((char_u *)_("Affix also used for BAD/RARE/KEEPCASE/NEEDAFFIX/NEEDCOMPOUND in %s line %d: %s"),
+ smsg((char_u *)_("Affix also used for BAD/RARE/KEEPCASE/NEEDAFFIX/NEEDCOMPOUND/NOSUGGEST in %s line %d: %s"),
fname, lnum, items[1]);
STRCPY(cur_aff->ah_key, items[1]);
hash_add(tp, cur_aff->ah_key);
@@ -6242,6 +6263,9 @@ spell_read_dic(spin, fname, affile)
if (affile->af_needcomp != 0 && flag_in_afflist(
affile->af_flagtype, afflist, affile->af_needcomp))
flags |= WF_NEEDCOMP;
+ if (affile->af_nosuggest != 0 && flag_in_afflist(
+ affile->af_flagtype, afflist, affile->af_nosuggest))
+ flags |= WF_NOSUGGEST;
if (affile->af_pfxpostpone)
/* Need to store the list of prefix IDs with the word. */
@@ -7671,6 +7695,16 @@ write_vim_spell(spin, fname)
put_sugtime(spin, fd); /* <timestamp> */
+ /* SN_NOSPLITSUGS: nothing
+ * This is used to notify that no suggestions with word splits are to be
+ * made. */
+ if (spin->si_nosplitsugs)
+ {
+ putc(SN_NOSPLITSUGS, fd); /* <sectionID> */
+ putc(0, fd); /* <sectionflags> */
+ put_bytes(fd, (long_u)0, 4); /* <sectionlen> */
+ }
/* SN_COMPOUND: compound info.
* We don't mark it required, when not supported all compound words will
* be bad words. */
@@ -10776,6 +10810,11 @@ suggest_trie_walk(su, lp, fword, soundfold)
++sp->ts_curi; /* eat one NUL byte */
flags = (int)idxs[arridx];
+ /* Skip words with the NOSUGGEST flag. */
+ if (flags & WF_NOSUGGEST)
+ break;
fword_ends = (fword[sp->ts_fidx] == NUL
|| (soundfold
? vim_iswhite(fword[sp->ts_fidx])
@@ -11127,7 +11166,11 @@ suggest_trie_walk(su, lp, fword, soundfold)
&& !can_compound(slang, p,
compflags + sp->ts_compsplit))
- newscore += SCORE_SPLIT;
+ if (slang->sl_nosplitsugs)
+ newscore += SCORE_SPLIT_NO;
+ else
+ newscore += SCORE_SPLIT;
/* Give a bonus to words seen before. */
newscore = score_wordcount_adj(slang, newscore,
@@ -12670,6 +12713,10 @@ badword:
char_u *p;
int flags = (int)idxs[n + i];
+ /* Skip words with the NOSUGGEST flag */
+ if (flags & WF_NOSUGGEST)
+ continue;
if (flags & WF_KEEPCAP)
/* Must find the word in the keep-case tree. */
diff --git a/src/tag.c b/src/tag.c
index d9d444d463..657c446904 100644
--- a/src/tag.c
+++ b/src/tag.c
@@ -197,6 +197,9 @@ do_tag(tag, type, count, forceit, verbose)
nofile_fname = NULL;
+ clearpos(&saved_fmark.mark); /* shutup gcc 4.0 */
+ saved_fmark.fnum = 0;
* Don't add a tag to the tagstack if 'tagstack' has been reset.
diff --git a/src/window.c b/src/window.c
index fa0cc904bf..4af25aa92f 100644
--- a/src/window.c
+++ b/src/window.c