path: root/runtime/tutor
diff options
authorBram Moolenaar <>2008-06-24 20:19:36 +0000
committerBram Moolenaar <>2008-06-24 20:19:36 +0000
commitf233048a129fa7a3b89e064078435181d6421da5 (patch)
tree750527cb322fe9ba1559b81da60f2bee923c83cd /runtime/tutor
parent176dd1e03c7e5f23e633705da2c8718d3cd320e1 (diff)
updated for version 7.2a
Diffstat (limited to 'runtime/tutor')
-rwxr-xr-xruntime/tutor/Contents.infobin0 -> 582 bytes
-rw-r--r--runtime/tutor/runtime/vim48x48.gifbin0 -> 504 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xruntime/tutor/src.infobin0 -> 624 bytes
8 files changed, 2939 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/tutor/ b/runtime/tutor/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..9e855c7e98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/tutor/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/runtime/tutor/Makefile b/runtime/tutor/Makefile
index 188c989972..45568a9ebc 100644
--- a/runtime/tutor/Makefile
+++ b/runtime/tutor/Makefile
@@ -1,36 +1,602 @@
-# Makefile for the Vim tutor.
+# This Makefile has two purposes:
+# 1. Starting the compilation of Vim for Unix.
+# 2. Creating the various distribution files.
+# 1. Using this Makefile without an argument will compile Vim for Unix.
+# "make install" is also possible.
+# NOTE: If this doesn't work properly, first change directory to "src" and use
+# the Makefile there:
+# cd src
+# make [arguments]
+# Noticed on AIX systems when using this Makefile: Trying to run "cproto" or
+# something else after Vim has been compiled. Don't know why...
+# Noticed on OS/390 Unix: Restarts configure.
+# The first (default) target is "first". This will result in running
+# "make first", so that the target from "src/auto/" is picked
+# up properly when config didn't run yet. Doing "make all" before configure
+# has run can result in compiling with $(CC) empty.
+ @echo "Starting make in the src directory."
+ @echo "If there are problems, cd to the src directory and run make there"
+ cd src && $(MAKE) $@
+# Some make programs use the last target for the $@ default; put the other
+# targets separately to always let $@ expand to "first" by default.
+all install uninstall tools config configure reconfig proto depend lint tags types test testclean clean distclean:
+ @echo "Starting make in the src directory."
+ @echo "If there are problems, cd to the src directory and run make there"
+ cd src && $(MAKE) $@
+# 2. Create the various distributions:
+# unixall vim-#.#.tar.bz2 Runtime files and Sources for Unix
+# extra vim-#.#-extra.tar.gz Extra source and runtime files
+# lang vim-#.#-lang.tar.gz multi-language files
+# html HTML docs
+# amisrc vim##src.tgz sources for Amiga
+# amirt vim##rt.tgz runtime for Amiga
+# amibin vim##bin.tgz binary for Amiga
+# dossrc sources for MS-DOS
+# dosrt runtime for MS-DOS
+# dosbin binary for MS-DOS 16 bits
+# binary for MS-DOS 32 bits
+# binary for Win32
+# binary for GUI Win32
+# OLE exe for Win32 GUI
+# exe for Win32s GUI
+# doslang language files for Win32
+# os2bin binary for OS/2
+# (use RT from dosrt)
-# The Japanese tutor exists in three encodings. Use the UTF-8 version as the
-# original and create the others with conversion.
+# farsi Farsi fonts
-# Similarly for Russian and Korean
+# All output files are created in the "dist" directory. Existing files are
+# overwritten!
+# To do all this you need the unix, extra and lang archives, and
+# compiled binaries.
+# Before creating an archive first delete all backup files, *.orig, etc.
+MAJOR = 7
+MINOR = 2a
+# Uncomment this line if the Win32s version is to be included.
+DOSBIN_S = dosbin_s
+# CHECKLIST for creating a new version:
+# - Update Vim version number. For a test version in: src/version.h, Contents,
+# MAJOR/MINOR above, VIMMAJOR and VIMMINOR in src/Makefile, README*.txt,
+# runtime/doc/*.txt and nsis/gvim.nsi. Other things in README_os2.txt. For a
+# minor/major version: src/GvimExt/GvimExt.reg, src/vim.def, src/vim16.def.
+# - Correct included_patches[] in src/version.c.
+# - Compile Vim with GTK, Perl, Python, TCL, Ruby, MZscheme (if you can make it
+# work), Cscope and "huge" features. Exclude workshop and SNiFF.
+# - With these features: "make proto" (requires cproto and Motif installed;
+# ignore warnings for missing include files, fix problems for syntax errors).
+# - With these features: "make depend" (works best with gcc).
+# - "make lint" and check the output (ignore GTK warnings).
+# - Enable the efence library in "src/Makefile" and run "make test". Disable
+# Python and Ruby to avoid trouble with threads (efence is not threadsafe).
+# - Check for missing entries in runtime/makemenu.vim (with checkmenu script).
+# - Check for missing options in runtime/optwin.vim et al. (with check.vim).
+# - Do "make menu" to update the runtime/synmenu.vim file.
+# - Add remarks for changes to runtime/doc/version7.txt.
+# - Check that runtime/doc/help.txt doesn't contain entries in "LOCAL
+# - In runtime/doc run "make" and "make html" to check for errors.
+# - Check if src/Makefile and src/feature.h don't contain any personal
+# preferences or the GTK, Perl, etc. mentioned above.
+# - Check file protections to be "644" for text and "755" for executables (run
+# the "check" script).
+# - Check compiling on Amiga, MS-DOS and MS-Windows.
