path: root/runtime/indent
diff options
authorChristian Brabandt <>2023-08-10 05:44:25 +0200
committerChristian Brabandt <>2023-08-10 06:19:18 +0200
commit6efb1980336ff324e9c57a4e282530b952fca816 (patch)
tree4b357d0ed63f01aad8196861ab5f612f00e0e04d /runtime/indent
parent6019fed0c50a31f0f9bb6c80e4e2b97d3f71565a (diff)
Updated runtime filesv9.0.1683
This is a collection of various PRs from github that all require a minor patch number: 1) Do not conflate dictionary key with end of block 2) When saving and restoring 'undolevels', the constructs `&undolevels` and `:set undolevels` are problematic. The construct `&undolevels` reads an unpredictable value; it will be the local option value (if one has been set), or the global option value (otherwise), making it unsuitable for saving a value for later restoration. Similarly, if a local option value has been set for 'undolevels', temporarily modifying the option via `:set undolevels` changes the local value as well as the global value, requiring extra work to restore both values. Saving and restoring the option value in one step via the construct `:let &undolevels = &undolevels` appears to make no changes to the 'undolevels' option, but if a local option has been set to a different value than the global option, it has the unintended effect of changing the global 'undolevels' value to the local value. Update the documentation to explain these issues and recommend explicit use of global and local option values when saving and restoring. Update some unit tests to use `g:undolevels`. 3) Problem: Pip requirements files are not recognized. Solution: Add a pattern to match pip requirements files. 4) Add indent file and tests for ABB Rapid 5) Use Lua 5.1 numeric escapes in tests and add to CI Only Lua 5.2+ and LuaJIT understand hexadecimal escapes in strings. Lua 5.1 only supports decimal escapes: > A character in a string can also be specified by its numerical value > using the escape sequence \ddd, where ddd is a sequence of up to three > decimal digits. (Note that if a numerical escape is to be followed by a > digit, it must be expressed using exactly three digits.) Strings in Lua > can contain any 8-bit value, including embedded zeros, which can be > specified as '\0'. To make sure this works with Lua 5.4 and Lua 5.1 change the Vim CI to run with Lua 5.1 as well as Lua 5.4 6) Add hurl filetype detection 7) Problem: Files for haskell persistent library are not recognized Solution: Add pattern persistentmodels for haskell persistent library closes: #12612 closes: #12729 closes: #12702 closes: #12688 closes: #12668 closes: #12631 closes: #12573 Co-authored-by: lacygoill <> Co-authored-by: Michael Henry <> Co-authored-by: ObserverOfTime <> Co-authored-by: KnoP-01 <> Co-authored-by: James McCoy <> Co-authored-by: Jacob Pfeifer <> Co-authored-by: Borys Lykah <>
Diffstat (limited to 'runtime/indent')
5 files changed, 801 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/indent/rapid.vim b/runtime/indent/rapid.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f97ebf84db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/indent/rapid.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+" ABB Rapid Command indent file for Vim
+" Language: ABB Rapid Command
+" Maintainer: Patrick Meiser-Knosowski <>
+" Version: 2.2.7
+" Last Change: 12. May 2023
+" Credits: Based on indent/vim.vim
+" Suggestions of improvement are very welcome. Please email me!
+" Known bugs: ../doc/rapid.txt
+" * indent wrapped lines which do not end with an ; or special key word,
+" maybe this is a better idea, but then () and [] has to be changed as
+" well
+if exists("g:rapidNoSpaceIndent")
+ if !exists("g:rapidSpaceIndent")
+ let g:rapidSpaceIndent = !g:rapidNoSpaceIndent
+ endif
+ unlet g:rapidNoSpaceIndent
+" Only load this indent file when no other was loaded.
+if exists("b:did_indent") || get(g:,'rapidNoIndent',0)
+ finish
+let b:did_indent = 1
+setlocal nolisp
+setlocal nosmartindent
+setlocal autoindent
+setlocal indentexpr=GetRapidIndent()
+if get(g:,'rapidNewStyleIndent',0)
+ setlocal indentkeys=!^F,o,O,0=~endmodule,0=~error,0=~undo,0=~backward,0=~endproc,0=~endrecord,0=~endtrap,0=~endfunc,0=~else,0=~endif,0=~endtest,0=~endfor,0=~endwhile,:,<[>,<]>,<(>,<)>
+ setlocal indentkeys=!^F,o,O,0=~endmodule,0=~error,0=~undo,0=~backward,0=~endproc,0=~endrecord,0=~endtrap,0=~endfunc,0=~else,0=~endif,0=~endtest,0=~endfor,0=~endwhile,:
+let b:undo_indent="setlocal lisp< si< ai< inde< indk<"
+if get(g:,'rapidSpaceIndent',1)
+ " Use spaces for indention, 2 is enough.
