path: root/src/testdir/test_buffer.vim
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authorBram Moolenaar <>2020-06-24 13:37:35 +0200
committerBram Moolenaar <>2020-06-24 13:37:35 +0200
commitb7e2483655d9b68df0c7349918027d800051a28a (patch)
tree6d1ba1c7e5e7c9e95974f0a4b2d39998ba0fd1c9 /src/testdir/test_buffer.vim
parent67fbdfefd26a237831c3838f799d3e6198c8a34a (diff)
patch 8.2.1046: insufficient tests for src/buffer.cv8.2.1046
Problem: Insufficient tests for src/buffer.c. Solution: Add more tests. Move comments related tests to a separate file. (Yegappan Lakshmanan, closes #6325)
Diffstat (limited to 'src/testdir/test_buffer.vim')
1 files changed, 204 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/testdir/test_buffer.vim b/src/testdir/test_buffer.vim
index de163538e4..5981e247ac 100644
--- a/src/testdir/test_buffer.vim
+++ b/src/testdir/test_buffer.vim
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
" Tests for Vim buffer
+source check.vim
" Test for the :bunload command with an offset
func Test_bunload_with_offset()
@@ -152,6 +154,24 @@ func Test_bdelete_cmd()
set nobuflisted
call assert_fails('bdelete ' .. bnr, 'E516:')
+ " Deleting more than one buffer
+ new Xbuf1
+ new Xbuf2
+ exe 'bdel ' .. bufnr('Xbuf2') .. ' ' .. bufnr('Xbuf1')
+ call assert_equal(1, winnr('$'))
+ call assert_equal(0, getbufinfo('Xbuf1')[0].loaded)
+ call assert_equal(0, getbufinfo('Xbuf2')[0].loaded)
+ " Deleting more than one buffer and an invalid buffer
+ new Xbuf1
+ new Xbuf2
+ let cmd = "exe 'bdel ' .. bufnr('Xbuf2') .. ' xxx ' .. bufnr('Xbuf1')"
+ call assert_fails(cmd, 'E94:')
+ call assert_equal(2, winnr('$'))
+ call assert_equal(1, getbufinfo('Xbuf1')[0].loaded)
+ call assert_equal(0, getbufinfo('Xbuf2')[0].loaded)
@@ -166,4 +186,188 @@ func Test_buffer_error()
+" Test for the status messages displayed when unloading, deleting or wiping
+" out buffers
+func Test_buffer_statusmsg()
+ CheckEnglish
+ set report=1
+ new Xbuf1
+ new Xbuf2
+ let bnr = bufnr()
+ exe "normal 2\<C-G>"
+ call assert_match('buf ' .. bnr .. ':', v:statusmsg)
+ bunload Xbuf1 Xbuf2
+ call assert_equal('2 buffers unloaded', v:statusmsg)
+ bdel Xbuf1 Xbuf2
+ call assert_equal('2 buffers deleted', v:statusmsg)
+ bwipe Xbuf1 Xbuf2
+ call assert_equal('2 buffers wiped out', v:statusmsg)
+ set report&
+" Test for quitting the 'swapfile exists' dialog with the split buffer
+" command.
+func Test_buffer_sbuf_cleanup()
+ call writefile([], 'Xfile')
+ " first open the file in a buffer
+ new Xfile
+ let bnr = bufnr()
+ close
+ " create the swap file
+ call writefile([], '.Xfile.swp')
+ " Remove the catch-all that runtest.vim adds
+ au! SwapExists
+ augroup BufTest
+ au!
+ autocmd SwapExists Xfile let v:swapchoice='q'
+ augroup END
+ exe 'sbuf ' . bnr
+ call assert_equal(1, winnr('$'))
+ call assert_equal(0, getbufinfo('Xfile')[0].loaded)
+ " test for :sball
+ sball
+ call assert_equal(1, winnr('$'))
+ call assert_equal(0, getbufinfo('Xfile')[0].loaded)
+ %bw!
+ set shortmess+=F
+ let v:statusmsg = ''
+ edit Xfile
+ call assert_equal('', v:statusmsg)
+ call assert_equal(1, winnr('$'))
+ call assert_equal(0, getbufinfo('Xfile')[0].loaded)
+ set shortmess&
+ call delete('Xfile')
+ call delete('.Xfile.swp')
+ augroup BufTest
+ au!