+# - Delete all *~, *.sw?, *.orig, *.rej files
+# - "make unixall", "make extra", "make lang", "make html"
+# - Make diff files against the previous release: "makediff7 7.1 7.2"
+# Amiga:
+# - "make amisrc", move the archive to the Amiga and compile:
+# "make -f Make_manx.mak" (will use "big" features by default).
+# - Run the tests: "make -f Make_manx.mak test"
+# - Place the executables Vim and Xxd in this directory (set the executable
+# flag).
+# - "make amirt", "make amibin".
+# PC:
+# - "make dossrc" and "make dosrt". Unpack the archives on a PC.
+# 16 bit DOS version:
+# - Set environment for compiling with Borland C++ 3.1.
+# - "bmake -f Make_bc3.mak BOR=E:\borlandc" (compiling xxd might fail, in that
+# case set environment for compiling with Borland C++ 4.0 and do
+# "make -f make_bc3.mak BOR=E:\BC4 xxd/xxd.exe").
+# NOTE: this currently fails because Vim is too big.
+# - "make test" and check the output.
+# - Rename the executables to "vimd16.exe", "xxdd16.exe", "installd16.exe" and
+# "uninstald16.exe".
+# 32 bit DOS version:
+# - Set environment for compiling with DJGPP; "gmake -f Make_djg.mak".
+# - "rm testdir/*.out", "gmake -f Make_djg.mak test" and check the output for
+# "ALL DONE".
+# - Rename the executables to "vimd32.exe", "xxdd32.exe", "installd32.exe" and
+# "uninstald32.exe".
+# Win32 console version:
+# - Set environment for Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition: "msvc2008.bat". Or,
+# when using the Visual C++ Toolkit 2003: "msvcsetup.bat" (adjust the paths
+# when necessary).
+# - "nmake -f Make_mvc.mak"
+# - "rm testdir/*.out", "nmake -f Make_mvc.mak test" and check the output.
+# - Rename the executables to "vimw32.exe", "xxdw32.exe".
+# - Rename vim.pdb to vimw32.pdb.
+# - When building the Win32s version later, delete vimrun.exe, install.exe and
+# uninstal.exe. Otherwise rename executables to installw32.exe and
+# uninstalw32.exe.
+# Win32 GUI version:
+# - "nmake -f Make_mvc.mak GUI=yes.
+# - move "gvim.exe" to here (otherwise the OLE version will overwrite it).
+# - Move gvim.pdb to here.
+# - Delete vimrun.exe, install.exe and uninstal.exe.
+# - Copy "GvimExt/gvimext.dll" to here.
+# Win32 GUI version with OLE, PERL, TCL, PYTHON and dynamic IME:
+# - Run src/bigvim.bat ("nmake -f Make_mvc.mak GUI=yes OLE=yes IME=yes ...)
+# - Rename "gvim.exe" to "gvim_ole.exe".
+# - Rename gvim.pdb to "gvim_ole.pdb".
+# - Delete install.exe and uninstal.exe.
+# - If building the Win32s version delete vimrun.exe.
+# Win32s GUI version:
+# - Set environment for Visual C++ 4.1 (requires a new console window)
+# - "vcvars32" (use the path for VC 4.1 e:\msdev\bin)
+# - "nmake -f Make_mvc.mak GUI=yes INTL=no clean" (use the path for VC 4.1)
+# - "nmake -f Make_mvc.mak GUI=yes INTL=no" (use the path for VC 4.1)
+# - Rename "gvim.exe" to "gvim_w32s.exe".
+# - Rename "install.exe" to "installw32.exe"
+# - Rename "uninstal.exe" to "uninstalw32.exe"
+# - The produced uninstalw32.exe and vimrun.exe are used.
+# Create the archives:
+# - Copy all the "*.exe" files to where this Makefile is.
+# - Copy all the "*.pdb" files to where this Makefile is.
+# - "make dosbin".
+# - Run make on Unix to update the ".mo" files.
+# - "make doslang".
+# NSIS self installing exe:
+# - Unpack the doslang archive on the PC.
+# - Make sure gvim_ole.exe, vimd32.exe, vimw32.exe, installw32.exe,
+# uninstalw32.exe and xxdw32.exe have been build as mentioned above.
+# - put gvimext.dll in src/GvimExt and VisVim.dll in src/VisVim (get them
+# from a binary archive or build them)
+# Note: VisVim needs to be build with MSVC 5, newer versions don't work.
+# - make sure there is a diff.exe two levels up
+# - go to ../nsis and do "makensis gvim.nsi".
+# - Copy gvim##.exe to the dist directory.
+# OS/2:
+# - Unpack the Unix "src", "extra" and "rt" archives.
+# - "make -f Make_os2.mak".
+# - Rename the executables to vimos2.exe, xxdos2.exe and teeos2.exe and copy
+# them to here.
+# - "make os2bin".
+# Vim used for conversion from "unix" to "dos"
+VIM = vim
+# How to include Filelist depends on the version of "make" you have.
+# If the current choice doesn't work, try the other one.
+include Filelist
+#.include "Filelist"
+# All output is put in the "dist" directory.
+ mkdir dist
+# Clean up some files to avoid they are included.
