path: root/runtime/plugin
diff options
authorBram Moolenaar <>2010-01-06 20:54:52 +0100
committerBram Moolenaar <>2010-01-06 20:54:52 +0100
commit5c73622a9066182ee4479fd7b3aa86e1825808c3 (patch)
treec92ed672cbb989fa3585387ebd4598f5bdfcc637 /runtime/plugin
parent8f3f58f2c361f1b7241128d9821f88d8a30aa066 (diff)
Update runtime files.
Diffstat (limited to 'runtime/plugin')
6 files changed, 34 insertions, 48 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/plugin/getscriptPlugin.vim b/runtime/plugin/getscriptPlugin.vim
index 4fd36db596..7ae35cb41c 100644
--- a/runtime/plugin/getscriptPlugin.vim
+++ b/runtime/plugin/getscriptPlugin.vim
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ if &cp || exists("g:loaded_getscriptPlugin")
-let g:loaded_getscriptPlugin = "v31"
+let g:loaded_getscriptPlugin = "v32"
let s:keepcpo = &cpo
set cpo&vim
diff --git a/runtime/plugin/gzip.vim b/runtime/plugin/gzip.vim
index 6560238719..16e4f8fa03 100644
--- a/runtime/plugin/gzip.vim
+++ b/runtime/plugin/gzip.vim
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
" Vim plugin for editing compressed files.
" Maintainer: Bram Moolenaar <>
-" Last Change: 2005 Jul 26
+" Last Change: 2009 Jul 01
" Exit quickly when:
" - this plugin was already loaded
@@ -20,17 +20,21 @@ augroup gzip
" Set binary mode before reading the file.
" Use "gzip -d", gunzip isn't always available.
- autocmd BufReadPre,FileReadPre *.gz,*.bz2,*.Z setlocal bin
+ autocmd BufReadPre,FileReadPre *.gz,*.bz2,*.Z,*.lzma setlocal bin
autocmd BufReadPost,FileReadPost *.gz call gzip#read("gzip -dn")
autocmd BufReadPost,FileReadPost *.bz2 call gzip#read("bzip2 -d")
autocmd BufReadPost,FileReadPost *.Z call gzip#read("uncompress")
+ autocmd BufReadPost,FileReadPost *.lzma call gzip#read("lzma -d")
autocmd BufWritePost,FileWritePost *.gz call gzip#write("gzip")
autocmd BufWritePost,FileWritePost *.bz2 call gzip#write("bzip2")
autocmd BufWritePost,FileWritePost *.Z call gzip#write("compress -f")
+ autocmd BufWritePost,FileWritePost *.lzma call gzip#write("lzma -z")
autocmd FileAppendPre *.gz call gzip#appre("gzip -dn")
autocmd FileAppendPre *.bz2 call gzip#appre("bzip2 -d")
autocmd FileAppendPre *.Z call gzip#appre("uncompress")
+ autocmd FileAppendPre *.lzma call gzip#appre("lzma -d")
autocmd FileAppendPost *.gz call gzip#write("gzip")
autocmd FileAppendPost *.bz2 call gzip#write("bzip2")
autocmd FileAppendPost *.Z call gzip#write("compress -f")
+ autocmd FileAppendPost *.lzma call gzip#write("lzma -z")
augroup END
diff --git a/runtime/plugin/matchparen.vim b/runtime/plugin/matchparen.vim
index f38e4819d6..d5a0ac5a97 100644
--- a/runtime/plugin/matchparen.vim
+++ b/runtime/plugin/matchparen.vim
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
" Vim plugin for showing matching parens
" Maintainer: Bram Moolenaar <>
-" Last Change: 2008 Feb 27
+" Last Change: 2008 Sep 03
" Exit quickly when:
" - this plugin was already loaded (or disabled)
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ if exists("*s:Highlight_Matching_Pair")
-let cpo_save = &cpo
+let s:cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo-=C
" The function that is invoked (very often) to define a ":match" highlighting
@@ -147,4 +147,5 @@ command! NoMatchParen windo 3match none | unlet! g:loaded_matchparen |
\ au! matchparen
command! DoMatchParen runtime plugin/matchparen.vim | windo doau CursorMoved
-let &cpo = cpo_save
+let &cpo = s:cpo_save
+unlet s:cpo_save
diff --git a/runtime/plugin/netrwPlugin.vim b/runtime/plugin/netrwPlugin.vim
index 7d2ca0bbb3..13798b03f2 100644
--- a/runtime/plugin/netrwPlugin.vim
+++ b/runtime/plugin/netrwPlugin.vim
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
" netrwPlugin.vim: Handles file transfer and remote directory listing across a network
-" Date: Aug 01, 2008
+" Date: Aug 10, 2008