+ " More or even tabs wastes space on the teach pendant.
+ setlocal softtabstop=2
+ setlocal shiftwidth=2
+ setlocal expandtab
+ setlocal shiftround
+ let b:undo_indent = b:undo_indent." sts< sw< et< sr<"
+" Only define the function once.
+if exists("*GetRapidIndent")
+ finish
+let s:keepcpo= &cpo
+set cpo&vim
+function GetRapidIndent()
+ let ignorecase_save = &ignorecase
+ try
+ let &ignorecase = 0
+ return s:GetRapidIndentIntern()
+ finally
+ let &ignorecase = ignorecase_save
+ endtry
+function s:GetRapidIndentIntern() abort
+ let l:currentLineNum = v:lnum
+ let l:currentLine = getline(l:currentLineNum)
+ if l:currentLine =~ '^!' && !get(g:,'rapidCommentIndent',0)
+ " If current line is ! line comment, do not change indent
+ " This may be usefull if code is commented out at the first column.
+ return 0
+ endif
+ " Find a non-blank line above the current line.
+ let l:preNoneBlankLineNum = s:RapidPreNoneBlank(v:lnum - 1)
+ if l:preNoneBlankLineNum == 0
+ " At the start of the file use zero indent.
+ return 0
+ endif
+ let l:preNoneBlankLine = getline(l:preNoneBlankLineNum)
+ let l:ind = indent(l:preNoneBlankLineNum)
+ " Define add a 'shiftwidth' pattern
+ let l:addShiftwidthPattern = '\c\v^\s*('
+ let l:addShiftwidthPattern .= '((local|task)\s+)?(module|record|proc|func|trap)\s+\k'
+ let l:addShiftwidthPattern .= '|(backward|error|undo)>'
+ let l:addShiftwidthPattern .= ')'
+ "
+ " Define Subtract 'shiftwidth' pattern
+ let l:subtractShiftwidthPattern = '\c\v^\s*('
+ let l:subtractShiftwidthPattern .= 'end(module|record|proc|func|trap)>'
+ let l:subtractShiftwidthPattern .= '|(backward|error|undo)>'
+ let l:subtractShiftwidthPattern .= ')'
+ " Add shiftwidth
+ if l:preNoneBlankLine =~ l:addShiftwidthPattern
+ \|| s:RapidLenTilStr(l:preNoneBlankLineNum, "then", 0)>=0
+ \|| s:RapidLenTilStr(l:preNoneBlankLineNum, "else", 0)>=0
+ \|| s:RapidLenTilStr(l:preNoneBlankLineNum, "do", 0)>=0
+ \|| s:RapidLenTilStr(l:preNoneBlankLineNum, "case", 0)>=0
+ \|| s:RapidLenTilStr(l:preNoneBlankLineNum, "default", 0)>=0
+ let l:ind += &sw
+ endif
+ " Subtract shiftwidth
+ if l:currentLine =~ l:subtractShiftwidthPattern
+ \|| s:RapidLenTilStr(l:currentLineNum, "endif", 0)>=0
+ \|| s:RapidLenTilStr(l:currentLineNum, "endfor", 0)>=0
+ \|| s:RapidLenTilStr(l:currentLineNum, "endwhile", 0)>=0
+ \|| s:RapidLenTilStr(l:currentLineNum, "endtest", 0)>=0
+ \|| s:RapidLenTilStr(l:currentLineNum, "else", 0)>=0
+ \|| s:RapidLenTilStr(l:currentLineNum, "elseif", 0)>=0
+ \|| s:RapidLenTilStr(l:currentLineNum, "case", 0)>=0
+ \|| s:RapidLenTilStr(l:currentLineNum, "default", 0)>=0
+ let l:ind = l:ind - &sw
+ endif
+ " First case (or default) after a test gets the indent of the test.
+ if (s:RapidLenTilStr(l:currentLineNum, "case", 0)>=0 || s:RapidLenTilStr(l:currentLineNum, "default", 0)>=0) && s:RapidLenTilStr(l:preNoneBlankLineNum, "test", 0)>=0
+ let l:ind += &sw
+ endif
+ " continued lines with () or []
+ let l:OpenSum = s:RapidLoneParen(l:preNoneBlankLineNum,"(") + s:RapidLoneParen(l:preNoneBlankLineNum,"[")
+ if get(g:,'rapidNewStyleIndent',0)
+ let l:CloseSum = s:RapidLoneParen(l:preNoneBlankLineNum,")") + s:RapidLoneParen(l:currentLineNum,"]")
+ else
+ let l:CloseSum = s:RapidLoneParen(l:preNoneBlankLineNum,")") + s:RapidLoneParen(l:preNoneBlankLineNum,"]")
+ endif
+ if l:OpenSum > l:CloseSum
+ let l:ind += (l:OpenSum * 4 * &sw)
+ elseif l:OpenSum < l:CloseSum
+ let l:ind -= (l:CloseSum * 4 * &sw)
+ endif
+ return l:ind
+" Returns the length of the line until a:str occur outside a string or
+" comment. Search starts at string index a:startIdx.
+" If a:str is a word also add word bounderies and case insesitivity.
+" Note: rapidTodoComment and rapidDebugComment are not taken into account.
+function s:RapidLenTilStr(lnum, str, startIdx) abort
+ let l:line = getline(a:lnum)
+ let l:len = strlen(l:line)
+ let l:idx = a:startIdx
+ let l:str = a:str
+ if l:str =~ '^\k\+$'
+ let l:str = '\c\<' . l:str . '\>'
+ endif
+ while l:len > l:idx
+ let l:idx = match(l:line, l:str, l:idx)
+ if l:idx < 0
+ " a:str not found
+ return -1
+ endif
+ let l:synName = synIDattr(synID(a:lnum,l:idx+1,0),"name")
+ if l:synName != "rapidString"
+ \&& l:synName != "rapidConcealableString"
+ \&& (l:synName != "rapidComment" || l:str =~ '^!')
+ " a:str found outside string or line comment
+ return l:idx
+ endif
+ " a:str is part of string or line comment
+ let l:idx += 1 " continue search for a:str
+ endwhile
+ " a:str not found or l:len <= a:startIdx
+ return -1
+" a:lchar shoud be one of (, ), [, ], { or }
+" returns the number of opening/closing parenthesise which have no
+" closing/opening match in getline(a:lnum)
+function s:RapidLoneParen(lnum,lchar) abort
+ if a:lchar == "(" || a:lchar == ")"
+ let l:opnParChar = "("
+ let l:clsParChar = ")"
+ elseif a:lchar == "[" || a:lchar == "]"
+ let l:opnParChar = "["
+ let l:clsParChar = "]"
+ elseif a:lchar == "{" || a:lchar == "}"
+ let l:opnParChar = "{"
+ let l:clsParChar = "}"
+ else
+ return 0
+ endif
+ let l:line = getline(a:lnum)
+ " look for the first ! which is not part of a string
+ let l:len = s:RapidLenTilStr(a:lnum,"!",0)
+ if l:len == 0
+ return 0 " first char is !; ignored
+ endif
+ let l:opnParen = 0
+ " count opening brakets
+ let l:i = 0
+ while l:i >= 0
+ let l:i = s:RapidLenTilStr(a:lnum, l:opnParChar, l:i)
+ if l:i >= 0
+ let l:opnParen += 1
+ let l:i += 1
+ endif
+ endwhile
+ let l:clsParen = 0
+ " count closing brakets
+ let l:i = 0
+ while l:i >= 0
+ let l:i = s:RapidLenTilStr(a:lnum, l:clsParChar, l:i)
+ if l:i >= 0
+ let l:clsParen += 1
+ let l:i += 1
+ endif
+ endwhile
+ if (a:lchar == "(" || a:lchar == "[" || a:lchar == "{") && l:opnParen>l:clsParen
+ return (l:opnParen-l:clsParen)
+ elseif (a:lchar == ")" || a:lchar == "]" || a:lchar == "}") && l:clsParen>l:opnParen
+ return (l:clsParen-l:opnParen)
+ endif
+ return 0
+" This function works almost like prevnonblank() but handles %%%-headers and
+" comments like blank lines
+function s:RapidPreNoneBlank(lnum) abort
+ let nPreNoneBlank = prevnonblank(a:lnum)
+ while nPreNoneBlank>0 && getline(nPreNoneBlank) =~ '\v\c^\s*(\%\%\%|!)'
+ " Previouse none blank line irrelevant. Look further aback.
+ let nPreNoneBlank = prevnonblank(nPreNoneBlank - 1)
+ endwhile
+ return nPreNoneBlank
+let &cpo = s:keepcpo
+unlet s:keepcpo
+" vim:sw=2 sts=2 et
diff --git a/runtime/indent/testdir/ b/runtime/indent/testdir/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..515912ed89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/indent/testdir/
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+! vim: set ft=rapid :
+module LowerCaseModule
+task pers num n1 := 0;
+local pers num n2 := 1;
+var bool b1 := false;
+var intnum i1;
+! put some stuff in those strings that may confuse indentation
+const string st1 := "endmodule (";
+pers string st_Appl_Info{3,3}:=[
+pers tooldata tTool1:=[TRUE,
+[97.4, 0, 223.1],
+[0.924, 0, 0.383 ,0]
+[23, 0, 75],
+[1, 0, 0, 0], 0, 0, 0
+const robtarget p1:=[
+[600, 500, 225.3],
+[1, 0, 0, 0],
+[1, 1, 0, 0],
+[ 11, 12.3, 9E9, 9E9, 9E9, 9E9]
+record myRec
+num nRecNum1
+bool bRecBool1
+proc proc1(num n1,
+num n2)
+var string st1;
+n1 := n1+1;
+MoveJSync p1, vmax, z30, tool1, "proc2";
+MoveJSync p1, v100, fine, tool1, "proc2";
+n1 := n1-1;
+func num nFunc1(
+switch s1
+|switch s2
+,num n1
+,bool b1)
+var num nVar;
+if not Present(s1) return;
+if Present(s1) then
+Incr n1;'
+elseif Present(s2) then
+while n1>0 do
+Decr n1;
+test n1
+case 1:
+case 2:
+WaitUntil false;
+for i from 1 to 10 step 2 do
+for j from 1 to 10 do
+st_Appl_Info{i,j} := "";
+! return 1;
+return 0;
+return -1;
+trap Trap1
+Reset do1;
+TASK pers num n1 := 0;
+LOCAL pers num n2 := 1;
+VAR bool b1 := false;
+VAR intnum i1;
+LOCAL FUNC num nFunc1(
+switch s1
+|switch s2
+,num n1
+,bool b1)
+VAR num nVar;
+INCR n1;'
+WHILE n1>0 DO
+DECR n1;
+TEST n1
+CASE 1:
+CASE 2:
+FOR j FROM 1 TO 10 DO
+st_Appl_Info{i,j} := "";
+! RETURN 1;
+TRAP Trap1
+Reset do1;
+Module MixedCaseModule(SysModule)
+Task pers num n1 := 0;
+Local pers num n2 := 1;
+Var bool b1 := false;
+Var intnum i1;
+Task Func num nFunc1(
+switch s1
+|switch s2
+,num n1
+,bool b1)
+Var num nVar;
+If Not Present(s1) Return;
+If Present(s1) Then
+Incr n1;'
+ElseIf Present(s2) Then
+While n1>0 Do
+Decr n1;
+Test n1
+Case 1:
+Case 2:
+WaitUntil false;
+For i From 1 To 10 Step 2 Do
+For j From 1 To 10 Do
+st_Appl_Info{i,j} := "";
+! Return 1;
+Return 0;
+Return -1;
+Trap Trap1
+Reset do1;
+! INDENT_EXE let g:rapidSpaceIndent = 0
+! INDENT_EXE set shiftwidth=4
+proc bla()
+var num i;
+Incr i;
+! INDENT_EXE let g:rapidCommentIndent = 1
+proc bla()
+! indent this first column comment because of g:rapidCommentIndent=1
+! INDENT_EXE let g:rapidNewStyleIndent = 1
+pers string st_Appl_Info{3,3}:=
diff --git a/runtime/indent/testdir/rapid.ok b/runtime/indent/testdir/rapid.ok
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ce336821c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/indent/testdir/rapid.ok
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+! vim: set ft=rapid :
+module LowerCaseModule
+ task pers num n1 := 0;
+ local pers num n2 := 1;
+ var bool b1 := false;
+ var intnum i1;
+! put some stuff in those strings that may confuse indentation
+ const string st1 := "endmodule (";
+ pers string st_Appl_Info{3,3}:=[
+ [
+ "["
+ ,
+ "default"
+ ,
+ "case"
+ ],
+ [
+ "else"