+ if test -f runtime/doc/uganda.nsis.txt; then \
+ rm runtime/doc/uganda.nsis.txt; fi
+# For the zip files we need to create a file with the comment line
+ mkdir dist/comment
+COMMENT_RT = comment/$(VERSION)-rt
+COMMENT_RT1 = comment/$(VERSION)-rt1
+COMMENT_RT2 = comment/$(VERSION)-rt2
+COMMENT_D16 = comment/$(VERSION)-bin-d16
+COMMENT_D32 = comment/$(VERSION)-bin-d32
+COMMENT_W32 = comment/$(VERSION)-bin-w32
+COMMENT_GVIM = comment/$(VERSION)-bin-gvim
+COMMENT_OLE = comment/$(VERSION)-bin-ole
+COMMENT_W32S = comment/$(VERSION)-bin-w32s
+COMMENT_SRC = comment/$(VERSION)-src
+COMMENT_OS2 = comment/$(VERSION)-bin-os2
+COMMENT_HTML = comment/$(VERSION)-html
+COMMENT_FARSI = comment/$(VERSION)-farsi
+COMMENT_LANG = comment/$(VERSION)-lang
+dist/$(COMMENT_RT): dist/comment
+ echo "Vim - Vi IMproved - v$(VDOT) runtime files for MS-DOS and MS-Windows" > dist/$(COMMENT_RT)
+dist/$(COMMENT_RT1): dist/comment
+ echo "Vim - Vi IMproved - v$(VDOT) runtime files (PART 1) for MS-DOS and MS-Windows" > dist/$(COMMENT_RT1)
+dist/$(COMMENT_RT2): dist/comment
+ echo "Vim - Vi IMproved - v$(VDOT) runtime files (PART 2) for MS-DOS and MS-Windows" > dist/$(COMMENT_RT2)
+dist/$(COMMENT_D16): dist/comment
+ echo "Vim - Vi IMproved - v$(VDOT) binaries for MS-DOS 16 bit real mode" > dist/$(COMMENT_D16)
+dist/$(COMMENT_D32): dist/comment
+ echo "Vim - Vi IMproved - v$(VDOT) binaries for MS-DOS 32 bit protected mode" > dist/$(COMMENT_D32)
+dist/$(COMMENT_W32): dist/comment
+ echo "Vim - Vi IMproved - v$(VDOT) binaries for MS-Windows NT/95" > dist/$(COMMENT_W32)
+dist/$(COMMENT_GVIM): dist/comment
+ echo "Vim - Vi IMproved - v$(VDOT) GUI binaries for MS-Windows NT/95" > dist/$(COMMENT_GVIM)
+dist/$(COMMENT_OLE): dist/comment
+ echo "Vim - Vi IMproved - v$(VDOT) MS-Windows GUI binaries with OLE support" > dist/$(COMMENT_OLE)
+dist/$(COMMENT_W32S): dist/comment
+ echo "Vim - Vi IMproved - v$(VDOT) GUI binaries for MS-Windows 3.1/3.11" > dist/$(COMMENT_W32S)
+dist/$(COMMENT_SRC): dist/comment
+ echo "Vim - Vi IMproved - v$(VDOT) sources for MS-DOS and MS-Windows" > dist/$(COMMENT_SRC)
+dist/$(COMMENT_OS2): dist/comment
+ echo "Vim - Vi IMproved - v$(VDOT) binaries + runtime files for OS/2" > dist/$(COMMENT_OS2)
+dist/$(COMMENT_HTML): dist/comment
+ echo "Vim - Vi IMproved - v$(VDOT) documentation in HTML" > dist/$(COMMENT_HTML)
+dist/$(COMMENT_FARSI): dist/comment
+ echo "Vim - Vi IMproved - v$(VDOT) Farsi language files" > dist/$(COMMENT_FARSI)
+dist/$(COMMENT_LANG): dist/comment
+ echo "Vim - Vi IMproved - v$(VDOT) MS-Windows language files" > dist/$(COMMENT_LANG)
+unixall: dist prepare
+ -rm -f dist/$(VIMVER).tar.bz2
+ -rm -rf dist/$(VIMRTDIR)
+ mkdir dist/$(VIMRTDIR)
+ tar cf - \
+ $(RT_ALL) \
+ $(RT_ALL_BIN) \
+ $(RT_UNIX) \
+ $(LANG_GEN) \
+ $(SRC_ALL) \
+ $(SRC_UNIX) \
+ | (cd dist/$(VIMRTDIR); tar xf -)
+# Need to use a "distclean" file
+ cp -f src/ dist/$(VIMRTDIR)/src/auto/
+# Create an empty config.h file, make dependencies require it
+ touch dist/$(VIMRTDIR)/src/auto/config.h
+# Make sure configure is newer than to force it to be generated
+ touch dist/$(VIMRTDIR)/src/configure
+ cd dist && tar cf $(VIMVER).tar $(VIMRTDIR)
+ bzip2 dist/$(VIMVER).tar
+extra: dist prepare
+ -rm -f dist/$(VIMVER)-extra.tar.gz
+ -rm -rf dist/$(VIMRTDIR)
+ mkdir dist/$(VIMRTDIR)
+ tar cf - \
+ $(EXTRA) \
+ | (cd dist/$(VIMRTDIR); tar xf -)
+ cd dist && tar cf $(VIMVER)-extra.tar $(VIMRTDIR)
+ gzip -9 dist/$(VIMVER)-extra.tar
+lang: dist prepare
+ -rm -f dist/$(VIMVER)-lang.tar.gz
+ -rm -rf dist/$(VIMRTDIR)
+ mkdir dist/$(VIMRTDIR)
+ tar cf - \
+ $(LANG_SRC) \
+ | (cd dist/$(VIMRTDIR); tar xf -)
+# Make sure ja.sjis.po is newer than ja.po to avoid it being regenerated.
+# Same for cs.cp1250.po, pl.cp1250.po and sk.cp1250.po.
+ touch dist/$(VIMRTDIR)/src/po/ja.sjis.po
+ touch dist/$(VIMRTDIR)/src/po/cs.cp1250.po
+ touch dist/$(VIMRTDIR)/src/po/pl.cp1250.po
+ touch dist/$(VIMRTDIR)/src/po/sk.cp1250.po
+ touch dist/$(VIMRTDIR)/src/po/zh_CN.cp936.po
+ touch dist/$(VIMRTDIR)/src/po/ru.cp1251.po
+ touch dist/$(VIMRTDIR)/src/po/uk.cp1251.po
+ cd dist && tar cf $(VIMVER)-lang.tar $(VIMRTDIR)
+ gzip -9 dist/$(VIMVER)-lang.tar
+amirt: dist prepare
+ -rm -f dist/vim$(VERSION)rt.tar.gz
+ -rm -rf dist/Vim
+ mkdir dist/Vim
+ mkdir dist/Vim/$(VIMRTDIR)
+ tar cf - \
+ $(ROOT_AMI) \
+ $(RT_ALL) \
+ $(RT_ALL_BIN) \
+ $(RT_AMI) \
+ $(RT_NO_UNIX) \
+ $(RT_AMI_DOS) \
+ | (cd dist/Vim/$(VIMRTDIR); tar xf -)
+ mv dist/Vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/ dist/
+ mv dist/Vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/ dist/Vim/$(VIMRTDIR).info
+ mv dist/Vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/runtime/* dist/Vim/$(VIMRTDIR)
+ rmdir dist/Vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/runtime
+ cd dist && tar cf vim$(VERSION)rt.tar Vim
+ gzip -9 dist/vim$(VERSION)rt.tar
+ mv dist/vim$(VERSION)rt.tar.gz dist/vim$(VERSION)rt.tgz
+amibin: dist prepare
+ -rm -f dist/vim$(VERSION)bin.tar.gz
+ -rm -rf dist/Vim
+ mkdir dist/Vim
+ mkdir dist/Vim/$(VIMRTDIR)
+ tar cf - \
+ $(ROOT_AMI) \
+ $(BIN_AMI) \
+ Vim \
+ Xxd \
+ | (cd dist/Vim/$(VIMRTDIR); tar xf -)
+ mv dist/Vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/ dist/
+ mv dist/Vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/ dist/Vim/$(VIMRTDIR).info
+ cd dist && tar cf vim$(VERSION)bin.tar Vim
+ gzip -9 dist/vim$(VERSION)bin.tar
+ mv dist/vim$(VERSION)bin.tar.gz dist/vim$(VERSION)bin.tgz
+amisrc: dist prepare
+ -rm -f dist/vim$(VERSION)src.tar.gz
+ -rm -rf dist/Vim
+ mkdir dist/Vim
+ mkdir dist/Vim/$(VIMRTDIR)
+ tar cf - \
+ $(ROOT_AMI) \
+ $(SRC_ALL) \
+ $(SRC_AMI) \
+ $(SRC_AMI_DOS) \
+ | (cd dist/Vim/$(VIMRTDIR); tar xf -)
+ mv dist/Vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/ dist/
+ mv dist/Vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/ dist/Vim/$(VIMRTDIR).info
+ cd dist && tar cf vim$(VERSION)src.tar Vim
+ gzip -9 dist/vim$(VERSION)src.tar
+ mv dist/vim$(VERSION)src.tar.gz dist/vim$(VERSION)src.tgz
+no_title.vim: Makefile
+ echo "set notitle noicon nocp nomodeline viminfo=" >no_title.vim
+dosrt: dist dist/$(COMMENT_RT) dosrt_unix2dos
+ -rm -rf dist/vim$(VERSION)
+ cd dist && zip -9 -rD -z vim$(VERSION) vim <$(COMMENT_RT)
+# Split in two parts to avoid a "argument list too long" error.
+dosrt_unix2dos: dist prepare no_title.vim
+ -rm -rf dist/vim
+ mkdir dist/vim
+ mkdir dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)
+ tar cf - \
+ $(RT_ALL) \
+ | (cd dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR); tar xf -)
+ tar cf - \
+ $(RT_DOS) \
+ $(RT_NO_UNIX) \
+ $(RT_AMI_DOS) \
+ $(LANG_GEN) \
+ | (cd dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR); tar xf -)
+ find dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR) -type f -exec $(VIM) -e -u no_title.vim -c ":set tx|wq" {} \;
+ tar cf - \
+ $(RT_ALL_BIN) \
+ $(RT_DOS_BIN) \
+ | (cd dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR); tar xf -)
+ mv dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/runtime/* dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)
+ rmdir dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/runtime
+# Convert runtime files from Unix fileformat to dos fileformat.
+# Used before uploading. Don't delete the AAPDIR/sign files!
+runtime_unix2dos: dosrt_unix2dos
+ -rm -rf `find runtime/dos -type f -print | sed -e /AAPDIR/d`
+ cd dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR); tar cf - * \
+ | (cd ../../../runtime/dos; tar xf -)
+dosbin: prepare dosbin_gvim dosbin_w32 dosbin_d32 dosbin_d16 dosbin_ole $(DOSBIN_S)
+# make Win32 gvim
+dosbin_gvim: dist no_title.vim dist/$(COMMENT_GVIM)
+ -rm -rf dist/gvim$(VERSION).zip
+ -rm -rf dist/vim
+ mkdir dist/vim
+ mkdir dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)
+ tar cf - \
+ $(BIN_DOS) \
+ | (cd dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR); tar xf -)
+ find dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR) -type f -exec $(VIM) -e -u no_title.vim -c ":set tx|wq" {} \;
+ cp gvim.exe dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/gvim.exe
+ cp xxdw32.exe dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/xxd.exe
+ cp vimrun.exe dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/vimrun.exe
+ cp installw32.exe dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/install.exe
+ cp uninstalw32.exe dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/uninstal.exe
+ cp gvimext.dll dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/gvimext.dll
+ cd dist && zip -9 -rD -z gvim$(VERSION).zip vim <$(COMMENT_GVIM)
+ cp gvim.pdb dist/gvim$(VERSION).pdb
+# make Win32 console
+dosbin_w32: dist no_title.vim dist/$(COMMENT_W32)
+ -rm -rf dist/vim$(VERSION)
+ -rm -rf dist/vim
+ mkdir dist/vim
+ mkdir dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)
+ tar cf - \
+ $(BIN_DOS) \
+ | (cd dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR); tar xf -)
+ find dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR) -type f -exec $(VIM) -e -u no_title.vim -c ":set tx|wq" {} \;
+ cp vimw32.exe dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/vim.exe
+ cp xxdw32.exe dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/xxd.exe
+ cp installw32.exe dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/install.exe
+ cp uninstalw32.exe dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/uninstal.exe
+ cd dist && zip -9 -rD -z vim$(VERSION) vim <$(COMMENT_W32)
+ cp vimw32.pdb dist/vim$(VERSION)w32.pdb
+# make 32bit DOS
+dosbin_d32: dist no_title.vim dist/$(COMMENT_D32)
+ -rm -rf dist/vim$(VERSION)
+ -rm -rf dist/vim
+ mkdir dist/vim
+ mkdir dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)
+ tar cf - \
+ $(BIN_DOS) \
+ | (cd dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR); tar xf -)
+ find dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR) -type f -exec $(VIM) -e -u no_title.vim -c ":set tx|wq" {} \;
+ cp vimd32.exe dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/vim.exe
+ cp xxdd32.exe dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/xxd.exe
+ cp installd32.exe dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/install.exe
+ cp uninstald32.exe dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/uninstal.exe
+ cp dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)
+ cd dist && zip -9 -rD -z vim$(VERSION) vim <$(COMMENT_D32)
-all: tutor.ja.sjis tutor.ja.euc \
- tutor.ko.euc \
- \
- \
+# make 16bit DOS
+dosbin_d16: dist no_title.vim dist/$(COMMENT_D16)
+ -rm -rf dist/vim$(VERSION)
+ -rm -rf dist/vim
+ mkdir dist/vim
+ mkdir dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)
+ tar cf - \
+ $(BIN_DOS) \
+ | (cd dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR); tar xf -)
+ find dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR) -type f -exec $(VIM) -e -u no_title.vim -c ":set tx|wq" {} \;
+ cp vimd16.exe dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/vim.exe
+ cp xxdd16.exe dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/xxd.exe
+ cp installd16.exe dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/install.exe
+ cp uninstald16.exe dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/uninstal.exe
+ cd dist && zip -9 -rD -z vim$(VERSION) vim <$(COMMENT_D16)
-tutor.ja.sjis: tutor.ja.utf-8
- nkf -WXs tutor.ja.utf-8 > tutor.ja.sjis
+# make Win32 gvim with OLE
+dosbin_ole: dist no_title.vim dist/$(COMMENT_OLE)
+ -rm -rf dist/gvim$(VERSION)
+ -rm -rf dist/vim
+ mkdir dist/vim
+ mkdir dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)
+ tar cf - \
+ $(BIN_DOS) \
+ | (cd dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR); tar xf -)
+ find dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR) -type f -exec $(VIM) -e -u no_title.vim -c ":set tx|wq" {} \;
+ cp gvim_ole.exe dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/gvim.exe
+ cp xxdw32.exe dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/xxd.exe
+ cp vimrun.exe dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/vimrun.exe
+ cp installw32.exe dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/install.exe
+ cp uninstalw32.exe dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/uninstal.exe
+ cp gvimext.dll dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/gvimext.dll
+ cp README_ole.txt dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)
+ cp src/VisVim/VisVim.dll dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/VisVim.dll
+ cp src/VisVim/README_VisVim.txt dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)
+ cd dist && zip -9 -rD -z gvim$(VERSION) vim <$(COMMENT_OLE)
+ cp gvim_ole.pdb dist/gvim$(VERSION)ole.pdb
-tutor.ja.euc: tutor.ja.utf-8
- nkf -WXe tutor.ja.utf-8 > tutor.ja.euc
+# make Win32s gvim
+dosbin_s: dist no_title.vim dist/$(COMMENT_W32S)
+ -rm -rf dist/gvim$(VERSION)
+ -rm -rf dist/vim
+ mkdir dist/vim
+ mkdir dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)
+ tar cf - \
+ $(BIN_DOS) \
+ | (cd dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR); tar xf -)
+ find dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR) -type f -exec $(VIM) -e -u no_title.vim -c ":set tx|wq" {} \;
+ cp gvim_w32s.exe dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/gvim.exe
+ cp xxdd32.exe dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/xxd.exe
+ cp README_w32s.txt dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)
+ cp installw32.exe dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/install.exe
+ cp uninstalw32.exe dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/uninstal.exe
+ cd dist && zip -9 -rD -z gvim$(VERSION) vim <$(COMMENT_W32S)
-tutor.ko.euc: tutor.ko.utf-8
- iconv -f UTF-8 -t EUC-KR tutor.ko.utf-8 > tutor.ko.euc
+# make Win32 lang archive
+doslang: dist prepare no_title.vim dist/$(COMMENT_LANG)
+ -rm -rf dist/vim$(VERSION)
+ -rm -rf dist/vim
+ mkdir dist/vim
+ mkdir dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)
+ mkdir dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/lang
+ cd src && MAKEMO=yes $(MAKE) languages
+ find dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR) -type f -exec $(VIM) -e -u no_title.vim -c ":set tx|wq" {} \;
+# Add the message translations. Trick: skip and use instead.
+# Same for /, /, /,
+# /, / and /
+ for i in $(LANG_DOS); do \
+ if test "$$i" != "src/po/" -a "$$i" != "src/po/" -a "$$i" != "src/po/" -a "$$i" != "src/po/" -a "$$i" != "src/po/" -a "$$i" != "src/po/" -a "$$i" != "src/po/"; then \
+ n=`echo $$i | sed -e "s+src/po/\([-a-zA-Z0-9_]*\(.UTF-8\)*\)\(.sjis\)*\(.cp1250\)*\(.cp1251\)*\(.cp936\)*.mo+\1+"`; \
+ mkdir dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/lang/$$n; \
+ mkdir dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/lang/$$n/LC_MESSAGES; \
+ cp $$i dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/lang/$$n/LC_MESSAGES/; \
+ fi \
+ done
+ cp libintl.dll dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/
+ cd dist && zip -9 -rD -z vim$(VERSION) vim <$(COMMENT_LANG)
- iconv -f UTF-8 -t KOI8-R >
+# MS-DOS sources
+dossrc: dist no_title.vim dist/$(COMMENT_SRC) runtime/doc/uganda.nsis.txt
+ -rm -rf dist/vim$(VERSION)
+ -rm -rf dist/vim
+ mkdir dist/vim
+ mkdir dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)
+ tar cf - \
+ $(SRC_ALL) \
+ $(SRC_DOS) \
+ $(SRC_AMI_DOS) \
+ runtime/doc/uganda.nsis.txt \
+ | (cd dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR); tar xf -)
+ mv dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/runtime/* dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)
+ rmdir dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/runtime
+ find dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR) -type f -exec $(VIM) -e -u no_title.vim -c ":set tx|wq" {} \;
+ tar cf - \
+ $(SRC_DOS_BIN) \
+ | (cd dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR); tar xf -)
+ cd dist && zip -9 -rD -z vim$(VERSION) vim <$(COMMENT_SRC)
- iconv -f UTF-8 -t cp1251 >
+runtime/doc/uganda.nsis.txt: runtime/doc/uganda.txt
+ cd runtime/doc && $(MAKE) uganda.nsis.txt
- iconv -f UTF-8 -t ISO-8859-7 >
+os2bin: dist no_title.vim dist/$(COMMENT_OS2)
+ -rm -rf dist/vim$(VERSION)
+ -rm -rf dist/vim
+ mkdir dist/vim
+ mkdir dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)
+ tar cf - \
+ $(BIN_OS2) \
+ | (cd dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR); tar xf -)
+ find dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR) -type f -exec $(VIM) -e -u no_title.vim -c ":set tx|wq" {} \;
+ cp vimos2.exe dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/vim.exe
+ cp xxdos2.exe dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/xxd.exe
+ cp teeos2.exe dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/tee.exe
+ cp emx.dll emxlibcs.dll dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)
+ cd dist && zip -9 -rD -z vim$(VERSION) vim <$(COMMENT_OS2)
- iconv -f UTF-8 -t cp737 >
+html: dist dist/$(COMMENT_HTML)
+ -rm -rf dist/vim$(VERSION)
+ cd runtime/doc && zip -9 -z ../../dist/vim$(VERSION) *.html <../../dist/$(COMMENT_HTML)
- iconv -f UTF-8 -t ISO-8859-2 >
+farsi: dist dist/$(COMMENT_FARSI)
+ -rm -f dist/farsi$(VERSION).zip
+ zip -9 -rD -z dist/farsi$(VERSION).zip farsi < dist/$(COMMENT_FARSI)
diff --git a/runtime/tutor/README_os390.txt b/runtime/tutor/README_os390.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0ce9dd8798
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/tutor/README_os390.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+README_os_390.txt for version 7.2a of Vim: Vi IMproved.
+Welcome to the OS/390 Unix port of VIM.
+I expect you to know how to handle alpha software!
+This port was done by Ralf Schandl <>.
+This port is not maintained or supported by IBM!!
+For the list of changes see runtime/doc/os_390.txt.
+Note: After the file configure was created via autoconf, it had been
+ handedited, to make the test for ICEConnectionNumber work.
+ DO NOT run autoconf again!
+Without X11:
+If you build VIM without X11 support, compiling and building is nearly
+straightforward. The only restriction is, that you can't call make from the
+VIM toplevel directory. Change to the src directory first and call make from
+there. Here is a what to do:
+ # Don't use c89!
+ # Make additional symbols visible.
+ # Allow intermixing of compiler options and files.
+ $ export CC=cc
+ $ export _CC_CCMODE=1
+ $./configure --enable-max-features --without-x --enable-gui=no
+ $ cd src
+ $ make
+ $ make test
+ Note: Test 28 will be reported as failed. This is because diff can't
+ compare files containing '\0' characters. Test 11 will fail if you
+ don't have gzip.
+ $ make install
+With X11:
+There are two ways for building VIM with X11 support. The first way is simple
+and results in a big executable (~13 Mb), the second needs a few additional
+steps and results in a much smaller executable (~4.5 Mb). This examples assume
+you want Motif.
+ The easy way:
+ $ export CC=cc
+ $ export CFLAGS="-D_ALL_SOURCE -W c,dll"
+ $ export LDFLAGS="-W l,dll"
+ $ export _CC_CCMODE=1
+ $ ./configure --enable-max-features --enable-gui=motif
+ $ cd src
+ $ make
+ With this VIM is linked statically with the X11 libraries.