" Maintainer: Charles E Campbell, Jr <NdrOchip@ScampbellPfamily.AbizM-NOSPAM>
" GetLatestVimScripts: 1075 1 :AutoInstall: netrw.vim
" Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2008 Charles E. Campbell, Jr. {{{1
@@ -16,19 +16,16 @@
" But be doers of the Word, and not only hearers, deluding your own selves {{{1
" (James 1:22 RSV)
" =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
-" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
" Load Once: {{{1
if &cp || exists("g:loaded_netrwPlugin")
-let g:loaded_netrwPlugin = "v132"
-let s:keepcpo = &cpo
-if v:version < 700
- echohl WarningMsg | echo "***netrw*** you need vim version 7.0 for this version of netrw" | echohl None
+let g:loaded_netrwPlugin = "v136"
+if v:version < 702
+ echohl WarningMsg | echo "***netrw*** you need vim version 7.2 for this version of netrw" | echohl None
-let s:keepcpo= &cpo
+let s:keepcpo = &cpo
set cpo&vim
" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -52,8 +49,8 @@ augroup Network
au BufReadCmd file://* exe "silent doau BufReadPre ".fnameescape(netrw#RFC2396(expand("<amatch>")))|exe 'e '.fnameescape(substitute(netrw#RFC2396(expand("<amatch>")),'file://\(.*\)','\1',""))|exe "bwipe ".fnameescape(expand("<amatch>"))|exe "silent doau BufReadPost ".fnameescape(netrw#RFC2396(expand("<amatch>")))
au BufReadCmd file://localhost/* exe "silent doau BufReadPre ".fnameescape(netrw#RFC2396(expand("<amatch>")))|exe 'e '.fnameescape(substitute(netrw#RFC2396(expand("<amatch>")),'file://localhost/\(.*\)','\1',""))|exe "bwipe ".fnameescape(substitute(expand("<amatch>"),'file://\(\k\+@\)\=','',''))|exe "silent doau BufReadPost ".fnameescape(netrw#RFC2396(expand("<amatch>")))
- au BufReadCmd ftp://*,rcp://*,scp://*,http://*,dav://*,davs://*,rsync://*,sftp://* exe "silent doau BufReadPre ".fnameescape(expand("<amatch>"))|exe '2Nread '.fnameescape(expand("<amatch>"))|exe "silent doau BufReadPost ".fnameescape(expand("<amatch>"))
- au FileReadCmd ftp://*,rcp://*,scp://*,http://*,dav://*,davs://*,rsync://*,sftp://* exe "silent doau FileReadPre ".fnameescape(expand("<amatch>"))|exe 'Nread '.fnameescape(expand("<amatch>"))|exe "silent doau FileReadPost ".fnameescape(expand("<amatch>"))
+ au BufReadCmd ftp://*,rcp://*,scp://*,http://*,dav://*,davs://*,rsync://*,sftp://* exe "silent doau BufReadPre ".fnameescape(expand("<amatch>"))|call netrw#Nread(2,expand("<amatch>"))|exe "silent doau BufReadPost ".fnameescape(expand("<amatch>"))
+ au FileReadCmd ftp://*,rcp://*,scp://*,http://*,dav://*,davs://*,rsync://*,sftp://* exe "silent doau FileReadPre ".fnameescape(expand("<amatch>"))|call netrw#Nread(1,expand("<amatch>"))|exe "silent doau FileReadPost ".fnameescape(expand("<amatch>"))
au BufWriteCmd ftp://*,rcp://*,scp://*,dav://*,davs://*,rsync://*,sftp://* exe "silent doau BufWritePre ".fnameescape(expand("<amatch>"))|exe 'Nwrite '.fnameescape(expand("<amatch>"))|exe "silent doau BufWritePost ".fnameescape(expand("<amatch>"))
au FileWriteCmd ftp://*,rcp://*,scp://*,dav://*,davs://*,rsync://*,sftp://* exe "silent doau FileWritePre ".fnameescape(expand("<amatch>"))|exe "'[,']".'Nwrite '.fnameescape(expand("<amatch>"))|exe "silent doau FileWritePost ".fnameescape(expand("<amatch>"))
@@ -156,24 +153,6 @@ fun! NetUserPass(...)
" ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-" NetReadFixup: this sort of function is typically written by the user {{{1
-" to handle extra junk that their system's ftp dumps
-" into the transfer. This function is provided as an
-" example and as a fix for a Windows 95 problem: in my
-" experience, win95's ftp always dumped four blank lines
-" at the end of the transfer.
-if has("win95") && exists("g:netrw_win95ftp") && g:netrw_win95ftp
- fun! NetReadFixup(method, line1, line2)
-" call Dfunc("NetReadFixup(method<".a:method."> line1=".a:line1." line2=".a:line2.")")
- if method == 3 " ftp (no <.netrc>)
- let fourblanklines= line2 - 3
- silent fourblanklines.",".line2."g/^\s*/d"
- endif
-" call Dret("NetReadFixup")
- endfun
-" ------------------------------------------------------------------------
" Modelines And Restoration: {{{1
let &cpo= s:keepcpo
unlet s:keepcpo
diff --git a/runtime/plugin/tarPlugin.vim b/runtime/plugin/tarPlugin.vim
index 2ddf7f3484..8232b46d56 100644
--- a/runtime/plugin/tarPlugin.vim
+++ b/runtime/plugin/tarPlugin.vim
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
if &cp || exists("g:loaded_tarPlugin")
-let g:loaded_tarPlugin = "v23"
+let g:loaded_tarPlugin = "v24"
let s:keepcpo = &cpo
set cpo&vim
@@ -34,13 +34,15 @@ augroup tar
au FileWriteCmd tarfile::*/* call tar#Write(expand("<amatch>"))
- au BufReadCmd *.tar.gz call tar#Browse(expand("<amatch>"))
- au BufReadCmd *.tar call tar#Browse(expand("<amatch>"))
- au BufReadCmd *.lrp call tar#Browse(expand("<amatch>"))
- au BufReadCmd *.tar.bz2 call tar#Browse(expand("<amatch>"))
- au BufReadCmd *.tar.Z call tar#Browse(expand("<amatch>"))
- au BufReadCmd *.tgz call tar#Browse(expand("<amatch>"))
+ au BufReadCmd *.tar.gz call tar#Browse(expand("<amatch>"))
+ au BufReadCmd *.tar call tar#Browse(expand("<amatch>"))
+ au BufReadCmd *.lrp call tar#Browse(expand("<amatch>"))
+ au BufReadCmd *.tar.bz2 call tar#Browse(expand("<amatch>"))
+ au BufReadCmd *.tar.Z call tar#Browse(expand("<amatch>"))
+ au BufReadCmd *.tgz call tar#Browse(expand("<amatch>"))
+ au BufReadCmd *.tar.lzma call tar#Browse(expand("<amatch>"))
augroup END
+com! -nargs=? -complete=file Vimuntar call tar#Vimuntar(<q-args>)
" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
" Restoration And Modelines: {{{1
diff --git a/runtime/plugin/vimballPlugin.vim b/runtime/plugin/vimballPlugin.vim
index 630bb9fbaa..1192a6b8cd 100644
--- a/runtime/plugin/vimballPlugin.vim
+++ b/runtime/plugin/vimballPlugin.vim
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
" vimballPlugin : construct a file containing both paths and files
" Author: Charles E. Campbell, Jr.
-" Copyright: (c) 2004-2007 by Charles E. Campbell, Jr.
+" Copyright: (c) 2004-2009 by Charles E. Campbell, Jr.
" The VIM LICENSE applies to Vimball.vim, and Vimball.txt
" (see |copyright|) except use "Vimball" instead of "Vim".
" No warranty, express or implied.
@@ -16,18 +16,18 @@
if &cp || exists("g:loaded_vimballPlugin")
-let g:loaded_vimballPlugin = "v29"
+let g:loaded_vimballPlugin = "v30"
let s:keepcpo = &cpo
set cpo&vim
" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
" Public Interface: {{{1
com! -ra -complete=file -na=+ -bang MkVimball call vimball#MkVimball(<line1>,<line2>,<bang>0,<f-args>)
-com! -na=? -complete=dir UseVimball call vimball#Vimball(1,<f-args>)
-com! -na=0 VimballList call vimball#Vimball(0)
-com! -na=* -complete=dir RmVimball call vimball#SaveSettings()|call vimball#RmVimball(<f-args>)|call vimball#RestoreSettings()
-au BufEnter *.vba.gz,*.vba.bz2,* call vimball#Decompress(expand("<amatch>"))
-au BufEnter *.vba setlocal ff=unix noma bt=nofile fmr=[[[,]]] fdm=marker|call vimball#ShowMesg(0,"Source this file to extract it! (:so %)")
+com! -na=? -complete=dir UseVimball call vimball#Vimball(1,<f-args>)
+com! -na=0 VimballList call vimball#Vimball(0)
+com! -na=* -complete=dir RmVimball call vimball#SaveSettings()|call vimball#RmVimball(<f-args>)|call vimball#RestoreSettings()
+au SourceCmd *.vba.gz,*.vba.bz2,* call vimball#Decompress(expand("<amatch>"))|call vimball#Vimball(1)
+au BufEnter *.vba,*.vba.gz,*.vba.bz2,* setlocal bt=nofile fmr=[[[,]]] fdm=marker|if &ff != 'unix'| setlocal ff=unix|endif|call vimball#ShowMesg(0,"Source this file to extract it! (:so %)")
" =====================================================================
" Restoration And Modelines: {{{1