path: root/runtime/kde-tips
diff options
authorBram Moolenaar <>2004-06-30 16:16:41 +0000
committerBram Moolenaar <>2004-06-30 16:16:41 +0000
commit843ee41eb8258ac50ed81976757d8b228382a880 (patch)
treed0fcdff9e19b05b182de1bb1be46b2e6f5b8b0b7 /runtime/kde-tips
parentf4b8e57ffd048f9ca46dd7618939ba7a1b2294ec (diff)
updated for version 7.0003
Diffstat (limited to 'runtime/kde-tips')
1 files changed, 9314 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/kde-tips b/runtime/kde-tips
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..67b350d865
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/kde-tips
@@ -0,0 +1,9314 @@
+*vimtips.txt* This file comes from the Vim Online tip database. These tips
+were downloaded on Tue, 24 Sep 2002 15:27:26 -0700 More tips can be found at <A
+A new tip file can be downloaded from <A
+Thanks for using vim online.
+<Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>the super star</center> <pre> <A
+When a discussion started about learning vim on the vim list Juergen Salk
+mentioned the "*" key as something that he wished he had know earlier. When
+I read the mail I had to go help on what the heck the "*" did. I also wish
+I had known earlier...
+Using the "*" key while in normal mode searches for the word under the cursor.
+If that doesn't save you a lot of typing, I don't know what will.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>easy
+edit of files in the same directory</center> <pre> <A
+It was often frustrating when I would open a file deep in the code tree and
+then realize I wanted to open another file in that same directory. Douglas
+Potts taught me a nice way to do this. Add the following snipit to your vimrc:
+" Edit another file in the same directory as the current file " uses
+expression to extract path from current file's path " (thanks Douglas Potts)
+if has("unix")
+ map ,e :e &lt;C-R&gt;=expand("%:p:h") . "/" &lt;CR&gt;
+ map ,e :e &lt;C-R&gt;=expand("%:p:h") . "\" &lt;CR&gt;
+Then when you type ,e in normal mode you can use tab to complete to the
+file. You can also expand this to allow for spitting, etc. Very very nice.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>use
+vim to quickly compile java files</center> <pre> <A
+For a number of years I used vim on an SGI box. When I left my job at SGI
+I went to a company that developed on PCs. For 2 years I used IDEs. I was
+unhappy. I was frustrated. I couldn't figure out why. (Beyond my machine
+crashing twice a day.) Finally I upgraded to windows 2000 (kind of stable!) and
+started using vim as an IDE. All was good. Here is how you use vim to compile
+your java:
+1. While I'm sure this works with javac, javac is slow slow slow. So download
+the Jikes complier first. (Jikes is from ibm, search on google for jikes
+and you will find it..available on most platforms.)
+2. Add the following to your vimrc:
+set makeprg=jikes -nowarn -Xstdout +E % set
+3. When you are editing a java file type :make and it will compile the
+current file and jump you to the first error in the file (if any). Read
+":help quickfix" for how to move between errors.
+To setup your classpath environment either launch gvim from a shell that
+has your classpath/path setup or use the "let" command to configure it in
+your vimrc.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Any word completion</center> <pre> <A
+Either when programming or writing, I tend to have some identifiers or words
+that I use all the time. By sheer accident, I noticed the 'ctrl-n' command,
+that will attempt to complete the word under the cursor. Hit it once, and it
+will try to complete it with the first match in the current file. If there is
+no match, it will (at least in the case of C code) search through all files
+included from the current one. Repeated invocations will cycle through all
+found matches.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Quickly searching for a word</center> <pre> <A
+To search for a word under the cursor in the current file you can use either
+the "*" or "#" keys.
+The "*" key will search for the word from the current cursor position to
+the end of the file. The "#" key will search for the word from the current
+cursor position to the top of the file.
+Note that the above two keys will search for the whole word and not the
+partial word. This is equivalent to using the &lt;word&gt; pattern in the
+search commands (/ and ?).