+ augroup END
+ augroup! BufTest
+" Test for deleting a modified buffer with :confirm
+func Test_bdel_with_confirm()
+ CheckUnix
+ CheckNotGui
+ CheckFeature dialog_con
+ new
+ call setline(1, 'test')
+ call assert_fails('bdel', 'E89:')
+ call feedkeys('c', 'L')
+ confirm bdel
+ call assert_equal(2, winnr('$'))
+ call assert_equal(1, &modified)
+ call feedkeys('n', 'L')
+ confirm bdel
+ call assert_equal(1, winnr('$'))
+" Test for editing another buffer from a modified buffer with :confirm
+func Test_goto_buf_with_confirm()
+ CheckUnix
+ CheckNotGui
+ CheckFeature dialog_con
+ new Xfile
+ enew
+ call setline(1, 'test')
+ call assert_fails('b Xfile', 'E37:')
+ call feedkeys('c', 'L')
+ call assert_fails('confirm b Xfile', 'E37:')
+ call assert_equal(1, &modified)
+ call assert_equal('', @%)
+ call feedkeys('y', 'L')
+ call assert_fails('confirm b Xfile', 'E37:')
+ call assert_equal(1, &modified)
+ call assert_equal('', @%)
+ call feedkeys('n', 'L')
+ confirm b Xfile
+ call assert_equal('Xfile', @%)
+ close!
+" Test for splitting buffer with 'switchbuf'
+func Test_buffer_switchbuf()
+ new Xfile
+ wincmd w
+ set switchbuf=useopen
+ sbuf Xfile
+ call assert_equal(1, winnr())
+ call assert_equal(2, winnr('$'))
+ set switchbuf=usetab
+ tabnew
+ sbuf Xfile
+ call assert_equal(1, tabpagenr())
+ call assert_equal(2, tabpagenr('$'))
+ set switchbuf&
+ %bw
+" Test for BufAdd autocommand wiping out the buffer
+func Test_bufadd_autocmd_bwipe()
+ %bw!
+ augroup BufAdd_Wipe
+ au!
+ autocmd BufAdd Xfile %bw!
+ augroup END
+ edit Xfile
+ call assert_equal('', @%)
+ call assert_equal(0, bufexists('Xfile'))
+ augroup BufAdd_Wipe
+ au!
+ augroup END
+ augroup! BufAdd_Wipe
+" Test for trying to load a buffer with text locked
+" <C-\>e in the command line is used to lock the text
+func Test_load_buf_with_text_locked()
+ new Xfile1
+ edit Xfile2
+ let cmd = ":\<C-\>eexecute(\"normal \<C-O>\")\<CR>\<C-C>"
+ call assert_fails("call feedkeys(cmd, 'xt')", 'E565:')
+ %bw!
+" Test for using CTRL-^ to edit the alternative file keeping the cursor
+" position with 'nostartofline'. Also test using the 'buf' command.
+func Test_buffer_edit_altfile()
+ call writefile(repeat(['one two'], 50), 'Xfile1')
+ call writefile(repeat(['five six'], 50), 'Xfile2')
+ set nosol
+ edit Xfile1
+ call cursor(25, 5)
+ edit Xfile2
+ call cursor(30, 4)
+ exe "normal \<C-^>"
+ call assert_equal([0, 25, 5, 0], getpos('.'))
+ exe "normal \<C-^>"
+ call assert_equal([0, 30, 4, 0], getpos('.'))
+ buf Xfile1
+ call assert_equal([0, 25, 5, 0], getpos('.'))
+ buf Xfile2
+ call assert_equal([0, 30, 4, 0], getpos('.'))
+ set sol&
+ call delete('Xfile1')
+ call delete('Xfile2')
+" Test for running the :sball command with a maximum window count and a
+" modified buffer
+func Test_sball_with_count()
+ %bw!
+ edit Xfile1
+ call setline(1, ['abc'])
+ new Xfile2
+ new Xfile3
+ new Xfile4
+ 2sball
+ call assert_equal(bufnr('Xfile4'), winbufnr(1))
+ call assert_equal(bufnr('Xfile1'), winbufnr(2))
+ call assert_equal(0, getbufinfo('Xfile2')[0].loaded)
+ call assert_equal(0, getbufinfo('Xfile3')[0].loaded)
+ %bw!
" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab