path: root/src
diff options
authorBram Moolenaar <>2019-05-20 22:12:34 +0200
committerBram Moolenaar <>2019-05-20 22:12:34 +0200
commitc79745a82faeb5a6058e915ca49a4c69fa60ea01 (patch)
treebe7dc4ecffe429763159bfef2f95c06ea7fb8b67 /src
parent0b0ad35c339b8ad156df493bebeb77e02b32b120 (diff)
patch 8.1.1362: code and data in tests can be hard to readv8.1.1362
Problem: Code and data in tests can be hard to read. Solution: Use the new heredoc style. (Yegappan Lakshmanan, closes #4400)
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
17 files changed, 991 insertions, 835 deletions
diff --git a/src/testdir/test_autocmd.vim b/src/testdir/test_autocmd.vim
index b22718aee6..0a4177cd77 100644
--- a/src/testdir/test_autocmd.vim
+++ b/src/testdir/test_autocmd.vim
@@ -423,18 +423,20 @@ func Test_autocmd_bufwipe_in_SessLoadPost()
set noswapfile
- let content = ['set nocp noswapfile',
- \ 'let v:swapchoice="e"',
- \ 'augroup test_autocmd_sessionload',
- \ 'autocmd!',
- \ 'autocmd SessionLoadPost * exe bufnr("Xsomething") . "bw!"',
- \ 'augroup END',
- \ '',
- \ 'func WriteErrors()',
- \ ' call writefile([execute("messages")], "Xerrors")',
- \ 'endfunc',
- \ 'au VimLeave * call WriteErrors()',
- \ ]
+ let content =<< trim [CODE]
+ set nocp noswapfile
+ let v:swapchoice="e"
+ augroup test_autocmd_sessionload
+ autocmd!
+ autocmd SessionLoadPost * exe bufnr("Xsomething") . "bw!"
+ augroup END
+ func WriteErrors()
+ call writefile([execute("messages")], "Xerrors")
+ endfunc
+ au VimLeave * call WriteErrors()
+ [CODE]
call writefile(content, 'Xvimrc')
call system(v:progpath. ' -u Xvimrc --not-a-term --noplugins -S Session.vim -c cq')
let errors = join(readfile('Xerrors'))
@@ -452,27 +454,29 @@ func Test_autocmd_bufwipe_in_SessLoadPost2()
set noswapfile
- let content = ['set nocp noswapfile',
- \ 'function! DeleteInactiveBufs()',
- \ ' tabfirst',
- \ ' let tabblist = []',
- \ ' for i in range(1, tabpagenr(''$''))',
- \ ' call extend(tabblist, tabpagebuflist(i))',
- \ ' endfor',
- \ ' for b in range(1, bufnr(''$''))',
- \ ' if bufexists(b) && buflisted(b) && (index(tabblist, b) == -1 || bufname(b) =~# ''^$'')',
- \ ' exec ''bwipeout '' . b',
- \ ' endif',
- \ ' endfor',
- \ ' echomsg "SessionLoadPost DONE"',
- \ 'endfunction',
- \ 'au SessionLoadPost * call DeleteInactiveBufs()',
- \ '',
- \ 'func WriteErrors()',
- \ ' call writefile([execute("messages")], "Xerrors")',
- \ 'endfunc',
- \ 'au VimLeave * call WriteErrors()',
- \ ]
+ let content =<< trim [CODE]
+ set nocp noswapfile
+ function! DeleteInactiveBufs()
+ tabfirst
+ let tabblist = []
+ for i in range(1, tabpagenr(''$''))
+ call extend(tabblist, tabpagebuflist(i))
+ endfor
+ for b in range(1, bufnr(''$''))
+ if bufexists(b) && buflisted(b) && (index(tabblist, b) == -1 || bufname(b) =~# ''^$'')
+ exec ''bwipeout '' . b
+ endif
+ endfor
+ echomsg "SessionLoadPost DONE"
+ endfunction
+ au SessionLoadPost * call DeleteInactiveBufs()
+ func WriteErrors()
+ call writefile([execute("messages")], "Xerrors")
+ endfunc
+ au VimLeave * call WriteErrors()