+To search for partial matches, you can use the "g*" and "g#" key sequence.
+You can also use the mouse to search for a word. This will only work in
+the GUI version of VIM (gvim) or a console version of VIM in an xterm which
+accepts a mouse. Also, the 'mousemodel' should be set to 'extend'. Add the
+following line to your .vimrc:
+set mousemodel=extend
+To search for a word under the cursor from the current cursor position to
+the end of the file, press the shift key and click on the word using the
+left mouse button. To search in the opposite direction, press the shift
+key and click on the word using the the right mouse button.
+To get more help on these, use
+:help * :help # :help g* :help g# :help &lt;S-LeftMouse&gt; :help
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Using the % key</center> <pre> <A
+The % key can be used
+1. To jump to a matching opening or closing parenthesis, square
+ bracket or a curly brace i.e. ([{}])
+2. To jump to start or end of a C-style comment /* */. 3. To jump to a
+matching #if, #ifdef, #else, #elif, #endif C
+ preprocessor conditionals.
+To get more information about this, do
+ :help %
+The % key can be extended to support other matching pairs by modifying the
+"matchpairs" option. Read the help on
+ :help matchpairs
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Jumping
+to the start and end of a code block</center> <pre> <A
+To jump to the beginning of a C code block (while, switch, if etc), use the
+[{ command.
+To jump to the end of a C code block (while, switch, if etc), use the ]}
+The above two commands will work from anywhere inside the code block.
+To jump to the beginning of a parenthesis use the [( command.
+To jump to the end of a parenthesis use the ]) command.
+To get more help on these commands, do
+:help [{ :help ]} :help [( :help ])
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Jumping
+to the declaration of a local/global variable</center> <pre> <A
+'gd' command: To jump to the declaration of a local variable in a C program,
+position the cursor on the name of the variable and use the gd command.
+'gD' command: To jump to the declaration of a global variable in a C program,
+position the cursor on the name of the variable and use the gD command.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Displaying
+a variable/macro definition</center> <pre> <A
+To display the definition of a variable, place the cursor on the variable
+and use the [i command. To display a macro definition, place the cursor on
+the macro name and use the [d command. Note that these commands will work
+most of the time (not all the time). To get more help on these commands, use
+:help [i :help [d
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Jumping
+to previosuly visited locations in a file</center> <pre> <A
+Vim remembers all the locations visited by you in a file in a session.
+You can jump to the older locations by pressing the Ctrl-O key. You can
+jump to the newer locations by pressing the Ctrl-I or the &lt;Tab&gt; key.
+To get more help on these keys, use
+:help CTRL-O :help CTRL-I :help jump-motions
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Completing
+words quicky in insert mode</center> <pre> <A
+In Insert mode, press the Ctrl-p or Ctrl-n key to complete part of a word
+that has been typed.
+This is useful while typing C programs to complete long variable and
+function names. This also helps in avoiding typing mistakes.
+Note that using the 'complete' option, you can complete keywords defined in
+one of the include files, tag file, etc.
+To get more help on this, use
+:help i_Ctrl-N :help i_Ctrl-P :help ins-completion :help complete
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Converting tabs to spaces</center> <pre> <A
+To insert space characters whenever the tab key is pressed, set the
+'expandtab' option:
+ set expandtab
+With this option set, if you want to enter a real tab character use
+Ctrl-V&lt;Tab&gt; key sequence.
+To control the number of space characters that will be inserted when the tab
+key is pressed, set the 'tabstop' option. For example, to insert 4 spaces
+for a tab, use:
+ set tabstop=4
+After the 'expandtab' option is set, all the new tab characters entered will
+be changed to spaces. This will not affect the existing tab characters.