+ The smarter way:
+ Make VIM as described above. Then create a file named 'link.sed' with the
+ following contense:
+ s/-lXext *//g
+ s/-lXmu *//g
+ s/-lXm */\/usr\/lib\/Xm.x /g
+ s/-lX11 */\/usr\/lib\/X11.x /g
+ s/-lXt *//g
+ s/-lSM */\/usr\/lib\/SM.x /g
+ s/-lICE */\/usr\/lib\/ICE.x /g
+ Then do:
+ $ rm vim
+ $ make
+ Now Vim is linked with the X11-DLLs.
+ See the Makefile and the file on how link.sed is used.
+Use the online help! (See weaknesses below.)
+Enter ':help syntax' and then press <TAB> several times, you will switch
+through all help items containing 'syntax'. Press <ENTER> on the one you are
+interested at. Or press <Ctrl-D> and you will get a list of all items printed
+that contain 'syntax'.
+The helpfiles contains cross-references. Links are between '|'. Position the
+cursor on them and press <Ctrl-]> to follow this link. Use <Ctrl-T> to jump
+Known weaknesses:
+- You can't call make from the toplevel directory, you have to do a 'cd src'
+ first. If you do it, make will call configure again. I don't know why and
+ didn't investigate it, there were more important things to do. If you can
+ make it work drop me a note.
+- The documentation was not updated for this alpha release. It contains lot of
+ ASCII dependencies, especially in examples.
+- Digraphs are dependent on code page 1047. Digraphs are used to enter
+ characters that normally cannot be entered by an ordinary keyboard.
+ See ":help digraphs".
+- Using 'ga' to show the code of the character under the cursor shows the
+ correct dec/hex/oct values, but the other informations might be missing or
+ wrong.
+- The sed syntax file doesn't work, it is ASCII dependent.
+If you find a bug please inform me (, don't disturb Bram
+Moolenaar. It's most likely a bug I introduced during porting or some ASCII
+dependency I didn't notice.
+Feedback welcome! Just drop me a note.
diff --git a/runtime/tutor/runtime/makemenu.vim b/runtime/tutor/runtime/makemenu.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6fa34e5367
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/tutor/runtime/makemenu.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,580 @@
+" Script to define the syntax menu in synmenu.vim
+" Maintainer: Bram Moolenaar <>
+" Last Change: 2008 Jun 24
+" This is used by "make menu" in the src directory.
+edit <sfile>:p:h/synmenu.vim
+/The Start Of The Syntax Menu/+1,/The End Of The Syntax Menu/-1d
+let s:lnum = line(".") - 1
+call append(s:lnum, "")
+let s:lnum = s:lnum + 1
+" Use the SynMenu command and function to define all menu entries
+command! -nargs=* SynMenu call <SID>Syn(<q-args>)
+let s:cur_menu_name = ""
+let s:cur_menu_nr = 0
+let s:cur_menu_item = 0
+let s:cur_menu_char = ""
+fun! <SID>Syn(arg)
+ " isolate menu name: until the first dot
+ let i = match(a:arg, '\.')
+ let menu_name = strpart(a:arg, 0, i)
+ let r = strpart(a:arg, i + 1, 999)
+ " isolate submenu name: until the colon
+ let i = match(r, ":")
+ let submenu_name = strpart(r, 0, i)
+ " after the colon is the syntax name
+ let syntax_name = strpart(r, i + 1, 999)
+ if s:cur_menu_name != menu_name
+ let s:cur_menu_name = menu_name
+ let s:cur_menu_nr = s:cur_menu_nr + 10
+ let s:cur_menu_item = 100
+ let s:cur_menu_char = submenu_name[0]
+ else
+ " When starting a new letter, insert a menu separator.
+ let c = submenu_name[0]
+ if c != s:cur_menu_char
+ exe 'an 50.' . s:cur_menu_nr . '.' . s:cur_menu_item . ' &Syntax.' . menu_name . ".-" . c . '- <nul>'
+ let s:cur_menu_item = s:cur_menu_item + 10
+ let s:cur_menu_char = c
+ endif
+ endif
+ call append(s:lnum, 'an 50.' . s:cur_menu_nr . '.' . s:cur_menu_item . ' &Syntax.' . menu_name . "." . submenu_name . ' :cal SetSyn("' . syntax_name . '")<CR>')
+ let s:cur_menu_item = s:cur_menu_item + 10
+ let s:lnum = s:lnum + 1
+SynMenu AB.A2ps\ config:a2ps
+SynMenu AB.Aap:aap
+SynMenu AB.ABAP/4:abap