+ [CODE]
call writefile(content, 'Xvimrc')
call system(v:progpath. ' -u Xvimrc --not-a-term --noplugins -S Session.vim -c cq')
let errors = join(readfile('Xerrors'))
@@ -933,21 +937,23 @@ func Test_bufunload_all()
call writefile(['Test file Xxx1'], 'Xxx1')"
call writefile(['Test file Xxx2'], 'Xxx2')"
- let content = [
- \ "func UnloadAllBufs()",
- \ " let i = 1",
- \ " while i <= bufnr('$')",
- \ " if i != bufnr('%') && bufloaded(i)",
- \ " exe i . 'bunload'",
- \ " endif",
- \ " let i += 1",
- \ " endwhile",
- \ "endfunc",
- \ "au BufUnload * call UnloadAllBufs()",
- \ "au VimLeave * call writefile(['Test Finished'], 'Xout')",
- \ "edit Xxx1",
- \ "split Xxx2",
- \ "q"]
+ let content =<< trim [CODE]
+ func UnloadAllBufs()
+ let i = 1
+ while i <= bufnr('$')
+ if i != bufnr('%') && bufloaded(i)
+ exe i . 'bunload'
+ endif
+ let i += 1
+ endwhile
+ endfunc
+ au BufUnload * call UnloadAllBufs()
+ au VimLeave * call writefile(['Test Finished'], 'Xout')
+ edit Xxx1
+ split Xxx2
+ q
+ [CODE]
call writefile(content, 'Xtest')
call delete('Xout')
diff --git a/src/testdir/test_balloon.vim b/src/testdir/test_balloon.vim
index 57d8dcce30..39c2602be6 100644
--- a/src/testdir/test_balloon.vim
+++ b/src/testdir/test_balloon.vim
@@ -8,14 +8,14 @@ if !CanRunVimInTerminal()
-let s:common_script = [
- \ 'call setline(1, ["one one one", "two tXo two", "three three three"])',
- \ 'set balloonevalterm balloonexpr=MyBalloonExpr() balloondelay=100',
- \ 'func MyBalloonExpr()',
- \ ' return "line " .. v:beval_lnum .. " column " .. v:beval_col .. ": " .. v:beval_text',
- \ 'endfun',
- \ 'redraw',
- \ ]
+let s:common_script =<< [CODE]
+ call setline(1, ["one one one", "two tXo two", "three three three"])
+ set balloonevalterm balloonexpr=MyBalloonExpr() balloondelay=100
+ func MyBalloonExpr()
+ return "line " .. v:beval_lnum .. " column " .. v:beval_col .. ": " .. v:beval_text
+ endfun
+ redraw
func Test_balloon_eval_term()
" Use <Ignore> after <MouseMove> to return from vgetc() without removing
diff --git a/src/testdir/test_bufline.vim b/src/testdir/test_bufline.vim
index 9c29a05e70..dbcd2e0fd6 100644
--- a/src/testdir/test_bufline.vim
+++ b/src/testdir/test_bufline.vim
@@ -93,23 +93,24 @@ func Test_appendbufline()
func Test_appendbufline_no_E315()
- let after = [
- \ 'set stl=%f ls=2',
- \ 'new',
- \ 'let buf = bufnr("%")',
- \ 'quit',
- \ 'vsp',
- \ 'exec "buffer" buf',
- \ 'wincmd w',
- \ 'call appendbufline(buf, 0, "abc")',
- \ 'redraw',
- \ 'while getbufline(buf, 1)[0] =~ "^\\s*$"',
- \ ' sleep 10m',
- \ 'endwhile',
- \ 'au VimLeavePre * call writefile([v:errmsg], "Xerror")',
- \ 'au VimLeavePre * call writefile(["done"], "Xdone")',
- \ 'qall!',
- \ ]
+ let after =<< trim [CODE]
+ set stl=%f ls=2
+ new
+ let buf = bufnr("%")
+ quit
+ vsp
+ exec "buffer" buf
+ wincmd w
+ call appendbufline(buf, 0, "abc")
+ redraw
+ while getbufline(buf, 1)[0] =~ "^\\s*$"
+ sleep 10m
+ endwhile
+ au VimLeavePre * call writefile([v:errmsg], "Xerror")
+ au VimLeavePre * call writefile(["done"], "Xdone")
+ qall!
+ [CODE]
if !RunVim([], after, '--clean')
diff --git a/src/testdir/test_cindent.vim b/src/testdir/test_cindent.vim
index 3b57360ace..4b1198a206 100644
--- a/src/testdir/test_cindent.vim
+++ b/src/testdir/test_cindent.vim
@@ -18,25 +18,25 @@ endfunc
func Test_cino_extern_c()
" Test for cino-E
- let without_ind = [
- \ '#ifdef __cplusplus',
- \ 'extern "C" {',
- \ '#endif',
- \ 'int func_a(void);',
- \ '#ifdef __cplusplus',
- \ '}',
- \ '#endif'
- \ ]
+ let without_ind =<< trim [CODE]
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+ #endif
+ int func_a(void);
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ }
+ #endif
+ [CODE]
- let with_ind = [
- \ '#ifdef __cplusplus',
- \ 'extern "C" {',
- \ '#endif',
- \ "\tint func_a(void);",
- \ '#ifdef __cplusplus',
- \ '}',
- \ '#endif'
- \ ]
+ let with_ind =<< trim [CODE]
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+ #endif
+ int func_a(void);
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ }
+ #endif
+ [CODE]
setlocal cindent cinoptions=E0
call setline(1, without_ind)
@@ -89,16 +89,32 @@ func Test_cindent_expr()
return v:lnum == 1 ? shiftwidth() : 0
setl expandtab sw=8 indentkeys+=; indentexpr=MyIndentFunction()
- call setline(1, ['var_a = something()', 'b = something()'])
+ let testinput =<< trim [CODE]
+ var_a = something()
+ b = something()
+ [CODE]
+ call setline(1, testinput)
call cursor(1, 1)
call feedkeys("^\<c-v>j$A;\<esc>", 'tnix')
- call assert_equal([' var_a = something();', 'b = something();'], getline(1, '$'))
+ let expected =<< trim [CODE]
+ var_a = something();
+ b = something();
+ [CODE]
+ call assert_equal(expected, getline(1, '$'))
- call setline(1, [' var_a = something()', ' b = something()'])
+ let testinput =<< trim [CODE]
+ var_a = something()
+ b = something()
+ [CODE]
+ call setline(1, testinput)
call cursor(1, 1)
call feedkeys("^\<c-v>j$A;\<esc>", 'tnix')
- call assert_equal([' var_a = something();', ' b = something()'], getline(1, '$'))
+ let expected =<< trim [CODE]
+ var_a = something();
+ b = something()
+ [CODE]
+ call assert_equal(expected, getline(1, '$'))
diff --git a/src/testdir/test_conceal.vim b/src/testdir/test_conceal.vim
index 685c891759..66384e1c15 100644
--- a/src/testdir/test_conceal.vim
+++ b/src/testdir/test_conceal.vim
@@ -11,21 +11,23 @@ if !CanRunVimInTerminal()
func Test_conceal_two_windows()
- call writefile([
- \ 'let lines = ["one one one one one", "two |hidden| here", "three |hidden| three"]',
- \ 'call setline(1, lines)',
- \ 'syntax match test /|hidden|/ conceal',
- \ 'set conceallevel=2',
- \ 'set concealcursor=',
- \ 'exe "normal /here\r"',
- \ 'new',
- \ 'call setline(1, lines)',
- \ 'call setline(4, "Second window")',
- \ 'syntax match test /|hidden|/ conceal',
- \ 'set conceallevel=2',
- \ 'set concealcursor=nc',
- \ 'exe "normal /here\r"',
- \ ], 'XTest_conceal')
+ let code =<< trim [CODE]
+ let lines = ["one one one one one", "two |hidden| here", "three |hidden| three"]
+ call setline(1, lines)
+ syntax match test /|hidden|/ conceal
+ set conceallevel=2
+ set concealcursor=
+ exe "normal /here\r"
+ new
+ call setline(1, lines)
+ call setline(4, "Second window")
+ syntax match test /|hidden|/ conceal
+ set conceallevel=2
+ set concealcursor=nc
+ exe "normal /here\r"
+ [CODE]
+ call writefile(code, 'XTest_conceal')
" Check that cursor line is concealed
let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S XTest_conceal', {})
call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_conceal_two_windows_01', {})
@@ -113,14 +115,16 @@ endfunc
func Test_conceal_with_cursorline()
" Opens a help window, where 'conceal' is set, switches to the other window
" where 'cursorline' needs to be updated when the cursor moves.