+To change all the existing tab characters to match the current tab settings,
+ :retab
+To change the number of space characters inserted for indentation, use the
+'shiftwidth' option:
+ set shiftwidth=4
+For example, to get the following coding style,
+ - No tabs in the source file - All tab characters are 4 space
+ characters
+use the following set of options:
+ set tabstop=4 set shiftwidth=4 set expandtab
+Add the above settings to your .vimrc file.
+To get more help on these options, use :help tabstop :help shiftwidth :help
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Incremental search</center> <pre> <A
+To move the cursor to the matched string, while typing the search string,
+set the following option in the .vimrc file:
+ set incsearch
+You can complete the search by pressing the Enter key. To cancel the search,
+press the escape key.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Highlighting
+all the search pattern matches</center> <pre> <A
+To highlight all the search pattern matches in a file set the following option:
+ :set hlsearch
+After this option is set, if you search for a pattern, all the matches in
+the file will be highlighted in yellow.
+To disable the highlighting temporarily, use the command
+ :nohlsearch
+This command will remove the highlighting for the current search.
+The highlighting will come back for the next search.
+To disable the highlighting completely, set the following option:
+ :set nohlsearch
+By default, the hlsearch option is turned off.
+To get more help on this option, use
+:help 'hlsearch' :help :nohlsearch
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Displaying status line always</center> <pre> <A
+To display the status line always, set the following option in your .vimrc
+ set laststatus=2
+The advantage of having the status line displayed always is, you can see
+the current mode, file name, file status, ruler, etc.
+To get more help on this, use
+:help laststatus
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Avoiding
+the "Hit ENTER to continue" prompts</center> <pre> <A
+To avoid the "Hit ENTER to continue" prompt, use the 'shortmess' option.
+Add the following line to your .vimrc file:
+ set shortmess=a
+Also, you can increase the height of the command line to 2
+ set cmdheight=2
+The default command height is 1.
+To get more help on these options, use
+:help hit-enter :help shortmess :help cmdheight
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Erasing
+previosuly entered characters in insert mode</center> <pre> <A
+In insert mode, to erase previously entered characters, set the following
+ set backspace=2
+By default, this option is empty. If this option is empty, in insert mode,
+you can not erase characters entered before this insert mode started.
+This is the standard Vi behavior.
+To get more help on this, use
+:help 'backspace'
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Cleanup your HTML</center> <pre> <A
+From Johannes Zellner on the vim list:
+You can use vim's makeprg and equalprg to clean up HTML. First download
+html tidy from <A HREF=" Then use
+the following commands."> Then use
+the following commands.</A><BR>
+vim6? exe 'setlocal equalprg=tidy -quiet -f '.&errorfile setlocal makeprg=tidy
+-quiet -e %
+vim5? exe 'set equalprg=tidy -quiet -f '.&errorfile set makeprg=tidy -quiet
+-e %
+At this point you can use make to clean up the full file or you can use =
+to clean up sections.
+:help = :help equalprg :help makeprg
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>line numbers...</center> <pre> <A
+I have started doing all my code reviews on a laptop because of the number
+:set number will put line numbers along the left side of a window
+:help number
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Are *.swp
+and *~ files littering your working directory?</center> <pre> <A
+Have you ever been frustrated at swap files and backups cluttering up your
+working directory?
+ ons.txt ons.txt~ README README~
+Here are a couple of options that can help:
+ set backupdir=./.backup,.,/tmp set directory=.,./.backup,/tmp
+This way, if you want your backups to be neatly grouped, just create
+a directory called '.backup' in your working directory. Vim will stash
+backups there. The 'directory' option controls where swap files go. If your
+working directory is not writable, Vim will put the swap file in one of the
+specified places.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>easy pasting to windows apps</center> <pre> <A
+In Vim, the unnamed register is the " register, and the Windows Clipboard is
+the * register. This means that if you yank something, you have to yank it to
+the * register if you want to paste it into a Windows app. If this is too much
+trouble, set the 'clipboard' option to 'unnamed'. Then you always yank to *.
+So pasting to windows apps doesn't require prefixing "* :
+ set clipboard=unnamed
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>handle
+common typos for :commands</center> <pre> <A
+I frequently hold the shift key for too long when typing, for instance :wq,
+and end up with :Wq. Vim then whines "Not an editor command: Wq"
+In my .vimrc, I have taught vim my common typos: command! Q quit command! W
+write command! Wq wq " this one won't work, because :X is already a built-in
+command command! X xit
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Vim xterm title</center> <pre> <A
+Check out your .vimrc. If 'set notitle' is an entry, comment it out with
+a quotation mark ("). Now your xterm should inherit the title from Vim.
+e.g. 'Vim - ~/.vimrc'. This can be quite nice when programming and editing
+lots of files at the same time. by []
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>changing
+the default syntax highlighting</center> <pre> <A
+ Here are some pointers to the vim documentation. Notice that the
+ mechanism is different in vim 6.0 and vim 5.x.
+1. I want *.foo files to be highlighted like HTML files.
+:help new-filetype <A
+2. I want to define a syntax file for *.bar files. Read the above and also
+:help mysyntaxfile <A
+3. I want to make a few changes to the existing syntax highlighting.
+Depending on the x in 5.x, either read the above and page down a few screens,
+or you may be able to skip right to
+:help mysyntaxfile-add <A
+4. I want to change some of the colors from their defaults. Again, read
+:help mysyntaxfile <A
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>color
+highlighting on telnet (esp w/ SecureCRT)</center> <pre> <A
+The following settings in .vimrc will enable color highlighting when using
+SecureCRT and may work on other telnet packages. The terminal type should
+be selected as ANSI and color enabled.
+if !has("gui_running") set t_Co=8 set t_Sf=^[[3%p1%dm set t_Sb=^[[4%p1%dm endif
+The ^[ is entered as "&lt;ctrl-v&gt;&lt;esc&gt;"
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Getting
+rid of ^M - mixing dos and unix</center> <pre> <A
+If you work in a mixed environment you will often open files that have ^M's
+in them. An example would be this:
+import java.util.Hashtable; ^M import java.util.Properties; ^Mimport; import org.xml.sax.AttributeList; ^M import
+org.xml.sax.HandlerBase; ^Mimport org.xml.sax.SAXException;
+ * XMLHandler: This class parses the elements contained^M * within a XML
+ message and builds a Hashtable^M
+[snip] ------------------------------------------------------------------
+Notice that some programs are not consistent in the way they insert the line
+breaks so you end up with some lines that have both a carrage return and a
+^M and some lines that have a ^M and no carrage return (and so blend into
+one). There are two steps to clean this up.
+1. replace all extraneous ^M:
+expression will replace all the ^M's that have carriage returns after them
+with nothing. (The dollar ties the search to the end of a line)
+2. replace all ^M's that need to have carriage returns:
+"CARROT M"! This expression will replace all the ^M's that didn't have
+carriage returns after them with a carriage return.
+Voila! Clean file. Map this to something if you do it frequently.
+:help ffs - for more info on file formats
+thanks to jonathan merz, douglas potts, and benji fisher
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Convert hex to dec</center> <pre> <A
+when you check the output of objdump, you'll confused by the $0xFFFFFFc
+operand, this function translate the hexcamal to decimal. function! Hex2Dec()
+ let lstr = getline(".") let hexstr = matchstr(lstr, '0x[a-f0-9]+')
+ while hexstr != ""
+ let hexstr = hexstr + 0 exe 's#0x[a-f0-9]+#'.hexstr."#" let lstr =
+ substitute(lstr, '0x[a-f0-9]+', hexstr, "") let hexstr = matchstr(lstr,
+ '0x[a-f0-9]+')
+ endwhile
+endfunction usage: 5,8call Hex2Dec()
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>add a line-number
+to every line without cat or awk alike utilities.</center> <pre> <A
+With Unix-like environment, you can use cat or awk to generate a line number
+easily, because vim has a friendly interface with shell, so everything work
+in vim as well as it does in shell. :%!call -n or :%!awk '{print NR,$0}'
+But, if you use vim in MS-DOS, of win9x, win2000, you loss these tookit.
+here is a very simple way to archive this only by vim: fu! LineIt()
+ exe ":s/^/".line(".")."/"
+Well, a sequence composed with alphabet is as easy as above:
+ exe "s/^/".nr2char(line("."))."/"
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>reverse
+all the line with only 7 keystroke in vim</center> <pre> <A
+:g/^/m0 well, 1. : bring you to command-line mode(also known as ex-mode)
+from normal-mode(also known as command mode). 2. g means you'll take an
+action through the whole file, generally perform a search, `v' also perform
+a search but it match the line not match the canonical expression. 3. /
+begins the regular express 4. ^ is a special character respect the start
+of a line. 5. the second / ends the regular express and indicate that the
+remains is action to do. 6. m means move, `t` and `co' for copy, `d' for
+delete 7. 0 is the destination line.
+you can use :g/regexp/t$ to filter all lines and pick the match line together
+and copy them to the end of the buffer or :g/regexp/y A to put them into a
+register(not eax, ebx...)
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Increasing or decreasing numbers</center> <pre> <A
+To increase a number under or nearest to the right of the cursor, go to
+Normal mode and type:
+ Ctrl-A
+To decrease, type:
+ Ctrl-X
+Using this in a macro simplifies generating number sequences a lot.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Find and Replace</center> <pre> <A
+To find and replace one or more occurences of a given text pattern with a
+new text string, use the s[ubstitute] command.
+There are a variety of options, but these are what you most probably want:
+:%s/foo/bar/g find each occurance of 'foo' and replace it with
+'bar' without asking for confirmation
+:%s/foo/bar/gc find each occurance of 'foo' and replace it with
+'bar' asking for confirmation first
+:%s/&lt;foo&gt;/bar/gc find (match exact word only) and replace each
+occurance of 'foo' with 'bar'
+:%s/foo/bar/gci find (case insensitive) and replace each occurance of
+'foo' with 'bar'
+:%s/foo/bar/gcI find (case sensitive) and replace each occurance of
+'foo' with 'bar'
+NB: Without the 'g' flag, replacement occurs only for the first occurrence
+in each line.
+For a full description and some more interesting examples of the substitute
+command refer to
+:help substitute
+See also:
+:help cmdline-ranges :help pattern :help gdefault
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Write
+your own vim function(scripts)</center> <pre> <A
+compare to C and shell(bash), herein is some vim specifics about vim-script:
+1. A function name must be capitalized.
+ hex2dec is invalid Hex2dec is valid while in c and shell(bash), both
+ lowercase and uppercase is allowed.
+2. how to reference the parameters
+ fu! Hex2dec(var1, var2)
+ let str=a:var1 let str2=a:var2
+ you must prefix the parameter name with "a:", and a:var1 itself is read-only
+ in c, you reference the parameter directly and the parameter is writable.
+3. how to implement variable parameter
+ fu! Hex2dec(fixpara, ...)
+ a:0 is the real number of the variable parameter when you invoke the
+ function, with :Hex2dec("asdf", 4,5,6), a:0=3, and a:1=4 a:2=5 a:3=6
+ you can combine "a:" and the number to get the value while i&lt;a:0
+ exe "let num=a:".i let i=i+1
+ endwhile in c, the function get the real number by checking the additional
+ parameter such as printf family, or by checking the special value such
+ as NULL
+4. where is the vim-library
+ yes, vim has its own function-library, just like *.a in c :help functions
+5. can I use += or ++ operator?
+ Nop, += and ++ (and -=, -- and so on)operator gone away in vim.
+6. How can I assign a value to a variables and fetch its value?
+ let var_Name=value let var1=var2 like it does in c, except you must use
+ let keyword
+7. Can I use any ex-mode command in a function?
+ As I know, yes, just use it directly, as if every line you type appears
+ in the familar :
+8. Can I call a function recurse?
+ Yes, but use it carefully to avoid infinte call.
+9. Can I call another function in a function?
+ Course, like C does.
+10. Must I compile the function?
+ No, you needn't and you can't, just :so script_name, after this you can
+ call the function freely.
+11. Is it has integer and char or float data type?
+ No, like perl, vim script justify the variable type depend upon the context
+ :let a=1 :let a=a."asdf" :echo a you'll get `1asdf' :let a=1 :let a=a+2
+ :echo a you'll get 3 But it differs from perl.
+12. Must I append a `;' in every statement?
+ No, never do that. ; is required in C, and optional in shell for each
+ statement in a alone line. But is forbidden in vim. if you want combine
+ servals statement in one single line, use `|'. Take your mind that every
+ statement appears in function should be valid in ex-mode(except for some
+ special statement).
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>toggle
+off the line-number when enter on-line help</center> <pre> <A
+I like the line-number for myself editing. But I hate it in on-line help
+page because it force the screen wrapped. :au filetype help :se nonu
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>control
+the position of the new window</center> <pre> <A
+:se splitbelow make the new window appears below the current window.
+:se splitright make the new window appears in right.(only 6.0 version can
+do a vsplit)
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>translate
+// style comment to /* */and vice vesa</center> <pre> <A
+the `|' concatenate servals ex-command in one line. It's the key to translate
+// style comments to /* */ style :g#^s{-}//#s##/*# | s#$#*/#
+the `|' keep the current line matchs ^s{-}// to perform s#$#*/
+/* ... */ ---&gt; //style :g#/*(.{-})*/#//1#
+/* ....
+ .... .....
+*/ =====&gt; //...... //...... //...... style: ? Anyone implement it?
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Using Gnu-info help in vim</center> <pre> <A
+K in normal bring you the man page about the keyword under current cursor.
+:nnoremap &lt;F1&gt; :exe ":!info ".expand("&lt;cword&gt;") Now press F1
+while the cursor is hold by a keyword such as printf will bring you to
+Gnu-info help page :h &lt;F1&gt; :h nnoremap
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>The
+basic operation about vim-boolean optionals</center> <pre> <A
+:set number switch the number on :set nonumber switch it off :set invnumber
+or :set number! switch it inverse against the current setting :set number&
+get the default value vim assums.
+replace number with any legal vim-boolean optionals, they all works well.
+for vim-non-boolean optionals :set optional& also works properly.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Cursor
+one line at a time when :set wrap</center> <pre> <A
+If your tierd of the cursor jumping past 5 lines when :set wrap then add
+these mappings to you vimrc file.
+nnoremap j gj nnoremap k gk vnoremap j gj vnoremap k gk nnoremap &lt;Down&gt;
+gj nnoremap &lt;Up&gt; gk vnoremap &lt;Down&gt; gj vnoremap &lt;Up&gt;
+gk inoremap &lt;Down&gt; &lt;C-o&gt;gj inoremap &lt;Up&gt; &lt;C-o&gt;gk
+What they do is remap the cursor keys to use there `g' equvilant. See :help gj
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Undo and Redo</center> <pre> <A
+To undo recent changes, use the u[ndo] command:
+u undo last change (can be repeated to undo preceding commands)
+U return the line to its original state (undo all changes in
+current line) CTRL-R Redo changes which were undone (undo the undo's).
+For a full description of the undo/redo commands refer to
+:help undo
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Insert a file</center> <pre> <A
+To insert the contents of a file (or the output of a system command) into
+the current buffer, use the r[ead] command:
+:r foo.txt inserts the file foo.txt below the cursor
+:0r foo.txt inserts the file foo.txt above the first line
+:r !ls inserts a listing of your directory below the cursor
+:$r !pwd inserts the current working directory below the last line
+For more information about the r[ead] command refer to:
+:help read
+See also:
+:help cmdline-ranges :help !cmd
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Command-history
+facilities for Oracle/sqlplus user</center> <pre> <A
+ First of all, thanks Benji fisher, Stefan Roemer...
+and others in which spend much time to answer questions,
+sometimes foolish question asked by someone like me. Without their I can't
+get the final solution for my sqlplus work descripted follows.
+ As Oracle user known, sqlplus has a very bad
+command-line edition environment. It has no command-history, don't support
+most of getline facilities. which MySQL and shell does it well. Even Microsoft
+recogonize this point. In Windows2000, doskey is installed by default.
+ Below is my vim-solution to sqlplus, which
+record the command-history when you use edit(sqlplus builtin command) to
+open the editor specified by EDITOR environment variable. It saves the SQL
+statement into a standalone file such as .sqlplus.history
+ Every time you open the file
+afiedt.buf(sqlplus's default command-buffer file), you get two splited windows,
+the buffer above is afiedt.buf, the buffer below is .sqlplus.history, you
+can see every SQL statement in the windows. If you want to use SQL statement
+in line 5 to replace
+ the current command-buffer, just press 5K, then
+ :xa to back to you sqlplus. and use / to repeat the command
+ saved in command-buffer file called afiedt.buf by default.
+ It can't process multi-line SQL statement convinencely.
+ Todo this, just use you favorite vim trick to do that:
+ fu! VimSQL()
+ nnoremap &lt;C-K&gt; :&lt;C-U&gt;
+ exe "let linenum=".v:count&lt;CR&gt;:1,$-1d&lt;CR&gt;&lt;C-W&gt;j:exe
+ lin enum."y"&lt;CR&gt;&lt;C-W&gt;kP
+ let linenum=line("$") 1,$-1w! &gt;&gt; ~/.sqlplus.history e
+ ~/.sqlplus.history execute ":$-".(linenum-1).",$m0" %!uniq if
+ line("$")&gt;100
+ 101,$d
+ endif b# set splitbelow sp ~/.sqlplus.history au! BufEnter afiedt.buf
+endf au BufEnter afiedt.buf call VimSQL()
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Using marks</center> <pre> <A
+To mark one or more positions in a file, use the m[ark] command.
+ma - set current cursor location as mark a
+'a - jump to beginning of line of mark a
+`a - jump to postition of mark a
+d'a - delete from current line to line of mark a
+d`a - delete from current cursor position to mark a
+c'a - change text from current line to line of mark a
+y`a - yank text to unnamed buffer from cursor to mark a
+:marks - list all the current marks
+NB: Lowercase marks (a-z) are valid within one file. Uppercase marks (A-Z),
+also called file marks, are valid between files.
+For a detailed description of the m[ark] command refer to
+:help mark
+See also:
+:help various-motions
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Using abbreviations</center> <pre> <A
+To define abbreviations, use the ab[breviate] command.
+:ab rtfm read the fine manual - Whenever you type 'rtfm' followed by a
+&lt;space&gt; (or &lt;esc&gt; or &lt;cr&gt;) vim
+ will expand this to 'read the fine manual'.
+:ab - list all defined abbreviations
+:una[bbreviate] rtfm - remove 'rtfm' from the list of abbreviations
+:abc[lear] - remove all abbreviations
+NB: To avoid expansion in insert mode, type CTRL-V after the last character
+of the abbreviation.
+For a detailed description of the ab[breviate] command and some more examples
+refer to
+:help abbreviations
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Repeat last changes</center> <pre> <A
+Simple text changes in normal mode (e.g. "dw" or "J") can be repeated with
+the "." command. The last command-line change (those invoked with ":",
+e.g. ":s/foo/bar") can be repeated with the "@:" command.
+For more informations about repeating single changes refer to:
+:help single-repeat
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Using command-line history</center> <pre> <A