+ ,
+ "then"
+ ,
+ "endif"
+ ],
+ [
+ "do"
+ ,
+ "}"
+ ,
+ ")"
+ ],
+ ];
+ pers tooldata tTool1:=[TRUE,
+ [
+ [97.4, 0, 223.1],
+ [0.924, 0, 0.383 ,0]
+ ],
+ [5,
+ [23, 0, 75],
+ [1, 0, 0, 0], 0, 0, 0
+ ]
+ ];
+ const robtarget p1:=[
+ [600, 500, 225.3],
+ [1, 0, 0, 0],
+ [1, 1, 0, 0],
+ [ 11, 12.3, 9E9, 9E9, 9E9, 9E9]
+ ];
+ record myRec
+ num nRecNum1
+ bool bRecBool1
+ endrecord
+ proc proc1(num n1,
+ num n2)
+ var string st1;
+ n1 := n1+1;
+ MoveJSync p1, vmax, z30, tool1, "proc2";
+ backward
+ MoveJSync p1, v100, fine, tool1, "proc2";
+ undo
+ n1 := n1-1;
+ error
+ trynext;
+ endproc
+ func num nFunc1(
+ switch s1
+ |switch s2
+ ,num n1
+ ,bool b1)
+ var num nVar;
+ if not Present(s1) return;
+ if Present(s1) then
+ Incr n1;'
+ elseif Present(s2) then
+ b1:=false;
+ else
+ while n1>0 do
+ Decr n1;
+ test n1
+ case 1:
+ test1;
+ case 2:
+ test2;
+ default:
+ WaitUntil false;
+ endtest
+ endwhile
+ endif
+ for i from 1 to 10 step 2 do
+ for j from 1 to 10 do
+ st_Appl_Info{i,j} := "";
+ endfor
+ endfor
+! return 1;
+ return 0;
+ error
+ return -1;
+ endfunc
+ trap Trap1
+ Reset do1;
+ endtrap
+ TASK pers num n1 := 0;
+ LOCAL pers num n2 := 1;
+ VAR bool b1 := false;
+ VAR intnum i1;
+ LOCAL FUNC num nFunc1(
+ switch s1
+ |switch s2
+ ,num n1
+ ,bool b1)
+ VAR num nVar;
+ INCR n1;'
+ b1:=FALSE;
+ WHILE n1>0 DO
+ DECR n1;
+ TEST n1
+ CASE 1:
+ test1;
+ CASE 2:
+ test2;
+ FOR i FROM 1 TO 10 STEP 2 DO
+ FOR j FROM 1 TO 10 DO
+ st_Appl_Info{i,j} := "";
+! RETURN 1;
+ RETURN -1;
+ TRAP Trap1
+ Reset do1;
+Module MixedCaseModule(SysModule)
+ Task pers num n1 := 0;
+ Local pers num n2 := 1;
+ Var bool b1 := false;
+ Var intnum i1;
+ Task Func num nFunc1(
+ switch s1
+ |switch s2
+ ,num n1
+ ,bool b1)
+ Var num nVar;
+ If Not Present(s1) Return;
+ If Present(s1) Then
+ Incr n1;'
+ ElseIf Present(s2) Then
+ b1:=false;
+ Else
+ While n1>0 Do
+ Decr n1;
+ Test n1
+ Case 1:
+ test1;
+ Case 2:
+ test2;
+ Default:
+ WaitUntil false;
+ EndTest
+ EndWhile
+ EndIf
+ For i From 1 To 10 Step 2 Do
+ For j From 1 To 10 Do
+ st_Appl_Info{i,j} := "";
+ EndFor
+ EndFor
+! Return 1;
+ Return 0;
+ Error
+ Return -1;
+ EndFunc
+ Trap Trap1
+ Reset do1;
+ EndTrap
+! INDENT_EXE let g:rapidSpaceIndent = 0
+! INDENT_EXE set shiftwidth=4
+proc bla()
+ var num i;
+ Incr i;
+! INDENT_EXE let g:rapidCommentIndent = 1
+proc bla()
+ ! indent this first column comment because of g:rapidCommentIndent=1
+! INDENT_EXE let g:rapidNewStyleIndent = 1
+pers string st_Appl_Info{3,3}:=
+ [
+ "["
+ ,
+ "default"
+ ,
+ "case"
+ ]
+ ,
+ [
+ "else"
+ ,
+ "then"
+ ,
+ "endif"
+ ]
+ ,
+ [
+ "do"
+ ,
+ "}"
+ ,
+ ")"
+ ]
+ ,
diff --git a/runtime/indent/testdir/ b/runtime/indent/testdir/
index c60d2d1160..c2e149ab37 100644
--- a/runtime/indent/testdir/
+++ b/runtime/indent/testdir/
@@ -484,6 +484,13 @@ endif
+if true
+var d = {
+end: 0}
nunmap <buffer> (
nunmap <buffer> )
inoremap [ {
diff --git a/runtime/indent/testdir/vim.ok b/runtime/indent/testdir/vim.ok
index 57f0dbf34d..b10e081dd8 100644
--- a/runtime/indent/testdir/vim.ok
+++ b/runtime/indent/testdir/vim.ok
@@ -484,6 +484,13 @@ endif
+if true
+ var d = {
+ end: 0}
nunmap <buffer> (
nunmap <buffer> )
inoremap [ {