- call writefile([
- \ 'set cursorline',
- \ 'normal othis is a test',
- \ 'new',
- \ 'call setline(1, ["one", "two", "three", "four", "five"])',
- \ 'set ft=help',
- \ 'normal M',
- \ ], 'XTest_conceal_cul')
+ let code =<< trim [CODE]
+ set cursorline
+ normal othis is a test
+ new
+ call setline(1, ["one", "two", "three", "four", "five"])
+ set ft=help
+ normal M
+ [CODE]
+ call writefile(code, 'XTest_conceal_cul')
let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S XTest_conceal_cul', {})
call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_conceal_cul_01', {})
diff --git a/src/testdir/test_exit.vim b/src/testdir/test_exit.vim
index 8f02fd29e3..3797626abf 100644
--- a/src/testdir/test_exit.vim
+++ b/src/testdir/test_exit.vim
@@ -3,52 +3,56 @@
source shared.vim
func Test_exiting()
- let after = [
- \ 'au QuitPre * call writefile(["QuitPre"], "Xtestout")',
- \ 'au ExitPre * call writefile(["ExitPre"], "Xtestout", "a")',
- \ 'quit',
- \ ]
+ let after =<< trim [CODE]
+ au QuitPre * call writefile(["QuitPre"], "Xtestout")
+ au ExitPre * call writefile(["ExitPre"], "Xtestout", "a")
+ quit
+ [CODE]
if RunVim([], after, '')
call assert_equal(['QuitPre', 'ExitPre'], readfile('Xtestout'))
call delete('Xtestout')
- let after = [
- \ 'au QuitPre * call writefile(["QuitPre"], "Xtestout")',
- \ 'au ExitPre * call writefile(["ExitPre"], "Xtestout", "a")',
- \ 'help',
- \ 'wincmd w',
- \ 'quit',
- \ ]
+ let after =<< trim [CODE]
+ au QuitPre * call writefile(["QuitPre"], "Xtestout")
+ au ExitPre * call writefile(["ExitPre"], "Xtestout", "a")
+ help
+ wincmd w
+ quit
+ [CODE]
if RunVim([], after, '')
call assert_equal(['QuitPre', 'ExitPre'], readfile('Xtestout'))
call delete('Xtestout')
- let after = [
- \ 'au QuitPre * call writefile(["QuitPre"], "Xtestout")',
- \ 'au ExitPre * call writefile(["ExitPre"], "Xtestout", "a")',
- \ 'split',
- \ 'new',
- \ 'qall',
- \ ]
+ let after =<< trim [CODE]
+ au QuitPre * call writefile(["QuitPre"], "Xtestout")
+ au ExitPre * call writefile(["ExitPre"], "Xtestout", "a")
+ split
+ new
+ qall
+ [CODE]
if RunVim([], after, '')
call assert_equal(['QuitPre', 'ExitPre'], readfile('Xtestout'))
call delete('Xtestout')
- let after = [
- \ 'au QuitPre * call writefile(["QuitPre"], "Xtestout", "a")',
- \ 'au ExitPre * call writefile(["ExitPre"], "Xtestout", "a")',
- \ 'augroup nasty',
- \ ' au ExitPre * split',
- \ 'augroup END',
- \ 'quit',
- \ 'augroup nasty',
- \ ' au! ExitPre',
- \ 'augroup END',
- \ 'quit',
- \ ]
+ let after =<< trim [CODE]
+ au QuitPre * call writefile(["QuitPre"], "Xtestout", "a")
+ au ExitPre * call writefile(["ExitPre"], "Xtestout", "a")
+ augroup nasty
+ au ExitPre * split
+ augroup END
+ quit
+ augroup nasty
+ au! ExitPre
+ augroup END
+ quit
+ [CODE]
if RunVim([], after, '')
call assert_equal(['QuitPre', 'ExitPre', 'QuitPre', 'ExitPre'],
\ readfile('Xtestout'))
diff --git a/src/testdir/test_fold.vim b/src/testdir/test_fold.vim
index 67e5a48fe6..9ad82181c3 100644
--- a/src/testdir/test_fold.vim
+++ b/src/testdir/test_fold.vim
@@ -513,17 +513,18 @@ func Test_fold_create_marker_in_C()
set fdm=marker fdl=9
set filetype=c
- let content = [
- \ '/*',
- \ ' * comment',
- \ ' * ',
- \ ' *',
- \ ' */',
- \ 'int f(int* p) {',
- \ ' *p = 3;',
- \ ' return 0;',
- \ '}'
- \]
+ let content =<< trim [CODE]
+ /*
+ * comment
+ *
+ *
+ */
+ int f(int* p) {
+ *p = 3;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ [CODE]
for c in range(len(content) - 1)
call append(0, content)
diff --git a/src/testdir/test_goto.vim b/src/testdir/test_goto.vim
index c0235b1707..c00e4e4376 100644
--- a/src/testdir/test_goto.vim
+++ b/src/testdir/test_goto.vim
@@ -15,262 +15,282 @@ func XTest_goto_decl(cmd, lines, line, col)
func Test_gD()
- let lines = [
- \ 'int x;',
- \ '',
- \ 'int func(void)',
- \ '{',
- \ ' return x;',
- \ '}',
- \ ]
+ let lines =<< trim [CODE]
+ int x;
+ int func(void)
+ {
+ return x;
+ }
+ [CODE]
call XTest_goto_decl('gD', lines, 1, 5)
func Test_gD_too()
- let lines = [
- \ 'Filename x;',
- \ '',
- \ 'int Filename',
- \ 'int func() {',
- \ ' Filename x;',
- \ ' return x;',
- \ ]
+ let lines =<< trim [CODE]
+ Filename x;
+ int Filename
+ int func() {
+ Filename x;
+ return x;
+ [CODE]
call XTest_goto_decl('gD', lines, 1, 10)
func Test_gD_comment()
- let lines = [
- \ '/* int x; */',
- \ 'int x;',
- \ '',
- \ 'int func(void)',
- \ '{',
- \ ' return x;',
- \ '}',
- \ ]
+ let lines =<< trim [CODE]
+ /* int x; */
+ int x;
+ int func(void)
+ {
+ return x;
+ }
+ [CODE]
call XTest_goto_decl('gD', lines, 2, 5)
func Test_gD_inline_comment()
- let lines = [
- \ 'int y /* , x */;',
- \ 'int x;',
- \ '',
- \ 'int func(void)',
- \ '{',
- \ ' return x;',
- \ '}',
- \ ]
+ let lines =<< trim [CODE]
+ int y /* , x */;
+ int x;
+ int func(void)
+ {
+ return x;
+ }
+ [CODE]
call XTest_goto_decl('gD', lines, 2, 5)
func Test_gD_string()
- let lines = [
- \ 'char *s[] = "x";',
- \ 'int x = 1;',
- \ '',
- \ 'int func(void)',
- \ '{',
- \ ' return x;',
- \ '}',
- \ ]
+ let lines =<< trim [CODE]
+ char *s[] = "x";
+ int x = 1;
+ int func(void)
+ {
+ return x;
+ }
+ [CODE]
call XTest_goto_decl('gD', lines, 2, 5)
func Test_gD_string_same_line()
- let lines = [
- \ 'char *s[] = "x", int x = 1;',
- \ '',
- \ 'int func(void)',
- \ '{',
- \ ' return x;',
- \ '}',
- \ ]
+ let lines =<< trim [CODE]
+ char *s[] = "x", int x = 1;
+ int func(void)
+ {
+ return x;
+ }
+ [CODE]
call XTest_goto_decl('gD', lines, 1, 22)
func Test_gD_char()
- let lines = [
- \ "char c = 'x';",
- \ 'int x = 1;',
- \ '',
- \ 'int func(void)',
- \ '{',
- \ ' return x;',
- \ '}',
- \ ]
+ let lines =<< trim [CODE]
+ char c = 'x';
+ int x = 1;
+ int func(void)
+ {
+ return x;
+ }
+ [CODE]
call XTest_goto_decl('gD', lines, 2, 5)
func Test_gd()
- let lines = [
- \ 'int x;',
- \ '',
- \ 'int func(int x)',
- \ '{',
- \ ' return x;',
- \ '}',
- \ ]
+ let lines =<< trim [CODE]
+ int x;
+ int func(int x)
+ {
+ return x;
+ }
+ [CODE]
call XTest_goto_decl('gd', lines, 3, 14)
func Test_gd_not_local()
- let lines = [
- \ 'int func1(void)',
- \ '{',
- \ ' return x;',
- \ '}',
- \ '',
- \ 'int func2(int x)',
- \ '{',
- \ ' return x;',
- \ '}',
- \ ]
+ let lines =<< trim [CODE]
+ int func1(void)
+ {
+ return x;
+ }
+ int func2(int x)
+ {
+ return x;
+ }
+ [CODE]
call XTest_goto_decl('gd', lines, 3, 10)
func Test_gd_kr_style()
- let lines = [
- \ 'int func(x)',
- \ ' int x;',
- \ '{',
- \ ' return x;',
- \ '}',
- \ ]
+ let lines =<< trim [CODE]
+ int func(x)
+ int x;
+ {
+ return x;
+ }
+ [CODE]
call XTest_goto_decl('gd', lines, 2, 7)
func Test_gd_missing_braces()
- let lines = [
- \ 'def func1(a)',
- \ ' a + 1',
- \ 'end',
- \ '',
- \ 'a = 1',
- \ '',
- \ 'def func2()',
- \ ' return a',
- \ 'end',
- \ ]
+ let lines =<< trim [CODE]
+ def func1(a)
+ a + 1
+ end
+ a = 1
+ def func2()
+ return a
+ end
+ [CODE]
call XTest_goto_decl('gd', lines, 1, 11)
func Test_gd_comment()
- let lines = [
- \ 'int func(void)',
- \ '{',
- \ ' /* int x; */',
- \ ' int x;',
- \ ' return x;',
- \ '}',
- \]
+ let lines =<< trim [CODE]
+ int func(void)
+ {
+ /* int x; */
+ int x;
+ return x;
+ }
+ [CODE]
call XTest_goto_decl('gd', lines, 4, 7)
func Test_gd_comment_in_string()
- let lines = [
- \ 'int func(void)',
- \ '{',
- \ ' char *s ="//"; int x;',
- \ ' int x;',
- \ ' return x;',
- \ '}',
- \]
+ let lines =<< trim [CODE]
+ int func(void)
+ {
+ char *s ="//"; int x;
+ int x;
+ return x;
+ }
+ [CODE]
call XTest_goto_decl('gd', lines, 3, 22)
func Test_gd_string_in_comment()
set comments=
- let lines = [
- \ 'int func(void)',
- \ '{',
- \ ' /* " */ int x;',
- \ ' int x;',
- \ ' return x;',
- \ '}',
- \]
+ let lines =<< trim [CODE]
+ int func(void)
+ {
+ /* " */ int x;
+ int x;
+ return x;
+ }
+ [CODE]
call XTest_goto_decl('gd', lines, 3, 15)
set comments&
func Test_gd_inline_comment()
- let lines = [
- \ 'int func(/* x is an int */ int x)',
- \ '{',
- \ ' return x;',
- \ '}',
- \ ]
+ let lines =<< trim [CODE]
+ int func(/* x is an int */ int x)
+ {
+ return x;
+ }
+ [CODE]
call XTest_goto_decl('gd', lines, 1, 32)
func Test_gd_inline_comment_only()
- let lines = [
- \ 'int func(void) /* one lonely x */',
- \ '{',
- \ ' return x;',
- \ '}',
- \ ]
+ let lines =<< trim [CODE]
+ int func(void) /* one lonely x */
+ {
+ return x;
+ }
+ [CODE]
call XTest_goto_decl('gd', lines, 3, 10)
func Test_gd_inline_comment_body()
- let lines = [
- \ 'int func(void)',
- \ '{',
- \ ' int y /* , x */;',
- \ '',
- \ ' for (/* int x = 0 */; y < 2; y++);',
- \ '',
- \ ' int x = 0;',
- \ '',
- \ ' return x;',
- \ '}',
- \ ]
+ let lines =<< trim [CODE]
+ int func(void)
+ {
+ int y /* , x */;
+ for (/* int x = 0 */; y < 2; y++);
+ int x = 0;
+ return x;
+ }
+ [CODE]
call XTest_goto_decl('gd', lines, 7, 7)
func Test_gd_trailing_multiline_comment()
- let lines = [
- \ 'int func(int x) /* x is an int */',
- \ '{',
- \ ' return x;',
- \ '}',
- \ ]
+ let lines =<< trim [CODE]
+ int func(int x) /* x is an int */
+ {
+ return x;
+ }
+ [CODE]
call XTest_goto_decl('gd', lines, 1, 14)
func Test_gd_trailing_comment()
- let lines = [
- \ 'int func(int x) // x is an int',
- \ '{',
- \ ' return x;',
- \ '}',
- \ ]
+ let lines =<< trim [CODE]
+ int func(int x) // x is an int
+ {
+ return x;
+ }
+ [CODE]
call XTest_goto_decl('gd', lines, 1, 14)
func Test_gd_string()
- let lines = [
- \ 'int func(void)',
- \ '{',
- \ ' char *s = "x";',
- \ ' int x = 1;',
- \ '',
- \ ' return x;',
- \ '}',
- \ ]
+ let lines =<< trim [CODE]
+ int func(void)
+ {
+ char *s = "x";
+ int x = 1;
+ return x;
+ }
+ [CODE]
call XTest_goto_decl('gd', lines, 4, 7)
func Test_gd_string_only()
- let lines = [
- \ 'int func(void)',
- \ '{',
- \ ' char *s = "x";',
- \ '',
- \ ' return x;',
- \ '}',
- \ ]
+ let lines =<< trim [CODE]
+ int func(void)
+ {
+ char *s = "x";
+ return x;
+ }
+ [CODE]
call XTest_goto_decl('gd', lines, 5, 10)
@@ -289,24 +309,25 @@ func Test_cursorline_keep_col()
func Test_gd_local_block()
- let lines = [
- \ ' int main()',
- \ '{',
- \ ' char *a = "NOT NULL";',
- \ ' if(a)',
- \ ' {',
- \ ' char *b = a;',
- \ ' printf("%s\n", b);',
- \ ' }',
- \ ' else',
- \ ' {',
- \ ' char *b = "NULL";',
- \ ' return b;',
- \ ' }',
- \ '',
- \ ' return 0;',
- \ '}',
- \ ]
+ let lines =<< trim [CODE]
+ int main()
+ {
+ char *a = "NOT NULL";
+ if(a)
+ {
+ char *b = a;
+ printf("%s\n", b);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ char *b = "NULL";
+ return b;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ [CODE]
call XTest_goto_decl('1gd', lines, 11, 11)
diff --git a/src/testdir/test_join.vim b/src/testdir/test_join.vim
index e5ef41ee0a..1b4da6f41a 100644
--- a/src/testdir/test_join.vim
+++ b/src/testdir/test_join.vim
@@ -98,30 +98,27 @@ ert
normal `xyl$p
normal `yy2l$p
- normal G
- let last_line = line('$')
" Expected output
- append
-asdfasdf. asdf
-asdfasdf. asdf
-asdfasdf. asdf
-asdfasdf. asdf