+SynMenu AB.Abaqus:abaqus
+SynMenu AB.ABC\ music\ notation:abc
+SynMenu AB.ABEL:abel
+SynMenu AB.AceDB\ model:acedb
+SynMenu AB.Ada:ada
+SynMenu AB.AfLex:aflex
+SynMenu AB.ALSA\ config:alsaconf
+SynMenu AB.Altera\ AHDL:ahdl
+SynMenu AB.Amiga\ DOS:amiga
+SynMenu AB.AMPL:ampl
+SynMenu AB.Ant\ build\ file:ant
+SynMenu AB.ANTLR:antlr
+SynMenu AB.Apache\ config:apache
+SynMenu AB.Apache-style\ config:apachestyle
+SynMenu AB.Applix\ ELF:elf
+SynMenu AB.Arc\ Macro\ Language:aml
+SynMenu AB.Arch\ inventory:arch
+SynMenu AB.ART:art
+SynMenu AB.ASP\ with\ VBScript:aspvbs
+SynMenu AB.ASP\ with\ Perl:aspperl
+SynMenu AB.Assembly.680x0:asm68k
+SynMenu AB.Assembly.Flat:fasm
+SynMenu AB.Assembly.GNU:asm
+SynMenu AB.Assembly.GNU\ H-8300:asmh8300
+SynMenu AB.Assembly.Intel\ IA-64:ia64
+SynMenu AB.Assembly.Microsoft:masm
+SynMenu AB.Assembly.Netwide:nasm
+SynMenu AB.Assembly.PIC:pic
+SynMenu AB.Assembly.Turbo:tasm
+SynMenu AB.Assembly.VAX\ Macro\ Assembly:vmasm
+SynMenu AB.Assembly.Z-80:z8a
+SynMenu AB.Assembly.xa\ 6502\ cross\ assember:a65
+SynMenu AB.ASN\.1:asn
+SynMenu AB.Asterisk\ config:asterisk
+SynMenu AB.Asterisk\ voicemail\ config:asteriskvm
+SynMenu AB.Atlas:atlas
+SynMenu AB.AutoHotKey:autohotkey
+SynMenu AB.AutoIt:autoit
+SynMenu AB.Automake:automake
+SynMenu AB.Avenue:ave
+SynMenu AB.Awk:awk
+SynMenu AB.AYacc:ayacc
+SynMenu AB.B:b
+SynMenu AB.Baan:baan
+SynMenu AB.Basic.FreeBasic:freebasic
+SynMenu AB.Basic.IBasic:ibasic
+SynMenu AB.Basic.QBasic:basic
+SynMenu AB.Basic.Visual\ Basic:vb
+SynMenu AB.Bazaar\ commit\ file:bzr
+SynMenu AB.BC\ calculator:bc
+SynMenu AB.BDF\ font:bdf
+SynMenu AB.BibTeX.Bibliography\ database:bib
+SynMenu AB.BibTeX.Bibliography\ Style:bst
+SynMenu AB.BIND.BIND\ config:named
+SynMenu AB.BIND.BIND\ zone:bindzone
+SynMenu AB.Blank:blank
+SynMenu C.C:c
+SynMenu C.C++:cpp
+SynMenu C.C#:cs
+SynMenu C.Calendar:calendar
+SynMenu C.Cascading\ Style\ Sheets:css
+SynMenu C.CDL:cdl
+SynMenu C.Cdrdao\ TOC:cdrtoc
+SynMenu C.Cdrdao\ config:cdrdaoconf
+SynMenu C.Century\ Term:cterm
+SynMenu C.CH\ script:ch
+SynMenu C.ChangeLog:changelog
+SynMenu C.Cheetah\ template:cheetah
+SynMenu C.CHILL:chill
+SynMenu C.ChordPro:chordpro
+SynMenu C.Clean:clean
+SynMenu C.Clever:cl
+SynMenu C.Clipper:clipper
+SynMenu C.Cmake:cmake
+SynMenu C.Cmusrc:cmusrc
+SynMenu C.Cobol:cobol
+SynMenu C.Coco/R:coco
+SynMenu C.Cold\ Fusion:cf
+SynMenu C.Conary\ Recipe:conaryrecipe
+SynMenu C.Config.Cfg\ Config\ file:cfg
+SynMenu C.Config.Configure\.in:config
+SynMenu C.Config.Generic\ Config\ file:conf
+SynMenu C.CRM114:crm
+SynMenu C.Crontab:crontab
+SynMenu C.CSP:csp
+SynMenu C.Ctrl-H:ctrlh
+SynMenu C.CUDA:cuda
+SynMenu C.CUPL.CUPL:cupl
+SynMenu C.CUPL.Simulation:cuplsim
+SynMenu C.CVS.commit\ file:cvs
+SynMenu C.CVS.cvsrc:cvsrc
+SynMenu C.Cyn++:cynpp
+SynMenu C.Cynlib:cynlib
+SynMenu DE.D:d
+SynMenu DE.Debian.Debian\ ChangeLog:debchangelog
+SynMenu DE.Debian.Debian\ Control:debcontrol
+SynMenu DE.Debian.Debian\ Sources\.list:debsources
+SynMenu DE.Denyhosts:denyhosts
+SynMenu DE.Desktop:desktop
+SynMenu DE.Dict\ config:dictconf
+SynMenu DE.Dictd\ config:dictdconf
+SynMenu DE.Diff:diff
+SynMenu DE.Digital\ Command\ Lang:dcl
+SynMenu DE.Dircolors:dircolors
+SynMenu DE.Django\ template:django
+SynMenu DE.DNS/BIND\ zone:bindzone
+SynMenu DE.DocBook.SGML:docbksgml
+SynMenu DE.DocBook.XML:docbkxml
+SynMenu DE.Dot:dot
+SynMenu DE.Doxygen.C\ with\ doxygen:c.doxygen
+SynMenu DE.Doxygen.C++\ with\ doxygen:cpp.doxygen
+SynMenu DE.Doxygen.IDL\ with\ doxygen:idl.doxygen
+SynMenu DE.Doxygen.Java\ with\ doxygen:java.doxygen
+SynMenu DE.Dracula:dracula
+SynMenu DE.DSSSL:dsl
+SynMenu DE.DTD:dtd
+SynMenu DE.DTML\ (Zope):dtml
+SynMenu DE.DTrace:dtrace
+SynMenu DE.Dylan.Dylan:dylan
+SynMenu DE.Dylan.Dylan\ interface:dylanintr
+SynMenu DE.Dylan.Dylan\ lid:dylanlid
+SynMenu DE.EDIF:edif
+SynMenu DE.Eiffel:eiffel