path: root/runtime/ftplugin
diff options
authorBram Moolenaar <>2008-06-24 20:39:31 +0000
committerBram Moolenaar <>2008-06-24 20:39:31 +0000
commita7241f5f19fd0865ce697939c347a8c88fb507d5 (patch)
treee1f1c07fe74094539286be048cc3306f6aedb0bc /runtime/ftplugin
parentf233048a129fa7a3b89e064078435181d6421da5 (diff)
updated for version 7.2a
Diffstat (limited to 'runtime/ftplugin')
2 files changed, 111 insertions, 51 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/ftplugin/gitcommit.vim b/runtime/ftplugin/gitcommit.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bfc5b33f28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/ftplugin/gitcommit.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+" Vim filetype plugin
+" Language: git config file
+" Maintainer: Tim Pope <>
+" Last Change: 2008 Jun 04
+" Only do this when not done yet for this buffer
+if (exists("b:did_ftplugin"))
+ finish
+runtime! ftplugin/git.vim
+let b:did_ftplugin = 1
+if &textwidth == 0
+ " make sure that log messages play nice with git-log on standard terminals
+ setlocal textwidth=72
+ if !exists("b:undo_ftplugin")
+ let b:undo_ftplugin = ""
+ endif
+ let b:undo_ftplugin = b:undo_ftplugin . "|setl tw<"
+if exists("g:no_gitcommit_commands") || v:version < 700
+ finish
+if !exists("b:git_dir")
+ let b:git_dir = expand("%:p:h")
+" Automatically diffing can be done with:
+" autocmd FileType gitcommit DiffGitCached | wincmd p
+command! -bang -bar -buffer -complete=custom,s:diffcomplete -nargs=* DiffGitCached :call s:gitdiffcached(<bang>0,b:git_dir,<f-args>)
+function! s:diffcomplete(A,L,P)
+ let args = ""
+ if a:P <= match(a:L." -- "," -- ")+3
+ let args = args . "-p\n--stat\n--shortstat\n--summary\n--patch-with-stat\n--no-renames\n-B\n-M\n-C\n"
+ end
+ if exists("b:git_dir") && a:A !~ '^-'
+ let tree = fnamemodify(b:git_dir,':h')
+ if strpart(getcwd(),0,strlen(tree)) == tree
+ let args = args."\n".system("git diff --cached --name-only")
+ endif
+ endif
+ return args
+function! s:gitdiffcached(bang,gitdir,...)
+ let tree = fnamemodify(a:gitdir,':h')
+ let name = tempname()
+ let git = "git"
+ if strpart(getcwd(),0,strlen(tree)) != tree
+ let git .= " --git-dir=".(exists("*shellescape") ? shellescape(a:gitdir) : '"'.a:gitdir.'"')
+ endif
+ if a:0
+ let extra = join(map(copy(a:000),exists("*shellescape") ? 'shellescape(v:val)' : "'\"'.v:val.'\"'"))
+ else
+ let extra = "-p --stat=".&columns
+ endif
+ call system(git." diff --cached --no-color ".extra." > ".(exists("*shellescape") ? shellescape(name) : name))
+ exe "pedit ".(exists("*fnameescape") ? fnameescape(name) : name)
+ wincmd P
+ let b:git_dir = a:gitdir
+ command! -bang -bar -buffer -complete=custom,s:diffcomplete -nargs=* DiffGitCached :call s:gitdiffcached(<bang>0,b:git_dir,<f-args>)
+ nnoremap <silent> q :q<CR>
+ setlocal buftype=nowrite nobuflisted noswapfile nomodifiable filetype=git
diff --git a/runtime/ftplugin/html.vim b/runtime/ftplugin/html.vim
index 3d723315df..4797f4b460 100644
--- a/runtime/ftplugin/html.vim
+++ b/runtime/ftplugin/html.vim
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
" Vim filetype plugin file
" Language: html
" Maintainer: Dan Sharp <dwsharp at hotmail dot com>
-" Last Changed: 2006 Apr 26
+" Last Changed: 2007 Nov 20
" URL:
if exists("b:did_ftplugin") | finish | endif
@@ -13,63 +13,55 @@ let s:save_cpo = &cpo
set cpo-=C
setlocal commentstring=<!--%s-->
+setlocal matchpairs+=<:>
if exists('&omnifunc')
-" Distinguish between HTML versions
-" To use with other HTML versions add another
-" elseif condition to match proper DOCTYPE
-setlocal omnifunc=htmlcomplete#CompleteTags
+ " Distinguish between HTML versions
+ " To use with other HTML versions add another
+ " elseif condition to match proper DOCTYPE
+ setlocal omnifunc=htmlcomplete#CompleteTags
-if &filetype == 'xhtml'
- let b:html_omni_flavor = 'xhtml10s'
- let b:html_omni_flavor = 'html401t'
-let i = 1
-while i < 10 && i < line("$")
- let line = getline(i)
- if line =~ '<!DOCTYPE.*\<DTD HTML 3\.2'
- let b:html_omni_flavor = 'html32'
- break
- elseif line =~ '<!DOCTYPE.*\<DTD HTML 4\.0 Transitional'
- let b:html_omni_flavor = 'html40t'
- break
- elseif line =~ '<!DOCTYPE.*\<DTD HTML 4\.0 Frameset'
- let b:html_omni_flavor = 'html40f'
- break
- elseif line =~ '<!DOCTYPE.*\<DTD HTML 4\.0'
- let b:html_omni_flavor = 'html40s'
- break
- elseif line =~ '<!DOCTYPE.*\<DTD HTML 4\.01 Transitional'
- let b:html_omni_flavor = 'html401t'
- break
- elseif line =~ '<!DOCTYPE.*\<DTD HTML 4\.01 Frameset'
- let b:html_omni_flavor = 'html401f'
- break
- elseif line =~ '<!DOCTYPE.*\<DTD HTML 4\.01'
- let b:html_omni_flavor = 'html401s'
- break
- elseif line =~ '<!DOCTYPE.*\<DTD XHTML 1\.0 Transitional'
- let b:html_omni_flavor = 'xhtml10t'
- break
- elseif line =~ '<!DOCTYPE.*\<DTD XHTML 1\.0 Frameset'
- let b:html_omni_flavor = 'xhtml10f'
- break
- elseif line =~ '<!DOCTYPE.*\<DTD XHTML 1\.0 Strict'
- let b:html_omni_flavor = 'xhtml10s'
- break
- elseif line =~ '<!DOCTYPE.*\<DTD XHTML 1\.1'
- let b:html_omni_flavor = 'xhtml11'
- break
- endif
- let i += 1
+ if &filetype == 'xhtml'
+ let b:html_omni_flavor = 'xhtml10s'
+ else
+ let b:html_omni_flavor = 'html401t'
+ endif
+ let i = 1
+ let line = ""
+ while i < 10 && i < line("$")
+ let line = getline(i)
+ if line =~ '<!DOCTYPE.*\<DTD '
+ break
+ endif
+ let i += 1
+ endwhile
+ if line =~ '<!DOCTYPE.*\<DTD ' " doctype line found above
+ if line =~ ' HTML 3\.2'
+ let b:html_omni_flavor = 'html32'
+ elseif line =~ ' XHTML 1\.1'
+ let b:html_omni_flavor = 'xhtml11'
+ else " two-step detection with strict/frameset/transitional
+ if line =~ ' XHTML 1\.0'
+ let b:html_omni_flavor = 'xhtml10'
+ elseif line =~ ' HTML 4\.01'
+ let b:html_omni_flavor = 'html401'
+ elseif line =~ ' HTML 4.0\>'
+ let b:html_omni_flavor = 'html40'
+ endif
+ if line =~ '\<Transitional\>'
+ let b:html_omni_flavor .= 't'
+ elseif line =~ '\<Frameset\>'
+ let b:html_omni_flavor .= 'f'
+ else
+ let b:html_omni_flavor .= 's'
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
" HTML: thanks to Johannes Zellner and Benji Fisher.
if exists("loaded_matchit")
let b:match_ignorecase = 1
- let b:match_skip = 's:Comment'
let b:match_words = '<:>,' .
\ '<\@<=[ou]l\>[^>]*\%(>\|$\):<\@<=li\>:<\@<=/[ou]l>,' .
\ '<\@<=dl\>[^>]*\%(>\|$\):<\@<=d[td]\>:<\@<=/dl>,' .
@@ -85,7 +77,7 @@ if has("gui_win32")
" Undo the stuff we changed.
-let b:undo_ftplugin = "setlocal commentstring<"
+let b:undo_ftplugin = "setlocal commentstring< matchpairs< omnifunc<"
\ " | unlet! b:match_ignorecase b:match_skip b:match_words b:browsefilter"
" Restore the saved compatibility options.