-asdfasdf. asdf
-asdfasdf. asdf
-asdfasdf. asdf
-asdfasdf asdf
-asdfasdf asdf
-asdfasdf asdf
-asdfasdf asdf
-asdfasdf asdf
-asdfasdf asdf
-asdfasdf asdf
-zx cvn. as dfg? hjkl iop! ert ernop
-zx cvn. as dfg? hjkl iop! ert ernop
- call assert_equal(getline(last_line + 1, '$'), getline(1, last_line))
+ let expected =<< trim [DATA]
+ asdfasdf. asdf
+ asdfasdf. asdf
+ asdfasdf. asdf
+ asdfasdf. asdf
+ asdfasdf. asdf
+ asdfasdf. asdf
+ asdfasdf. asdf
+ asdfasdf asdf
+ asdfasdf asdf
+ asdfasdf asdf
+ asdfasdf asdf
+ asdfasdf asdf
+ asdfasdf asdf
+ asdfasdf asdf
+ zx cvn. as dfg? hjkl iop! ert ernop
+ zx cvn. as dfg? hjkl iop! ert ernop
+ [DATA]
+ call assert_equal(expected, getline(1, '$'))
call append(0, text)
@@ -143,31 +140,28 @@ zx cvn. as dfg? hjkl iop! ert ernop
normal `xyl$p
normal `yy2l$p
- normal G
- let last_line = line('$')
" Expected output
- append
-asdfasdf. asdf
-asdfasdf. asdf
-asdfasdf. asdf
-asdfasdf. asdf
-asdfasdf. asdf
-asdfasdf. asdf
-asdfasdf. asdf
-asdfasdf asdf
-asdfasdf asdf
-asdfasdf asdf
-asdfasdf asdf
-asdfasdf asdf
-asdfasdf asdf
-asdfasdf asdf
-zx cvn. as dfg? hjkl iop! ert enop
-zx cvn. as dfg? hjkl iop! ert ernop
- call assert_equal(getline(last_line + 1, '$'), getline(1, last_line))
+ let expected =<< trim [DATA]
+ asdfasdf. asdf
+ asdfasdf. asdf
+ asdfasdf. asdf
+ asdfasdf. asdf
+ asdfasdf. asdf
+ asdfasdf. asdf
+ asdfasdf. asdf
+ asdfasdf asdf
+ asdfasdf asdf
+ asdfasdf asdf
+ asdfasdf asdf
+ asdfasdf asdf
+ asdfasdf asdf
+ asdfasdf asdf
+ zx cvn. as dfg? hjkl iop! ert enop
+ zx cvn. as dfg? hjkl iop! ert ernop
+ [DATA]
+ call assert_equal(expected, getline(1, '$'))
call append(0, text)
@@ -180,29 +174,26 @@ zx cvn. as dfg? hjkl iop! ert ernop
normal JjJjJjJjJjJjJjJjJjJjJjJjJjJ
normal j4Jy3l$pjdG
- normal G
- let last_line = line('$')
" Expected output
- append
-asdfasdf. asdf
-asdfasdf. asdf
-asdfasdf. asdf
-asdfasdf. asdf
-asdfasdf. asdf
-asdfasdf. asdf
-asdfasdf. asdf
-asdfasdf asdf
-asdfasdf asdf
-asdfasdf asdf
-asdfasdf asdf
-asdfasdf asdf
-asdfasdf asdf
-asdfasdf asdf
-zx cvn. as dfg? hjkl iop! ert a
- call assert_equal(getline(last_line + 1, '$'), getline(1, last_line))
+ let expected =<< trim [DATA]
+ asdfasdf. asdf
+ asdfasdf. asdf
+ asdfasdf. asdf
+ asdfasdf. asdf
+ asdfasdf. asdf
+ asdfasdf. asdf
+ asdfasdf. asdf
+ asdfasdf asdf
+ asdfasdf asdf
+ asdfasdf asdf
+ asdfasdf asdf
+ asdfasdf asdf
+ asdfasdf asdf
+ asdfasdf asdf
+ zx cvn. as dfg? hjkl iop! ert a
+ [DATA]
+ call assert_equal(expected, getline(1, '$'))
set nocompatible
set cpoptions&vim
@@ -262,11 +253,8 @@ action();
exe "normal jj3J\<CR>"
- normal G
- let last_line = line('$')
" Expected output
- append
+ let expected =<< trim [CODE]
/* Make sure